cache makes use of the strategy pattern to provide custom interchangable caching implementations.
ships with 6 ready-to-use cache object constructors:
name | accepted cacheKey | type | storage |
FlatObjectCache |
number string |
flat unlimited | JS object |
FifoObjectCache |
number string |
first in first out | JS object |
LruObjectCache |
number string |
least recently used | JS object |
FlatMapCache |
any | flat unlimited | Map object |
FifoMapCache |
any | first in first out | Map object |
LruMapCache |
any | least recently used | Map object |
import createCachedSelector, {LruObjectCache, LruMapCache} from 're-reselect';
// ...
cacheObject: new LruObjectCache({cacheSize: 5}),
// or:
// cacheObject: new LruMapCache({cacheSize: 5}),
[*]ObjectCache strategy objects treat cacheKey
of type number
like strings, since they are used as arguments of JS objects.
[*]MapCache strategy objects needs a Map objects polyfill in order to use them on non-supporting browsers.
If none of the provided caching solutions fits your needs you can write your own cache object!
Declare a JS object adhering to the following interface and pass it to re-reselect
as options.cacheObject
interface ICacheObject {
set(key: any, selectorFn: any): void;
get(key: any): any;
remove(key: any): void;
clear(): void;
isValidCacheKey?(key: any): boolean; // optional