This class mirrors the standard measurement events is CLASS1.MEASUREMENT=10 but also have zone information and is intended for setting a value instead of providing a measurement.
This class can for example be used to set setpoints on a node. If 256 set points is enough (!!!) use index to identify the setpoint. If more is needed use subzone as a page into this storage and make this configurable on the node.
For large integers and strings several events may need to be used to set a single value.
Byte | Description |
0 | Index for device (This is NOT the same as senorindex is in data coding byte). |
1 | Zone for which event applies to (0-254). 255 is all zones. |
2 | Sub-zone for which event applies to (0-255). 255 is all sub-zones. |
3 | Data coding. |
4-7 | Data with format defined by byte 0. |
This is a general (custom) measurement event that can be used if no other event is suitable.
This is a discrete value typical for a count. There is no unit for this measurement just a discrete value.
Default unit: Meter.
This is a measurement of a length or a distance.
Default unit: Kilogram.
This is a measurement of a mass.
A time measurement.
Default unit: Seconds.
Opt. unit: (1) Milliseconds. Absolute: (2) y-y-m-d-h-m-s (binary). String: (3) "HHMMSS".
Default unit: Ampere.
This is a measurement of an electric current.
Default unit: Kelvin.
Opt. unit: Degree Celsius (1), Fahrenheit (2)
This is a measurement of a temperature.
Default unit: Mole.
This is a measurement of an amount of a substance.
Default unit: Candela.
This is a measurement of luminous intensity.
Default unit: Hertz.
This is a measurement of regular events during a second.
Default unit: becquerel. Optional unit: curie (1)
This is a measurement of rates of things, which happen randomly, or are unpredictable.
Default unit: newton.
This is a measurement of force.
Default unit: pascal.
Opt. unit: bar (1), psi (2)
This is a measurement of pressure.
Default unit: Joule.
Optional unit: kWh (1)
Optional unit: Wh (2)
Optional unit: eV (electron volts) (3)
This is a measurement of energy.
Default unit: watt.
Optional unit: Horse power Metric (1).
Optional unit: Horse power Imperial (2).
This is a measurement of power.
Default unit: coulomb.
This is a measurement electrical charge.
Default unit: volt.
This is a measurement of electrical potential.
Default unit: farad (F).
This is a measurement of electric capacitance.
Default unit: ohm (Ω).
This is a measurement of resistance.
Default unit: siemens.
This is a measurement of electrical conductance.
Default unit: amperes per meter (H).
Optional units: Oersted (Oe) (1)
This is a measurement of magnetic field strength.
Default unit: weber (Wb).
This is a measurement of magnetic flux.
Default unit: tesla (B).
Optional unit: Gauss (1)
This is a measurement of flux density or field strength for magnetic fields (also called the magnetic induction).
Default unit: henry (H).
This is a measurement of inductance.
Default unit: Lumen (lm= cd * sr)
This is a measurement of luminous Flux.
Default unit: lux (lx) ( lx = lm / m² )
This is used to express both Illuminance (incidence of light) and Luminous Emittance (emission of light).
Default unit: gray (Gy).
This is a measurement of a radiation dose (Absorbed dose of ionizing radiation).
Default unit: katal (kat).
This is a measurement of catalytic activity used in biochemistry.
Default unit: cubic meter (m³)
Opt. unit: Liter (dm³) (1), millilitre (cm³) (2) , decilitre (100 cm³) (3), centilitre (10 cm³) (4) where unit 4 is only available for Level II measurement events where units can hold this value.
This is a measurement of volume.
Default unit: W/m2, watt per square meter.
This is a measurement of sound intensity (acoustic intensity).
- Default unit: radian (rad) (Plane angles).
- Opt Unit: degree (1).
- Opt Unit: arcminute (2).
- Opt Unit: arcseconds (3).
This is a measurement of an angle or a direction or similar.
Default unit: Longitude.
Opt. unit: Latitude.
This is a (decimal) measurement of a position as of WGS 84. Normally given as a floating point value. See ./ for a better candidate to use for position data.
Default unit: Meters per second.
Optional unit: Kilometers per hour (1)
Optional unit: Miles per hour (2)
This is a measurement of a speed.
Default unit: Metre per second squared (m/s²).
This is a measurement of acceleration.
Default unit: N/m.
This is a measurement of tension.
Default unit: Relative percentage 0-100%.
This is a measurement of relative moistness (Humidity).
Default unit: Cubic meters/second.
Opt Unit: Liters/Second.
This is a measurement of flow.
Default unit: Thermal ohm K/W.
This is a measurement of thermal resistance.
Default unit: dioptre (dpt) m-1.
This is a measurement of refractive (optical) power.
Default unit: pascal second optional units poiseuille (Pl) = 1, poise (P) = 2
This is a measurement of dynamic viscosity.
Default unit: rayl (Pa·s/m)
This is a measurement of sound impedance.
Default unit: Acoustic ohm Pa · s/ m³.
This is a measurement of sound resistance.
Default unit: daraf (F-1).
This is a measurement of electric elasticity.
Default unit: talbot ( tb = lm * s)
This is a measurement of luminous energy.
Default unit: cd / m²) (non SI unit = nit)
This is a measurement of luminance.
Default unit: mol/m3. Opt. unit: ppm (1), percent (2)
This is a measurement of chemical mol/ppm/percent concentration.
Default unit: kg/m3.
This is a measurement of chemical mass concentration.
Default unit: Kelvin.
Opt. unit: Degree Celsius (1), Fahrenheit (2)
This is a measurement of the Dew Point.
Default unit: Relative value.
This is a relative value for a level measurement without a unit. It is just relative to the min/max value for the selected data representation, typically percentage or per mille or similar.
Default unit: Meter.
Opt. unit: Feet(1), inches (2)
Altitude in meters.
Default unit: square meter (m²) Opt unit: are (are) (1), hectare, (2), square kilometer (km²) (3)
Area in square meter.
Default unit: watt per steradian ( W / sr )
Radiated power per room angle.
Default unit: watt per steradian per square metre ( W / (sr * m²) )
This is the radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received by a surface.
Default unit: watt per square metre ( W / m² )
Power emitted from or striking onto a surface or area.
Default unit: watt per steradian per square metre per nm (W·sr-1·m-2·nm-1)
Opt. unit: watt per steradian per meter3 (W·sr-1·m-3) (1), watt per steradian per square metre per hertz (W·sr-1·m-3) (2)
Radiance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength.
Default unit: watt per square metre per nm (W·m-2·nm-1)
Opt. unit: watt per metre3 (W·m-3) (1), watt per square metre per hertz (W·m-2·Hz-1) (2)
Irradiance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength.
Default unit: pascal (Pa)
This is a measurement of sound pressure (acoustic pressure).
Default unit: pascal (Pa)
Sound energy density or sound density is the sound energy per unit volume.
Default unit: decibel (dB)
Sound level expressed in decibel. This event is supplied for convenience.
Default unit: sievert (Sv).
Optional unit rem (1)
This is a measurement of a radiation dose (Equivalent dose of ionizing radiation).
Default unit: coulomb per kilogram (C/kg).
Optional unit: Röntgen/R (1)
This is a measurement of a radiation dose (Exposed dose of ionizing radiation).
Default unit: cos of phase angle.
This is a measurement of a power factor. Power factor is an expression of energy efficiency. It is usually expressed as a percentage—and the lower the percentage, the less efficient power usage is.
Power factor (PF) is the ratio of working power, measured in kilowatts (kW), to apparent power, measured in kilovolt amperes (kVA). Apparent power, also known as demand, is the measure of the amount of power used to run machinery and equipment during a certain period. It is found by multiplying (kVA = V x A). The result is expressed as kVA units.
Default unit: VAr
In electric power transmission and distribution, volt-ampere reactive (VAr) is a unit of measurement of reactive power. Reactive power exists in an AC circuit when the current and voltage are not in phase. The term var was proposed by the Romanian electrical engineer Constantin Budeanu and introduced in 1930 by the IEC in Stockholm, which has adopted it as the unit for reactive power. Special instruments called varmeters are available to measure the reactive power in a circuit. The unit "var" is allowed by the International System of Units (SI) even though the unit var is representative of a form of power. SI allows one to specify units to indicate common sense physical considerations. Per EU directive 80/181/EEC (the "metric directive"), the correct symbol is lower-case "var", although the spellings "Var" and "VAr" are commonly seen, and "VAR" is widely used throughout the power industry.
Definition from Wikipedia
Default unit: kVArh
Reactive Energy is the electrical Energy produced, flowing or supplied by an electric circuit during a time interval, measured in units of kVArh or standard multiples thereof.