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135 lines (105 loc) · 6.16 KB


Bioinformatics measure comparison framework with several implemented measure functions.

This README is currently out-of-date. I will update it as soon as everything is working again.

This software is under active development and you should expect it to be buggy. It might or might not work, and certainly is not guaranteed useable for any purpose whatsoever.

This software is for the paper to be written and will have a citation here.


The following are needed:

  • C++ at least standard C++11. The code is tested with clang++ 4.0.1 and g++ 7.1.1.
  • Boost development libaries. For my system, this is boost_1_64-devel.
  • Boost edit distance This needs to be installed as a subdirectory that matches INC in the Makefile. I use the default of edit_distance.
  • If you want to create a text version of this README, you need pandoc.


The Makefile should work on recent enough systems. See comments in the top of the file for choosing a compiler, etc. If it does not work, fix it and sent a pull request.


The program will checkpoint after every row of distance matrix calculation. You need to create the directory for the checkpointing before running. The default is metrictest.checkpoint.

Sample data files to try

These data files are not mine, but they are in the data/ directory for experimentation and testing.

Command-line options

The definitive option description is in Options.h. This summary might be out-of-date.

  • --restart restart from a checkpoint. The default is to not restart. If you are restarting, you must ensure that the checkpointdir is correct. checkpointdir is the only command-line option that is valid when restarting.

All other command-line options will come from the checkpoint; you cannot change them mid-run.

  • --fasta=foo Read FASTA-format sequences from the file foo. Required.
  • --measure=foo The distance measure to use (foo in this example). This must be a value known to createmetric.cpp. Required.
  • --submeasure=foo Some distance measurements have submeasures. For example, kmer distances can be calculated via Euclidean or cosine variants. The measure function you use must understand the submeasure you supply. Optional, depending on the distance measure you use.
  • --measureopt=foo Supply the option foo to the measure function. For example, kmers need to know the value for k. Optional, depending on the distance measure you use.
  • --distmatfname=foo Write the resulting distance matrix to the file foo. Required. No default.
  • --ncores=n use n threads. The max (and default) value is the number of cores that the system has. Optional.
  • --checkpointdir=foo Write all checkpoint information to files in the directory foo.
  • --printresult=true|false Whether or not to print the resulting distance matrix. For a matrix of any size, it is impractical to print. The default is false. If you set this to true then the result is printed.

Sample command lines

./metrictest --measure=kmer --submeasure=cosine --measureopt=7 --fasta=data/AF091148.fasta --distmatfname=AF091148-7mercosine-distances

./metrictest --measure=kmer --submeasure=euclidean --measureopt=7 --fasta=data/AF091148.fasta --distmatfname=AF091148-7mereuclidean-distances

./metrictest --ncores=7 --measure=edit --fasta=data/AF091148.fasta --distmatfname=AF091148-edit-distances

./metrictest --measure=edit --measureopt=pam250ish --fasta=data/AF091148.short.fasta --distmatfname=AF091148-edit-distances

This last one uses edit weights from the file pam250ish (which must exist before you run it). That file is not included due to questions about the biological meanings of the values in it.

Edit cost

If you want to use the edit distance with weights, you need to create a weight file. This file contains 16 (4x4 in order of ACGT for both rows and columns) long double values that are the cost of a mutation from one base to the other. Numbers are separated by white space; I put four values per line. The matrix must be symmetric. A cost of 0 for the diagonal is a good idea, but will never be used (why have a cost for doing nothing?).

Measure functions

The following functions currently exist: