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Workshop 1

1. State Model

#State Model

  • 8-Puzzle
    • State space S
      • a set of all unique-sequenced array[0..8] of 0..8 indicating the digit on each position in the frame, with 0 representing the missing tile
    • Initial state s_0 ∈ S
    • Set of goal states S_G ⊆ S
      • S_G = {[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0]}
    • Applicable actions function A(s) for each state s ∈ S

        A(s) = { <s, s'> | s' = s.swap(s.indexof(0), s.indexof(0)-1) /\ s,s' ∈ S }
        ∪ { <s, s'> | s' = s.swap(s.indexof(0), s.indexof(0)+1) /\ s,s' ∈ S }
        ∪ { <s, s'> | s' = s.swap(s.indexof(0), s.indexof(0)-3) /\ s,s' ∈ S }
        ∪ { <s, s'> | s' = s.swap(s.indexof(0), s.indexof(0)+3) /\ s,s' ∈ S }
    • Transition function f(s, a) for s ∈ S and a ∈ A(s)
      • f(s, <s, s'>) = s'
    • Cost of each action c(a, s) for s ∈ S and a ∈ A(s)
      • c(a, s) = 1 for s ∈ S and a ∈ A(s)
  • Travelling Salesman Problem
    • Consider a set of cities V to visit in any order, a starting city location v_start , and a set of edges E specifying if there’s an edge from two cities <v, v'>
      • State space S
        • S = { <v_current, V_current> | v_current ∈ V, V_current ⊆ V }
      • Initial state s_0 ∈ S
        • if needing to return to the first city
          • s_0 = <v_start, V>
          • or s_0 = <v_start, {}>
        • if not needing to return to the first city
          • s_0 = <v_start, V - {v_start}>
          • or s_0 = <v_start, {v_start}>
      • Set of goal states S_G ⊆ S
        • { <v, {}> | v ∈ V }
        • or { <v, V> | v ∈ V }
      • Applicable actions function A(s) for each state s ∈ S
        • A(s) = { <v, v'> | <v, v'> ∈ E }
      • Transition function f(s, a) for s ∈ S and a ∈ A(s)
        • f(<v_current, V_current>, <v_current, v'>) = <v', V_current - {v'}>
        • or f(<v_current, V_current>, <v_current, v'>) = <v', V_current ∪ {v'}>
      • Cost of each action c(a, s) for s ∈ S and a ∈ A(s)

2. Heuristic Search

#Heuristic search 启发式搜索

  • Is h admissible?
    • yes
      • h (s_1) = 4 < h* (s_1) = 6
      • h (s_2) = 3 < h* (s_2) = 5
      • h (s_3) = 5 < h* (s_3) = 10
      • h (s_4) = 3 < h* (s_4) = 5
      • h (s_5) = 2 < h* (s_5) = 3
      • h (s_6) = 2 < h* (s_6) = 4
      • h (s_7) = 0 <= h* (s_7) = 0
  • Is h consistent?
    • yes
      • h(s_1) - h(s_2) = 1 < 2
      • h(s_1) - h(s_3) = -1 < 2
      • h(s_1) - h(s_4) = 1 <= 1
      • h(s_2) - h(s_5) = 1 < 2
      • h(s_3) - h(s_7) = 5 < 10
      • h(s_4) - h(s_6) = 1 <= 1
      • h(s_5) - h(s_7) = 2 < 3
      • h(s_6) - h(s_7) = 2 < 4
  • iterations
    • iteration 1
      • OPEN
        • n_1 = <s_1, 4, 0, nil>
    • iteration 2
      • OPEN
        • n_2 = <s_2, 5, 2, s_1>
        • n_3 = <s_3, 7, 2, s_1>
        • n_4 = <s_4, 4, 1, s_1>
      • CLOSED
        • n_1 = <s_1, 4, 0, nil>
    • iteration 3
      • OPEN
        • n_2 = <s_2, 5, 2, s_1>
        • n_3 = <s_3, 7, 2, s_1>
        • n_5 = <s_6, 4, 2, s_4>
      • CLOSED
        • n_1 = <s_1, 4, 0, nil>
        • n_4 = <s_4, 4, 1, s_1>
    • iteration 4
      • OPEN
        • n_2 = <s_2, 5, 2, s_1>
        • n_3 = <s_3, 7, 2, s_1>
        • n_6 = <s_7, 6, 6, s_6>
      • CLOSED
        • n_1 = <s_1, 4, 0, nil>
        • n_4 = <s_4, 4, 1, s_1>
        • n_5 = <s_6, 4, 2, s_4>
    • iteration 5
      • OPEN
        • n_3 = <s_3, 7, 2, s_1>
        • n_6 = <s_7, 6, 6, s_6>
        • n_7 = <s_5, 6, 4, s_2>
      • CLOSED
        • n_1 = <s_1, 4, 0, nil>
        • n_4 = <s_4, 4, 1, s_1>
        • n_5 = <s_6, 4, 2, s_4>
        • n_2 = <s_2, 5, 2, s_1>
    • iteration 6
      • OPEN
        • n_3 = <s_3, 7, 2, s_1>
        • n_7 = <s_5, 6, 4, s_2>
      • CLOSED
        • n_1 = <s_1, 4, 0, nil>
        • n_4 = <s_4, 4, 1, s_1>
        • n_5 = <s_6, 4, 2, s_4>
        • n_2 = <s_2, 5, 2, s_1>
        • n_6 = <s_7, 6, 6, s_6>
  • path
    • s_1 -> s_4 -> s_6 -> s_7
  • Is this the optimal plan? Has the algorithm proved this?
    • yes, as h is admissible. If there is a cheapest path then it should have already been expanded due to its smaller f value