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+# Glossary
+This glossary serves as a foundation for having a common wording and language.
+The motivation behind this document was the many different namings and, hence,
+the resulting communication issues when talking about schema composition.
+### Apollo Federated Graph ([Link](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/federation/))
+The process of composing multiple Apollo Subgraphs into one schema, usually via
+a Gateway. An implementation of Schema composition. The result of composing
+multiple Apollo federation Subgraphs is a Apollo Federated Graph. The Apollo
+Federated Graph is usually exposed via an Apollo Federation Gateway
+(apollo/gateway; apollo-router) or Apollo Federation compatible gateway (e.g.
+### Apollo Federation
+An implementation of **Subschema Directive-based Schema compositions** that is
+defined by the Apollo Federation Specification. GraphQL schemas (**Apollo
+Federation Subgraph**s) are composed of a single GraphQL schema (**Apollo
+Federated Graph**) on a Gateway level (**Apollo Federation Gateway**).
+### Apollo Federation Gateway
+A gateway that usually uses a schema registry (e.g. Apollo Studio or GraphQL
+Hive) for fetching the apollo subgraph configurations. It is the entry point for
+incoming GraphQL requests. It analyzes the incoming operations, builds a query
+plan in order to find the quickest way of retrieving all the data from the
+apollo federation subgraphs, and then executes that plan.
+The approach of combining multiple GraphQL services into a unified GraphQL Graph
+on a Gateway using meta-information applied on the individual GraphQL services
+schema type definitions.
+### Apollo Federation Subgraph ([Link](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/federation/subgraphs/))
+A service that exposes a GraphQL schema that is consumed by a gateway in order
+to create a federated graph. The services schema uses directive annotations on
+types and fields as a hint for a gateway on how it should combine the services
+schema with the schema of the other Apollo federation subgraphs. A Apollo
+Federation Subgraph is a GraphQL schema with Apollo Federation schema
+directives. Also See **Subschema**.
+### Apollo Graph Platform
+Branding used by Apollo for describing their open-source products.
+> The leading open-source GraphQL implementation with 17M downloads per month
+> and the only end-to-end cloud management solution for GraphQL. Source:
+> [https://www.apollographql.com/](https://www.apollographql.com/) (2022/02/24)
+### Apollo Studio
+A schema registry for registering and validating Apollo federation subgraphs.
+### Data Source
+A “dumb” service or database that exposes raw data. Often a data source is
+consumed by a service, for reading and/or persisting business logic state.
+It is hard to define a border between Data Source and Service. E.g. a PostgreSQL
+database could be considered a data source. If the PostgreSQL database uses
+database triggers for applying business logic constraints it could be considered
+a **Service** instead. The boundaries are fluid.
+# Global Object Identification
+Pattern of having global unique IDs between all Object Types (entities), usually
+on a field with the name `id` and the field type `ID!`.
+- [Global Object Identification (graphql.org)](https://graphql.org/learn/global-object-identification/)
+- [GraphQL Global Object Identification Specification (relay.dev)](https://relay.dev/graphql/objectidentification.htm)
+### GraphQL Hive
+A GraphQL schema registry and workflow tool maintained by The Guild that is
+compatible with any **type of merging** workflow.
+### GraphQL Mesh
+A library maintained by The Guild that is capable of transforming a single or
+many **data sources** and **services** (GraphQL API, REST API, SQL Database)
+into a GraphQL schema. In the case of multiple data sources or services, Mesh
+uses Schema Stitching for doing Schema Composition of the GraphQL subschemas
+that were the results of the transform.
+### Hybrid Schema Composition
+A mix of both **Subschema Directive-based Schema Composition** and
+**Programmatic/Config Gateway-based Schema Composition**.
+### Nadel ([Link](https://github.com/atlassian-labs/nadel))
+> Nadel is a Kotlin library to combine several GraphQL services together. This
+> is achieved by combining several underlying GraphQL services (schemas) into
+> one schema (overall schema). The main purpose of this library is to power a
+> GraphQL gateway which serves as the entry point for executing requests across
+> different services while presenting one GraphQL API.
+### Nautilus ([Link](https://github.com/nautilus/gateway))
+> A library and standalone service that composes your GraphQL APIs into one
+> endpoint.
+Uses these
+[merge strategies](https://github.com/nautilus/gateway/blob/master/docs/mergingStrategies.md)
+and one interface type to compose subschemas (see **Node interface**).
+### Node interface
+The [Global Object
+[spec][https://relay.dev/graphql/objectidentification.htm] defines a `Node`
+interface, which enables composition if shared types implement it.
+[Nautilus Gateway](https://github.com/nautilus/gateway) is one such
+[global object identification]:
+  https://graphql.org/learn/global-object-identification/
+[relay-goi-spec]: (https://relay.dev/graphql/objectidentification.htm)
+### Schema Composition
+The process of composing multiple GraphQL schemas (**Subschema**) into a single
+GraphQL schema.
+### “The Graph”
+Branding used by Apollo for describing all their libraries and products.
+> [...] the graph is a unified representation of all your data, services, and
+> digital capabilities. The graph enables app developers to delete thousands of
+> lines of boilerplate code, move fast without waiting on backend teams, and
+> keep features consistent across web and mobile platforms
+Source: [https://www.apollographql.com/](https://www.apollographql.com/)
+### Programmatic/Config Gateway-based Schema Composition
+A method of Schema Composition where the **Subschemas** do not expose any
+information on how they can be composed. Instead, the rules are defined on the
+Gateway, either as code or via a configuration file.
+### Schema Stitching
+The process of creating a single gateway from multiple underlying GraphQL
+services (**Subschema**), that orchestrates and delegates requests to the
+corresponding GraphQL services using The Guild’s graphql-tools/stitching
+libraries. Stitching supports all methods of Schema Composition (**Subschema
+Directive-based Schema Composition** or **Programmatic/Config Gateway-based
+Schema Composition**), including **Apollo Federation.** (Subschema
+Directive-based schema composition)
+### Service
+A service uses a data source and exposes processed data, that models a business
+logic flow. A data source can evolve into service over time.
+### Subschema
+A Subschema is a GraphQL schema that is used in a schema composition contexts,
+such as in Apollo federation or Schema Stitching for. In Apollo federation, a
+Subschema is often called a Apollo Federation Subgraph. A composite schema
+itself can be a subschema in another composite schema.
+### Subschema Directive-based Schema Composition
+The process of applying schema composition on the Gateway using the directive
+meta-information exposed on the consumed **Subschemas** (usually GraphQL HTTP
+APIs/services) as done by **Apollo Federation** or **Schema Stitching**.