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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 9, 2022. It is now read-only.

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Appending modules is fairly straightforward by adding a subfolder that adheres to the following criteria:

Folder naming convention

Please adhere to the folder naming convention [language]-[tool], e.g. node-npmaudit.


This is the actual module

  • Exposes a key property by which it can be uniquely identified, typically the folder name
  • Exposes a description property with a meaningful explanation of what it is supposed to do
  • Exposes an enabled property that indicates whether this module should run by default. Modules that can produce many false positives should not run by default.
  • Exposes an asynchronous handles hook that resolves to true or false, indicating that this module can run on the target folder. The handles hook receives an instance of FileManager which acts as a proxy to the files within the target.
  • Exposes an asynchronous handles hook that resolves with an instance of ModuleResults that gathers the findings of this module. The handles hook receives an instance of FileManager which acts as a proxy to the files within the target.
'use strict'

const path = require('path')
const ModuleResults = require('../../results')
const exec = require('../../exec')

const key = __dirname.split(path.sep).pop()
module.exports = {
   * Module Metadata
  description: 'Example of how to write a module and shell out a command',

   * Is the module enabled by default
  enabled: false,

   * Determines whether the module is able to run on the target
   * @param {FileManager} fm Proxy access to the files within the current scan context
   * @returns {Boolean} true if the module should run, false otherwise
  handles: fm => true,

   * The actual execution of the module.
   * @param {FileManager} fm Proxy access to the files within the current scan context
   * @returns {Promise}
  run: async fm => {
    const results = new ModuleResults(key)
    const { stdout } = exec.command('ls -al', { cwd: })
    results.low({ offender: '', code: 4, description: '', mitigation: '' })
    results.medium({ offender: '', code: 3, description: '', mitigation: '' })
    results.high({ offender: '', code: 2, description: '', mitigation: '' })
    results.critical({ offender: '', code: 1, description: '', mitigation: '' })

    return results


Please co-locate your tests in the __tests__ subfolder and add all the necessary samples for unit testing the module therein.