- GNU make
- Docker and docker-compose
For available commands, see:
$ make help
To build distributable files, run:
$ make build
Builds are created to a build
directory in the project directory,
which can be installed to a Firefox profile.
Open search engines can be installed through the included server and the web page:
$ make start
You can find the web server from the address printed after running the above command.
Custom thumbnails can be added by creating a custom/sites
and adding thumbnail images named after the
site's hostname:
$ mkdir -p custom/sites
$ curl -s > custom/sites/
$ curl -s > custom/sites/
$ make build
Custom styles sheets can be created to custom/content
directory and will be
appended to the generated userContent.css.
Custom user settings file can be created to custom/user.js
and it will be
appended to the generated user.js.
Custom OpenSearch engines can be created to custom/opensearch/engines
To verify that your additions follows coding style, run:
$ make lint