All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
This is an alpha version! The changes listed here are not final.
- Added phan ignore doc blocks for use of deprecated properties.
- Connection: Disconnecting a connection owner account will disconnect all other users first.
- Enable test coverage.
- jetpack-components: Export the getRedirectUrl function with subpath
- My Jetpack: update the recommendations section in My Jetpack to include a slider interaction for the cards.
- Adds and applies a shared Header component
- Adds threat count to Scan tab
- Animated the "scan in progress" placeholder image
- Code: Use function-style exit() and die() with a default status code of 0.
- Components: Add __nextHasNoMarginBottom to BaseControl-based components, preventing deprecation notices.
- Connection: Display connection status on Users page independent of the SSO module.
- General: indicate compatibility with the upcoming version of WordPress - 6.7.
- Protect plugin: use types from @automattic/jetpack-scan package.
- Replaces custom IconTooltip in favour of js-packages/components version
- Resolved an issue where revoked licenses were incorrectly treated as unattached. This caused users to be redirected to the license activation page after site connection, even when unattached licenses were not valid for activation.
- Social | Changed My Jetpack CTA for Social from "Learn more" to "Activate"
- Updated composer.lock
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated My Jetpack my-jetpack-v1/site/products route to pass a "?products" query param.
- Updated package dependencies.
- Update package dependencies.
- Update the unowned section from a product grid to a product list
- Use ToggleControl component from @automattic/jetpack-components.
- Firewall: removed "new" badge from tab.
- General: Update minimum PHP version to 7.2.
- General: Update minimum WordPress version to 6.6.
- Code: Remove extra params on function calls.
- Upgrading: prevent case where plan caching causes short delay in upgrading of scan data source after upgrading to a paid plan.
- Firewall: Fix backwards compatibility for sites running standalone mode with outdated packages autoloaded.
- Firewall: Adds stat cards showing recent block counts [#35739]
- Auto-Fixers: Adds handling for long-running fixers [#39301]
- Firewall: added help text for IP list formatting rules [#39448]
- Updated package dependencies. [#39707]
- Security Scanning: disabled database threat category [#39467]
- Minor fixes and improvements.
- Internal updates.
- Threats List: Add pagination. [#39058]
- Admin menu: change order of Jetpack sub-menu items. [#39095]
- Updated package dependencies. [#39176]
- Security Scanning: Adds a background to the scan progress bar. [#38847]
- General: Delete relevant Protect options on deactivation. [#38815]
- Auto Fixers: Disable the unignore threats button when a fixer is in progress. [#38898]
- Security Scanning: Fix the threat fixed on date in the history view. [#39164]
- General: Improves the manual scan link button loading state. [#38897]
- Firewall: add dedicated WAF allow and block list toggles [#38265]
- General: add "contact support" links [#38416]
- Security Scanning: add threats history view [#38117]
- General: indicate compatibility with the upcoming version of WordPress - 6.6. [#37962]
- General: update WordPress version requirements to WordPress 6.5. [#38382]
- Fix an issue where the connection error hook was always resetting the notice [#38120]
- Fix image optimization [#38573]
- Fix in-progress threat fixer loading indicator [#38051]
- Fix threat fix modal title [#38312]
- Add data to WAF logs and a toggle for users to opt-in to share more data with us if needed. [#36377]
- Trigger a red bubble notification when a bad install is detected. [#36449]
- Update WordPress minimum version requirement to WordPress 6.4. [#37047]
- Only show installation errors on the plugins page. [#36390]
- Jetpack Protect Footer: ensure that "Go to cloud" links are not shown when on a platform with no firewall support. [#36794]
- Added onboarding flows. [#34649]
- Added firewall standalone mode indicator. [#34840]
- General: indicate compatibility with the upcoming version of WordPress, 6.5. [#35820]
- Use blog ID instead of site slug in checkout links. [#35004]
- Updated package dependencies. [#36325]
- Updated package lockfile. [#35672]
- Prevent text orphans in the site scanning header. [#35935]
- Firewall: use datetime versioning for rules file updates. [#34698]
- General: unify display of notifications across Scan and Firewall screens [#34702]
- General: indicate full compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, 6.4. [#33776]
- General: update PHP requirement to PHP 7.0+ [#34126]
- General: update WordPress version requirements to WordPress 6.3. [#34127]
- General: update package dependencies. [#34882]
- General: update lockfile. [#33607]
- Fix Modal component overflow scrolling. [#34475]
- Fix Popover component styling. [#34424]
- Improved helper script installer logging. [#34297]
- General: update WordPress version requirements to WordPress 6.2. [#32762] [#32772]
- Updated Jetpack submenu sort order so individual features are alpha-sorted. [#32958]
- Updated method used to render Connection initial state. [#32499]
- Updated package dependencies. [#33692]
- Brute Force Protection: add access to feature in environments that otherwise do not support the WAF. [#31952]
- General: indicate full compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, 6.3. [#31910]
- Update WordPress version requirements. Now requires version 6.1. [#30120]
- Update package dependencies. [#31952]
- Scan: Fixed sorting of threats by severity. [#31124]
- License Activation: add filtering for unattached and unrevoked licenses within upgrade flow check. [#31086]
- Add brute force protection. [#28401]
- General: indicate full compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, 6.2. [#29341]
- Improve the firewall status heading to provide more information based on the current configuration. [#28401]
- Updated package dependencies. [#29480]
- Add ability to toggle automatic and manual firewall rules independently. [#27726]
- Add improved messaging for currently enabled firewall features. [#27845]
- Disable Jetpack Firewall on unsupported environments. [#27939]
- Add link to pricing page for getting started with an existing plan or license key. [#27745]
- Updated package dependencies. [#29297]
- Update to React 18. [#28710]
- Use
instead ofstart
for better browser compatibility. [#28530]
- Fix connection button loading indicators. [#28514]
- Fix Protect status report caching. [#28766]
- Remove unnecessary full path from example in UI. [#29037]
- Other assorted fixes for minor bugs and grammar. [#27846] [#28091] [#28397] [#28273]
- Add web application firewall (WAF) features [#27528]
- Add progress bar to site scannnig screen [#27171]
- Poll for scan status while scanner is provisioning [#28275]
- Bug fixes
- changed description and author [#27618]
- Updated package dependencies. [#27043]
- Fix issue with plugin activation.
- Add features for paid Jetpack Scan users, including file and database threats, on-demand scanning, and threat auto-fixers.
- Compatibility: WordPress 6.1 compatibility
- Adjust alignment of spinner icon and loading text on the in-progress scan screen.
- Fixed NaN error that prevented the pricing interstitial from rendering.
- Added a default 'See all results' label to the mobile navigation button.
- Added a spinner to the in progress scan page in admin
- Added JITM functionality
- Added threat descriptions.
- My Jetpack includes JITMs
- Add condition to check plugin activation context before redirecting
- Fixed alignment of long navigation item labels on mobile screen sizes.
- Updated package dependencies.
- Fix protect admin toolbar icon display when Jetpack enabled and connected
- Minor bug fix - added isset() checks for report data properties
- Added two new FAQ entries
- Protect: record even just after the site is registered
- Moved normalization of the Protect status report data to the server side.
- Renamed
references totrunk
- Reorder JS imports for
eslint rule.
- Fixed bug that would not display Core vulnerabilities.
- Removed legacy code and documentation and adds new docs for the debug helper plugin.
- Fixed recommendation for plugins that don't have a fix yet
- Protect: Fix visual issue of the Interstitial page
- Add additional tracking events
- Add Alert icon to the error admin page
- Add checks to the Site Health page
- Add custom hook to handle viewport sizes via CSS
- Add error message when adding plugin fails
- Add first approach of Interstitial page
- Add Jetpack Scan to promotion section when site doesn't have Security bundle
- Add missing prop-types module dependency
- Add Navigation dropdown mode and use it for small/medium screens
- Add ProductOffer component
- Add product offer component
- Add title and redirect for vul at wpscan
- Add 'get themes' to synced callables in Protect
- Add installedThemes to the initial state
- Add notifications to the menu item and the admin bar
- Add status polling to the Protect admin page.
- Added details to the FAQ question on how Jetpack Protect is different from other Jetpack products.
- Added Jetpack Protect readme file for the plugin listing.
- Added option to display terms of service below product activation button.
- Added Social card to My Jetpack.
- Added the list of installed plugins to the initial state
- Change ConnectScreen by the Interstitial component
- Creates Status Class
- Empty state screen
- Expose and use IconsCard component
- Flush cache on plugin deactivation
- Footer component
- Handle error in the UI
- Hooks on plugin activation and deactivation
- Hook to read data from the initial state
- Implement Footer
- Implement Add Security bundle workflow
- Introduce Accordion component
- Introduce Navigation component
- Introduce Summary component
- Introduce VulnerabilitiesList component
- JS Components: Introduce Alert component. Add error to ProductOffer components
- More options to the testing api responses
- Record admin page-view and get security from footer events
- Render Security component with data provided by wpcom
- Request and expose to the client the Security bundle data
- Update logo
- Add empty state for no vuls
- Add popover at Badge
- Cache empty statuses for a short period of time
- Changed connection screen to the one that does not require a product
- Changed the method used to disconnect
- Changed the wording for the initial screen.
- Change expiration time of plugin cache
- Clean connection data. Update to latest connection API
- Configure Sync to only what we need to sync
- Janitorial: require a more recent version of WordPress now that WP 6.0 is coming out.
- JS Components: Add subTitle prop to ProductOffer component
- JS Components: iterate over Dialog component
- Improve Dialog layout in medium viewport size
- Move VulnerabilitiesList to section hero
- New VulsList
- Redesign Summary component
- Re-implement "Your results will be ready soon" layout
- Re-implement Admin page by using Dialog component
- Remove use of
in preparation for pnpm 7.0. - Replace deprecated external-link variation by using isExternalLink prop
- Require only site level connection
- Truncate items at NavigationGroup
- Tweak footer
- Update Footer and VulsList for small/medium viewport
- Update Navigation to be external controlled
- Update Protect icon
- Update VulnerabilitiesList to remove severity and add fixed in
- Updated package dependencies.
- Update package.json metadata.
- Updates CTA wording to reduce confusion when user already has Jetpack Security Bundle which includes Jetpack Scan
- Update the Status when connection is established
- Use data provided by My Jetpack to render Product offer
- Use weight Button prop to style the "learn more" footer link
- Use a different copy when there are no found vulnerabilities but there are still some unchecked items
- Removed Full Sync from loaded modules as Full Sync Immediately is present by default now
- Adjust spacing and overflow properties of the navigation labels to improve display of long names.
- Fix Connectino initialization
- Fix fatal when checking whether site site has vuls
- Fix right margin in primary layout