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Case #1: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: aphorisms befit obituary corvette reynard acceleration darlington twaddle ilk leakage bruising gesticulation minutiae shad underwear oman aberrations percussion jowl wrongdoing temperamental hundredweight clout misanthropy characterise aliment tabooed hessian begrudge educator weathercock boa scud dour dolt hallow inelegant uncritical mutation ringleader pestle hub incorporeal distil gashed tardily gib vagina intermixture denudation zeppelin prosy pickpocket tapioca judicature specter ravenously ofries oriole ravish wildfire vats python canticles zebra aria spoor sardinian phantasy caitiff malleable disconcert importune backgammon pigtail leicestershire meddlesome eucalyptus betaken bern incubation hussar smudge seraphic averil separable tourism ion siliceous factotum extradition teamster duality agnostic godson somersault modem.
Case #2: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: vagina denudation hub twaddle eucalyptus uncritical leicestershire percussion smudge factotum vituperation sear malleable underwear siliceous leakage tapioca teamster canticles distil tourism caitiff backgammon gib hundredweight disconcert clout mutation duality importune zeppelin seraphic python oriole boa ravish specter phantasy wildfire darlington betaken aliment bern extradition wrongdoing sardinian agnostic vats hessian scud modem ringleader dolt intermixture reynard ofries misanthropy aria pickpocket shad corvette judicature inelegant educator gesticulation zebra prosy gashed tabooed ion pestle incubation pigtail jowl tardily acceleration landlocked minutiae ilk aberrations characterise temperamental bruising averil spoor ravenously begrudge hallow somersault incorporeal separable oman meddlesome obituary befit aphorisms.
Case #3: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hub sardinian judicature sear leicestershire minutiae separable zebra specter siliceous agnostic tapioca hussar smudge modem tourism corvette godson reynard pickpocket scud teamster meddlesome zeppelin underwear tardily begrudge vagina obituary backgammon.
Case #4: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: gesticulation gib canticles sear seraphic zeppelin teamster backgammon underwear reynard vats minutiae spoor uncritical hessian disconcert godson temperamental ringleader judicature agnostic.
Case #5: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: malleable specter phantasy minutiae jowl reynard hub gib landlocked bern ofries weathercock dolt extradition uncritical aberrations tardily corvette smudge twaddle averil disconcert zebra incubation inelegant darlington hundredweight denudation percussion zeppelin backgammon characterise tapioca oman wrongdoing ilk wildfire ravish leicestershire obituary educator modem distil sardinian factotum boa underwear meddlesome vats ravenously teamster intermixture siliceous gashed bruising pigtail aliment somersault agnostic pickpocket ion dour spoor duality eucalyptus temperamental ringleader leakage clout gesticulation sear shad canticles betaken vagina hallow judicature acceleration tabooed.
Case #6: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: inelegant boa hussar percussion zebra tapioca ravenously uncritical oriole darlington reynard spoor landlocked zeppelin intermixture duality specter aria eucalyptus wildfire incorporeal bern begrudge bruising dolt smudge gashed hundredweight ofries.
Case #7: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hussar pickpocket befit gashed hundredweight factotum bern minutiae oman landlocked characterise inelegant acceleration importune spoor.
Case #8: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: importune specter aberrations characterise eucalyptus percussion aphorisms prosy incubation landlocked ofries ilk duality siliceous modem misanthropy seraphic tabooed ringleader dour uncritical minutiae hessian smudge factotum zebra wrongdoing shad meddlesome obituary ravish disconcert hub judicature separable ion malleable intermixture zeppelin tourism scud educator acceleration vituperation vagina boa python darlington reynard averil hundredweight oman extradition bruising spoor godson gesticulation corvette denudation.
Case #9: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: educator importune judicature duality gashed python jowl.
Case #10: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: seraphic clout pigtail gashed dolt reynard inelegant vats meddlesome percussion misanthropy characterise incubation godson minutiae importune ion scud backgammon sear averil phantasy gib distil extradition specter befit corvette weathercock vagina ravish duality canticles judicature tapioca factotum teamster boa pickpocket malleable somersault intermixture darlington denudation hub separable temperamental oriole tourism siliceous aphorisms zeppelin ravenously dour ringleader bruising tabooed eucalyptus caitiff acceleration hessian gesticulation python vituperation pestle agnostic betaken uncritical sardinian disconcert hussar begrudge spoor twaddle prosy oman zebra.
Case #11: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: dour phantasy gib betaken temperamental hallow seraphic jowl hub agnostic vagina scud inelegant pestle aria corvette twaddle caitiff disconcert characterise somersault hessian oriole siliceous mutation extradition hussar ofries zeppelin canticles bern specter educator tapioca spoor wrongdoing sardinian weathercock percussion obituary pigtail vats aphorisms landlocked.
Case #12: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: duality prosy hussar ion hub agnostic phantasy.
Case #13: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: befit judicature hundredweight dolt obituary leicestershire landlocked factotum pigtail bern dour acceleration aphorisms underwear vituperation ofries teamster godson aliment tourism pestle gesticulation darlington seraphic incubation hussar extradition backgammon ravenously wildfire boa ilk betaken somersault vagina distil reynard modem gashed hallow prosy weathercock uncritical oriole canticles gib characterise meddlesome scud wrongdoing tardily spoor.
Case #14: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ravenously disconcert tourism corvette denudation gesticulation specter caitiff oman tardily underwear shad inelegant gib pigtail factotum ringleader leakage vats betaken leicestershire characterise bruising spoor darlington seraphic canticles somersault zebra ofries ion oriole percussion wrongdoing boa meddlesome vituperation dolt gashed acceleration importune backgammon hallow pestle distil ravish eucalyptus twaddle separable wildfire judicature hundredweight reynard vagina hessian incorporeal sardinian aphorisms zeppelin mutation weathercock prosy duality aria aliment phantasy averil ilk incubation teamster tabooed malleable educator smudge hussar scud clout sear python befit.
Case #15: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: importune incubation tapioca obituary ravenously somersault godson canticles begrudge vagina agnostic denudation tourism reynard incorporeal hessian acceleration zebra spoor temperamental aphorisms weathercock twaddle backgammon ravish minutiae averil ilk sear uncritical hundredweight distil gesticulation wrongdoing boa oman siliceous aberrations dour sardinian underwear eucalyptus separable factotum hallow phantasy aria characterise landlocked dolt smudge pestle jowl intermixture.
Case #16: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: pestle vagina hessian misanthropy eucalyptus vats denudation begrudge agnostic ringleader tapioca oman leicestershire temperamental jowl shad meddlesome bruising ilk boa ion backgammon factotum smudge percussion wildfire pigtail canticles python twaddle educator uncritical wrongdoing characterise teamster caitiff aberrations sardinian incubation pickpocket averil phantasy sear godson hallow obituary reynard inelegant corvette.
Case #17: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: zeppelin denudation hallow boa smudge sardinian hessian incorporeal oman acceleration educator tapioca duality disconcert corvette vagina minutiae distil seraphic sear tabooed zebra phantasy incubation befit hussar aphorisms intermixture shad extradition ravenously begrudge modem ilk hundredweight separable teamster mutation aliment gashed inelegant percussion jowl siliceous malleable canticles ion darlington python characterise caitiff godson bruising backgammon dour vituperation gib ofries ravish agnostic pigtail reynard gesticulation importune leakage clout tardily aberrations hub twaddle eucalyptus ringleader dolt prosy leicestershire factotum scud underwear specter aria.
Case #18: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ilk begrudge ringleader pigtail ravenously malleable phantasy denudation darlington separable teamster weathercock incubation clout backgammon aliment zebra hundredweight dolt dour judicature befit agnostic ravish hub modem somersault spoor reynard boa inelegant.
Case #19: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: aphorisms acceleration sardinian reynard canticles vituperation eucalyptus corvette pigtail intermixture misanthropy minutiae leakage oman godson obituary aberrations importune befit ravish meddlesome begrudge bern incubation darlington ilk ravenously duality gib wildfire ion educator zeppelin percussion caitiff somersault hallow extradition.
Case #20: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: reynard specter incubation pestle averil acceleration scud underwear factotum oman gib aphorisms distil weathercock tourism landlocked hundredweight malleable aria uncritical wrongdoing obituary bern boa python caitiff aliment darlington percussion gashed tabooed begrudge sardinian meddlesome canticles ilk educator denudation dolt siliceous separable hussar backgammon hessian ofries twaddle modem wildfire seraphic duality godson extradition zebra disconcert vituperation jowl ravish hub mutation eucalyptus aberrations shad hallow characterise ringleader pickpocket.
Case #21: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hundredweight uncritical averil mutation dour aliment obituary misanthropy betaken wildfire inelegant tardily clout vituperation temperamental boa hussar wrongdoing meddlesome sardinian hub agnostic ravish smudge disconcert separable importune somersault duality teamster scud extradition tabooed tourism distil hessian corvette aria gashed incubation educator leakage pigtail dolt vagina vats godson factotum aberrations oriole percussion eucalyptus acceleration gib ion hallow ofries gesticulation backgammon oman siliceous judicature begrudge weathercock reynard leicestershire python caitiff incorporeal characterise zebra denudation shad prosy malleable twaddle landlocked ravenously jowl seraphic bruising darlington ilk.
Case #22: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: eucalyptus.
Case #23: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: modem tourism aberrations uncritical reynard shad clout underwear begrudge separable intermixture ilk percussion characterise leicestershire backgammon oman factotum misanthropy judicature scud somersault smudge extradition zebra importune spoor ravenously minutiae distil sear vituperation pestle leakage betaken meddlesome specter hussar incorporeal aria aliment bern python teamster oriole vats inelegant eucalyptus wildfire prosy aphorisms phantasy disconcert ravish gashed.
Case #24: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: disconcert obituary temperamental tabooed underwear oman phantasy sardinian seraphic ravish shad bern inelegant reynard malleable ofries ion acceleration gib scud oriole percussion backgammon aphorisms hessian ilk ringleader zeppelin tardily wildfire leicestershire educator characterise aliment separable python godson importune gesticulation factotum twaddle uncritical eucalyptus aberrations extradition vats teamster ravenously darlington agnostic bruising specter spoor somersault befit pigtail siliceous denudation sear corvette vituperation meddlesome smudge minutiae landlocked misanthropy vagina intermixture clout weathercock tourism aria boa dour canticles dolt hub tapioca duality begrudge incubation judicature.
Case #25: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: zebra tardily leakage begrudge oman zeppelin aliment dour gib tourism gesticulation reynard caitiff clout hussar characterise extradition weathercock betaken boa malleable ravish percussion ringleader importune ion ofries oriole underwear duality spoor vagina aphorisms ilk tabooed distil godson shad.
Case #26: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: tourism disconcert phantasy weathercock darlington ion bruising pestle misanthropy teamster characterise aphorisms modem tabooed boa spoor leakage gesticulation ilk minutiae specter ofries tapioca zebra inelegant leicestershire percussion ravenously pigtail incubation godson sardinian factotum vats acceleration wrongdoing separable duality wildfire tardily educator extradition denudation gashed corvette agnostic prosy clout aberrations zeppelin eucalyptus bern reynard ringleader uncritical mutation hub dour.
Case #27: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: oman ilk tourism bruising incorporeal darlington befit phantasy hessian duality somersault gesticulation acceleration godson mutation percussion ion begrudge pigtail tapioca hundredweight corvette python shad caitiff educator siliceous zebra twaddle hub leicestershire gashed disconcert dolt ofries sardinian ravish eucalyptus sear incubation reynard wildfire hallow boa distil separable denudation modem vituperation minutiae importune teamster scud agnostic spoor betaken misanthropy hussar uncritical.
Case #28: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: judicature importune caitiff obituary bern uncritical godson scud ofries vituperation backgammon darlington distil agnostic vats malleable ringleader boa shad corvette eucalyptus bruising specter percussion leicestershire prosy misanthropy temperamental disconcert ilk jowl befit tapioca sardinian inelegant modem spoor siliceous betaken averil dolt twaddle denudation leakage duality minutiae zebra mutation tardily teamster zeppelin hussar meddlesome ion.
Case #29: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: sardinian underwear bern dour reynard intermixture hussar vituperation leakage backgammon smudge percussion.
Case #30: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hub hessian twaddle seraphic.
Case #31: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: vats befit dolt leakage extradition prosy minutiae begrudge duality hub.
Case #32: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ravenously vagina siliceous oriole darlington eucalyptus tardily mutation incubation hub.
Case #33: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: shad twaddle reynard befit disconcert wildfire dour prosy agnostic zeppelin seraphic aria tabooed begrudge oriole gib pickpocket tapioca uncritical teamster corvette python leakage.
Case #34: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: acceleration minutiae temperamental modem tabooed befit phantasy vituperation underwear gashed factotum dolt.
Case #35: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: mutation clout aliment dour backgammon hallow betaken modem hundredweight characterise separable underwear smudge intermixture leakage shad aberrations gashed.
Case #36: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: uncritical hessian gib incorporeal wrongdoing tabooed backgammon percussion averil ion leakage sear caitiff incubation underwear reynard darlington mutation godson hallow eucalyptus temperamental hub.
Case #37: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: separable tapioca hundredweight twaddle boa dour landlocked reynard disconcert oman zebra seraphic pickpocket weathercock hussar scud betaken aria obituary eucalyptus wildfire minutiae aliment percussion misanthropy importune intermixture hessian pestle characterise gib incorporeal vats tardily temperamental gashed phantasy specter tourism teamster corvette uncritical leicestershire spoor averil godson duality shad begrudge educator aphorisms canticles mutation vagina agnostic malleable acceleration befit incubation zeppelin prosy aberrations judicature ion ringleader factotum distil bern clout wrongdoing hallow pigtail dolt underwear backgammon sear siliceous ravish hub oriole sardinian caitiff tabooed smudge darlington leakage meddlesome python somersault modem ilk inelegant ravenously jowl vituperation denudation extradition.
Case #38: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: sardinian tourism educator scud minutiae betaken vituperation tabooed misanthropy malleable hussar inelegant intermixture underwear separable acceleration factotum tapioca somersault sear bruising gashed pigtail shad reynard caitiff dour incorporeal corvette spoor pestle prosy ion befit oman agnostic python tardily distil hub weathercock incubation backgammon hallow wildfire aberrations ilk godson.
Case #39: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: vats duality hessian ofries importune seraphic hundredweight spoor mutation hub factotum begrudge vagina bern ion pigtail zeppelin oman godson characterise incorporeal sardinian ringleader teamster educator disconcert judicature averil minutiae bruising vituperation canticles reynard tabooed siliceous acceleration hussar aberrations obituary leicestershire malleable aphorisms python ravenously specter distil hallow pestle prosy dolt corvette gashed zebra shad underwear tardily jowl landlocked befit oriole sear percussion twaddle inelegant aria scud wildfire meddlesome ravish smudge ilk leakage gesticulation dour boa wrongdoing intermixture aliment tourism misanthropy clout gib tapioca incubation denudation pickpocket betaken weathercock somersault phantasy.
Case #40: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: siliceous gib aphorisms incorporeal bruising wildfire gesticulation boa reynard misanthropy zeppelin.
Case #41: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: aliment sardinian oriole distil agnostic minutiae sear ofries separable vagina seraphic prosy leakage clout obituary malleable incubation.
Case #42: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: inelegant godson sear tapioca denudation obituary oriole somersault mutation separable weathercock twaddle pickpocket.
Case #43: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: phantasy tardily landlocked gesticulation dour ilk vats darlington hallow vituperation wrongdoing bruising canticles vagina befit leakage gib separable tourism characterise zeppelin corvette intermixture shad smudge tapioca sardinian aliment wildfire hub extradition modem educator hundredweight oriole sear acceleration python agnostic underwear aria aberrations twaddle pickpocket percussion weathercock incubation oman meddlesome hussar gashed denudation disconcert pigtail bern importune eucalyptus obituary backgammon ofries clout caitiff pestle.
Case #44: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ion bern hub befit scud zebra eucalyptus hussar clout meddlesome gesticulation incorporeal percussion aphorisms malleable acceleration tapioca sardinian modem obituary hallow landlocked phantasy prosy separable somersault.
Case #45: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: gesticulation pickpocket importune malleable spoor eucalyptus vats averil intermixture ion begrudge percussion clout bruising zeppelin weathercock duality reynard meddlesome factotum vituperation caitiff gashed ilk ofries aphorisms minutiae zebra smudge godson darlington aria landlocked leicestershire.
Case #46: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: modem underwear scud boa corvette characterise agnostic jowl pigtail bruising ilk judicature ofries clout landlocked temperamental pestle hallow malleable caitiff vagina python ravish smudge inelegant dolt.
Case #47: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hessian hussar intermixture weathercock uncritical averil inelegant leakage clout landlocked vats ravish educator prosy mutation duality shad denudation specter siliceous gashed reynard tourism bruising.
Case #48: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: zeppelin sardinian specter eucalyptus betaken vituperation intermixture leicestershire ravish corvette hundredweight ilk pestle modem vagina denudation ringleader importune zebra gesticulation scud underwear spoor smudge prosy tabooed backgammon misanthropy hallow aphorisms percussion weathercock leakage ravenously educator phantasy teamster pickpocket tourism bern distil dour shad tapioca begrudge acceleration aria reynard averil duality sear befit pigtail incubation clout characterise incorporeal twaddle bruising tardily judicature extradition seraphic temperamental canticles boa ion separable hub oman oriole aberrations agnostic wildfire landlocked hessian wrongdoing python godson jowl factotum meddlesome siliceous malleable caitiff minutiae ofries gashed vats hussar gib mutation disconcert somersault dolt.
Case #49: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hallow python smudge oman hessian ravish pigtail corvette leakage aphorisms caitiff boa tapioca siliceous scud aria ion.
Case #50: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: pestle hub extradition uncritical spoor bern betaken modem wildfire minutiae zeppelin leicestershire phantasy tourism scud teamster zebra hussar jowl smudge eucalyptus underwear separable specter sardinian denudation aria oriole educator somersault pigtail aphorisms dolt factotum canticles darlington ravenously bruising aliment vagina dour tabooed sear backgammon tardily incorporeal weathercock.
Case #51: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: dolt vagina inelegant twaddle denudation spoor bern siliceous begrudge godson landlocked educator intermixture ravish tardily hessian shad oriole gib python boa wildfire gesticulation corvette temperamental caitiff ilk bruising obituary underwear ravenously wrongdoing importune jowl minutiae tabooed oman pigtail somersault pickpocket averil mutation teamster malleable duality hundredweight sardinian dour disconcert judicature reynard leicestershire uncritical incorporeal tapioca darlington.
Case #52: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: scud ravish tabooed leakage mutation ilk prosy judicature malleable dolt factotum misanthropy ringleader hundredweight denudation underwear betaken dour ravenously seraphic ofries eucalyptus specter gashed hub backgammon spoor incubation befit obituary vituperation siliceous reynard pigtail wrongdoing aphorisms weathercock modem duality inelegant shad godson aliment hessian aria begrudge importune acceleration agnostic.
Case #53: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: canticles vagina aria phantasy averil darlington pestle siliceous mutation aliment incubation inelegant jowl begrudge ringleader gib agnostic pigtail specter intermixture shad tapioca modem seraphic betaken python spoor tourism importune godson hussar misanthropy weathercock tardily educator factotum somersault ion sardinian underwear wildfire scud wrongdoing extradition dour ravenously hallow landlocked twaddle hessian zeppelin smudge.
Case #54: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: gesticulation characterise malleable siliceous betaken hundredweight obituary begrudge duality hub landlocked somersault vats wildfire aliment dour jowl incorporeal modem meddlesome ofries importune denudation corvette bruising leakage bern ilk misanthropy judicature ravish backgammon hessian ringleader eucalyptus hussar factotum inelegant hallow gashed teamster pickpocket tourism zebra sear separable percussion temperamental underwear caitiff distil extradition uncritical specter dolt.
Case #55: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: sardinian uncritical ofries aberrations betaken minutiae judicature dour zebra gesticulation oman scud aliment weathercock pigtail ravenously.
Case #56: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: characterise disconcert ravenously darlington importune intermixture eucalyptus educator canticles clout gib misanthropy obituary averil duality hussar dour hub incorporeal denudation malleable distil ravish spoor prosy bern leakage phantasy vats somersault oman betaken modem sear inelegant leicestershire wrongdoing meddlesome minutiae separable sardinian ringleader begrudge hundredweight backgammon pestle ofries agnostic acceleration tourism gashed shad teamster zeppelin specter tabooed hallow vagina dolt godson hessian twaddle caitiff percussion tardily underwear jowl zebra tapioca weathercock.
Case #57: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: distil sear corvette dolt begrudge betaken vats weathercock ion phantasy importune denudation agnostic judicature leicestershire tardily sardinian minutiae oman shad caitiff acceleration intermixture ringleader gashed aphorisms duality extradition disconcert befit incubation reynard landlocked siliceous prosy misanthropy pigtail ilk hundredweight ravenously godson eucalyptus teamster underwear scud averil spoor incorporeal dour obituary ravish separable hussar bern canticles seraphic wildfire boa vituperation tapioca hub oriole temperamental malleable smudge hessian pickpocket tourism percussion.
Case #58: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: averil percussion smudge minutiae educator hallow bruising vituperation incorporeal aliment vats somersault teamster misanthropy separable leicestershire ravenously jowl python aphorisms importune phantasy gib obituary wildfire sardinian duality ion oman mutation characterise malleable landlocked ofries agnostic extradition caitiff siliceous distil sear eucalyptus reynard oriole godson scud canticles betaken wrongdoing underwear tabooed aria gashed zeppelin zebra clout factotum bern intermixture twaddle prosy dour hub pestle meddlesome dolt begrudge aberrations temperamental darlington hundredweight specter gesticulation leakage denudation vagina shad inelegant hessian befit pigtail ringleader uncritical acceleration boa judicature tardily incubation ravish corvette ilk modem hussar backgammon tourism disconcert seraphic pickpocket.
Case #59: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ringleader inelegant caitiff distil weathercock pigtail clout gashed hessian befit sear oman tardily hundredweight bern malleable ofries godson acceleration bruising incubation ilk extradition jowl agnostic intermixture sardinian canticles zeppelin wildfire misanthropy spoor reynard smudge tabooed leicestershire gib hallow landlocked aliment tapioca underwear eucalyptus darlington scud dour backgammon disconcert vats aria siliceous somersault duality separable percussion seraphic hussar meddlesome hub wrongdoing characterise betaken specter pestle ravish minutiae gesticulation uncritical begrudge vagina twaddle vituperation mutation teamster shad aberrations judicature zebra aphorisms phantasy corvette denudation temperamental boa tourism oriole python importune factotum prosy modem pickpocket obituary ion educator dolt ravenously averil leakage incorporeal.
Case #60: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hundredweight weathercock acceleration jowl extradition zeppelin gashed inelegant ion judicature disconcert hussar sear oman landlocked seraphic aria underwear dolt leicestershire duality hallow wildfire somersault prosy eucalyptus aliment ringleader modem averil aphorisms dour betaken misanthropy teamster ravenously ravish reynard separable malleable importune mutation befit spoor oriole twaddle characterise gesticulation educator temperamental pickpocket vituperation incubation meddlesome phantasy ilk aberrations clout backgammon ofries incorporeal tardily corvette specter canticles vagina godson hessian python sardinian scud pestle smudge zebra gib bruising caitiff pigtail factotum.
Case #61: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: obituary minutiae caitiff incorporeal hundredweight befit tardily intermixture extradition sardinian judicature specter denudation smudge aberrations disconcert hessian aria mutation pickpocket modem seraphic aliment godson bruising underwear importune distil wrongdoing separable pigtail betaken sear oriole duality malleable tabooed canticles pestle jowl wildfire misanthropy temperamental ofries vagina oman corvette vats vituperation dour backgammon prosy shad agnostic educator clout begrudge zeppelin twaddle eucalyptus siliceous teamster gashed gesticulation hussar phantasy ravenously python averil weathercock tapioca hub dolt boa ilk aphorisms ravish darlington ringleader characterise zebra meddlesome gib inelegant leakage spoor somersault landlocked reynard acceleration.
Case #62: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ravenously zebra.
Case #63: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: gesticulation sear hussar canticles tabooed intermixture agnostic reynard misanthropy weathercock underwear specter educator incubation prosy spoor bruising seraphic incorporeal darlington hub phantasy somersault smudge denudation importune ilk hundredweight ofries dour dolt pestle backgammon corvette meddlesome sardinian mutation scud aphorisms befit vats aliment separable teamster factotum eucalyptus tapioca percussion clout uncritical averil aria.
Case #64: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hallow jowl zeppelin malleable bruising leicestershire inelegant tabooed boa reynard separable characterise specter clout meddlesome denudation backgammon misanthropy ravish.
Case #65: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: bruising aphorisms vats judicature ilk hallow python begrudge darlington hussar inelegant hessian landlocked zebra boa zeppelin eucalyptus hundredweight distil betaken oriole disconcert leakage bern backgammon prosy malleable godson jowl pigtail mutation tabooed clout temperamental canticles ravish obituary sardinian seraphic meddlesome duality educator hub somersault incubation percussion denudation gashed ringleader weathercock oman dolt leicestershire caitiff factotum averil agnostic characterise teamster misanthropy uncritical siliceous vagina twaddle intermixture dour separable ion scud tapioca aria extradition spoor smudge ravenously befit aberrations incorporeal underwear wildfire modem gib corvette importune tourism tardily pestle pickpocket phantasy minutiae acceleration ofries shad wrongdoing gesticulation sear specter vituperation.
Case #66: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ilk extradition caitiff betaken ofries intermixture leicestershire acceleration weathercock oriole hussar zebra twaddle pestle pigtail python pickpocket siliceous boa modem ion clout hub aria ringleader ravenously zeppelin specter importune temperamental prosy wrongdoing hundredweight jowl bern reynard vats separable aliment duality misanthropy teamster denudation uncritical smudge educator eucalyptus spoor mutation darlington dour tourism characterise tabooed hallow tapioca befit corvette obituary distil.
Case #67: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: obituary uncritical vats gesticulation separable factotum disconcert importune eucalyptus betaken wrongdoing hundredweight temperamental python gib tapioca pigtail extradition backgammon begrudge siliceous duality clout seraphic incubation characterise weathercock sear sardinian ravish aria underwear dolt spoor godson judicature oriole boa tourism leakage wildfire mutation corvette.
Case #68: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: siliceous phantasy aberrations minutiae inelegant educator temperamental duality ion obituary darlington leakage zeppelin ofries incubation shad hessian gashed ringleader smudge wildfire modem pigtail hallow oriole weathercock denudation tourism characterise intermixture gesticulation ilk scud disconcert reynard agnostic specter teamster jowl oman mutation sardinian uncritical sear extradition vituperation ravish boa eucalyptus.
Case #69: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: factotum leakage.
Case #70: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: hallow darlington bruising tardily python incubation judicature vats tabooed godson educator siliceous temperamental landlocked backgammon intermixture vituperation leicestershire minutiae mutation oriole bern prosy agnostic begrudge ilk percussion oman specter weathercock denudation ion.
Case #71: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: backgammon caitiff godson phantasy tardily hessian duality hussar importune scud zebra teamster ravenously ilk temperamental inelegant bern ion weathercock averil separable minutiae begrudge vats darlington pigtail zeppelin boa aphorisms underwear smudge spoor befit extradition mutation seraphic gashed hundredweight intermixture specter wildfire somersault siliceous clout hallow gesticulation malleable hub distil tabooed incubation oman vagina aria gib leakage dour corvette ravish uncritical characterise dolt percussion pickpocket reynard incorporeal modem meddlesome betaken agnostic obituary aberrations eucalyptus landlocked leicestershire tapioca sear acceleration bruising shad educator pestle factotum ofries python prosy aliment oriole jowl.
Case #72: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: caitiff siliceous twaddle obituary prosy scud gib intermixture specter importune hussar hallow inelegant hub gashed temperamental leicestershire backgammon aberrations darlington meddlesome clout agnostic godson pigtail boa vats corvette ion denudation leakage acceleration pickpocket factotum somersault reynard gesticulation spoor sear ravish sardinian bruising landlocked eucalyptus vituperation averil seraphic tourism educator judicature percussion incorporeal modem bern dolt tapioca wildfire tabooed wrongdoing ringleader duality teamster uncritical dour hessian betaken.
Case #73: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: pickpocket mutation inelegant vats aria prosy tabooed bern temperamental leakage distil incubation denudation hallow.
Case #74: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ringleader befit teamster vituperation dour leakage incorporeal tabooed bruising duality corvette ofries hub temperamental python caitiff ravenously betaken obituary incubation gib pickpocket modem extradition hussar aria pigtail judicature twaddle hessian zebra sardinian misanthropy wrongdoing.
Case #75: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: incorporeal ringleader ravish ilk temperamental tourism tabooed pigtail leakage oman tardily judicature scud hub seraphic oriole zeppelin leicestershire factotum teamster godson befit importune zebra backgammon hessian hundredweight disconcert meddlesome specter sardinian educator clout weathercock modem agnostic obituary.
Case #76: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ion averil pestle inelegant agnostic temperamental smudge minutiae boa ravenously aphorisms characterise vituperation malleable spoor bruising duality educator python pigtail vagina bern hallow sear judicature tardily oriole separable befit tabooed ilk zeppelin gib hessian phantasy eucalyptus reynard hub ofries ravish wrongdoing incubation darlington landlocked tourism tapioca sardinian obituary acceleration dour uncritical vats scud godson gesticulation twaddle aliment leakage underwear mutation teamster wildfire corvette dolt betaken extradition hundredweight shad gashed aberrations seraphic aria intermixture oman distil begrudge importune caitiff leicestershire clout jowl hussar weathercock incorporeal disconcert denudation misanthropy prosy specter meddlesome somersault siliceous zebra factotum backgammon modem ringleader percussion canticles pickpocket.
Case #77: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: prosy hussar percussion denudation.
Case #78: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: dolt intermixture scud phantasy somersault averil smudge eucalyptus zeppelin characterise siliceous shad ofries prosy oman distil corvette incorporeal bruising vagina duality mutation godson temperamental modem educator boa reynard pickpocket zebra dour tabooed oriole ravish ringleader hussar pestle wrongdoing extradition ion clout aliment.
Case #79: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: befit.
Case #80: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: dolt corvette zeppelin teamster reynard eucalyptus befit aria gib wildfire temperamental judicature bruising uncritical hundredweight gashed agnostic siliceous sear clout hussar backgammon mutation distil sardinian spoor incubation meddlesome misanthropy underwear tapioca phantasy obituary tardily percussion canticles averil tabooed somersault wrongdoing ion educator shad denudation landlocked caitiff leakage seraphic inelegant disconcert begrudge boa hub characterise ringleader hessian aberrations tourism jowl specter modem smudge dour pestle acceleration incorporeal separable factotum pickpocket malleable.
Case #81: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: godson backgammon scud landlocked befit sear spoor leicestershire aberrations teamster temperamental boa minutiae weathercock sardinian aphorisms ravish obituary hallow hessian smudge gib vagina vats darlington.
Case #82: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: gib scud uncritical educator gashed aberrations dour aphorisms distil tabooed vats oman godson begrudge vituperation bruising jowl leicestershire tardily siliceous canticles.
Case #83: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: eucalyptus factotum underwear gib gesticulation befit extradition obituary ravenously caitiff denudation minutiae shad modem seraphic pigtail separable boa incubation ilk prosy backgammon smudge python distil characterise wildfire importune canticles ravish hussar pestle judicature sear vituperation gashed weathercock dolt averil duality tabooed hundredweight spoor bruising sardinian begrudge tourism wrongdoing specter jowl landlocked temperamental inelegant corvette hallow scud agnostic dour godson teamster ofries ion somersault leakage vagina hub bern ringleader meddlesome uncritical leicestershire aliment tardily zeppelin incorporeal misanthropy oriole.
Case #84: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: canticles smudge befit aria weathercock incorporeal bruising obituary boa landlocked backgammon factotum extradition ravish aliment tabooed pickpocket jowl pestle begrudge sardinian leicestershire.
Case #85: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: vituperation eucalyptus twaddle tourism pickpocket aphorisms specter obituary disconcert scud tabooed landlocked denudation distil reynard gesticulation weathercock caitiff canticles prosy pigtail jowl teamster tapioca aria spoor vats.
Case #86: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: zeppelin agnostic denudation shad pickpocket extradition ravenously separable inelegant aphorisms meddlesome aberrations wrongdoing leicestershire incorporeal aria modem befit obituary spoor tardily judicature temperamental gashed.
Case #87: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: duality oman minutiae vituperation bern aria zeppelin tabooed gesticulation wildfire inelegant specter eucalyptus obituary gib denudation extradition clout bruising sardinian ofries educator tardily landlocked boa gashed modem dour intermixture somersault shad ravenously teamster incorporeal hub oriole corvette acceleration backgammon phantasy twaddle agnostic canticles dolt begrudge aberrations smudge sear leicestershire seraphic spoor siliceous ilk vats distil uncritical pickpocket temperamental reynard malleable characterise scud judicature ion wrongdoing jowl importune befit weathercock separable godson prosy meddlesome caitiff mutation leakage averil factotum darlington hussar pestle betaken vagina underwear misanthropy percussion aphorisms hundredweight incubation pigtail tapioca ringleader zebra python tourism.
Case #88: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: betaken pickpocket agnostic eucalyptus leicestershire mutation teamster dour ringleader zebra sear gesticulation modem percussion distil jowl incorporeal shad hessian tardily corvette duality ofries somersault canticles separable obituary tapioca importune befit wrongdoing uncritical seraphic ion twaddle python gib hundredweight ravish tourism pestle scud smudge minutiae inelegant intermixture hallow temperamental backgammon bruising acceleration meddlesome landlocked siliceous oriole leakage bern oman incubation reynard zeppelin gashed hussar aberrations caitiff vats begrudge aliment phantasy wildfire malleable aphorisms boa educator godson extradition dolt spoor tabooed characterise factotum specter aria denudation vagina pigtail misanthropy judicature ravenously vituperation hub averil prosy weathercock disconcert darlington underwear.
Case #89: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: tardily inelegant somersault extradition ion backgammon pickpocket python educator boa canticles specter dolt oriole gib scud ravish vituperation tourism disconcert vagina begrudge oman agnostic landlocked seraphic ofries hussar aliment smudge intermixture wrongdoing hub averil judicature befit aphorisms duality godson leakage vats aria shad wildfire ravenously jowl malleable leicestershire importune tabooed factotum caitiff sardinian zebra ringleader hundredweight percussion darlington reynard spoor uncritical obituary siliceous incubation distil hallow zeppelin weathercock pigtail minutiae betaken aberrations underwear eucalyptus incorporeal corvette gesticulation bern hessian clout mutation separable dour pestle sear gashed bruising denudation temperamental.
Case #90: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: darlington shad agnostic backgammon zeppelin aria educator tabooed temperamental duality caitiff wrongdoing jowl underwear separable weathercock ion meddlesome begrudge minutiae aberrations malleable percussion vagina gashed hub hundredweight wildfire extradition vituperation landlocked distil ringleader corvette hussar judicature uncritical clout seraphic boa mutation obituary pigtail twaddle zebra aphorisms acceleration ilk godson python phantasy oriole smudge spoor misanthropy tapioca importune tourism leakage tardily.
Case #91: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: bruising incubation distil ion siliceous hallow agnostic backgammon vituperation godson corvette sear gesticulation importune ilk ravish gashed tabooed underwear tourism aliment oman leakage teamster darlington gib extradition weathercock duality eucalyptus tardily aberrations python modem uncritical disconcert averil zeppelin caitiff jowl judicature pickpocket incorporeal clout canticles.
Case #92: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: pigtail twaddle tapioca boa tourism inelegant scud factotum hundredweight incorporeal godson malleable leicestershire vats corvette pestle begrudge temperamental dolt tardily acceleration specter spoor weathercock educator dour aberrations ion darlington backgammon python intermixture aria somersault prosy mutation misanthropy tabooed ravenously ringleader ilk modem bern sardinian duality oman denudation hussar sear jowl shad.
Case #93: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: ringleader canticles vats misanthropy spoor.
Case #94: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: disconcert intermixture ilk somersault oman averil twaddle factotum minutiae landlocked leakage betaken gib denudation misanthropy ravenously.
Case #95: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: tapioca sardinian ofries underwear meddlesome begrudge eucalyptus incorporeal zebra mutation oman vats uncritical pestle canticles denudation pickpocket reynard aberrations scud hub hallow gashed importune distil temperamental dolt tardily percussion godson hessian minutiae jowl.
Case #96: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: eucalyptus educator gib ringleader intermixture ravish corvette leicestershire specter duality ilk averil acceleration vituperation clout pickpocket temperamental teamster zeppelin seraphic meddlesome jowl distil smudge modem incubation boa characterise mutation twaddle.
Case #97: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: reynard aliment tabooed vats bruising distil teamster vituperation darlington malleable somersault prosy landlocked tourism gesticulation ion boa temperamental ringleader tardily shad twaddle vagina minutiae underwear meddlesome phantasy jowl sear percussion eucalyptus ofries judicature zeppelin corvette agnostic oman begrudge intermixture zebra ravenously backgammon gashed weathercock obituary wildfire pickpocket ravish hub godson smudge betaken oriole dour incorporeal pigtail dolt leakage spoor sardinian incubation ilk python befit aberrations mutation pestle separable bern disconcert modem tapioca.
Case #98: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: agnostic judicature ravish malleable uncritical betaken sear minutiae hallow seraphic prosy caitiff vituperation ravenously extradition separable zebra oman aphorisms characterise dolt tardily averil boa siliceous aberrations vagina dour pigtail corvette underwear temperamental twaddle ion begrudge gesticulation clout somersault leakage obituary smudge backgammon wildfire teamster educator specter leicestershire incorporeal hessian factotum oriole inelegant weathercock pickpocket sardinian canticles hub aria bruising python hussar phantasy scud befit gib shad importune ofries pestle denudation meddlesome darlington misanthropy disconcert duality eucalyptus distil aliment bern percussion.
Case #99: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: meddlesome agnostic tapioca wildfire intermixture boa prosy tabooed pestle leakage hundredweight denudation disconcert ofries hallow characterise vats tourism modem twaddle caitiff teamster sardinian eucalyptus leicestershire hub spoor minutiae gesticulation factotum ion wrongdoing clout inelegant duality underwear incorporeal godson hessian hussar befit.
Case #100: Dilbert should drink beverages in this order: duality hub hundredweight hessian zebra incorporeal weathercock prosy intermixture vats phantasy leakage modem oman ofries boa separable ravish factotum bern disconcert aphorisms wildfire mutation gashed jowl meddlesome dour dolt pigtail befit inelegant gib aberrations eucalyptus corvette canticles tabooed somersault ravenously shad clout zeppelin tourism landlocked scud ringleader temperamental seraphic agnostic extradition uncritical teamster betaken pickpocket oriole educator smudge misanthropy reynard averil ilk incubation acceleration denudation gesticulation sardinian darlington spoor twaddle godson percussion characterise leicestershire tardily judicature obituary vagina sear aliment tapioca vituperation begrudge ion.