Releases: golemcloud/golem
Releases · golemcloud/golem
What's Changed
- fix cargo install by @senia-psm in #270
- Merge golem-cli repo by @vigoo in #268
- Worker Service Base: Rework Error Handling by @nicoburniske in #269
- Helm chart - shard manager - worker healthcheck by @justcoon in #273
- Add API Definition Validation by @nicoburniske in #276
- Get/set oplog index host functions by @vigoo in #250
Full Changelog: v0.0.70...v0.0.71
What's Changed
- Template Compilation Server: Update Docker Examples + Kube by @nicoburniske in #247
- GOL 235: Maximise the reuse of Worker Service's API Gateway Implementation between Cloud and OSS by @afsalthaj in #155
- Sharding fixes by @vigoo in #255
- Helm chart pvc access mode by @justcoon in #256
- Fix #257, returning annotated definitions and definition id by @afsalthaj in #258
- Remove wasmtime as a submodule by @vigoo in #260
- Worker Service Base: Redis Impl by @nicoburniske in #261
- Using a published wasm-rpc crate by @vigoo in #262
- Use a published version of golem-openapi-client-generator by @vigoo in #263
- Referencing golem-wit as a rust crate by @vigoo in #266
- Having a lib target for golem-shard-manager so it can be depended on by @vigoo in #267
Full Changelog: v0.0.69...v0.0.70
What's Changed
- Fix Docker Publish: Docker Ignore by @nicoburniske in #246
Full Changelog: v0.0.68...v0.0.69
What's Changed
- Update docker-examples tag by @vigoo in #151
- Latest template APIs - return template metadata by @justcoon in #152
- Enhance expr by @afsalthaj in #142
- Update by @vigoo in #154
- GOL-220 Shard manager improvements part 1 by @vigoo in #153
- sharding test by @senia-psm in #156
- GOL-259 Attempt to fix the new rebalancing logic by @vigoo in #157
- GOL-219 Optional kubernetes based health check for sharding manager by @vigoo in #158
- Change submodule links by @vigoo in #159
- GOL-188 Compilation Server by @nicoburniske in #150
Full Changelog: v0.0.67...v0.0.68
What's Changed
- Update examples and doc by @afsalthaj in #140
- Helm chart updates by @justcoon in #141
- helm chart - alb ingress for workers requests by @justcoon in #143
- GOL-231 Make wasm-rpc calls durable by @vigoo in #144
- Generate command for release by @nicoburniske in #145
Full Changelog: v0.0.64...v0.0.65
What's Changed
- Update examples by @afsalthaj in #131
- helm chart - ingress fix, by @justcoon in #134
- Update doc related to worker-bridge in worker service by @afsalthaj in #133
- template-service postgres schema by @justcoon in #135
- Add redis implementation for worker service register by @nicoburniske in #132
- helm chart - password quote by @justcoon in #137
- Merge OpenAPI Specs by @nicoburniske in #136
- Increase client_max_body_size for golem-router by @afsalthaj in #139
Full Changelog: v0.0.63...v0.0.64
What's Changed
- Update by @jdegoes in #128
- Helm chart updates by @justcoon in #129
- Make sure template REST API is in sync with GRPC by @afsalthaj in #130
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.62...v0.0.63