description |
This page describes you upgrade your API Management if you installed your API Management with RPM packages |
For versions 4.1.4 of Gravitee and above, you can upgrade and restart Gravitee API Management (APIM) to perform an rpm upgrade of the APIM components.
{% hint style="info" %} Refer to the Breaking changes and deprecated functionality to follow potential breaking changes. {% endhint %}
To upgrade your RPM installation, choose the upgrade process depending on your installation:
- Upgrade the full APIM stack (includes all components)
- Upgrade components one-by-one
To upgrade your APIM installation, perform the package upgrade, and then restart APIM using the following commands:
sudo yum upgrade -y graviteeio-apim-4x
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart graviteeio-apim-gateway graviteeio-apim-rest-api nginx
To upgrade an APIM component, you can perform a yum upgrade, and then restart the APIM. You can upgrade the following components:
- To upgrade the APIM Gateway package, use the following commands:
sudo yum upgrade -y graviteeio-apim-gateway-4x
sudo systemctl restart graviteeio-apim-gateway
To upgrade the Management API package, use the following commands:
sudo yum upgrade -y graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x
sudo systemctl restart graviteeio-apim-rest-api
To upgrade the Management Console package, use the following commands:
sudo yum upgrade -y graviteeio-apim-management-ui-4x
sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo yum upgrade -y graviteeio-apim-portal-ui-4x
sudo systemctl restart nginx