augments the original CSS with some flipped/mirror rules, tagged with [dir="rtl"]
(or [dir="ltr"]
) selectors.
Given the example CSS:
foo {
color: red;
margin-left: 10px;
it'd get converted to a CSS containing 3 sections:
foo {
color: red;
:host-context([dir="ltr"]) foo {
margin-left: 10px;
:host-context([dir="rtl"]) foo {
margin-right: 10px; /* flipped orientation specific declarations *
It starts by runing CSSJanus on the input CSS:
foo {
color: red;
margin-left: 10px; will be used as Original CSS
is transformed by CSSJanus to:
foo {
color: red;
margin-right: 10px; will be used as flipped CSS.
It then parses both CSS sources matches rules and declarations 1:1 between the original and the flipped versions. It builds a "flipped" fragment by dropping elements that are identical in the two versions.
If a topLevel entity is of the type Rule Set for example:
a {
foo: bar;
margin-left: 1em;
background-position:25% 75%;
it recurses over declarations in them.
If only some declarations have to be removed, it uses heuristics to get good start and end offsets for removal, and if all declarations in a ruleset need to be removed, it removes the ruleset (no need to keep an empty flipped rule).
If topLevel is of type Media Directive or Host Directive for example:
@media screen and (min-width: 401px) {
foo { margin-left: 13px }
It recurses into its rule sets, and removes the directive altogether if all rule sets are removed.
If topLevel is a Direction Independent Directive for example:
@charset "UTF-8"; /* Charset Directive */
@namespace url(; /* Namespace Directive */
We don't generate anything special.
We then combine the original file with the flipped fragment to get the final CSS.