This project follows the Google Style Guide (hereafter GSG). In a few cases where the GSG gives latitude, we have made a choice for consistency within this project. The following describes where we differ from the GSG.
All header files should have include guards formatted like PROJECT_DIR_FILE_H
This differs from the advice in the GSG in that ours do not end with a trailing
link to GSG's section on include guards
Put the const on the right of what it modifies, as in std::string const&
. This
simplifies the rules for const making it always modify what is on its left.
This is sometimes referred to as "east const".
link to GSG's section on using const
Place the asterisk or ampersand adjacent to the type when declaring pointers or references.
char* c; // GOOD
std::string const& str; // GOOD
char *c; // BAD
string const &str; // BAD
string const & str; // BAD
link to GSG's section on pointer and reference expressions
Order includes from local to global to minimize implicit dependencies between
headers. That is, start with the .h
file that corresponds to the current .cc
file (also do this for the corresponding unit test file), followed by other .h
files from the same project, followed by includes from external projects,
followed by C++ standard library headers, followed by C system headers. For
// Within the file google/cloud/x/
#include "google/cloud/x/foo.h"
#include "google/cloud/x/bar.h"
#include "google/cloud/y/baz.h"
#include <grpcpp/blorg.h>
#include <google/bigtable/blah.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
This differs substantially from the corresponding section in the GSG, but we feel the rule presented here is both simpler and better minimizes the implicit dependencies exposed to each header.
link to GSG's section on include order
Every file should contain license boilerplate, for new files use:
// Copyright YYYY Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
where YYYY
is the year when the file is being introduced. Do not change the
copyright line for existing files, even when they are moved.
Use Doxygen-style comments to document classes, functions, etc. Prefer
over \directives
. Do document the template parameters for
template classes. Use ///
for one-line Doxygen comments, use /** */
otherwise. Document all classes, functions, and symbols exposed as part of the
API of the library, even obvious ones.
comments for code that is temporary, a short-term solution, or
good-enough but not perfect. All TODO comments should reference a github issue
and a brief description:
// TODO(#123) - here we need to randomize the sleep delay….