+### Permissions Required
+Ensure you have at least **View** permissions to the project to execute chaos experiments.
+To create or view an image registry, ask your admin to grant you the **Create/Edit** permissions from account/project/organization settings.
### Configure Image Registry from Account/Organization/Project/Infrastructure settings
With appropriate permissions, you can configure image registry from the **account** or **organization** or **project** or **infrastructure** settings.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/_category_.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "position": 60,
+ "label": "Prometheus Probe",
+ "collapsible": "true",
+ "collapsed": "true",
diff --git a/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/configure-prom-probe.md b/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/configure-prom-probe.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/configure-prom-probe.md
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+title: Configure Prometheus Probe
+sidebar_position: 20
+description: Configure Prometheus probe
+This topic describes the configuration and usage of Prometheus probe.
+## Before you begin, review the following:
+- [What is a Resilience Probe?](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/#what-is-a-resilience-probe)
+- [Prometheus Probe](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/)
+### Configuration
+1. Go to **Chaos Engineering** module and select **Resilience Probes**. Select **New Probe**.
+2. Select infrastructure type as **Kubernetes** and chaos probe as **Prometheus**.
+3. Provide the name, and click **Configure Details**.
+4. Based on your application's requirements, provide values for the following parameters.
+- **Prometheus Endpoint**: It is the target HTTP/HTTPS endpoint that the probe will send requests to.
+5. **Authorization** section has the following fields:
+ - **Type**: Type of HTTP request to be performed. Supports `GET` and `POST`.
+ - **Credentials**: Authentication credentials (username and password) required to access the target URL/endpoint. This field is mutually exclusive with **Credentials file** field.
+ - **Credentials file**: Path of the file that contains authentication credentials to access the HTTP endpoint. This field is mutually exclusive with **Credentials** field.
+ Go to [Authorization](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/#authentication) for more information.
+ **TLS Config** has the following fields:
+ - **CA file**: Path of the file to validate the custom certificates for TLS of the target URL.
+ - **Cert file**: Path of the file to the client certificate required for mTLS.
+ - **Key file**: Path of the file to the client key required for mTLS.
+ - **Insecure Skip Verify**: If enabled, the probe bypasses the SSL/TLS certificate verification, allowing requests to proceed even if the certificate is invalid or self-signed.
+ Go to [TLS](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/#tls) for more information.
+6. Provide the **Prometheus Query** (**Query** or **Query Path** depending on your usage).
+ - **Query**: The PromQL query used with the probe to fetch the desired Prometheus metrics. Ensure that the strings inside the query are enclosed within backslash ("/"). This field is mutually exclusive with **Query Path** field.
+ - **Query Path**: Path of the file where PromQL query is present. This field is mutually exclusive with **Query** field.
+ Go to [Schema](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/#schema) for more information.
+7. Specify the data comparison fields, and click **Configure Properties**.
+ The data returned using the PromQL **Query** or **Query Path** is compared to the following fields:
+ - **Type**: Type of data compared with result of Prometheus query. Accepts only `float` data type.
+ - **Comparison Criteria**: The criteria (`>=`, `<=`, `==`, `<`, `>`, `!=`, and so on) based on which the **value** and the result of Prometheus query are compared.
+ - **Value**: The value with which the result of Prometheus query is compared
+ Go to [Comparator](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/#comparator) for more information.
+8. Specify general probe properties such as timeout, interval, and so on. Click **Create Probe**.
+- **Timeout**: Time limit for the probe to execute the check and return the expected output.
+- **Interval**: Duration for which the probe waits between subsequent attempts.
+- **Attempt**: Number of times a check is executed upon failure in the previous attempts before declaring the probe status as `FAILED`.
+- **Polling Interval**: Time interval for which `continuous` and `onchaos` probe modes should wait after each iteration.
+- **Intitial Delay**: Duration to wait before the probe begins execution.
+- **Verbosity**: Level of detail to include in the logs generated during the execution of the probe. Choose between `info` (essential logs, probe status are printed) and `debug` (in-depth logs, timestamps, and execution logs are printed) mode.
+- **Stop on Failure (Optional)**: Enable it to continue or disable it to stop the experiment execution after the probe fails. Disabled by default.
+Go to [Run Properties](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/#run-properties) for more information.
diff --git a/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe.md b/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/prom-probe.md
similarity index 88%
rename from docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe.md
rename to docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/prom-probe.md
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--- a/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe.md
+++ b/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe/prom-probe.md
@@ -9,41 +9,16 @@ redirect_from:
- /docs/chaos-engineering/concepts/explore-concepts/resilience-probes/prom-probe
-import CommonNote from './shared/common-note.md'
+import CommonNote from '../shared/common-note.md'
-The Prometheus probe allows users to run Prometheus queries and match the resulting output against specific conditions. The intent behind this probe is to allow users to define metrics-based SLOs in a declarative way and determine the experiment verdict based on their success. The probe runs the query on a Prometheus server defined by the endpoint and checks whether the output satisfies the specified criteria. The outcome of a PromQL query (that is provided) is used for probe validation.
+Prometheus probe allows you to run Prometheus queries and match the resulting output against specific conditions. You can define metrics-based SLOs in a declarative way and determine the experiment verdict based on their success. The probe runs the query on a Prometheus server defined by the endpoint and checks whether the output satisfies the specified criteria. The outcome of a PromQL query (that is provided) is used for probe validation.
:::info YAML only feature
-In case of complex queries that span multiple lines, the `queryPath` attribute can be used to provide the link to a file consisting of the query. This file can be made available in the experiment pod via a ConfigMap resource, with the ConfigMap being passed in the [ChaosEngine](https://litmuschaos.github.io/litmus/experiments/concepts/chaos-resources/chaos-engine/contents/) or the [ChaosExperiment](https://litmuschaos.github.io/litmus/experiments/concepts/chaos-resources/chaos-experiment/contents/) CR. Also, `query` and `queryPath` attributes are mutually exclusive. Refer to the probe schema [here](https://docs.litmuschaos.io/docs/concepts/probes#promprobe).
+In case of complex queries that span multiple lines, the `queryPath` attribute can be used to provide the link to a file consisting of the query. This file can be made available in the experiment pod via a ConfigMap resource, with the ConfigMap being passed in the [ChaosEngine](https://litmuschaos.github.io/litmus/experiments/concepts/chaos-resources/chaos-engine/contents/) or the [ChaosExperiment](https://litmuschaos.github.io/litmus/experiments/concepts/chaos-resources/chaos-experiment/contents/) CR. Refer to the probe schema [here](https://docs.litmuschaos.io/docs/concepts/probes#promprobe).
-## Probe definition
-You can define the probes at **.spec.experiments[].spec.probe** path inside the chaos engine.
-kind: Workflow
-apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
- templates:
- - inputs:
- artifacts:
- - raw:
- data: |
- apiVersion: litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1
- kind: ChaosEngine
- spec:
- experiments:
- - spec:
- probe:
- ####################################
- Probes are defined here
- ####################################
-The Prometheus probe expects you to provide a PromQL query along with Prometheus service endpoints to check for specific criteria.
+### Input
+Prometheus probe takes a PromQL query along with Prometheus service endpoints as input to check for specific criteria.
## Schema
@@ -64,20 +39,6 @@ Listed below is the probe schema for the Prometheus probe, with properties share
N/A type: string |
The name holds the name of the probe. It can be set based on the use case |
- type |
- Flag to hold the type of the probe |
- Mandatory |
- httpProbe, k8sProbe, cmdProbe, promProbe, and datadogProbe |
- The type supports five types of probes: httpProbe, k8sProbe, cmdProbe, promProbe, and datadogProbe. |
- mode |
- Flag to hold the mode of the probe |
- Mandatory |
- SOT, EOT, Edge, Continuous, OnChaos |
- The mode supports five modes of probes: SOT, EOT, Edge, Continuous, and OnChaos. Datadog probe supports EOT mode only. |
endpoint |
Flag to hold the prometheus endpoints for the promProbe |
@@ -155,11 +116,11 @@ The `credentials` and `credentialsFile` are two options that can't be used simul
Flag to hold the authentication type |
Optional |
string |
- The type encompasses the authentication method, which includes support for both basic and bearer authentication types |
+ The type encompasses the authentication method, which includes support for both `basic` and `bearer` authentication types. |
credentials |
- Flag to hold the basic auth credentials in `base64` format or `bearer` token |
+ Flag to hold the basic auth credentials in `base64` format or `bearer`. token |
Optional |
string |
The credentials consists of the basic authentication credentials, either as username:password encoded in `base64` format or as a `bearer` token, depending on the authentication type |
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index 00000000000..6829784882e
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+id: service-discovery
+sidebar_position: 1
+title: Service Discovery
+## Before you begin, review the following:
+- [Service Discovery](/docs/platform/service-discovery/)
+### How does Harness CE leverage discovered services?
+Harness CE uses the discovered services to identify the various available services in the chaos module, that is, the chaos targets in the Kubernetes cluster that you can deploy using Harness or other means.
+As an Harness CE user, service discovery simplifies your decision-making around:
+- Which service to target to inject chaos?
+- Which chaos faults to inject into a target service?
+- What validations and health checks to perform while executing chaos faults?
+Consequently, you will be able to find the resilience of your service (with the help of resilience coverage reports, service-level resilience scores, and other such metrics).
+You can leverage all the [permissions mentioned](/docs/chaos-engineering/security/security-templates/openshift-scc#run-service-account-as-a-cluster-admin) for fault execution as well as service discovery.
+### Advantages
+- Reduces overhead of creating a database with services
+- User-friendly
+- Increased adoption of Harness CE
+When you are onboarding, one of the steps involves discovering services. Harness CE creates the discovery agent that automatically discovers services for your application.
+## Next Steps
+- [Customize Discovery Agent](/docs/platform/service-discovery/#customize-discovery-agent)
+- [Delete Discovery Agent](/docs/platform/service-discovery/#delete-discovery-agent)
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index 614dd9a8e12..00000000000
--- a/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/service-discovery/_category_.json
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@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- "position": 80,
- "label": "Service Discovery",
- "collapsible": true,
- "collapsed": true,
- "customProps": {
- "description": "Service Discovery"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/service-discovery/service-discovery.md
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-id: service-discovery
-sidebar_position: 1
-title: Service Discovery
-- /docs/chaos-engineering/features/service-discovery/intro-service-discovery
-- /docs/category/service-discovery
-- /docs/chaos-engineering/concepts/explore-concepts/service-discovery/
-This topic introduces you to **service discovery** for **Kubernetes infrastructure**, its significance, and its purpose.
-### What is a discovered service?
-Discovered service is an entity on the Harness platform (also known as the control plane) that corresponds to a Kubernetes service on your (user) cluster. It includes details about the connections made from and to it.
-Below is the control flow to a discovered service.
-### Why is a discovered service required?
-Large enterprises deal with hundreds of deployed services. Monitoring these services or incorporating chaos engineering on these services would require building a database of these services and the relationship between these services, which is time-consuming. Service discovery comes into the picture: Instead of creating a database with the services, **automatically discover services** and the relationship between them.
-### How does HCE discover services?
-HCE performs the following steps to discover services in your cluster:
-1. Scan your Kubernetes cluster periodically (you can define the interval or ad-hoc).
-2. Build a database of services that describes the relationship between the services.
-3. Provide APIs to group the discovered services into a map, wherein the map represents a topological view of an application.
-### How does HCE leverage discovered services?
-HCE tests the resilience of the application, and HCE uses the discovered services to:
-- Identify the various available services in the chaos module, that is, the chaos targets in the Kubernetes cluster that you can deploy using Harness or other means.
-- Record the resources backing the above services (logical resources such as deployment, pods, containers, processes, FQDNs, ports, physical resources such as nodes, storage, and so on).
-- Highlight the given service's position and the lineage within the topology view.
-As an HCE user, service discovery simplifies your decision-making around:
-- Which service to target?
-- Which chaos faults to inject into a target service?
-- What validations and health checks to perform while executing chaos faults?
-Consequently, you will be able to find the resilience of your service (with the help of resilience coverage reports, service-level resilience scores, and other such metrics).
-You can leverage all the [permissions mentioned](/docs/chaos-engineering/security/security-templates/openshift-scc#run-service-account-as-a-cluster-admin) for fault execution as well as service discovery.
-### Advantages
-- Reduces overhead of creating a database with services
-- User-friendly
-- Increased adoption of HCE
-When you are onboarding, one of the steps involves discovering services. HCE creates the discovery agent that automatically discovers services for your application.
-If you want to customize the discovery agent, follow the steps below.
-### Customize discovery agent
-1. To customize the discovery agent, navigate to **Chaos**, select **Project Settings** and select **Discovery**.
-2. Click **New Discovery Agent**.
-3. Select an **environment**, **infrastructure**, **Discovery Agent Name** and **namespace**. The next step (optional) requires information such as node selector, blacklisted namespaces, and period of detecting the services. Select **Create New Discovery Agent**.
-### Edit discovery agent
-1. To edit a discovery agent, navigate to the agent and click **Edit**. Make the necessary changes to the required fields.
-2. Select **Update Discovery Agent**.
-### Delete discovery agent
-1. To delete a discovery agent, navigate to the agent you want to delete and select **Delete**.
-2. Select **Delete**.
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-title: Restrict Discovery to Specific Namespace(s)
-sidebar_position: 3
-description: Restrict Discovery to Single and Multiple Namespaces.
- - /docs/chaos-engineering/concepts/explore-concepts/service-discovery/user-defined-service-account
-This topic describes how you can use user-defined service accounts in different scopes to discover services. You can create the necessary roles in your cluster, and provide the service account name in the UI.
-### Cluster Scope
-In this scope, the service account is created by default and the discovery runs in cluster scope by default.
-This is the default mode of operation and if you want to create service account, refer to the YAML below and provide the service account name in the UI.
- Cluster Scope
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: ServiceAccount
- name: cluster-discovery
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: Role
- name: da-mgmt
- namespace: hce-sa
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods
- verbs:
- - create
- - delete
- - get
- - list
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods/log
- verbs:
- - get
- - list
- - watch
-- apiGroups:
- - apps
- resources:
- - deployments
- verbs:
- - create
- - delete
- - get
- - list
- - patch
- - update
-The YAML below describes how the role `da-discovery` is created in cluster scope and how RoleBinding is used with the role `da-mgmt`.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: ClusterRole
- name: da-discovery
-- apiGroups:
- - apps
- resources:
- - deployments
- - replicasets
- - daemonsets
- - statefulsets
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods
- - replicationcontrollers
- - services
- - statefulsets
- - nodes
- - namespaces
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-- apiGroups:
- - batch
- resources:
- - jobs
- - cronjobs
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-The YAML describes how RoleBinding is used with the role `da-mgmt`.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: RoleBinding
- name: da-mgmt
- namespace: hce-sa
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: Role
- name: da-mgmt
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: cluster-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-The YAML describes how ClusterRoleBinding is used with the cluster role `da-discovery`.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: ClusterRoleBinding
- name: da-discovery
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: ClusterRole
- name: da-discovery
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: cluster-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-The `da-mgmt` role is common to all ways creating service account for discovered services because managing the discovery is required for all scopes.
-### Single Namespace Scope
-When you want to discover resources from a particular namespace, you can create a service account with the role, `da-mgmt`. This role is bound to the service account.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: ServiceAccount
- name: namespace-discovery
-The role `da-mgmt` is required during the process of service discovery to manage the discovery process.
-To manage the entire process of discovery, it is required to create pods that are transient. Hence, the role `da-mgmt` is created (that is common to all modes) that is described below.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: Role
- name: da-mgmt
- namespace: hce-sa
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods
- verbs:
- - create
- - delete
- - get
- - list
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods/log
- verbs:
- - get
- - list
- - watch
-- apiGroups:
- - apps
- resources:
- - deployments
- verbs:
- - create
- - delete
- - get
- - list
- - patch
- - update
-To discover services and metadata associated with it, you need to create a role `da-discovery`.
-The YAML below describes creating a role `da-discovery` in the namespace `hce-sa`.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: Role
- name: da-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-- apiGroups:
- - apps
- resources:
- - deployments
- - replicasets
- - daemonsets
- - statefulsets
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods
- - replicationcontrollers
- - services
- - statefulsets
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-- apiGroups:
- - batch
- resources:
- - jobs
- - cronjobs
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-The YAML below describes how the `da-mgmt` RoleBinding is applied to service account `namespace-discovery`.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: RoleBinding
- name: da-mgmt
- namespace: hce-sa
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: Role
- name: da-mgmt
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: namespace-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-The YAML below describes how the `da-discovery` role is bound to service account `namespace-discovery`.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: RoleBinding
- name: da-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: Role
- name: da-discovery
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: namespace-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-### Multiple Namespaces
-You can add [multiple namespaces in the UI](#multiple-namespace-scope) by selecting the **Inclusion** option in the UI. To exclude certain namespaces, select **Exclusion** and specify namespaces to exclude from the service discovery process.
-The `da-mgmt` role remains constant, to help manage service discovery process.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: ServiceAccount
- name: multiple-namespace-discovery
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: Role
- name: da-mgmt
- namespace: hce-sa
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods
- verbs:
- - create
- - delete
- - get
- - list
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods/log
- verbs:
- - get
- - list
- - watch
-- apiGroups:
- - apps
- resources:
- - deployments
- verbs:
- - create
- - delete
- - get
- - list
- - patch
- - update
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: RoleBinding
- name: da-mgmt
- namespace: hce-sa
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: Role
- name: da-mgmt
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: multiple-namespace-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-The YAML below describes how the cluster role `da-discovery` is configured to discover services and metadata associated with it.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: ClusterRole
- name: da-discovery
-- apiGroups:
- - apps
- resources:
- - deployments
- - replicasets
- - daemonsets
- - statefulsets
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - pods
- - replicationcontrollers
- - services
- - statefulsets
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-- apiGroups:
- - batch
- resources:
- - jobs
- - cronjobs
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-If you want to have multiple namespaces when discovering services, you can create RoleBindings to bind the cluster role with the specific namespace.
-To enable discovery for two namespaces, say `hce` and `cert-manager`, you need two role bindings.
-The YAML below describes how you can achieve this.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: RoleBinding
- name: da-discovery
- namespace: hce
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: ClusterRole
- name: da-discovery
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: multiple-namespace-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: RoleBinding
- name: da-discovery
- namespace: cert-manager
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: ClusterRole
- name: da-discovery
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: multiple-namespace-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-### Additional Permissions for Multiple Namespaces
-To discover traffic on multiple namespaces, additional permissions are necessary.
-Without the additional permissions, connectivity can't be discovered in single and multiple namespaces.
-The YAML below describes how you can attach additional permissions with the existing service account.
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: ClusterRole
- name: da-discovery-extra
-- apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - nodes
- verbs:
- - watch
- - list
- - get
-apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
-kind: ClusterRoleBinding
- name: da-discovery-extra
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: ClusterRole
- name: da-discovery-extra
-- kind: ServiceAccount
- name: multiple-namespace-discovery
- namespace: hce-sa
-Once you create the necessary roles in your cluster, add the service account name in the UI. Follow the steps below.
-1. Go to **Chaos** module and select **Projects**. Select **Discovery** and click **New Discovery Agent**.
-2. Provide the **Environment**, **Infrastructure**, **Discovery Agent Name**, and **Namespace**.
-:::info note
-In case of cluster scope, you can provide the service account name in the UI to discover services.
-### Single Namespace Scope
-To use single namespace, select **Inclusion** and provide the namespace. Disable the **Detect network trace connectivity**.
-### Multiple Namespace Scope
-To use multiple namespaces, provide multiple namespaces and click **Create New Discovery Agent**.
-- If you are not using additional permissions, disable the **Detect network trace connectivity** (it is enabled by default that corresponds to single namespace scope).
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+title: Granular RBAC for AutoStopping
+description: This document providers details for granular RBAC for autostopping.
+sidebar_position: 50
+With RBAC, user can control view, create+edit, and delete access for AWS, Azure, and GCP autostopping resources based on cloud connectors (cloud accounts). Granular permission is an additional fine grained permission level on top of global RBAC levels. Global RBAC currently provides following roles:
+- `CCM Viewer` : Grants permission to view CCM entities, including AutoStopping rules and loadbalancers as whole.
+- `CCM Admin`: Grants permission to create/edit/delete CCM entities, including all AutoStopping rules and loadbalancers.
+While global RBAC assigns broad roles such as Admin, Viewer, or Editor, granular permissions enable precise control over which resources and actions a user can access. This reducing security risks by granting only the necessary permissions. It also improves multi-team management by restricting access based on specific resource groups, such as connectors, without exposing unnecessary data.
+Connectors are shared resources in the Harness account, meaning multiple users can use them. Since they are shared, they appear in the Shared Resources section when creating a Resource Group (RG) in the ACL (Access Control List) module. Admins can create Resource Groups (RGs) for connectors by selecting the relevant connectors.
+Once an RG is created, it can be assigned to a user along with a role. This ensures that the user can only perform operations allowed by the role and only on the resources specified in the RG.
+If a user is assigned the `CCM Viewer` role on an RG called `rg_dev_connectors`, which includes a connector named `dev_connector` (linked to a DEV cloud account), then:
+- The user will have only viewer access to AutoStopping Rules (ASRs) and Load balancers created using `dev_connector`.
+- They will not be able to modify or manage other ASRs or connectors.
+To control which cloud accounts a user can perform the above actions on, you need to create a **Resource Group** under **Account Settings > Resource Groups** that defines the appropriate access.
+1. Under **"Shared Resources"**, select **"Connectors"**, then choose **"Specified"**.
+2. Select all the **CCM AWS Account Connectors** for the cloud accounts you want to grant access to.
+3. Create as many **Resource Groups** as needed, depending on the number of distinct access patterns required.
+Once you have a **role** and a **resource group**, you can assign access to a **user, group, or service account**.
+To do this, use your custom **"Autostopping" role** and select the **resource group** that defines the appropriate access for the user, group, or account.
+To ensure users can properly view AutoStopping Rules, you must grant them `**Connector:View**` permission. This allows them to load all necessary information related to AutoStopping Rules.
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--- a/docs/cloud-development-environments/ides/intellij.md
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: IntelliJ IDEA
-sidebar_position: 3
+sidebar_position: 4
description: Connect to your Gitspaces within IntelliJ IDEA.
sidebar_label: IntelliJ IDEA
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@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+title: JetBrains Gateway Plugin
+sidebar_position: 3
+description: Connect and manage your Gitspaces with JetBrains IDEs using the JetBrains Gateway Plugin.
+sidebar_label: JetBrains Gateway Plugin
+Harness CDE supports seamless and efficient remote development in **JetBrains IDEs** using **JetBrains Gateway**.
+[**JetBrains Gateway**](https://www.jetbrains.com/remote-development/gateway/) is a lightweight desktop application that allows you to work remotely with **JetBrains IDEs** without downloading the full IDE. It connects to a remote server, fetches the necessary backend components, and opens your project in a **JetBrains client**.
+With the [**Harness Gitspaces Plugin**](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/26594-harness-gitspaces), you can seamlessly access and manage your **Gitspaces** created in JetBrains IDEs. This plugin ensures smooth navigation and efficient development within your IDE.
+The following JetBrains IDEs are supported for remote development:
+- IntelliJ IDEA
+- PyCharm
+- PhpStorm
+- GoLand
+- CLion
+- Rider
+- RubyMine
+- Webstorm
+## Pre-Requisites
+#### Install Harness Gitspaces JetBrains Plugin Package
+Ensure that you have downloaded the latest version of the [**Harness Gitspaces JetBrains Gateway Plugin**](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/26594-harness-gitspaces) package. Follow [these steps](/docs/cloud-development-environments/ides/jetbrains-gateway#installing-the-plugin) to install and configure the plugin.
+#### Install JetBrains Gateway
+Before proceeding, ensure that [JetBrains Gateway](https://www.jetbrains.com/remote-development/gateway/) is installed on your device.
+#### Recommended Gitspace Configuration
+Refer to [this section](/docs/cloud-development-environments/ides/intellij#recommended-gitspace-configuration) to understand the **recommended Gitspace requirements** for optimal performance when connecting to your Gitspace in JetBrains IDEs.
+## Installing the Plugin
+Follow these steps to install the **Harness Gitspace Plugin**:
+1. Once you've installed JetBrains Gateway, click the **settings icon** in the bottom-left corner of the application.
+2. Select **"Manage Providers."**
+3. From the **Plugins Marketplace**, search for **Harness Gitspaces**. Click **Install**.
+4. Once you've installed the plugin, click **"OK"** in the bottom-corner page.
+5. That’s it! You will now see the plugin successfully installed in your **JetBrains Gateway connections.**
+## Configuring the Plugin
+Now that you've successfully installed the plugin, you can configure it in **JetBrains Gateway** using the following steps:
+1. Click on **"Harness Gitspaces"** from the sidebar connections.
+2. You will be prompted to configure the app URL in JetBrains Gateway. Enter: **"https://app.harness.io"** and click **"Connect"**
+3. You will be redirected to the **Harness platform** to sign in. Enter your credentials to log into your account.
+4. That’s it! Once configured, you can view all your **Gitspaces** created in JetBrains IDEs directly within the **JetBrains Gateway** application.
+## Managing Your Gitspaces
+You can access and manage your **Gitspaces** (only those created in JetBrains IDEs) directly within the **JetBrains Gateway** application.
+### Access Your Gitspaces
+You can connect to your **Gitspaces** directly from the **Gateway** application:
+1. **For an actively running Gitspace**, click on **"Connect."** This will connect you to your remote Gitspace within your selected IDE.
+2. **For a stopped Gitspace**, clicking on **"Connect"** will redirect you to the **Harness Gitspaces UI**, where you can check its details.
+**Note:** While a Gitspace is transitioning between **started and stopped states**, its status in the application will be displayed as **"Busy."** This indicates that the Gitspace is undergoing the transition.
+### Start Your Gitspaces
+You can start your **stopped Gitspaces** directly from **JetBrains Gateway**:
+- Click the **Green Start** icon to start your Gitspace. To open your Gitspace in your preferred IDE, refer to the IDE-specific documentation. For example, here’s how you can connect to your [Gitspace in IntelliJ IDEA](/docs/cloud-development-environments/ides/intellij#open-the-gitspace-in-intellij).
+- This icon will be visible **only if your Gitspace is stopped**.
+### Stop Your Gitspaces
+You can stop your **active Gitspaces** directly from **JetBrains Gateway**:
+- Click the **Red Stop** icon to stop it from running.
+- This icon will be visible **only if your Gitspace is currently active**.
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diff --git a/docs/continuous-delivery/cd-infrastructure/terragrunt-howtos.md b/docs/continuous-delivery/cd-infrastructure/terragrunt-howtos.md
index 96853deb364..c23b06e12e0 100644
--- a/docs/continuous-delivery/cd-infrastructure/terragrunt-howtos.md
+++ b/docs/continuous-delivery/cd-infrastructure/terragrunt-howtos.md
@@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ terragrunt --version
### Supported Terragrunt and Terraform versions
+In Harness, Terragrunt is fully supported up to version 0.66.9
+Starting from 0.67.0, Terragrunt introduced a breaking change that may cause some issues because of new logging format. See [Terragrunt 0.67.0 breaking change](https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt/releases/tag/v0.67.0)
+If you are using Terragrunt 0.67.0 or higher, you need to enable the environment variable TERRAGRUNT_FORWARD_TF_STDOUT to maintain the previous logging behavior.
+This ensures that Terragrunt preserves its standard logging format, preventing disruptions in Harness pipelines.
Terragrunt maintains a Terraform version compatibility table to help ensure that you have the correct versions of Terragrunt and Terraform running together.
For the Terraform versions supported by Terragrunt, go to [Terraform Version Compatibility Table](https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/docs/getting-started/supported-versions/).
diff --git a/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/aws/aws-lambda-deployments.md b/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/aws/aws-lambda-deployments.md
index 9b14383d91f..888b5e08f0f 100644
--- a/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/aws/aws-lambda-deployments.md
+++ b/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/aws/aws-lambda-deployments.md
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ This topic covers the basics of Harness' Lambda support and provides examples on
- Currently, Lambda functions can be packaged as ZIP files in S3 Buckets or as containers in AWS ECR.
- If Harness were to support another repository, like Nexus, when the container is fetched by the API, AWS spins up AWS resources (S3, ECR) anyways, and so Harness has limited support to S3 and ECR.
- The containers must exist in ECR. Containers are not supported in other repositories.
-- Currently, Lambda functions can't be deployed with an OIDC-enabled AWS Connector.
## AWS IAM permissions
@@ -147,6 +146,8 @@ AWS connectors are used in your Harness service for the artifact you select in *
You can use the same connector or different connectors, but ensure that the credentials provided for the artifact connector are sufficient to fetch the ZIP or image and the credentials provided for the infrastructure definition connector are sufficient to deploy to Lambda.
+OIDC connectors are also supported for Lambda deployments, and this functionality is available starting with **delegate version 851xx or later**.
## Harness service configuration
When you create a Harness service, select **AWS Lambda** to define a service that represents the AWS Lambda function you want to deploy.
diff --git a/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/serverless/serverless-lambda-cd-quickstart.md b/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/serverless/serverless-lambda-cd-quickstart.md
index 5f392161a7e..3abb40c422f 100644
--- a/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/serverless/serverless-lambda-cd-quickstart.md
+++ b/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/serverless/serverless-lambda-cd-quickstart.md
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Review [Harness Key Concepts](/docs/platform/get-started/key-concepts) to esta
- View and copy the API Key and Secret to a temporary place. You'll need them when setting up the Harness AWS Connector later in this quickstart.
- **Full Admin Access:** click on **Attach existing policies directly**. Search for and select **AdministratorAccess** then click **Next: Review**. Check to make sure everything looks good and click **Create user**.
- **Limited Access:** click on **Create policy**. Select the **JSON** tab, and add the JSON using the following code from the [Serverless gist](https://gist.github.com/ServerlessBot/7618156b8671840a539f405dea2704c8) IAMCredentials.json:
-- **OIDC-enabled AWS Connector**: Serverless functions can be deployed using an OIDC-enabled AWS Connector.
+- **OIDC-enabled AWS Connector**: Serverless functions can be deployed using an OIDC-enabled AWS Connector, and this functionality is available starting with **delegate version 851xx or later**.
@@ -207,12 +207,6 @@ The `s3:GetBucketLocation` action is required for a custom S3 bucket only.
import IrsaPartial from '/docs/shared/aws-connector-auth-options.md';
-Currently, Serverless functions can't be deployed with an OIDC-enabled AWS connector.
## Serverless framework support
diff --git a/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/traditional/ssh-ng.md b/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/traditional/ssh-ng.md
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--- a/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/traditional/ssh-ng.md
+++ b/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/traditional/ssh-ng.md
@@ -521,6 +521,124 @@ Command finished with status SUCCESS
Congratulations! You have now successfully created and completed the steps for running a pipeline by using Secure Shell.
+## Selective Rerun and Skipping Hosts with Same Artifact
+You can now skip the **hosts where the last deployment was successful using the same artifact** for traditional deployments. These improvements ensure:
+- **Efficient reruns**: Redeploy only on failed hosts instead of all hosts.
+- **Expressions for failed hosts**: Retrieve failed hosts dynamically for debugging, fixing and rerunning on only failed hosts.
+To use this feature, navigate to the **Advanced** tab of the **CD stage**, enable the **Skip instances with the same artifact version already deployed** checkbox.
+You can enable this checkbox using the run-time by making this checkbox a **Runtime Input**.
+Currently, the Selective Failed Hosts Rerun feature is behind the feature flag `CDS_SKIP_INSTANCES_V2`. Contact [Harness Support](mailto:support@harness.io) to enable the feature.
+**Change in Behavior with Feature Flag Activation**
+Enabling the `CDS_SKIP_INSTANCES_V2` feature flag **enhances the skip instances feature** for improved reliability across deployment scenarios. The updated behavior includes:
+- **Org/Account-Level Service & Environment Handling**: Ensures consistent application of skip instance logic across different organizational scopes.
+- **Partial Success Handling**: Tracks and skips only successfully deployed hosts, preventing unnecessary re-deployments.
+**Success Criteria for Deployment on a Host**
+- **Successfully Deployed Criteria**: A host is considered successfully deployed only if **all command steps in an execution complete successfully**.
+- **Deployed Criteria**: A host is considered deployed if **any command step execution occurs on the host**.
+**Key Features**
+**1. Selective Retry for Failed Hosts**
+- Deployment retries now **target only failed hosts** instead of redeploying on all hosts when the **Skip instances with the same artifact version already deployed** checkbox is enabled.
+**2. Enhanced Skip Instances Feature**
+- Deployment is **skipped on hosts** where the **last deployment was successful using the same artifact**.
+- Each host’s deployment success is tracked **individually**, ensuring that only failed hosts are retried.
+- **Infrastructure changes** (e.g., connector updates, credential changes) are considered when determining the last deployment on a host.
+**3. Improved Rollback Behavior**
+- The **Skip Instances** feature now **tracks rollbacks per host**, ensuring that only the required hosts are updated.
+- This guarantees that rollback logic correctly applies **only to affected hosts**, preventing unnecessary redeployments.
+**4. New Expressions Introduced**
+These expressions provide better tracking of deployment and skipped instances:
+- `<+stage.output.skippedHosts>`: Fetches hosts skipped during the current deployment via the Skip Instances feature.
+- `<+stageFqn.deployedHosts.succeeded>`: Fetches hosts that successfully deployed in a stage.
+- `<+stageFqn.deployedHosts.failed>`: Fetches hosts that failed deployment in a stage.
+Currently, the `<+stageFqn.deployedHosts.succeeded>` and `<+stageFqn.deployedHosts.failed>` expressions are **resolved only after stage completion**.
+- The **full stage FQN** (Fully Qualified Name) must be used, e.g., `<+pipeline.stages.ssh.deployedHosts.succeeded>`.
+- These expressions will include only the hosts that meet the **Deployed** criteria.
+Example Workflow: Deployment with Partial Success
+This example demonstrates how the **Skip Instances** feature allows rerunning a pipeline without redeploying successfully deployed hosts. By enabling this feature, only failed hosts are re-run, optimizing deployment efficiency and reducing unnecessary re-deployments.
+**Step 1: Deploy on Two Hosts Using Artifact Version 1**
+Deploy **artifact version 1** on **host1** and **host2** using a command step.
+- **host1** successfully deployed **version 1**.
+- **Deployment on host2 failed**.
+**Step 2: Fix the Issue on Host2 and Rerun the Pipeline with Skip Instances Enabled**
+After resolving the issue on **host2**, rerun the pipeline with the **Skip Instances** feature enabled.
+- **Deployment on host1 is skipped** since it was previously successful.
+- **host2 successfully deploys version 1**.
+Use-Cases for Selective Rerun and Skipping Hosts
+The improved retry and rollback mechanisms ensure that only necessary actions are taken, avoiding unnecessary redeployments and rollbacks. Below are some key scenarios and how they are handled:
+1. **Pipeline Termination After Successful Deployment**
+- If the pipeline terminates due to **expire/abort/failure** cases, but the host was successfully deployed via a command step before termination, the deployment on that host is still considered successful.
+- This ensures that unexpected pipeline failures do not unnecessarily mark successful hosts as failed.
+2. **Parallel Deployments on the Same Hosts**
+- When the same hosts are deployed in parallel using different stages, the stage with the most recent command step execution is considered the last deployment for the skip instances feature.
+3. **Executions Without Command Steps**
+- If a pipeline execution does not contain command steps, it is ignored in tracking.
+- Such deployments are not considered for the skip instances feature.
+4. **Partial Success Without Rollback**
+- If a deployment succeeds on some hosts but fails on others, **only failed hosts are deployed on rerun**.
+- Successfully deployed **hosts are skipped**.
+5. **Execution Failure Followed by a Partial Rollback**
+- If a rollback is **partially successful**, only successfully rolled-back hosts are **marked as completed**.
+- The system ensures these hosts are correctly updated for future deployments.
+6. **Handling Command Step Retries**
+- If a command step **fails initially** but **succeeds after retry**, the host is **marked as successfully deployed**.
+- Ensures hosts are not mistakenly retried in future deployments.
+7. **Command Steps within Step Groups**
+- If a command step inside a step group fails but **succeeds on retry**, the host is considered **successfully deployed**.
+- This prevents unnecessary redeployments on already successful hosts.
+8. **Pipeline Rollback Considerations**
+- If a pipeline rollback is triggered, only hosts which were rollbacked successfully are marked as completed.
+- The system ensures these hosts are correctly updated for future deployments
## Permission to perform SSH Deployments in AWS
We use the SSH Credentials to connect to hosts to perform deployment.
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@@ -397,6 +397,14 @@ After selecting the Execution Strategy, we are now ready to run the pipeline.
You have now successfully created and completed the steps for running a pipeline by using WinRM.
+## Selective Rerun and Skipping Hosts with Same Artifact
+You can do a **selective rerun** for traditional deployments. These improvements ensure:
+- **Efficient reruns**: Redeploy only on failed hosts instead of all hosts.
+- **Expressions for failed hosts**: Retrieve failed hosts dynamically for debugging and retry logic.
+For more information, goto [Selective Rerun and Skipping Hosts with Same Artifact](/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/traditional/ssh-ng/#selective-rerun-and-skipping-hosts-with-same-artifact)
## Permission to perform WinRM Deployments in AWS
We use the WinRM Credentials to connect to hosts to perform deployment.
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@@ -202,3 +202,4 @@ Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-
- [How do I fix this kaniko container runtime error: kaniko should only be run inside of a container?](/kb/continuous-integration/articles/kaniko_container_runtime_error)
- [Can I push and pull from two different docker registries that have same prefix for registry URL ?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs/#can-i-push-and-pull-from-two-different-docker-registries-that-have-same-prefix-for-registry-url-)
- [Why does the parallel execution of build and push steps fail when using Buildx on Kubernetes?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-does-the-parallel-execution-of-build-and-push-steps-fail-when-using-buildx-on-kubernetes)
+- [Why do Build and Push steps fail with "Error while loading buildkit image: exit status 1" when /var/lib/docker is included in shared paths during DIND execution?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-do-build-and-push-steps-fail-with-error-while-loading-buildkit-image-exit-status-1-when-varlibdocker-is-included-in-shared-paths-during-dind-execution)
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@@ -258,3 +258,4 @@ Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-
- [How do I fix this kaniko container runtime error: kaniko should only be run inside of a container?](/kb/continuous-integration/articles/kaniko_container_runtime_error)
- [Can I push and pull from two different docker registries that have same prefix for registry URL ?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs/#can-i-push-and-pull-from-two-different-docker-registries-that-have-same-prefix-for-registry-url-)
- [Why does the parallel execution of build and push steps fail when using Buildx on Kubernetes?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-does-the-parallel-execution-of-build-and-push-steps-fail-when-using-buildx-on-kubernetes)
+- [Why do Build and Push steps fail with "Error while loading buildkit image: exit status 1" when /var/lib/docker is included in shared paths during DIND execution?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-do-build-and-push-steps-fail-with-error-while-loading-buildkit-image-exit-status-1-when-varlibdocker-is-included-in-shared-paths-during-dind-execution)
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--- a/docs/continuous-integration/use-ci/build-and-upload-artifacts/build-and-push/build-and-push-to-docker-registry.md
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@@ -218,3 +218,4 @@ Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-
- [How do I fix this kaniko container runtime error: kaniko should only be run inside of a container?](/kb/continuous-integration/articles/kaniko_container_runtime_error)
- [Can I push and pull from two different docker registries that have same prefix for registry URL ?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs/#can-i-push-and-pull-from-two-different-docker-registries-that-have-same-prefix-for-registry-url-)
- [Why does the parallel execution of build and push steps fail when using Buildx on Kubernetes?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-does-the-parallel-execution-of-build-and-push-steps-fail-when-using-buildx-on-kubernetes)
+- [Why do Build and Push steps fail with "Error while loading buildkit image: exit status 1" when /var/lib/docker is included in shared paths during DIND execution?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-do-build-and-push-steps-fail-with-error-while-loading-buildkit-image-exit-status-1-when-varlibdocker-is-included-in-shared-paths-during-dind-execution)
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@@ -320,3 +320,4 @@ Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-
- [How do I fix this kaniko container runtime error: kaniko should only be run inside of a container?](/kb/continuous-integration/articles/kaniko_container_runtime_error)
- [Can I push and pull from two different docker registries that have same prefix for registry URL?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs/#can-i-push-and-pull-from-two-different-docker-registries-that-have-same-prefix-for-registry-url-)
- [Why does the parallel execution of build and push steps fail when using Buildx on Kubernetes?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-does-the-parallel-execution-of-build-and-push-steps-fail-when-using-buildx-on-kubernetes)
+- [Why do Build and Push steps fail with "Error while loading buildkit image: exit status 1" when /var/lib/docker is included in shared paths during DIND execution?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-do-build-and-push-steps-fail-with-error-while-loading-buildkit-image-exit-status-1-when-varlibdocker-is-included-in-shared-paths-during-dind-execution)
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@@ -206,3 +206,4 @@ Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-
- [How do I fix this kaniko container runtime error: kaniko should only be run inside of a container?](/kb/continuous-integration/articles/kaniko_container_runtime_error)
- [Can I push and pull from two different docker registries that have same prefix for registry URL ?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs/#can-i-push-and-pull-from-two-different-docker-registries-that-have-same-prefix-for-registry-url-)
- [Why does the parallel execution of build and push steps fail when using Buildx on Kubernetes?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-does-the-parallel-execution-of-build-and-push-steps-fail-when-using-buildx-on-kubernetes)
+- [Why do Build and Push steps fail with "Error while loading buildkit image: exit status 1" when /var/lib/docker is included in shared paths during DIND execution?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-do-build-and-push-steps-fail-with-error-while-loading-buildkit-image-exit-status-1-when-varlibdocker-is-included-in-shared-paths-during-dind-execution)
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@@ -206,3 +206,4 @@ Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-
- [How do I fix this kaniko container runtime error: kaniko should only be run inside of a container?](/kb/continuous-integration/articles/kaniko_container_runtime_error)
- [Can I push and pull from two different docker registries that have same prefix for registry URL ?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs/#can-i-push-and-pull-from-two-different-docker-registries-that-have-same-prefix-for-registry-url-)
- [Why does the parallel execution of build and push steps fail when using Buildx on Kubernetes?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-does-the-parallel-execution-of-build-and-push-steps-fail-when-using-buildx-on-kubernetes)
+- [Why do Build and Push steps fail with "Error while loading buildkit image: exit status 1" when /var/lib/docker is included in shared paths during DIND execution?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-do-build-and-push-steps-fail-with-error-while-loading-buildkit-image-exit-status-1-when-varlibdocker-is-included-in-shared-paths-during-dind-execution)
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@@ -200,3 +200,4 @@ Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-
- [How do I fix this kaniko container runtime error: kaniko should only be run inside of a container?](/kb/continuous-integration/articles/kaniko_container_runtime_error)
- [Can I push and pull from two different docker registries that have same prefix for registry URL ?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs/#can-i-push-and-pull-from-two-different-docker-registries-that-have-same-prefix-for-registry-url-)
- [Why does the parallel execution of build and push steps fail when using Buildx on Kubernetes?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-does-the-parallel-execution-of-build-and-push-steps-fail-when-using-buildx-on-kubernetes)
+- [Why do Build and Push steps fail with "Error while loading buildkit image: exit status 1" when /var/lib/docker is included in shared paths during DIND execution?](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs#why-do-build-and-push-steps-fail-with-error-while-loading-buildkit-image-exit-status-1-when-varlibdocker-is-included-in-shared-paths-during-dind-execution)
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@@ -155,6 +155,17 @@ API key authentication is required. For more information about API keys, go to [
Harness images are available on Docker Hub, the [Harness project on GAR](http://us-docker.pkg.dev/gar-prod-setup/harness-public), and the [Harness ECR public gallery](https://gallery.ecr.aws/harness). In a continuation of this effort, and to improve stability when pulling Harness-required images, Harness deprecated the Harness-hosted `app.harness` Docker registry effective 15 February 2024. For more information, go to [Connect to the Harness container image registry](/docs/platform/connectors/artifact-repositories/connect-to-harness-container-image-registry-using-docker-connector.md#deprecation-notice-appharness-docker-registry).
+## Windows Rootless
+Currently, the feature to download rootless **lite-engine**, **ci-addon**, and **drone-git** images for Windows by default is behind the feature flag, `CI_ADDON_LE_WINDOWS_ROOTLESS`. [Contact Harness Support](https://support.harness.io/) to enable this feature.
+Customers who are trying to utilize Windows Images with a rootless operation can do so by downloading the appropriate images. The rootless Windows version is available as of the following version, or higher:
+* `harness/ci-addon:rootless-1.16.71`
+* `harness/ci-lite-engine:rootless-1.16.71`
+* `harness/drone-git:1.6.7-rootless`
## Troubleshoot Harness images
Go to the [CI Knowledge Base](/kb/continuous-integration/continuous-integration-faqs) for questions and issues related to Harness-required images and pipeline initialization, such as:
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This topic describes how Harness Database DevOps implements automated rollback t
## What are tags?
-A tag is a marker or label assigned to a specific point in a database's migration history. Harness recommends creating a change every time you deploy a changeset to a database so that you always have a rollback point for future changes.
+A tag is a marker or label assigned to a specific point in a database's migration history. Harness recommends creating a tag every time you deploy a changeset to a database so that you always have a rollback point for future changes.
### Rollback A Database Schema
@@ -33,6 +33,25 @@ Here is how you can rollback a database within Harness Database DevOps:
You can refer to the Harness documentation detailing how to [Add a Liquibase command step](/docs/database-devops/use-database-devops/add-liquibase-command-step.md)
+## Rolling Back to a Previous Database State
+The **Apply Schema** step in our deployment pipeline applies database changeSets and provides an expression pointing to the tag marking the database state before deployment.
+How It Works
+- If a Liquibase tag exists on the last changeSet, it is captured and exposed in the rollback expression.
+- If no tag exists, the Apply Schema step creates one before applying new changes.
+- Use this exposed tag as expression to rollback to the previous state.
+Expression format:
+1. If Apply Schema step run as part of different stage: `<+pipeline.stages.{stageIdentifier}.spec.execution.steps.{stepGroupIdentifier}.steps.{stepIdentifier}.output.preStartTag>`
+2. If Apply Schema step run as part of same stage: `<+execution.steps.{stepGroupIdentifier}.steps.{stepIdentifier}.output.preStartTag>`
+Example: For the following pipeline configuration, the expressions would be
+- `<+pipeline.stages.s2.spec.execution.steps.stepGroup1.steps.DBSchemaApply_1.output.preStartTag>`
+- `<+execution.steps.stepGroup1.steps.DBSchemaApply_1.output.preStartTag>`
## Built in failure strategies including rollback
When managing database schema changes, it’s crucial to have mechanisms in place to handle failures gracefully. Built-in failure strategies, including rollback, are designed to protect your application and data by providing automated responses when something goes wrong during a database update.
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+title: Chaos Engineering (CE) FAQs
+description: This article addresses some frequently asked questions about Harness Chaos Engineering.
+sidebar_position: 1
+ - /kb/chaos-engineering/chaos-engineering-faq
+## General
+For an overview of Harness support for platforms, methodologies, and related technologies, go to [Supported platforms and technologies](/docs/platform/platform-whats-supported).
+#### How do I get the Instance ID or license ID with Harness SMP?
+Login using Admin privilege, and then navigate to **License** to find the **License ID**.
+#### Can I run both serial and parallel faults wile using Linux infrastructure?
+Currently, parallel fault experiments aren't supported for Linux.
+#### How to add and manage a custom chaos hub?
+You can navigate to chaos hubs in the chaos module and select `+ New ChaosHub`, and fill in the details regarding your public or private hub. Ensure that you have chaos hub read or write permission enabled and a GitHub connector configured for the repository you are about to connect.
+#### How do I connect to a private chaos hub?
+To connect to a private chaos hub repository, connect to a Harness GitHub connector through a Harness Delegate, or GitHub directly by providing your GitHub SSH key or Personal Access Token (PAT). Once this is done, you can select the connector when adding a chaos hub.
+#### How are faults different from experiments?
+Faults refer to the failures that are injected into the target resource as part of an experiment. Whereas a chaos experiment is a set of different faults coupled together to achieve a desired chaos impact.
+#### What are the possible reasons I can't see tunables in Tune Fault UI?
+Since the tuning of a chaos experiment is highly declarative, sometimes it may cause parsing issues, these may be the possible reasons:
+- The step name of the fault and the template name might have been changed due to custom editing.
+- The step name has been removed completely.
+- The template definition has been erased.
+#### How are probes useful in an experiment?
+A probe can help understand the underlying patterns and laws that govern the behavior of your systems, and you can use that understanding to predict or control their behavior. Probes can be used to test scenarios such as network partitioning, pod failures, and node failures, by adding additional checks, it can also be used to test the behavior of applications during such scenarios.
+#### How is resilience score affected if a few of my probes fail?
+The weighted average of probe success percentage of each of the probe determines the value of the overall resilience score of the experiment. The value depends on the successful outcome of the probe criteria based on the type and mode selected. There are two possible values of probe success percentage for each of the probe criteria, either 0(if the criteria assertion fails) or 100(if the criteria assertion passes).
+Total Resilience for one single experiment = (Weight Given to that experiment * Probe Success Percentage)
+#### I have trouble creating an experiment YAML from scratch, can I generate one?
+Yes, you can generate a YAML file by choosing the normal flow of creating an experiment (blank canvas or through a template), in the YAML/Visual toggle you can see a generated YAML based on the inputs provided by you. A generated YAML can also be downloaded after navigating to `Chaos Experiments` and clicking on `Download Experiments`.
+Additionally you can also leverage Harness [Go SDK repository](https://github.com/harness/harness-go-sdk) and generate a template.
+#### My issue is not mentioned here, how can I report it?
+To report an issue which is not mentioned here, head over to **Help** in Harness SaaS and click **Submit a ticket** and provide your feedback.
+## Features and capabilities
+#### How do you inject chaos on managed cloud services?
+You can obtain the required permissions to inject chaos on respective cloud-services like [AWS permissions](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/permissions),[Cloud foundry](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/cloud-foundry/permissions), and [GCP](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/gcp/security-configurations/prepare-secret-for-gcp).
+#### Do you support chaos on [X] [AWS/GCP/Azure] service?
+Yes. For more information, go to [AWS chaos](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/), [GCP chaos](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/gcp/), and [Azure chaos](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/azure/).
+#### Can you simulate a Zone, Region Failover in [AWS/GCP/Azure]?
+Yes. For more information, go to [ALB zone down](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/alb-az-down), [CLB zone down](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/clb-az-down), and so on.
+#### Do you support staggered or staged increase of CPU/Memory resources within a Pod/Machine?
+Yes. For more information, go to [pod memory hog](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/kubernetes/pod/pod-memory-hog) and [pod CPU hog](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/kubernetes/pod/pod-cpu-hog) .
+#### Do you support load-based chaos/can you generate load during chaos execution?
+Yes. For more information, go to [locust loadgen](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/load/locust-loadgen).
+#### Do you support chaos on DataCenter infrastructure resources such as Switches, Loadbalancers, Hardware Encryption Devices etc.,?
+Yes, you can use [SSH chaos](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/ssh/ssh-chaos) to inject chaos on switches, load balancers, and so on.
+#### Does the tool provide recommendations to fix weaknesses identified by Chaos Experimentation?
+No, HCE helps identify the failures in your application by injecting failures intentionally. This way, you can identify the failures and use other methods to address the issues identified using HCE.
+#### What kind of Reporting is provided by the tool?
+Once you execute your chaos experiments, you can download the reports that describe the experiment details such as runs, infrastructure, resilience score, and so on. For more information, go to [resilience probes](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/), [alerts](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/experiments/alert-integration) and [chaos dashboard](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/dashboards/).
+#### Can I deploy chaos infrastructure on an Openshift Cluster?
+Yes, you can deploy chaos infrastructure on OpenShift clusters and run chaos experiments using the SCCs that we provide.
+#### Can we disrupt connection/network between any service in a cluster and an external service only & keep other connections intact without actually disrupting external service?
+Yes, you can use set the `DESTINATION_IPS` or `DESTINATION_HOSTS` tunabls in all network level chaos experiments.
+For example, to execute the network loss fault,
+- Between the target app and cloud SQL, you can specify `DESTINATION_HOSTS` as **sqladmin.googleapis.com**.
+- Between the target app and storage/GCS, you can specify `DESTINATION_HOSTS` as **storage.googleapis.com**.
+- Between the target app and composer, you can specify `DESTINATION_HOSTS` as **composer.googleapis.com**.
+## Harness Delegate
+The FAQs below are based on HCE entities using [Harness Delegate](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/infrastructures/#what-is-ddcr).
+#### Do you support On-Premise Harness Control Plane?
+Yes, HCE supports the self-managed enterprise edition (SME, also known as self-managed platform or SMP). Depending on the version of HCE (SaaS or Self-Managed Platform), the control plane is hosted by Harness (for SaaS) or within your domain (for example, harness.your-domain.io). Go to [SMP](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/smp/) for more information.
+#### Does chaos use the Harness Delegate or does it need a separate agent?
+HCE uses the Harness Delegate to execute chaos experiments, which you can leverage to:
+- Auto-create chaos experiments.
+- Improve execution speed of chaos experiments (up to 5 times).
+- Better control over chaos experiments by facilitating advanced tunables.
+- Gain insights into application-level resilience scores.
+Go to [Harness Delegate](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/infrastructures/#what-is-ddcr) for more information.
+#### What ports are necessary to be opened in the org's firewall rules to access the Harness Control Plane from the user environment?
+You can access the Harness control plane from the user environment with outbound connectivity over HTTPS using port 443.
+Go to [permissions and ports](https://developer.harness.io/docs/platform/references/permissions-and-ports-for-harness-connections) and [FAQs](https://developer.harness.io/kb/chaos-engineering/chaos-engineering-faq ) for more details.
+#### What permissions are necessary to run the Chaos Agent on users' Kubernetes clusters / Linux / Windows Machines?
+Permissions required to execute chaos faults are different for different platforms. Go to:
+- [Kubernetes permissions](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/kubernetes/tkgi/Requirements);
+- [AWS permissions](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/permissions); and
+- [Linux permissions](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/linux/permissions), respectively.
+#### What user data is sent to and stored on the Harness platform, and for how long?
+HCE doesn't store any user data with respect to the chaos experiments. The details associated with the user's cluster such as the target application details (kind, labels and namespace) are limited to be used within the chaos experiment you selected/created/executed.
+#### Can the chaos pods be mapped to/assume a specific IAM role on the cloud account for fault injection?
+Yes, with cloud-based faults, chaos pods can be mapped to specific IAM roles. You have to create the IAM role on the cloud account and map it to the appropriate policy. The user's credentials should be embedded in a K8s secret before executing the faults.
+You can also create [a superset AWS policy](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/security-configurations/policy-for-all-aws-faults) to allow executing all fault types.
+For more information, go to [AWS switch profile](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/security-configurations/aws-switch-profile) and [workload identity setup for GCP](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/gcp/gcp-iam-integration).
+## Image Registry
+If you lack the necessary permissions (**View** or **Create/Edit**) for the image registry in the project, account, or organization settings, you will encounter the following error:
+**The user is not authorized to perform view operation on the chaos image registry.**
+Ask your admin to grant you the necessary permissions to access the image registry.
+To execute a chaos experiment, you must have **at least** **Project Viewer** permissions.
+## Deployment model
+#### Do you support execution of chaos across clusters from a single agent?
+Yes. With Harness Delegate, we support executing chaos across clusters from a single agent. You need to deploy your delegate in one cluster and then you can create connectors by provide master URL and access token of the other cluster and assign the same delegate to inject chaos.
+#### Do you have dedicated agents across target types (Linux, Windows, Kubernetes, Cloud)?
+Yes, HCE has dedicated agents for different target types such as Linux, Windows, Kubernetes, and Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP, Cloud Foundry).
+The agents are:
+- Deployed centrally on Kubernetes to inject faults on K8s microservices;
+- Native agents for VMware using system service inside target machine;
+- Remote chaos agents to execute targets outside clusters for cloud resources.
+## Operations
+#### What are the prerequisites to setup/onboard Harness Chaos Engineering?
+Go to [prerequisites](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/saas/) to fulfill the requirements before onboarding. Once all the prerequisites are fulfilled, you can explore[sandbox](/docs/chaos-engineering/training/sandbox) or execute [your first chaos experiment](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/saas).
+If you want a head start to your journey with HCE, you can onboard HCE in two ways:
+- [Automated onboarding](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/onboarding/automated-onboarding); and
+- [Guided onboarding](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/onboarding/guided-onboarding).
+#### Can all the Chaos Operations be managed via APIs (agent, experiment life cycles etc.,)
+Yes, all chaos operations can be managed using APIs. For more information, go to [HCE API documentation](https://apidocs.harness.io/chaos.html).
+#### Are there any tutorials to get started with Chaos?
+Yes, you can start executing chaos engineering experiments in the following ways:
+- [Run chaos experiments](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/saas)
+- [Run chaos experiments from blank canvas](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/saas/chaos-experiment-from-blank-canvas)
+- [Execute experiments using API](/docs/chaos-engineering/getting-started/saas/experiment-using-api)
+#### Do you provide a Sandbox environment for us to play with the tool?
+Yes, you can execute experiments in a sandbox environment. Go to [sandbox environment](/docs/chaos-engineering/training/sandbox) to play around with HCE.
+#### Can I schedule the execution of a Chaos Experiment?
+Yes, you can [schedule](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/experiments/create-experiments#run-or-schedule-the-experiment) chaos experiments.
+## Kubernetes experiment flow optimization
+- With the release 1.38.0 of harness-chaos, the experiment execution flow for Kubernetes experiments has been optimized by eliminating the install step of experiment CRs (custom resource) and leveraging all the environment variables with the chaos engine.
+- The `litmus-checker` and `chaos-k8s` that were responsible for installing the chaos experiment CR and performing cleanup steps respectively, have been removed.
+- With this, the time taken to complete a chaos experiment and the manifest length has been reduced, thereby making it easy to maintain the manifest.
+#### Will the existing chaos experiments execute as usual without any changes?
+Yes, you can execute all the existing chaos experiments even if no changes are made to the manifest and even if chaos infrastructure is not upgraded.
+#### Will the existing Kubernetes chaos infrastructure (< 1.38.0) have to be mandatorily upgraded?
+No, the existing infrastructures will continue to function as usual, but HCE recommends you upgrade to version 1.38.0 or the latest version for optimized performance.
+#### I can't see older infrastructures (< 1.38.0) while constructing a new experiment?
+- Due to the recent optimization changes, HCE has removed the experiment CR and its installation from the experiment manifest. Now, all the environment variables, experiment image, imagePullPolicy, arguments, and commands will be passed directly into the chaos engine.
+- However, older infrastructures that use older components (operator, chaos-runner) rely on the experiment CR to execute experiments successfully. As a result, new experiments will not be able to run on the older infrastructures.
+#### Can a new Kubernetes experiment run on old Kubernetes infrastructure?
+- No, since new experiments have changes in the chaos engine, the old chaos runner can't read all the environment variables from the chaos engine.
+#### Can the old Kubernetes experiment run on new Kubernetes infrastructure?
+- Yes, the changes are backward-compatible and all the older components (`chaos-k8s`, `litmus-checker`) are still present (which will not be maintained henceforth). The image of these components will not go beyond version 1.37.0 since they will be not updated after this. In addition, `chaos-runner` and `chaos-operator` are designed to be backward-compatible.
+#### Why does the experiment pod take time to show up in the running status?
+- The initial execution by Argo may take some time since it needs to pull the images for the `go-runner` for the first time. Subsequent executions will not take as much time.
+#### Why are litmus-checker and chaos-k8s not displaying beyond on 1.37.0?
+- If the experiment format is old, you may see `litmus-checker` and `chaos-k8s` images in the YAML. Since version 1.37.0 is the last supported version of these components, the `litmus-checker` and `chaos-k8s` are displayed with version 1.37.0. For the new experiment format, you will only see a `go-runner` image.
+#### Why can't I create a new experiment from the UI?
+- To create a new experiment, you need to have at least one infrastructure in version 1.38.x or higher. Hence, you can either [connect a new infrastructure](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/infrastructures/enable-disable) or [upgrade an existing one](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/infrastructures/upgrade-infra).
+#### Is there a way to upgrade the older experiment to the new format?
+- Yes, you can manually edit the experiment manifest or create a new experiment from the UI. Older experiments will continue to work because of backward compatibility.
+## Application Maps
+#### How to manually associate experiments as a part of Application Map?
+To manually associate the experiment as a part of an application map, list the experiment as a part of an [application map](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/application-map), specify the tag `applicationmap=` while creating the experiment.
+## Security
+#### What are the identity providers supported by Harness Chaos for user authentication?
+The Harness platform is fully integrated with several public OAuth providers, with support for two-factor authentication and domain whitelisting.
+To learn more, go to [authentication overview](/docs/platform/authentication/authentication-overview).
+#### How does the chaos infrastructure connect to the Harness SaaS control plane? Which ports should be opened in the users' environments?
+The chaos infrastructure connects to the Harness control plane through outbound connectivity over HTTP(s) using port 443. To learn more, go to [chaos infrastructures](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/infrastructures/enable-disable).
+#### What are the permissions and privileges required to deploy and run the chaos infrastructure?
+The chaos infrastructure setup involves the creation of CRDs and RBAC resources. This setup typically needs cluster-admin intervention. To learn more, go to [Kubernetes roles for the chaos infrastructure](/docs/chaos-engineering/security/#kubernetes-roles-for-chaos-infrastructure).
+#### Can you run multiple cluster-scoped chaos infrastructures on same clusters?
+It is recommended that you **don't** run multiple cluster-scoped chaos infrastructures on the same cluster since this would result in the chaos infrastructures overwriting each other's cluster-level resources.
+#### Chaos infrastructure is inactive, how to execute my experiment?
+A chaos infrastructure could be inactive due to a variety of reasons. When you try to execute an experiment but the chaos infrastructure is inactive, you can switch over to a different infrastructure that is active (represented with a green circle at the right side of the infrastructure name) and execute your experiment or create a new chaos infrastructure (provided you have the necessary privileges to create one) and execute your experiment on it.
+#### How do I control user actions in a given environment in Harness Chaos?
+The scope of a user's access to chaos resources added to a given Harness account or project can be controlled by assigning them a predefined or custom role. To learn more, go to [chaos access control](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/governance/rbac#user-authorization-and-role-based-access-control).
+#### How do I control the security blast radius in terms of access to application microservices and infrastructure resources in a user environment?
+The chaos infrastructure can be installed in a cluster-wide scope (with the ability to discover and inject chaos on microservices across namespaces and infrastructure components such as nodes and volumes) as well as in a namespace-specific scope (where discovery and chaos injection are limited to resources within a specific namespace).
+In addition, users can provide a custom service account to carry out experiments, thereby limiting the fault types in the user environment. To learn more, go to [blast radius control using permissions](/docs/chaos-engineering/security/#blast-radius-control-using-permissions).
+#### How does Harness Chaos access cloud resources in the users' environment?
+Harness Chaos experiment pods consume Kubernetes secrets that contain access credentials, which are leveraged to make provider-specific API calls to the cloud platform to inject chaos. To learn more, go to [Secrets management](/docs/chaos-engineering/security/#secrets-management).
+#### Can cloud service accounts be used instead of user credentials to access cloud resources?
+When the chaos infrastructure is deployed on EKS clusters, the experiments can leverage the IAM service account (IRSA) instead of consuming secrets with user account access details. To learn more, go to [IAM integration for AWS authentication](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/aws/security-configurations/aws-iam-integration).
+#### How does Harness Chaos access APM platforms to perform hypothesis validation?
+Harness Chaos experiments can consume K8s secrets containing authentication information for the desired APM and use it within the command-probe pods that leverage this information to make the right provider-specific API calls to retrieve metrics and other pertinent data. To learn more, go to [command probes](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/command-probe).
+#### What are the details about the user and the user's environment accessed and stored by Harness?
+The following user information is stored in the Harness database and object store:
+- FQDNs or URLs or IPs of microservices in user clusters.
+- Chaos experiment execution logs, with process information and results.
+The information is purged on a policy basis, with defaults set at "x" days.
+#### How can I track the actions of a user on the Harness platform?
+Harness provides an audit log to the account admin where user actions on the chaos resources are logged with timestamps. To learn more, go to [audit trail](/docs/platform/governance/audit-trail).
+#### Can Harness perform security chaos tests in the users' environments?
+Harness Chaos supports experiments that simulate DoS attacks on services. You can achieve this by simulating very high loads that render the system slow (if the correct rate limits are in place) or non-functional (if rate limiting is not implemented). To learn more, go to [generic locust fault](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/chaos-faults/load/locust-loadgen/).
+#### How can I avoid image override in the manifest?
+When you edit an experiment that has multiple repositories, a pop up asks if you want to override the images or not. Select **NO** to avoid overriding the image repository in the manifest.
+#### Where can I find my chaos experiment report?
+* To find details about your chaos experiment such as resilience score, total runs, infrastructure used, schedule details, probe details, run history, and so on, navigate to your experiment. Click **View report**.
+* Below is a sample screen of probe details in the report.
+* To view the details of a **specific chaos step**, click the chaos step.
+* Click **v** arrow and click **View probe details**.
+* You can download the chaos experiment report.
+* The probe result summary can be seen in the experiment logs too.
+#### How can I pass secrets in the source mode of command probe without specifying an image so as to execute the probe by passing username and password?
+* To pass secrets as environment variables in the source mode of the command probe, specify the environment variable or the environment variable file on the target VM and reference this file in the script where you are executing the probe.
+* If you want to execute the probe on a server other than the target, disable the security context in the advanced fault settings.
+#### How is the chaos Agent authenticated by the Harness control plane?
+A unique Id, named cluster ID and a dedicated key (named access-key) are generated when you install the chaos agent. These two identifiers are used to authenticate the Harness control plane. Every API request made to the control plane includes these identifiers for authentication. Go to [security](/docs/chaos-engineering/security/) and [FAQ](https://developer.harness.io/kb/chaos-engineering/chaos-engineering-faq) for more details.
+This is applicable on HCE entities that use a dedicated infrastructure rather than the Harness Delegate, because in the case of Harness Delegate, the Delegate itself is the agent.
+## Integration
+#### Can Harness Chaos Agents be installed via Helm Charts?
+Yes, [chaos dedicated infrastructure](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/infrastructures/enable-disable#use-helm-template-to-install-chaos-infrastructure) as well as [Harness Delegate](https://www.harness.io/blog/delegate-installation-via-helm) can be installed using Helm charts.
+#### Can chaos experiments be triggered from [X] pipeline (Harness, Jenkins, Gitlab, Azure DevOps)?
+Yes, HCE provides integration with many tools, such as [Gitlab pipelines](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/integrations/experiment-as-gitlab-pipeline), [Jenkins pipelines](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/integrations/experiment-as-jenkins-pipeline), with [Harness CD](https://developer.harness.io/docs/category/integrate-hce-with-harness-cd), [Harness Feature Flags](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/integrations/chaos-ff), and [SRM](https://developer.harness.io/docs/chaos-engineering/integrations/use-chaos-with-srm).
+#### Does Harness Chaos provide Resilience Probes for [X] APM (Prometheus, Dynatrace, Datadog, NewRelic, Splunk)?
+Yes, you can use resilience probes with [Prometheus](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/prom-probe), [Dynatrace](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/dynatrace-probe), [DataDog](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/datadog-probe), and [NewRelic](/docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/probes/command-probe/cmd-probe-newrelic).
+## License
+#### How is licensing counted for services across different environments in Harness Chaos Engineering?
+Licensing is counted separately for each service in different environments. For example, if chaos experimentation is conducted on a Kubernetes service named “login-service” in both QA and Production environments within the same 30-day cycle, it will consume two chaos service licenses.
+#### Does using the same service in multiple environments increase license usage?
+Yes, each unique environment where a service undergoes chaos experimentation counts individually towards license utilization, allowing separate tracking for services across environments.
+#### How is the license utilization measured in Harness Chaos Engineering?
+License utilization is measured over a 30-day cycle. Each cycle allows license services to be rolled over to a different set of target services, enabling flexible use across various teams, applications, and environments.
+#### Can I change the target services for my license in Harness Chaos Engineering?
+Yes, at the end of each 30-day cycle, license services can be re-assigned to a different set of target services, thereby optimizing the resource utilization.
+## Use cases
+#### How can we leverage Harness Chaos to test Disaster Recovery (DR)?
+We can leverage Harness Chaos Engineering to test Disaster Recovery in the following ways:
+- Implement node network loss: Specify `NODE_LABEL` tunable with the label of the target zone.
+- Implement node drain: Specify `NODE_LABEL` tunable with the label of the target zone.
+- Implement BYOC for Cloud SQL Instance failover.
+- Implement BYOC for GCP Composer Database failover.
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index 90e574e0b5d..0187556edd2 100644
--- a/docs/harness-cloud-operations/computing-uptime.md
+++ b/docs/harness-cloud-operations/computing-uptime.md
@@ -234,20 +234,9 @@ All the Platform and Pipeline SLIs are applicable here.
| **SLI** | **Threshold** | **Availability**|
-| Login Failure (Legacy only)| Greater than 30 seconds for a consecutive duration of 5 minutes |Major Outage|
-| Integrations list API Error Rate | failure rate (5XX) of the API in 5 minutes > 0.5 |Major Outage|
-| Integrations list API Latency | Response time greater than 30 seconds | Degraded Performance|
-| Ingestion Delay | Delay in receiving any events > 24 hours |Partial Outage|
-| ETL / Aggregations Delay| Delay in receiving any events > 48 hours |Partial Outage|
-| ETL / Aggregations Performance| Jobs stuck in scheduled state for more than 12 hours |Degraded Performance|
-| ES Indexing Delay| Delay in receiving any events > 48 hours |Partial Outage|
-| UI dashboard widget Load times| Greater than 3 mins for a consecutive duration of 10 mins for all customers |Degraded Performance|
-| UI landing page/dashboard page not loading| For a consecutive duration of 5 mins |Major Outage|
-| Trellis Events| Delay in processing events > 24 hours or monthly calculation not finished in first 7 days |Degraded Performance|
-| DB Health | DB Load > 80% |Degraded Performance|
-| ES Cluster health | ES cluster state RED / read-only mode |Partial Outage|
-| Server API Error rate (5XX) | More than 1% over 5 min rolling window | Major Outage|
-| API Response Time | 95th percentile: > 15s over 5 min rolling window | Degraded performance|
+| APIs Error rate | More than 5% over 5 min rolling window | Major outage |
+| API Response Time | 95th percentile: > 2s over 5 min rolling window | Degraded performance|
+| Ingestion & data processing delay | Delay of more than 72 hours for the latest data to appear on the dashboard.
This threshold excludes delays caused by pending customer actions. In the event of failures, processing historical data may take additional time depending on the volume of data that needs to be backfilled. | Degraded performance |
diff --git a/docs/infra-as-code-management/pipelines/plugin-images.md b/docs/infra-as-code-management/pipelines/plugin-images.md
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--- a/docs/infra-as-code-management/pipelines/plugin-images.md
+++ b/docs/infra-as-code-management/pipelines/plugin-images.md
@@ -4,23 +4,15 @@ description: Create and use your own Terraform plugin images.
sidebar_position: 30
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-Harness provides the flexibility to use custom images in your IACM stage, which refers to individual Terraform plugin steps such as the `terraform init` step in an IaCM pipeline provision stage. This guide walks you through the process of creating your custom image and incorporating it into your Harness pipelines.
+Harness provides the flexibility to use custom images in your IaCM stage, which applies to individual infrastructure provisioning steps, such as the `init` step in an OpenTofu or Terraform pipeline stage. This guide walks you through the process of creating a custom image and incorporating it into your Harness pipelines.
- Network Connectivity Requirements
+ ## Network Connectivity Requirements
When using OpenTofu with Harness IaC Management (IaCM), it’s important to ensure that your environment allows the necessary network access for OpenTofu to function properly. OpenTofu relies on external services to download binaries, modules, and providers. If your environment is restricted, such as in air-gapped setups or strict firewall configurations, you may need to whitelist specific domains or use alternative strategies like custom images as mentioned above.
@@ -47,20 +39,15 @@ Make sure to configure your firewall to allow outbound access to the domains lis
## Create an image
Harness allows you to create custom images based on a provided base image. This enables you to tailor the image to your specific needs and use it in your workflows.
-:::warning Version lock-in
-Once you create a custom image using our base image, it becomes **version-locked**. This means that if we release a new version of our base image, your custom image will not automatically update to the latest version. For instance, if you create an image today using our base image version "1.0.0" and we subsequently release version "1.1.0," your custom image will still be using version "1.0.0."
-If your version is out-of-date, while it is unlikely to cause a pipeline failure, your current version may lack some features, be open to security vulnerabilities or run into compatibility issues. In such cases, follow the **Mitigating versioning challenges** section below:
+:::warning Version Lock-In & Mitigating Challenges
+Custom images created from our base image are **version-locked**, meaning they won't automatically update with new releases. While an outdated version might not cause pipeline failures, it could lack features, have security vulnerabilities, or face compatibility issues.
-:::tip Mitigating versioning challenges
-To address this versioning challenge and ensure that your custom image stays up-to-date with our latest improvements and features, you can implement specific steps within your CI/CD pipelines. These steps may include periodically checking for updates to our base image and rebuilding the custom image as necessary. It's crucial to proactively monitor our releases and sync the custom images to take full advantage of the latest enhancements.
+To keep your custom image current with our latest improvements, periodically check for updates to our base image and rebuild your custom image as needed. Proactively monitor our releases to fully benefit from the latest enhancements.
-**To help detect out-of-date versions, Harness log a warning if your image version is five versions behind the latest release.**
+**Harness will log a warning if your image version is five versions behind the latest release, helping you detect out-of-date versions.**
### Create a custom image
Create custom images with root-based and rootless custom containers for **Harness Cloud** and **Kubernetes** environments. The following examples demonstrate package installation via `microdnf` and direct binary installation for tools like `kubectl`.
@@ -129,7 +116,7 @@ USER app
&& rm kustomize_v5.3.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
## Use your own image
To use your custom image in a step, create a reference in the YAML configuration indicating that the step should use your image.
@@ -146,9 +133,12 @@ To use your custom image in a step, create a reference in the YAML configuration
connectorRef: privateConnector # (2)
-In this example, the `image` attribute **(1)** in the YAML points to the plugin image in the Elastic Container Registry (ECR) where it is hosted. If your image is hosted in a private ECR, you'll need to create a connector for that ECR and define the `connectorRef` **(2)** for the connector. This ensures that Harness can access the image. At this stage, the "apply" step in your pipeline will use the "private_harness_terraform_plugin" and have access to `kubectl` and `kustomize` for its operations.
+In this example, the `image` attribute **(1)** in the YAML points to the plugin image hosted in the Elastic Container Registry (ECR) to store your Docker images securely.
+If it's in a private ECR, create a connector and define the `connectorRef` **(2)** to allow Harness access and to ensure the `apply` step in your pipeline uses the 'private_harness_terraform_plugin' and has access to `kubectl` and `kustomize` for operations.
## IACM execution-config
To use images from your repository in an IACM stage, you can use the `execution-config` API endpoints.
@@ -241,4 +231,7 @@ Although some images mentioned here are also used by [CI](https://developer.harn
\ No newline at end of file
+## Conclusion
+In conclusion, custom images provide a powerful way to optimize your IaCM pipelines. By staying proactive with updates and leveraging the flexibility of Harness, you can ensure robust, secure, and efficient infrastructure management. Ready to take the next step? Implement these strategies and watch your deployment processes transform!
diff --git a/docs/infra-as-code-management/workspaces/workspace-expressions.md b/docs/infra-as-code-management/workspaces/workspace-expressions.md
index 2535c468c7f..9b2e8adb806 100644
--- a/docs/infra-as-code-management/workspaces/workspace-expressions.md
+++ b/docs/infra-as-code-management/workspaces/workspace-expressions.md
@@ -1,33 +1,37 @@
-title: Workspace expressions
-description: Learn how to use Harness workspace expressions.
+title: Workspace Expressions
+description: Discover how to utilize workspace expressions for dynamic CI/CD pipeline customization in Harness IaCM.
sidebar_position: 50
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-Workspace expressions in Harness Infrastructure as Code Management (IaCM) provide a powerful way to dynamically reference and utilize various workspace-level parameters within your pipelines. By leveraging JEXL (Java Expression Language) expressions, you can access key workspace attributes, allowing for greater flexibility and customization in your workflows.
+Harness workspace expressions empower you to dynamically reference workspace-level parameters within your pipelines, enhancing flexibility and customization. By leveraging JEXL (Java Expression Language), you can seamlessly access key workspace attributes.
-With workspace expressions, you can:
+### Key Benefits
+- **Dynamic Retrieval:** Access workspace-specific identifiers and paths effortlessly.
+- **Environment Integration:** Utilize environment and secret variables within the workspace context.
+- **Versioning and Provisioning:** Integrate versioning and provisioner details directly into your pipeline logic.
+- **Cost Management:** Extract outputs and control cost estimation features.
+- **Git Management:** Seamlessly manage Git-related parameters like repository name, branch, commit SHA, and tags.
-- Dynamically retrieve and use workspace-specific identifiers and paths.
-- Access environment variables and secret variables within the workspace context.
-- Integrate versioning and provisioner details directly into your pipeline logic.
-- Extract outputs and control cost estimation features.
-- Seamlessly manage Git-related parameters such as repository name, branch, commit SHA, and tags.
-These expressions are particularly useful in scenarios where your pipeline needs to adapt to different environments or configurations based on the workspace in use.
+These expressions are invaluable when adapting pipelines to different environments or configurations.
:::info migrate expressions
-Go to the **Migrate expressions** tab in the [how to use workspace expressions](https://developer.harness.io/docs/infra-as-code-management/workspaces/workspace-expressions#how-to-use-workspace-expressions) section to see how to update your old expressions to the most recent format.
+Go to the **Migrate Expressions** tab in the [How to Use Workspace Expressions](/docs/infra-as-code-management/workspaces/workspace-expressions#how-to-use-workspace-expressions) section to update old expressions to the latest format.
-### Available workspace expressions
+## Available Workspace Expressions
+Supported workspace expressions are written in the syntax **`<+workspace.ATTRIBUTE>`**, where ATTRIBUTE can be a single or multi-level identifier, such as:
+- **`<+workspace.identifier>`**
+- **`<+workspace.type>`** (e.g., opentofu)
+- **`<+workspace.envVars.SOME_ENV_VAR>`**
-Here’s a table of the available workspace expressions in Harness IaCM:
+See full list of supported workspace expressions
-| **Paremeter** | **Expression** | **Description** |
+| **Parameter** | **Expression** | **Description** |
| **Workspace ID** | `<+workspace.identifier>` | Retrieves the unique identifier for the workspace. |
| **Folder Path** | `<+workspace.folderPath>` | Returns the root directory path associated with the workspace. |
@@ -35,7 +39,7 @@ Here’s a table of the available workspace expressions in Harness IaCM:
| **Provisioner Version** | `<+workspace.provisionerVersion>` | Fetches the version of the provisioner used in the workspace. |
| **Connector Reference** | `<+workspace.connectorRef>` | Retrieves the connector reference associated with the workspace. |
| **Environment Variable** | `<+workspace.envVars.SOME_ENV_VAR>` | Accesses a specific environment variable within the workspace. |
-| **Terraform/Opentofu Variable** | `<+workspace.variables.OPEN_TOFU_VAR>` | Retrieves a variable specific to Terraform or Opentofu within the workspace. |
+| **Terraform/Opentofu Variable** | `<+workspace.variables.OPEN_TOFU_VAR>` | Retrieves a variable specific to Terraform or OpenTofu within the workspace. |
| **Secret Variable** | `<+workspace.envVars.SECRET_ENV_VAR>` | Accesses a secret variable defined in the workspace. |
| **Output** | `<+workspace.outputs.OUTPUT_ID>` | Retrieves a specific output from the workspace. |
| **Workspace Name** | `<+workspace.name>` | Returns the name of the workspace. |
@@ -45,32 +49,22 @@ Here’s a table of the available workspace expressions in Harness IaCM:
| **Git Branch** | `<+workspace.gitBranch>` | Returns the name of the Git branch currently in use. |
| **Git SHA** | `<+workspace.gitSha>` | Retrieves the commit SHA from the Git repository. |
| **Git Tag** | `<+workspace.gitTag>` | Returns the Git tag associated with the current commit. |
-### How to use workspace expressions
-The following example highlights how you can apply workspace expressions to your pipelines run step and output the workspace identifier and secret variable value.
+## How to Use Workspace Expressions
+Here's an example of applying workspace expressions in your pipelines to output the workspace identifier and secret variable value.
:::warning reserved keyword
-Do not name your run step `workspace` as it is a reserved keyword.
+Avoid naming your run step `workspace` as it is a reserved keyword.
-If you are currently using and older expression format, update it to the new format accordingly.
+If you're using an older expression format, update it to the new format as follows:
For example, update secret variables from:
@@ -81,23 +75,10 @@ For example, update secret variables from:
// NEW
+The following guide demonstrates updating your workspace's secret environment variable reference:
-The following guide demonstrates how to update your workspace's secret environment variable reference:
-See the following reference of old and new expression formats:
+See the reference of old and new expression formats:
See old and new expressions
@@ -126,8 +107,8 @@ See the following reference of old and new expression formats:
| **Secret from Connector**| Before: `<+pipeline.stages.s1.spec.execution.steps.init.spec.secretVariablesFromConnector.PLUGIN_SECRET_KEY>` |
| | After: `<+workspace.secretVariablesFromConnector.PLUGIN_SECRET_KEY>` |
-Workspace expressions in Harness IaCM allow for advanced customization and dynamic referencing within your CI/CD pipelines. By understanding and utilizing these expressions, you can enhance the efficiency and adaptability of your infrastructure management processes.
+By understanding and utilizing workspace expressions in Harness IaCM, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and adaptability of your infrastructure management processes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/adoption/adoption-playbook.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/adoption/adoption-playbook.md
index 57ad814865b..d7c7a142cce 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/adoption/adoption-playbook.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/adoption/adoption-playbook.md
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ From this point onwards, onboard more teams, solve newer use-cases, onboard thei
- Create an internal Slack/Teams channel called **#harness-idp-adoption**. Announce new features and ask users to share feedback (both good and bad).
- No two portals please. Avoiding creating fragmentation for Developers when it comes to their IDP use-cases.
-- Onboarding is not the same as Adoption. Onboarding refers to one or more Platform Engineers setting up the tool with Authentication, Authorization and other configuration. Adoption refers to active usage by Developers. Onboarding is a pre-requisite to Adoption.
+- Onboarding is not the same as Adoption. Onboarding refers to one or more Platform Engineers setting up the tool with Authentication, Authorization and other configuration. Adoption refers to active usage by Developers. Onboarding is a prerequisite to Adoption.
### Central vs Distributed Catalog definition YAML files
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/api-refernces/public-api.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/api-refernces/public-api.md
index e0da524825d..3884f7c71c6 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/api-refernces/public-api.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/api-refernces/public-api.md
@@ -30,21 +30,20 @@ Register Software Component in Harness Catalog.
#### URL
#### URL Parameters
-`ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER`: Your Harness account ID.
+`ACCOUNT_ID`: Your Harness account ID.
You can find your account ID in any Harness URL, for example:
#### Headers
- `x-api-key`: Your Harness API token.
-- `Harness-Account`: Your Harness account ID.
#### Request Body
@@ -58,9 +57,8 @@ https://app.harness.io/ng/account/ACCOUNT_ID/idp/overview
### cURL Example
-curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/locations' \
---header 'x-api-key: {X_API_KEY}' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}'
+curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/locations' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data-raw '{"type":"url","target":"https://github.com/harness-community/idp-samples/blob/main/catalog-info.yaml"}'
#### Response:
@@ -80,28 +78,27 @@ Syncs the component with the latest version of `catalog-info.yaml` stored in git
#### URL
#### URL Parameters
-`ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER`: Your Harness account ID.
+`ACCOUNT_ID`: Your Harness account ID.
You can find your account ID in any Harness URL, for example:
#### Headers
- `x-api-key`: Your Harness API token.
-- `Harness-Account`: Your Harness account ID.
### cURL Example
-curl 'https://idp.harness.io/{HARNESS_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/refresh' \
+curl 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/refresh' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
- -H 'x-api-key: {HARNESS_X_API_KEY}' \
+ -H 'x-api-key: ' \
--data-raw '{"entityRef":"{ENTITY_REF}"}'
@@ -135,24 +132,23 @@ Delete Software Component from Harness Catalog.
#### URL
#### URL Parameters
-`ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER`: Your Harness account ID.
+`ACCOUNT_ID`: Your Harness account ID.
You can find your account ID in any Harness URL, for example:
`LOCATION_ID`: To get the Location ID, use the cURL command given below to fetch all the Locations for the account and `grep` your component name and the ID mentioned there is the Location ID to be used.
-curl 'https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/locations' \
---header 'x-api-key: {X_API_KEY}' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}'
+curl 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/locations' \
+--header 'x-api-key: '
The Response of the above cURL would be as shown below and the `id` mentioned is the **Location ID**, search for the component name in the response and pick the `id`
@@ -173,14 +169,12 @@ The Response of the above cURL would be as shown below and the `id` mentioned is
#### Headers
- `x-api-key`: Your Harness API token.
-- `Harness-Account`: Your Harness account ID.
### cURL Example
-curl --location --request DELETE 'https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_ID}/idp/api/catalog/locations/{LOCATION_ID}' \
---header 'x-api-key: ' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_ID}'
+curl --location --request DELETE 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/locations/' \
+--header 'x-api-key: '
#### Response:
The response will remove the software component along the with the locations from your IDP catalog as defined in the location provided.
@@ -199,24 +193,23 @@ Deletes an entity by its `metadata.uid` field value.
#### URL
#### URL Parameters
-`ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER`: Your Harness account ID.
+`ACCOUNT_ID`: Your Harness account ID.
You can find your account ID in any Harness URL, for example:
`udi`: To get the uid, use the cURL command given below to fetch all the Locations for the account and `grep` your component name and the `metadata.uid` mentioned there is the `uid` to be used.
-curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/ACCOUNT_ID/idp/api/catalog/entities/by-query?filter=kind=location' \
---header 'x-api-key: {X_API_KEY}' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}'
+curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/entities/by-query?filter=kind=location' \
+--header 'x-api-key: '
The Response of the above cURL would be as shown below and the `metadata.uid` mentioned is the **uid**, search for the component name in the response and pick the `uid`
@@ -244,14 +237,12 @@ The Response of the above cURL would be as shown below and the `metadata.uid` me
#### Headers
- `x-api-key`: Your Harness API token.
-- `Harness-Account`: Your Harness account ID.
### cURL Example
-curl --location --request DELETE 'https://idp.harness.io/ACCOUNT_ID/idp/api/catalog/entities/by-uid/{uid}' \
---header 'x-api-key: ' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_ID}'
+curl --location --request DELETE 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/entities/by-uid/' \
+--header 'x-api-key: '
#### Response:
The response will remove the locations from your IDP catalog as defined in the `uid`.
@@ -270,16 +261,16 @@ Retrieves catalog entities that match a specific filter from the Harness IDP.
#### URL
#### URL Parameters
-1. `ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER`: Your Harness account ID.
+1. `ACCOUNT_ID`: Your Harness account ID.
You can find your account ID in any Harness URL, for example:
2. Lists entities. Supports the following **query parameters**, described in sections below:
@@ -314,9 +305,8 @@ Example:
- **Example: Filter `components` based on `system` name**
-curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/ACCOUNT_ID/idp/api/catalog/entities?filter=kind=component,relations.partOf=system:default/SYSTEM_NAME' \
---header 'x-api-key: X_API_KEY' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ACCOUNT_ID'
+curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/entities?filter=kind=component,relations.partOf=system:default/SYSTEM_NAME' \
+--header 'x-api-key: '
In the above example since the `system` name is mentioned under `relations` in component's definition YAML, hence we have used the filter `relations.partOf=system:default/SYSTEM_NAME`. Here's the mention of `system` in component's YAML.
@@ -347,15 +337,12 @@ relations:
#### Headers
- `x-api-key`: Your Harness API token.
-- `Harness-Account`: Your Harness account ID.
### cURL Example
-curl 'https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/entities?filter=kind=template' \
---header 'x-api-key: {X_API_KEY}' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}'
+curl 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/entities?filter=kind=template' \
+--header 'x-api-key: '
#### Response:
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api-tutorial.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api-tutorial.md
index e2a6f1cd8e8..e3869bfed9e 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api-tutorial.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api-tutorial.md
@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ In this tutorial we will be using the catalog metadata ingestion APIs to add add
curl --location 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity/' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: X-API-KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"entity_ref": "warehouse",
"property": "metadata.codeCoverageScore",
@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ pipeline:
# Define the API endpoint and headers
url = 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity'
headers = {
- 'Harness-Account': '<+account.identifier>',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-api-key': '<+pipeline.variables.apikey>' # Replace with your actual API key
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api.md
index 1e5786c6a7b..bc324c103ac 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/catalog-ingestion/catalog-ingestion-api.md
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ POST /catalog/custom-properties/entity
X-API-KEY: Harness API Key
-Harness-Account: YOUR ACCOUNT ID
Content-Type: application/json
@@ -146,9 +145,8 @@ You can find your account ID in any of your Harness URLs, for example: `https://
curl \
--location 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"entity_ref": "boutique-service",
"property": "metadata.codeCoverageScore",
@@ -234,9 +232,8 @@ metadata:
curl \
--location 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"entity_ref": "boutique-service"
"properties": [
@@ -345,9 +342,8 @@ metadata:
curl --location 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"property": "metadata.releaseVersion",
"entity_refs": [
@@ -576,9 +572,8 @@ metadata:
curl --location 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"entity_ref": "boutique-service",
"property": "metadata.tags",
@@ -787,9 +782,8 @@ POST https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"entity_ref": "boutique-service",
"property": "metadata.teamLead"
@@ -802,9 +796,8 @@ Note that this only works for the custom properties added using the Ingestion AP
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/entity' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"entity_ref": "boutique-service",
"properties": ["metadata.teamLead", "metadata.teamOwner"]
@@ -815,9 +808,8 @@ curl --location --request DELETE 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/cust
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties/property' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"property": "metadata.releaseVersion",
"entity_refs": ["idp-service", "order-service"]
@@ -828,9 +820,8 @@ curl --location --request DELETE 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/cust
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties' \
---header 'Harness-Account: ADD_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
---header 'x-api-key: ADD_YOUR_API_KEY' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"property": "metadata.teamLead",
"filter": {
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/register-software-component.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/register-software-component.md
index 9a5ea456400..5a630642df4 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/register-software-component.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/register-software-component.md
@@ -86,9 +86,8 @@ Follow these steps to register components using the Harness Catalog API endpoint
- Follow the following cURL command with the request body to register your component. The body takes two input at present `type` and `target`.
-curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/locations' \
---header 'x-api-key: {X_API_KEY}' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}'
+curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/locations' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data-raw '{"type":"url","target":"https://github.com/harness-community/idp-samples/blob/main/catalog-info.yaml"}'
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ function usage {
while getopts a:x:u:l:h flag
case "${flag}" in
@@ -143,16 +142,16 @@ CATALOG_LOCATION_REGISTER_DATA='{"type":"url","target":"CATALOG_LOCATION_TARGET"
echo -e "\n--------"
- echo "Registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER"
+ echo "Registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_ID"
- RESULT_HTTP_CODE=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} -s --output /dev/null -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Harness-Account: ${ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}" -H "x-api-key: ${X_API_KEY}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_AUTHORIZATION}" -X POST --data "${POST_DATA}" "https://idp.harness.io/${ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/locations")
+ RESULT_HTTP_CODE=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} -s --output /dev/null -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Harness-Account: $" -H "x-api-key: ${X_API_KEY}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_AUTHORIZATION}" -X POST --data "${POST_DATA}" "https://idp.harness.io/$/idp/api/catalog/locations")
if [[ "$RESULT_HTTP_CODE" -ne 201 ]] ; then
- echo "Failed registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER"
+ echo "Failed registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_ID"
- echo "Successfully registered $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER"
+ echo "Successfully registered $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_ID"
echo "--------"
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/software-catalog.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/software-catalog.md
index c08dca9b5c6..2d6cf4c255d 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/software-catalog.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/software-catalog.md
@@ -53,9 +53,8 @@ You can access catalog APIs to retrieve software components from the catalog, re
Start by generating a Harness API Key as described in [Manage API keys](/docs/platform/automation/api/add-and-manage-api-keys). Then, by using your Harness account ID and the API Key, you can make requests to the IDP catalog APIs as follows:
-curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/locations' \
---header 'x-api-key: {X_API_KEY}' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}'
+curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/locations' \
+--header 'x-api-key: '
To learn more about the available catalog APIs supported by Backstage, go to [API](https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-catalog/software-catalog-api/).
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/dynamic-picker.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/dynamic-picker.md
index dabcfd806d9..deebebc114d 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/dynamic-picker.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/dynamic-picker.md
@@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ Endpoints targeting the `harness.io` domain should **not** be configured behind
Hit "Save Configuration" and now our backend proxy is ready to use!
-You can verify this endpoint by making requests to the `proxy` endpoint at `https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/proxy/`. For example in order to test the GitHub example above, you can make a request to
+You can verify this endpoint by making requests to the `proxy` endpoint at `https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/proxy/`. For example in order to test the GitHub example above, you can make a request to
-Here `https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/proxy/github-api/` can be seen exactly as `https://api.github.com/`. So all the endpoint paths on the GitHub API can be used after the proxy endpoint URL. You can learn more about how to consume Harness IDP APIs on our [API Docs](/docs/internal-developer-portal/api-refernces/public-api).
+Here `https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/proxy/github-api/` can be seen exactly as `https://api.github.com/`. So all the endpoint paths on the GitHub API can be used after the proxy endpoint URL. You can learn more about how to consume Harness IDP APIs on our [API Docs](/docs/internal-developer-portal/api-refernces/public-api).
### Step 2: Create the Dropdown Picker in Workflows Form
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/worflowyaml.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/worflowyaml.md
index f98928fbcd6..f92cdae9ef2 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/worflowyaml.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/worflowyaml.md
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Other secret managers are **not supported** for storing secrets with this featur
#### Referencing the **`secret`** in the **`steps`** spec:
-apiKeySecret: ${{ secretId }}
+apiKeySecret: "secretId"
Here, ```secretId``` refers to the identifier of the secret which stores the **Harness API Key**. You can retrieve this ``secretId`` from the **Harness Secret Manager**.
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ steps:
url: pipeline url
username: ${{ parameters.username }}
- apiKeySecret: ${{ secretId }}
+ apiKeySecret: "secretId"
- title: Pipeline Details
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/create-a-service.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/create-a-service.md
index 1c0d0cc44b2..c0e081b9d49 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/create-a-service.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/create-a-service.md
@@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
# Add catalog-info.yaml location to catalog
curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/<+account.identifier>/idp/api/catalog/locations' \
- --header 'x-api-key: Harness PAT' \
- --header 'Harness-Account: <+account.identifier>' \
+ --header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data-raw '{"type":"url","target":"https://github.com/<+pipeline.variables.github_org>/<+pipeline.variables.github_repo>/blob/main/catalog-info.yaml"}'
@@ -218,9 +217,8 @@ For eg: `<+pipeline.variables.project_name>` variable is pre-populated by `proje
git push --set-upstream https://oauth2:<+pipeline.variables.gitlab_token>@gitlab.com/<+pipeline.variables.gitlab_org>/<+pipeline.variables.gitlab_repo>.git main
# Add catalog-info.yaml location to catalog
- curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/ACCOUNT_ID/idp/api/catalog/locations' \
- --header 'x-api-key: Harness PAT' \
- --header 'Harness-Account: Account_ID' \
+ curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/locations' \
+ --header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data-raw '{"type":"url","target":"https://gitlab.com/<+pipeline.variables.gitlab_org>/<+pipeline.variables.gitlab_repo>/blob/main/catalog-info.yaml"}'
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/self-service-onboarding-pipeline-tutorial.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/self-service-onboarding-pipeline-tutorial.md
index 56910b5c768..aa97cf006c8 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/self-service-onboarding-pipeline-tutorial.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/flows/workflows-tutorials/self-service-onboarding-pipeline-tutorial.md
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ You can also create a new project for the service onboarding pipelines. Eventual
-You need to have completed all the [pre-requisites](#pre-requisite) for the below given YAML to work properly
+You need to have completed all the [prerequisites](#pre-requisite) for the below given YAML to work properly
-Please update the `connectorRef: ` for all the steps it's used, also here we are assuming the git provider to be GitHub please update the `connectorType` for `CreateRepo`, `DirectPush` and `RegisterCatalog` step in case it's other than GitHub. Also under the slack notify step for `token` add the token identifier, you have created above as part of pre-requisites.
+Please update the `connectorRef: ` for all the steps it's used, also here we are assuming the git provider to be GitHub please update the `connectorType` for `CreateRepo`, `DirectPush` and `RegisterCatalog` step in case it's other than GitHub. Also under the slack notify step for `token` add the token identifier, you have created above as part of prerequisites.
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/get-started/scorecard-quickstart.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/get-started/scorecard-quickstart.md
index e52d7348287..b6d7baa915f 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/get-started/scorecard-quickstart.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/get-started/scorecard-quickstart.md
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Organizations can define custom criteria for readiness, such as ensuring the pre
1. Make sure you have the [IDP Admin](https://developer.harness.io/docs/internal-developer-portal/rbac/resources-roles#1-idp-admin) or [IDP Platform Engineer](https://developer.harness.io/docs/internal-developer-portal/rbac/resources-roles#2-idp-platform-engineer) role assigned to you with permissions to view, create and edit [scorecards](https://developer.harness.io/docs/internal-developer-portal/rbac/resources-roles#1-scorecards)
-2. Register a software component following the steps mentioned [here](https://developer.harness.io/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/register-software-component), if you already have software components registered in your catalog you can move directly to creating a Scorecard. Here's an example of `catalog-info.yaml` we will be using for this tutorial.
+2. Register a software component following the steps mentioned [here](https://developer.harness.io/docs/internal-developer-portal/catalog/register-software-component). If you already have software components registered in your catalog you can move directly to creating a Scorecard. Here's an example of `catalog-info.yaml` we will be using for this tutorial.
Example YAML
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/plugins/custom-plugins/add-a-custom-plugin.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/plugins/custom-plugins/add-a-custom-plugin.md
index c7ed833e010..4b0f1b3895e 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/plugins/custom-plugins/add-a-custom-plugin.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/plugins/custom-plugins/add-a-custom-plugin.md
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ endpoints:
This configuration creates a proxy endpoint in IDP.
- `target` defines the destination server where the request will be proxies.
- `pathRewrite` is used to remove or replace parts of the path in the request URL.
-When a request is made to `https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_ID}/idp/api/proxy/github-api/`, the following happens:
-1. The target setting modifies the base URL, transforming `https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_ID}/idp/api/proxy/github-api/` into `https://api.github.com/api/proxy/github-api/`.
+When a request is made to `https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/proxy/github-api/`, the following happens:
+1. The target setting modifies the base URL, transforming `https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/proxy/github-api/` into `https://api.github.com/api/proxy/github-api/`.
2. `pathRewrite` replaces `/api/proxy/github-api/` with `/`, so the URL transforms from `https://api.github.com/api/proxy/github-api/` to `https://api.github.com/`.
11. Now in the above proxy authorization is added as a variable `SECRET_TOKEN` and the secret is stored in Harness Secret manager.
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/how-to-use-catalog-ingestion-api.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/how-to-use-catalog-ingestion-api.md
index c303ce2a402..afc7bf5e5d8 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/how-to-use-catalog-ingestion-api.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/how-to-use-catalog-ingestion-api.md
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ We have used few pipeline variables in the body, which will be used to take inpu
curl --location 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties' \
---header 'Harness-Account: <+account.identifier>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <+secrets.getValue('account.TOKEN_ID')>' \
--data '{
@@ -284,7 +283,6 @@ In the above body the openTicket which got created in JIRA will be added, to kin
20. Under **Optional Configuration** add the **Assertion** as `<+httpResponseCode>==200`.
21. Under **Headers** add the following key value pairs:
- - Harness-Account: `<+account.identifier>`
- Content-Type: `application/json`
- Accept: `*/*`
- x-api-key: `<+secrets.getValue('account.TOKEN_ID')>`, add the token ID for your API key. Get your token ID from your Profile
@@ -531,7 +529,6 @@ We have used few pipeline variables in the body, which will be used to take inpu
curl --location 'https://app.harness.io/gateway/v1/catalog/custom-properties' \
---header 'Harness-Account: <+account.identifier>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <+secrets.getValue('account.TOKEN_ID')>' \
--data '{
@@ -652,7 +649,6 @@ In the above body the openTicket which got created in JIRA will be added, to kin
20. Under **Optional Configuration** add the **Assertion** as `<+httpResponseCode>==200`.
21. Under **Headers** add the following key value pairs:
- - Harness-Account: `<+account.identifier>`
- Content-Type: `application/json`
- Accept: `*/*`
- x-api-key: `<+secrets.getValue('account.TOKEN_ID')>`, add the token ID for your API key. Get your token ID from your Profile
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/register-component-in-catalog.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/register-component-in-catalog.md
index ce867100fe9..7e536b5f8a7 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/register-component-in-catalog.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/register-component-in-catalog.md
@@ -249,9 +249,8 @@ Follow these steps to register components using the Harness Catalog API endpoint
- Follow the following cURL command with the request body to register your component. The body takes two input at present `type` and `target`.
-curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io/{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/locations' \
---header 'x-api-key: {X_API_KEY}' \
---header 'Harness-Account: {ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}'
+curl --location 'https://idp.harness.io//idp/api/catalog/locations' \
+--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data-raw '{"type":"url","target":"https://github.com/harness-community/idp-samples/blob/main/catalog-info.yaml"}'
@@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ function usage {
while getopts a:x:u:l:h flag
case "${flag}" in
@@ -306,16 +305,16 @@ CATALOG_LOCATION_REGISTER_DATA='{"type":"url","target":"CATALOG_LOCATION_TARGET"
echo -e "\n--------"
- echo "Registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER"
+ echo "Registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_ID"
- RESULT_HTTP_CODE=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} -s --output /dev/null -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Harness-Account: ${ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}" -H "x-api-key: ${X_API_KEY}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_AUTHORIZATION}" -X POST --data "${POST_DATA}" "https://idp.harness.io/${ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER}/idp/api/catalog/locations")
+ RESULT_HTTP_CODE=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} -s --output /dev/null -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Harness-Account: $" -H "x-api-key: ${X_API_KEY}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_AUTHORIZATION}" -X POST --data "${POST_DATA}" "https://idp.harness.io/$/idp/api/catalog/locations")
if [[ "$RESULT_HTTP_CODE" -ne 201 ]] ; then
- echo "Failed registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER"
+ echo "Failed registering $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_ID"
- echo "Successfully registerd $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER"
+ echo "Successfully registered $LOCATION catalog location in Harness IDP account $ACCOUNT_ID"
echo "--------"
diff --git a/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/service-onboarding-with-idp-stage.md b/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/service-onboarding-with-idp-stage.md
index 922e8b20307..02d4821dae3 100644
--- a/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/service-onboarding-with-idp-stage.md
+++ b/docs/internal-developer-portal/tutorials/service-onboarding-with-idp-stage.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ You can also create a new project for the service onboarding pipelines. Eventual
You need to have completed all the steps under **[PreRequisites](#prerequisites)** for the below given YAML to work properly
-Please update the `connectorRef: ` for all the steps it's used, also here we are assuming the git provider to be GitHub please update the `connectorType` for `CreateRepo`, `DirectPush` and `RegisterCatalog` step in case it's other than GitHub. Also under the slack notify step for `token` add the token identifier, you have created above as part of pre-requisites.
+Please update the `connectorRef: ` for all the steps it's used, also here we are assuming the git provider to be GitHub please update the `connectorType` for `CreateRepo`, `DirectPush` and `RegisterCatalog` step in case it's other than GitHub. Also under the slack notify step for `token` add the token identifier, you have created above as part of prerequisites.
diff --git a/docs/platform/approvals/adding-harness-approval-stages.md b/docs/platform/approvals/adding-harness-approval-stages.md
index 22bc055fa1e..7992b11a840 100644
--- a/docs/platform/approvals/adding-harness-approval-stages.md
+++ b/docs/platform/approvals/adding-harness-approval-stages.md
@@ -295,12 +295,6 @@ For example, in a subsequent step's **Conditional Execution** settings, you coul
You can now specify allowed values for the **Manual Approval** step.
-Currently, allowed values for custom approval inputs is behind the feature flag `CDS_ENABLE_CONSTRAINTS_ON_APPROVAL_INPUTS`. Contact [Harness Support](mailto:support@harness.io) to enable the feature.
Here's an example YAML file showcasing various configurations you can use for allowed values.
#### YAML Example
diff --git a/docs/platform/connectors/cloud-providers/ref-cloud-providers/aws-connector-settings-reference.md b/docs/platform/connectors/cloud-providers/ref-cloud-providers/aws-connector-settings-reference.md
index 3ec9edcccf5..cce8faf2002 100644
--- a/docs/platform/connectors/cloud-providers/ref-cloud-providers/aws-connector-settings-reference.md
+++ b/docs/platform/connectors/cloud-providers/ref-cloud-providers/aws-connector-settings-reference.md
@@ -743,16 +743,7 @@ For more strategies, go to [Exponential Backoff And Jitter](https://aws.amazon.c
Limitations |
- OIDC Deployment Support |
- The following deployments are not supported using the OIDC connector:
- - AWS Serverless Lambda deployments
- |
OIDC Plugin-based Support |
@@ -789,18 +780,6 @@ For more strategies, go to [Exponential Backoff And Jitter](https://aws.amazon.c
- OIDC Manifest and Artifact Support |
- The following artifact and manifest sources are not supported using the OIDC connector:
- - AMI Artifact
- - ECR Artifact
- - S3 Artifact
- - S3 Manifest
- |
diff --git a/docs/platform/delegates/manage-delegates/select-delegates-with-selectors.md b/docs/platform/delegates/manage-delegates/select-delegates-with-selectors.md
index d2f802b00a6..ac019bbeb9f 100644
--- a/docs/platform/delegates/manage-delegates/select-delegates-with-selectors.md
+++ b/docs/platform/delegates/manage-delegates/select-delegates-with-selectors.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ helpdocs_is_private: false
helpdocs_is_published: true
-Harness runs tasks by using Harness Delegate to connect your environment to resources. Harness selects the best delegate based on previous use or round-robin selection. For more information, go to [How Harness Manager picks delegates](/docs/platform/delegates/delegate-concepts/delegate-overview.md#how-harness-manager-picks-delegates).
+Harness runs tasks by using Harness Delegate to connect your environment to resources. Harness selects the best delegate based on the current number of tasks getting executed on delegates, delegate executing the least number of tasks will be selected first. For more information, go to [How Harness Manager picks delegates](/docs/platform/delegates/delegate-concepts/delegate-overview.md#how-harness-manager-picks-delegates).
In some cases, you might want Harness to select specific delegates. In these cases, you can use the **Delegate Selector** settings in pipelines, connectors, and so on, with corresponding delegate tags.
diff --git a/docs/platform/git-experience/git-experience-overview.md b/docs/platform/git-experience/git-experience-overview.md
index 2008043f693..434f22e0b85 100644
--- a/docs/platform/git-experience/git-experience-overview.md
+++ b/docs/platform/git-experience/git-experience-overview.md
@@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ You can save the following Harness resources in Git using Harness Git Experience
* Services
* Environment
* Infrastructure Definitions
-* Policies
+* OPA Policies
+:::info note
+Support of Git Experience for OPA policies is behind the FF `OPA_IMPORT_FROM_GIT`. Please contact [Harness Support](mailto:support@harness.io) to enable this feature.
:::info note
diff --git a/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/add-a-governance-policy-step-to-a-pipeline.md b/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/add-a-governance-policy-step-to-a-pipeline.md
index 9b7e13a7c83..61f9bbddce6 100644
--- a/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/add-a-governance-policy-step-to-a-pipeline.md
+++ b/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/add-a-governance-policy-step-to-a-pipeline.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ helpdocs_is_published: true
You can enforce policies in two ways:
-- **Account, Org, and** **Project-specific:** you can create the policy and apply it to all Pipelines in your Account, Org, and Project. The policy is evaluated on Pipeline-level events like On Run and On Save. Go to [Harness Governance Quickstart](/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/harness-governance-quickstart).
+- **Account, Org, and** **Project-specific:** you can create the policy and apply it to all Pipelines in your Account, Org, and Project. The policy is evaluated on Pipeline-level events like On Run, On Save and On Step Start. Go to [Harness Governance Quickstart](/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/harness-governance-quickstart).
- **Stage-specific:** you can add a Policy step, add a new/existing Policy Set to it, and then provide a JSON payload to evaluate.
- The policy is evaluated whenever the Pipeline reaches the Policy step.
- Policy evaluation can be performed on data generated when the Pipeline is running, such as resolved expressions.
@@ -206,6 +206,127 @@ As you can see in the above **Policy** step, in **Payload**, we reference the ou
Now when we run the Pipeline, the Policy Step will evaluate the JSON in Payload and see that it passes.
+### Runtime Inputs Evaluation
+:::info note
+Currently, this feature is behind the feature flag `PIPE_IS_PRE_STEP_OPA_POLICY_EVALUATION_ENABLED`. Contact [Harness Support](mailto:support@harness.io) to enable the feature.
+Runtime inputs are evaluated when the step starts. Consider the following example:
+package shellscript
+is_docker_delegate_present {
+ some i
+ input.spec.delegateSelectors[i].delegateSelectors != "docker-delegate"
+deny[message] {
+ is_docker_delegate_present
+ message = "Usage of delegate other than 'docker-delegate' is not allowed."
+Pipeline YAML:
+ name: PipelineOPA
+ identifier: PipelineOPA
+ projectIdentifier: Krishika_test
+ orgIdentifier: default
+ stages:
+ - stage:
+ name: s1
+ identifier: s1
+ type: Custom
+ spec:
+ execution:
+ steps:
+ - step:
+ type: ShellScript
+ name: ShellScript_1
+ identifier: ShellScript_1
+ spec:
+ shell: Bash
+ delegateSelectors:
+ - <+pipeline.variables.Delegate_selector>
+ timeout: 10m
+ variables:
+ - name: Delegate_selector
+ type: String
+ required: true
+ value: <+input>
+Let's suppose we give input value test-delegate, the evaluation will fail, and the JSON payload received will be:
+ "identifier": "ShellScript_1",
+ "metadata": {
+ "action": "onstepstart",
+ "principalIdentifier": "",
+ "principalType": "",
+ "projectMetadata": {
+ "description": "",
+ "identifier": "Krishika_test",
+ "modules": [
+ "CD",
+ "CI",
+ "CV",
+ "CF",
+ "CE",
+ "STO",
+ "CHAOS",
+ "SRM",
+ "IACM",
+ "CET",
+ "IDP",
+ "CODE",
+ "SSCA",
+ "CORE",
+ "PMS",
+ "SEI",
+ "HAR"
+ ],
+ "name": "Krishika_test",
+ "orgIdentifier": "default",
+ "tags": {}
+ },
+ "timestamp": 1739868956,
+ "type": "pipeline"
+ },
+ "name": "ShellScript_1",
+ "spec": {
+ "delegateSelectors": [
+ {
+ "delegateSelectors": "test-delegate",
+ "origin": "step"
+ }
+ ],
+ "environmentVariables": {},
+ "executionTarget": {},
+ "outputVariables": {},
+ "secretOutputVariables": [],
+ "shell": "Bash",
+ "source": {
+ "spec": {
+ "script": "sleep 10"
+ },
+ "type": "Inline",
+ "uuid": "Qo-zXU4STBehlORMY3po_A"
+ }
+ },
+ "timeout": "10m",
+ "type": "ShellScript",
+ "uuid": "bjlvBvxVS0qWkEO3vEMHzg"
### Policy Step Expressions
You can use the following Harness expressions to output Policy Step status in a [Shell Script](/docs/continuous-delivery/x-platform-cd-features/cd-steps/utilities/shell-script-step) step:
diff --git a/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/add-a-governance-policy-step-to-a-service-account.md b/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/add-a-governance-policy-step-to-a-service-account.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ff683564888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/add-a-governance-policy-step-to-a-service-account.md
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+title: Use Harness Policy As Code for Service Account.
+description: Describes steps to add policies to Service Account.
+sidebar_position: 6
+helpdocs_topic_id: 4kuokatvyw
+helpdocs_category_id: zoc8fpiifm
+helpdocs_is_private: false
+helpdocs_is_published: true
+Harness provides governance using Open Policy Agent (OPA), Policy Management, and Rego policies.
+You can create a policy and apply it to all [Service Accounts](../../role-based-access-control/add-and-manage-service-account). The policy is evaluated during Service account-level events, such as 'On Save,' which happens when a Service account is created or updated. For more details, check out the [Harness Governance Quickstart](/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/harness-governance-quickstart).
+### Prerequisites
+* [Harness Governance Overview](/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/harness-governance-overview)
+* [Harness Governance Quickstart](/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/harness-governance-quickstart)
+* Policies use OPA authoring language Rego. For more information, go to [OPA Policy Authoring](https://academy.styra.com/courses/opa-rego).
+### Step 1: Add a Policy
+1. In Harness, go to **Account Settings** → **Policies** → **New Policy**.
+2. The **New Policy** settings will appear.
+ Enter a **Name** for your policy → click **Apply**.
+3. Next, add your Rego policy.
+ For example, add a policy to prevent users from creating a service account with names having "success" in it, like 'pipeline-success' or 'successfuldeploy' and so on.
+ ```
+ package opaexamplepolicy
+ deny[msg] {
+ contains(input.serviceAccount.name, "success")
+ #input.serviceAccount.name == "word"
+ msg = sprintf("CONTAINS Service account name '%s' contains the forbidden word 'success'.", [input.serviceAccount.name])
+ }
+ ```
+ click **Save**
+### Step 2: Add the Policy to a Policy Set
+After creating your policy, add it to a Policy Set before applying it to your Service Account.
+1. In **Policies**, click **Policy Sets** .
+2. Click **New Policy Set**, Enter a **Name** and **Description** for the Policy Set.
+ In **Entity type**, select **Service Account**.
+ In **On what event should the Policy Set be evaluated**, select **On save.** → **Continue**.
+ :::note Important
+ Existing service accounts are not automatically updated with policies. Policies are applied only when they are created or updated.
+ :::
+### Step 3: Select Policy evaluation criteria
+1. Click **Add Policy** in **Policy evaluation criteria**.
+ Select the policy from the list.
+2. Choose the severity and action for policy violations.
+ You can select one of the following
+ * **Warn & continue** - You will receive a warning if the policy is not met when the Service Account is evaluated, but the Service Account will be saved and you may proceed.
+ * **Error and exit** - You'll get an error and be exited without saving the Service Account if the policy isn't met when the Service Account is examined.
+ Click **Apply**, and then click **Finish**.
+### Step 4: Policy Enforcement.
+1. Now, your Policy Set is automatically set to Enforced, to make it unenforced, toggle off the **Enforced** button.
+### Step 5: Apply a Policy to a Service Account
+- After creating your Policy Set and adding policies, apply it to a service account.
+ You can add a [Service Account](/docs/platform/role-based-access-control/add-and-manage-service-account/#create-a-service-account) from any module in your Project in Project setup, or in your Organization, or Account Resources.
+1. "Go to **Account Settings** → **Access Control** → **Service Account**
+ click **New Service Account**.
+ Try using a name denied by your policy, e.g., **"successfuldeploy"**."
+ Based on your selection in the Policy Evaluation criteria, you will either receive a warning or an error.
+### Explore More on Harness Policy as code.
+* [Harness Policy As Code Overview](/docs/feature-flags/troubleshoot-ff/harness-policy-engine)
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@@ -162,12 +162,19 @@ Soon, policies can be applied to more entities, such as Connectors, Services, En
### Pipelines
+:::info note
+Currently, **On Step Start** pipeline event is behind the feature flag `PIPE_IS_PRE_STEP_OPA_POLICY_EVALUATION_ENABLED`. Contact [Harness Support](mailto:support@harness.io) to enable the feature.
Policies are evaluated against Harness Pipelines. The input payload is an expanded version of the Pipeline YAML, including expanded references of stages/steps.
Policy Sets can be configured to be enforced automatically on these Pipeline events:
* **On Save:** Policies are evaluated when the Pipeline is saved.
* **On Run:** Policy sets are evaluated after the preflight checks.
+* **On Step Start:** Policy sets are evaluated when the step execution starts.
diff --git a/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/sample-policy-use-case.md b/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/sample-policy-use-case.md
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+++ b/docs/platform/governance/policy-as-code/sample-policy-use-case.md
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ This topic provides sample policies you can use in policy steps and on pipeline-
- [Policy samples](#policy-samples)
+ - [Root policy samples](#root-policy-samples)
+ - [Evaluate secrets in pipeline and only allow secrets that are at the account level](#evaluate-secrets-in-pipeline-and-only-allow-secrets-that-are-at-the-account-level)
- [Connector policy samples](#connector-policy-samples)
- [Enforce authorization type while configuring a Kubernetes connector](#enforce-authorization-type-while-configuring-a-kubernetes-connector)
- [Enforce access control for a specific connector at runtime while configuring the pipeline](#enforce-access-control-for-a-specific-connector-at-runtime-while-configuring-the-pipeline)
@@ -64,6 +66,29 @@ This topic provides sample policies you can use in policy steps and on pipeline-
## Policy samples
+### Root policy samples
+* [Evaluate secrets in pipeline and only allow secrets that are at the account level](#evaluate-secrets-in-pipeline-and-only-allow-secrets-that-are-at-the-account-level)
+#### Evaluate secrets in pipeline and only allow secrets that are at the account level
+This rule is set in place to ensure the pipeline yaml does not include secrets at the project level, but will allow secrets at the account level.
+package policy
+# Rule to check if any value in the input contains the secret substring
+has_secret_value {
+ walk(input, [_, value])
+ is_string(value)
+ contains(value, "<+secrets.getValue")
+ not contains(value,"<+secrets.getValue(\"account.")
+# Main denial rule
+deny[msg] {
+ has_secret_value
+ msg := "Found potentially sensitive value containing 'secret.getValues' in the input"
### Connector policy samples
* [Enforce authorization type while configuring a Kubernetes connector](#enforce-authorization-type-while-configuring-a-kubernetes-connector)
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+title: Customize Discovery Agent
+sidebar_position: 3
+This topic describes how to create a discovery agent and configure it to discover services, edit it, and delete it.
+### Create Discovery Agent
+1. Navigate to **Project Settings** and select **Discovery**.
+2. Click **New Discovery Agent**.
+3. Specify the following variables:
+ - **Environment** (this is created earlier, and is the place where you install infrastructure)
+ - **Infrastructure** (this is created earlier, where your target cluster is housed).
+ - Specify **Discovery Agent Name**.
+ - For the **Namespace**, provide the dedicated namespace you created in your target cluster for Harness. This is the namespace where Harness runs chaos runners, discovers services and executes chaos experiments.
+4. Select one of the following based on your requirement.
+ - **Namespace Selector**: Selects one or more namespaces based on [level selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/).
+ - **Exclusion**: Select this option to avoid Harness from discovering certain namespaces. Provide the name of the namespaces to be excluded.
+ - **Inclusion**: Select this option to allow Harness to discover specific namespaces. Provide the name of the namespaces to be included.
+5. If your cluster control plane node has a taint, **Add Node Selector** so that Harness launches its pod only on the worker nodes.
+6. Populate the **Use this Service Account** field with the Service Account name that you created in the dedicated namespace in your target cluster for Harness.
+7. Click **Create New Discovery Agent** on the top right corner of the page.
+### Edit Discovery Agent
+1. To edit a discovery agent, navigate to the agent (that you created earlier) and click **Edit**. Make the necessary changes to the required fields.
+2. Select **Update Discovery Agent**.
+### Delete Discovery Agent
+1. To delete a discovery agent, navigate to the agent you want to delete and select **Delete**.
+2. Select **Delete**.
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diff --git a/docs/platform/service-discovery/service-discovery.md b/docs/platform/service-discovery/service-discovery.md
index a07b7534f0f..4b88c556cc9 100644
--- a/docs/platform/service-discovery/service-discovery.md
+++ b/docs/platform/service-discovery/service-discovery.md
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-id: service-discovery
sidebar_position: 1
title: Service Discovery
@@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ You can leverage all the [permissions mentioned](/docs/chaos-engineering/securit
When you are onboarding, one of the steps involves discovering services. Harness creates the discovery agent that automatically discovers services for your application.
-If you want to customize the discovery agent, follow the steps below.
+## Next Steps
-### Customize discovery agent
-1. To customize the discovery agent, navigate to **Project Settings** and select **Discovery**.
-2. Click **New Discovery Agent**.
-3. Select an **environment**, **infrastructure**, **Discovery Agent Name** and **namespace**. The next step (optional) requires information such as node selector, blacklisted namespaces, and period of detecting the services. Select **Create New Discovery Agent**.
-### Edit discovery agent
-1. To edit a discovery agent, navigate to the agent and click **Edit**. Make the necessary changes to the required fields.
-2. Select **Update Discovery Agent**.
-### Delete discovery agent
-1. To delete a discovery agent, navigate to the agent you want to delete and select **Delete**.
-2. Select **Delete**.
\ No newline at end of file
+- [Customize Discovery Agent](/docs/platform/service-discovery/customize-agent)
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/platform/service-discovery/static/customize-agent/discovery.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/chaos-engineering/use-harness-ce/service-discovery/static/select-agent.png
rename to docs/platform/service-discovery/static/customize-agent/select-agent.png
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diff --git a/docs/platform/service-discovery/user-defined-service-account.md b/docs/platform/service-discovery/user-defined-service-account.md
index bc8cb26ea9e..23361876f0b 100644
--- a/docs/platform/service-discovery/user-defined-service-account.md
+++ b/docs/platform/service-discovery/user-defined-service-account.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Restrict Discovery to Specific Namespace(s)
-sidebar_position: 3
+sidebar_position: 5
description: Restrict Discovery to Single and Multiple Namespaces.
- /docs/chaos-engineering/concepts/explore-concepts/service-discovery/user-defined-service-account
diff --git a/docs/security-testing-orchestration/sto-techref-category/snyk/snyk-scanner-reference.md b/docs/security-testing-orchestration/sto-techref-category/snyk/snyk-scanner-reference.md
index cede77ec467..f8930422f46 100644
--- a/docs/security-testing-orchestration/sto-techref-category/snyk/snyk-scanner-reference.md
+++ b/docs/security-testing-orchestration/sto-techref-category/snyk/snyk-scanner-reference.md
@@ -216,36 +216,98 @@ import StoSettingSettings from '../shared/step_palette/all/_settings.md';
-### Show original issue severities overridden by Snyk security policies
+## Show original issue severities overridden by Snyk security policies
-You can configure a Snyk step to show the original score when a [Snyk Enterprise security policy](https://docs.snyk.io/enterprise-configuration/policies/security-policies) overrode the severity for an issue coming from the `snyk` CLI. You can see this information in **Issue Details**.
+Harness originally will categorize a scan utilizing the CVSS scores that are provided, and using it to categorize vulnerabilities into **Critical, High, Medium, and Low** categories
+With the Snyk Step, or a [Custom Scan Step](https://developer.harness.io/docs/security-testing-orchestration/custom-scanning/custom-scan-reference/) utilizing a self installed Snyk runner, you can configure Harness to utilize the severity scores in a [Snyk Enterprise security policy](https://docs.snyk.io/enterprise-configuration/policies/security-policies), and provide an override severity for an issue. This can be adjusted from your Snyk results, or it can also come from the `snyk` CLI. You can see this information in **Issue Details**.
-This feature is supported for `snyk container` and `snyk test` JSON output that properly reflects an override.
-To enable this behavior, add the setting `ingest_tool_severity` and set it to `true` in the Snyk ingestion step. With this setting enabled, the Snyk step processes the relevant data for issues with overridden severities.
+Harness will also display the information that the severity was overriden, and the original score, so long as the report follows the Snyk required format
+This feature is supported for `snyk container` and `snyk test` JSON output that properly reflects an override.
+### Requirement
+- [STO Plugin version 1.56.x or higher](https://hub.docker.com/r/harness/sto-plugin/tags)
+### JSON Output Format
+Please note that the override format must follow the Snyk documented process, such as [in the following Snyk example.](https://docs.snyk.io/supported-languages-package-managers-and-frameworks/c-c++/snyk-cli-for-open-source-c++-scans)
+The formatting should contain the following:
+- A value, `originalSeverity`, needs to be defined, and should contain the original severity value
+- The `severity` value can now be defined with the new severity value. Below is a portion of an adjusted vulnerability sample:
+ "vulnerabilities": [
+ {
+ "id": "SNYK-JS-POSTCSS-5926692",
+ "title": "Improper Input Validation",
+ "CVSSv3": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N",
+ "credit": [
+ "Unknown"
+ ],
+ "semver": {
+ "vulnerable": [
+ "<8.4.31"
+ ]
+ },
+ "exploit": "Not Defined",
+ "fixedIn": [
+ "8.4.31"
+ ],
+ "patches": [],
+ "insights": {
+ "triageAdvice": null
+ },
+ "language": "js",
+ "severity": "critical",
+ "originalSeverity": "medium",
+ "cvssScore": 5.3,
+ "functions": [],
+ "malicious": false,
+ "isDisputed": false,
+ "moduleName": "postcss",
+ [...]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### Enable Severity Override
+To enable this behavior, add the setting `ingest_tool_severity` and set it to `true` in the Snyk ingestion step or Custom Scan Step. With this setting enabled, the Snyk step processes the relevant data for issues with overridden severities.
+ Add `ingest_tool_severity` to Snyk step keys
+ Add `ingest_tool_severity` to Custom Scan step keys
- ``` yaml
- - step:
- type: Snyk
- spec:
- settings:
- ingest_tool_severity: "true"
- ```
+ **Snyk Step Declaration**
+ ``` yaml
+ - step:
+ type: Snyk
+ spec:
+ settings:
+ ingest_tool_severity: "true"
+ ```
+ **Custom Scan Step Declaration**
+ ``` yaml
+ - step:
+ type: Security
+ spec:
+ settings:
+ ingest_tool_severity: "true"
+ ```