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Maintainers Election Policy

Maintainers of graduated and incubating CNCF-hosted projects elect 2 members of the Governing Board (GB) (see CNCF Charter section 5(c)(ii)(b)) and one member of the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) (see CNCF Charter section 6(b)(iii)). This document specifies the nomination and voting process.

Maintainer Nomination

To nominate themselves for an open position, a graduated or incubating maintainer needs to send an email to the private list [email protected] prior to the announced deadline with a maximum 1-page nomination pitch which includes the nominee's name, contact information, and a supporting statement identifying the nominee's experience in CNCF domains and interest in the position. The nominee needs to cc (i.e., copy) 2 other maintainers from 2 different graduated or incubating CNCF projects who each need to group reply endorsing the nomination. The 2 endorsers also need to be employed by different companies than the nominee and each other (i.e., the nominee and endorsers must each work for a different group of Related Companies as defined in the CNCF Charter section 14). It is the nominee’s responsibility to ensure that their nomination and both endorsements are sent prior to the deadline.

Maintainer Voting

The CNCF GB has defined the following system of “Maintainer Voting”:

Each maintainer receives a fractional vote in proportion to the number of maintainers from their project that vote, with graduated projects getting double the vote weight of incubating projects. For example, if an incubating project has 8 maintainers of which 3 vote, each vote has a weight of 1/3rd. If a graduated project has 20 maintainers of which 13 vote, each vote has a weight of 2/13ths. The single vote from an individual who is a maintainer of more than one project will be counted as the sum of the fractional weights from that vote.

Because CIVS does not support these novel rules for voting, votes will occur by email to a private list [email protected] managed by CNCF. Each maintainer who participates will make a single, non-transferable vote for their preferred nominee. Votes will be tallied by CNCF staff and the candidate with the greatest sum of fractional votes wins. In the unlikely case of a tie, a random selection method will be used to determine the winner from among the tied nominees. Only the winning candidate will be made public, but the votes (maintained in the mailing list archive) and tally (calculated in a spreadsheet) will be available for review by a committee of the Governing Board.

Developer Representation on the CNCF GB

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is a community made up of contributors, vendor companies, end user organizations, academic institutions, and nonprofits. The funding and marketing functions of CNCF are overseen by its Governing Board (GB) while technology decisions are under the purview of the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC). The GB consists of company representatives (17 platinum seats, 3 gold seats, and 3 silver seats) plus the chairperson of the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) and 2 developer seats.

One of these developer seats is filled by the Kubernetes Steering Committee. The other seat is elected by the maintainers of the non-Kubernetes, graduated and incubating projects.

The developer seats are be held for 2 years with an election each year to replace one of the seats.

GB Developer Seat Eligibility

Current and emeritus members of the Kubernetes Steering Committee are eligible to hold the Kubernetes seat. The Kubernetes Steering Committee will determine its own method for selecting the representative, though CNCF is happy to organize an election for it if requested. Maintainer voting is not used for selecting this seat.

For the other GB developer seat, the pool of eligible nominees and voters are individuals who are maintainers of at least one graduated or incubating, non-Kubernetes project at the time when nominations are called. The CNCF maintains a list of project maintainers. The election will be held using the process described in the “Maintainers Election Policy” above, limited to the graduated or incubating non-Kubernetes project maintainers.

Maintainers who already hold a Governing Board seat are eligible to vote but not to run. The 2 developer seats and the TOC chair are collectively known as Technical Community Representatives and are required to be from different companies (i.e., each must work for a different group of Related Companies as defined in the CNCF Charter section 14). If more than one Technical Community Representative would be from the same group of Related Companies, either at the time of election or from a later job change, they will jointly decide who should step down, or if there is no agreement, random lots shall be drawn.

If a GB developer seat holder resigns or is forced to leave their seat, the seat will be re-appointed by the original method and for the remainder of the previous term.

TOC Developer Seat Eligibility

Maintainers of graduated or incubating projects who do not currently hold a TOC seat are eligible to self-nominate for the developer TOC seat. All graduated and incubating maintainers are eligible to vote.