All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
3.10.0-alpha - unreleased
This is an alpha version! The changes listed here are not final.
- Concatenation: create invisible "minify module" that handles deactivation of both modules.
- Connection: Disconnecting a connection owner account will disconnect all other users first.
- Speculation Rules: initial import of previous work to add speculation rules to Boost
- Connection: Display connection status on Users page independent of the SSO module.
- General: Improved the way modules are configured internally [#39859]
- Performance: only look for specific hosting providers in admin page.
- Update package dependencies.
- Critical CSS: Fix showing empty error in some cases, when generation failed.
3.9.0 - 2025-02-17
- Cloud CSS: Handle prioritized cloud CSS regeneration for cornerstone pages updates. [#41516]
- Concatenate JS: Add compatibility with "Depay Payments for WooCommerce". [#41571]
- Speed Scores: Add tracking for speed score pop-out CTA. [#41556]
- Admin Panel: Cleanup CSS styles. [#41371]
- Concatenate JS/CSS: Update concatenated assets to be stored on the server as files. [#41056]
- Updated package dependencies. [#41286] [#41491] [#41577] [#41659]
- UI: Fix UI discrepancy in Boost settings page upon toggling multiple Modules at same time. [#41472]
3.8.0 - 2025-01-23
- Critical CSS: Flag a site-health issue for Critical CSS when a page from the Cornerstone Pages list is modified. [#41006]
- Page Cache: Add extra PHP file the site owner can use to modify how the cache works. [#40920]
- Page Cache: Filter cookies and GET parameters so they do not cause a cache miss. [#40894]
- Critical CSS: Reduce unnecessary regenerations. [#40891]
- Page Cache: Clear Page Cache when Image CDN Auto Resize Lazy Images is toggled. [#41226]
- Page Cache: Fix issue where exceptions were incorrectly applied to the entire URL. [#40999]
- Concatenate JS: Improve compatibility with WooCommerce Shipping. [#40874]
- Concatenate CSS: Fix cases where minification might cause a file to load slower. [#40956]
- Image CDN: Ensure that double encoding doesn't happen. [#40886]
3.7.0 - 2025-01-06
- Concatenate JS/CSS: Added a button that allows loading default excludes. [#40496]
- General: Added tracks events to clickable elements on the settings page. [#40246]
- General: Added WordPress filters to allow Cornerstone Pages list and Image Size Analyzer source data to be updated. [#40442]
- Concatenate JS/CSS: Added HTTP header to take advantage of edge caching [#40557]
- UI: Added notifications when interacting with dashboard settings. [#40593]
- UI: Gave Page Cache, Concatenate JS/CSS and Image CDN - Image Quality modules a more unifed look. [#40224]
- Critical CSS: Improved UI responsiveness during a retry after failed generation. [#40675]
- UI: Fixed showing an error if no ISA report was found. [#40660]
3.6.1 - 2024-11-28
- Image CDN: Improve performance. [#39883]
- General: Update minimum PHP version to 7.2. [#40147]
- General: Update minimum WordPress version to 6.6. [#40146]
- Compatibility: Fixed situations where minify could break due to too many files being enqueued in the elementor editor. [#40339]
3.6.0 - 2024-11-22
- Cornerstone Pages: Added setting to allow selecting important pages. [#39863]
- Critical CSS: Improved logic that generates URLs for critical CSS generation. [#39862]
- General: Improved compatibility with WordPress 6.7. [#39877] [#39786]
- General: Updated badges used to show state of features. [#40031]
- Page Speed: Updated speed scores to be based on first cornerstone page. [#39863]
- Image Guide: Removed URL parameter based override. [#39874]
- Image Size Analysis: Fixed UI not properly reflecting current state after interaction.
- Page Speed: Fixed typo in Overall Score tooltip. [#39974]
- Performance History: Fixed tooltip behavior. [#39879]
- UI: Fixed Boost's menu counter sometimes displaying incorrectly.
3.5.2 - 2024-10-15
- Deferred JS: Exclude all scripts produced by a shortcode. [#39616]
- General: Sync Boost's Getting Started page with My Jetpack's version. [#39130]
- General: Update minimum required WordPress version to 6.5 in main plugin file. Previous release only changed plugin readme. [#39719]
- Image CDN: URL encode image path parts for RSS feed compatibility [#39560]
- Image Guide: Improve check for Jetpack Image CDN URLs [#39635]
3.5.1 - 2024-09-26
- Support: Increased minumum required WordPress version to 6.5 [#39540]
3.5.0 - 2024-09-25
- General: Show a simplified getting started page if the pricing is not available [#39526]
- General: Skip the pricing page if the site is private, just like if offline [#39523]
- General: Removed WP Super Cache promos from settings page as well as related code [#39202]
- Compatibility: Ensure React JSX polyfill is loaded for pre WP 6.6 support [#39521]
- Critical CSS: Make sure all URLs that are being processed are absolute instead of relative. [#39456]
3.4.9 - 2024-09-03
- Update
package to resolve a PHP fatal error.
3.4.8 - 2024-09-02
- Admin menu: change order of Jetpack sub-menu items [#39095]
- Page Cache: Update notice for WP Cloud clients.
- React: Changing global JSX namespace to React.JSX [#38585]
- Cloud CSS: Fixed not properly storing CSS returned from the cloud after a theme switch. [#38985]
- Lossless image optimization for images (should improve performance with no visible changes). [#38750]
- Misc: Fix PHP warning when generating critical css for some taxonomy pages. [#38807]
- Revert recent SVG image optimizations. [#38981]
- UI: Fix inconsistencies. [#39072]
- Updated package dependencies. [#38464]
3.4.7 - 2024-07-10
- General: Improved image and CSS proxy functionalities with CDN support, caching, and other enhancements. [#38252]
3.4.6 - 2024-06-26
- General: Automatically enables Page Cache when migrating from WP Super Cache. [#37963]
- Image CDN: Improvements to more closely match WP core behavior. [#37931] [#37946]
- General: indicate compatibility with the upcoming version of WordPress - 6.6. [#37962]
- Updated package dependencies. [#37796]
- Page Cache: Update WP_CACHE detection in wp-config.php [#38022]
- Page Cache: Avoid caching error pages. [#38054]
- General: Fix instance where deactivating Boost can break caching for other caching plugins. [#38033]
3.4.4 - 2024-06-18
- My Jetpack: Update My Jetpack to a more stable version. [#37911]
3.4.3 - 2024-06-14
- Compatibility: Include a missing dependency required for Compatibility with WP Optimize [#37873]
3.4.2 - 2024-06-13
- Critical CSS: Add a friendly error if css gen library is broken or missing. [#37283]
- Page Cache: Added cache rebuild functionality. [#37151]
- Page Cache: Allow easy migration from WPSC to Boost Cache. [#36818]
- Page Cache: Remove the advanced-cache.php when the Cache module is disabled. [#37643]
- Critical CSS: Improve source providers collecting logic. [#37095]
- Critical CSS: Improve UI when errors are present. [#37658]
- Dependency: Remove the explicit Plugin Install dependency. [#37430]
- Dependency: Updated package dependencies. [#37348] [#37379] [#37380] [#37669]
- Minification: Change minification library. [#37700]
- Minification: Skip files ending in
from minification. [#37700]
3.3.1 - 2024-05-15
- Concatenate JS: Added compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9 [#37403]
- Critical CSS: Remove post types with empty Critical CSS URLs [#37389]
3.3.0 - 2024-05-08
- General: Add endpoint to list source providers. [#36373]
- General: Add end to end tests for modules. [#36501]
- Auto-Resize Lazy Images: Added feature to optimize lazy loading image performance [#36987]
- JS Concatenation: Added compatibility with event-tickets by The Events Calendar. [#36750]
- Speed Score: Add the speed changed popup back. [#36432]
- Cache: remove Beta tag [#37261]
- General: improved compatibility with WP 6.4. [#37051]
- Image CDN: Update UI. [#37263]
- CLI: Fix fatal error when using 'activate' without a module name. [#36873]
- Critical CSS: Update the way generation library is loaded. [#37118]
3.2.2 - 2024-04-02
- Cache: Ensure cache engine is loading every time the Settings page loads. [#36339]
- Cache: Clear cache if Boost module settings are changed [#36452]
- Cache: Show notification in site health if cache system isn't loading. [#36449]
- Compatibility: Improved compatibility with SEO plugins for smoother Cloud CSS generation. [#36556]
- Cloud CSS: Optimize regeneration time. [#36519]
- Cloud CSS: Update REST API endpoint to be available even if the module is turned off. [#36437]
- Performance History: Sanitize graph annotation text. [#36453]
- Speed Score: More accurately detect which modules are active when a speed score is requested. [#36534]
- General: Only show installation errors on plugins page. [#36390]
- General: Updated package dependencies. [#36585]
- General: Update getting started and upgrade copies. [#36475]
3.2.0 - 2024-03-15
- Cache: Verify cache enabled on current site before saving cached data [#36350]
- General: Added filter documentation [#36226]
- General: Removed duplicate uninstall hook, fixing unnecessary database writes [#36403]
3.1.1 - 2024-03-11
- Cache: Added a Page Cache module. [#35042]
- Defer JS: Automatically exclude JSON-LD schemas. [#35417]
- Speed Scores: Added support for annotating points of time in the speed score history graph. [#34978]
- General: Better error handling for invalid data when running wp-admin pages. [#35361]
- General: Enabled React.StrictMode for development. [#35330]
- General: Improved error handling. [#35543]
- General: Indicate compatibility with the upcoming version of WordPress, 6.5. [#35820]
- General: Switch to using Blog ID links instead of site slugs in checkout flow. [#35002]
- Image Guide: Removed beta flag [#35846]
- Critical CSS: Prevent errors when page_for_posts misconfigured. [#36007]
- Critical CSS: Prevent missing archive pages from breaking the generation process. [#35561]
- General: Prevent missing pricing information from affecting the getting started flow. [#35347]
- Image Size Analysis: Update summary groups to align with status icons. [#35419]
- Concatenate JS/CSS: Ensure minification is enabled. [#35498]
3.0.2 - 2024-01-31
- General: Fixed an issue with compatibility file [#35358]
3.0.1 - 2024-01-30
- Fix pricing bug. [#35347]
3.0.0 - 2024-01-30
- Cloud CSS: Improve reliability. [#35129]
- General: Added Jetpack Sync to allow for better support. [#34825]
- General: Migrated Admin UI from Svlete to React, for consistency with the rest of Jetpack.
- General: Updated PHP requirement to PHP 7.0+ [#34126]
- Update cloud css regenerate button to always be visible, but disable it when generation is running.
- Update Purchase Successful page copy and layout.
- Made various PHP code improvements.
- Removed Boost setup prompt/banner on wp-admin plugins page. [#34771]
- Removed lazy-loading module. [#35100]
- Speed Scores: Temporarily removed the score change popout.
- Concatenate JS: Output inline before/after scripts for handles with
false. [#35121] - Critical CSS: Exclude @charset and @import statements from Critical CSS. [#34660]
- Site Health: Fixed showing critical CSS issue in site-health if module is disabled
- Speed Scores: Fix score auto-refresh
2.2.1 - 2023-12-21
- Defer JS: added importmap to the exclusion list to fix compatibility issues. [#34746]
2.2.0 - 2023-10-31
- General: Indicate full compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, 6.4. [#33776]
- Getting Started: Improved how features are sorted in the getting started page. [#33766]
- Performance History: Improvements in design. [#33133]
- Lazy Images: Added deprecation notice. [#33749]
- Lazy Images: Force disable feature to avoid conflict with new version of Gutenberg and WordPress 6.4. [#33208]
- Concatenate JS/CSS: Fixed generating invalid html ID values for concatenated stylesheets. [#33002]
- Image CDN: Update quality slider UI. [#33300]
2.1.1 - 2023-09-13
- Image CDN: Added quality settings for premium users. [#32780]
- Performance History: New section to display historical performance. [#32759]
- Image Size Analyzer: Removed get parameters from image URLs on ISA report details page. [#32476]
- UI: Improved discount elements for pricing section. [#32545]
- UI: Updated Image Size Analyzer error feedback. [#32685]
- General: Removed WP 6.1 backwards compatibility checks. [#32772]
- UI: Added the footer back on the getting started page. [#32549]
- Critical CSS: Improved the regenerate button to eliminate the possibility of accidental parallel regeneration. [#32011]
- Image Guide: Fixed oversize ratio in some cases. [#32548]
- Image Guide: Fixed grammar issue in the feature description on the Boost dashboard. [#32072]
2.0.2 - 2023-08-29
- Critical CSS: Updated critical CSS url parameter to avoid redirect caching [#32727]
- Critical CSS: Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO and All in One SEO to ensure smooth Critical CSS generation. [#32627]
2.0.1 - 2023-08-18
- Critical CSS: Fixed manual critical CSS generation failure [#32502]
- Concatenate CSS: Fixed concatenated CSS being render-blocking when used with Critical CSS. [#32479]
2.0.0 - 2023-07-24
- Image Size Analyzer: New feature for Premium users which scans their site for image issues [#31794]
- General: Beta tags removed from Concatenate CSS/JS and Image CDN. [#31777]
- General: Indicate full compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, 6.3. [#31910]
- Speed Scores: Update 'score dropped' card copy, with links to documentation. [#32010]
- Cloud CSS: Fixed automatic start of cloud CSS regeneration when module is toggled on [#31887]
- General: Fixed error snackbar from showing under UI separators on the Getting Started page. [#31706]
- Speed Score: Prevented page speed scores from auto refreshing on page load. [#31863]
- Super Cache Measurement Tool: Fixed the use of the donotcachepage option during tests, which may have produced understated results [#31828]
1.9.4 - 2023-07-05
- Minify CSS/JS: Removed Content-Length from cached minified content to avoid potential cache mangling on some hosts [#31692]
1.9.3 - 2023-07-03
- General: Bumped version to fix a versioning glitch in the repository.
1.9.2 - 2023-07-03
- Image Guide: Added a proxy to allow the Image Guide UI to load the size of remote images. [#31145]
- Minify CSS/JS: Added an endpoint for fetching minfied content which does not rely on loading WordPress, allowing hosts to more efficiently fetch minified content. [#30825]
- Speed Scores: Added an internal argument to record the source of each Speed Score request. [#31012]
- Speed Scores: Added a notice to the Site Health panel when speed scores need updating. [#31101]
- Critical CSS: Updated the regeneration notice to include more descriptive text, explaining the trigger. [#31101]
- General: Updated checklist spacing and button font size and line height. [#31098]
- Image Guide: Switch to loading an invisible pixel for tracking Image Guide results, avoiding unnecessary traffic to admin-ajax. [#30983]
- Minify CSS: Moved the default URL base of minified CSS files to /_jb_static, and added a constant to override it. [#31631]
- Critical CSS: Updated the regeneration notice to include more descriptive text, explaining the trigger. [#31101]
- General: Updated checklist spacing and button font size and line height. [#31098]
- Image Guide: Switch to loading an invisible pixel for tracking Image Guide results, avoiding unnecessary traffic to admin-ajax. [#30983]
- Critical CSS: Critical CSS Generation was skipping posts and pages on sites with fewer than 10 of either. [#31506]
- General: Compatibility fixes for older versions of Safari [#31534]
- General: Fixed a potential loop which repeatedly showed the Getting Started page. [#31648]
- General: Fixed incorrect tracks events around plugin connection [#31233]
- Image Guide: Fixed issues with Image Guide placement on the page with some themes. [#31410]
- Minify CSS: Fixed issues with relative paths when WordPress is installed in a sub-directory. [30863]
- Minify CSS: Fixed issues with relative paths when WordPress is installed in a sub-directory. [#30863]
- Image Guide: Fixed issues with Image Guide placement on the page with some themes. [#31410]
1.9.1 - 2023-05-11
- New Feature: Added JS and CSS file minification [#30005]
- General: Improved the way modules are toggled internally [#29451]
- General: Updated package dependencies
- Image CDN: Improved Image CDN description [#29962]
- User Experience: Removed back button from purchase success page [#30180]
- Cloud CSS: Don't run local regenerate automagically when using cloud css [#29968]
- Cloud CSS: Fixed a mismatch in cloud-css key [#29972]
- Critical CSS: Fixed Critical CSS from making redundant requests on page load [#30053]
- Deferred JS: Fixed some extremely short pages (such as WooCommerce Box Office tickets being printed) from resulting in a blank page [#30025]
- General: Fixed some PHP 8.2 Warnings [#30150]
- User Experience: Fixed some language choices around Boost popups [#30048]
1.8.0 - 2023-04-06
- Critical CSS: Added a notice to regenerate Critical CSS to the Boost dashboard. [#28858]
- General: Added a link to activate a license key. [#29443]
- Image CDN: Added image CDN to Boost. [#29561]
- Image Guide: Added information about the Image Guide to the readme. [#29799]
- Critical CSS: Added clearer explanations of the feature, and when to regenerate CSS. [#29250]
- General: Faster "Getting Started" flow, bypassing the first connection screen. [#28938]
- General: Revised Jetpack connection agreement text to comply with our User Agreement. [#28403]
- General: Switch to a more stable internal data sync package. [#29899]
- General: Updated contributors list. [#28891]
- General: Updated to React 18. [#28710]
- Critical CSS: Added Internal schema validation for improved stability. [#29564]
- Critical CSS: Expanded the set of site changes which can trigger a regeneration. [#29109]
- Critical CSS: Fixed a minor UI glitch caused by a missing close tag. [#28548]
- Critical CSS: Fixed PHP warning when deleting stored Critical CSS [#28372]
- Critical CSS: Unified the internal structure of Cloud and Critical CSS, ensuring a smoother experience when switching between the two. [#29554]
- Lazy Loading: Fixed images sometimes failing to Lazy-load in Safari. [#29266]
- General: Fixed incorrect font sizes and weights in various screens. [#29411]
- General: Fixed incorrect GET parameters used during purchase flow, which leading to inconsistent behaviour. [#28825]
- Deferred JS: Fixed some compatibility issues with page-builders by turning off Deferred JS in the customizer preview. [#29143]
- General: Fixed triggers for optimization initialization sometimes firing on the wrong hook. [#28888]
- General: Fixed "Undefined array key: post" warning. [#29096]
- General: Fixed stats tracking by using the correct casing for Tracks event properties. [#29111]
1.7.0 - 2023-01-17
- New Feature: Jetpack Boost Image Guide.
- General: Add a notification bubble next to Boost in the WP-admin sidebar.
- General: Added new tracks events.
- User Experience: Add redirect to Boost dashboard after activating Boost plugin.
- Admin notices: only display regeneration notice to admins.
- Compatibility: Improve critical CSS compatibility with older Safari browsers.
- General: Don't let analytics failures prevent features from functioning.
- Critical CSS: Fixed an issue where notices to regenerate critical CSS were showing unnecessarily.
- General: Fix woocommerce deprecation warning.
1.6.0 - 2022-12-05
- General: New deactivation survey.
- General: New tracks events for upgrade CTA impressions.
- Super Cache: Added a tool for measuring the impact of Super Cache on your site performance.
- Usability: Prompt new users to setup Boost after plugin activation.
- Fixed an error on navigating to the getting-started page
- Fixed issues in Super Cache measurement tool on some URLs
- General: Fix showing discount markers on pricing options without a discount.
- General: Remove invalid link to priority support for free users.
- Speed Score: Fix un-clickable link to dismiss speed score popups.
1.5.4 - 2022-11-09
- Fixed an issue that caused boost to break on offline sites [#27312]
1.5.3 - 2022-10-25
- Compatibility: Added a compatibility module for WP Super Cache.
- Compatibility: Tested with v6.1 of WordPress.
- General: Added tracking to purchase flows.
- User Experience: Added a flow for first-time users.
- Critical CSS: Keep Critical CSS and Cloud CSS status in sync.
- Deferred JS: Fix detection of application/json scripts to auto-exclude them from deferral.
- Lazy Loading: Fix desynchronization of Lazy Loading features between Boost and Jetpack.
- Speed Scores: Fixed issues dismissing notifications on speed score improvements.
1.5.1 - 2022-06-29
- General: Fix caching of purchased plan features to reduce calls to wpcom api
1.5.0 - 2022-06-27
- Cloud CSS: Added support for generating Critical CSS in the cloud.
- Critical CSS: Added an explanation for Console output during Critical CSS Generation.
- General: Added an option to purchase a premium Jetpack Boost plan.
- General: Added option to contact premium support for paid users.
- Speed Scores: Added prompt for reaching out to support when the speed score decreases.
- General: Remove soft disconnect.
- General: Remove use of
in preparation for pnpm 7.0. - General: Renamed hook
- General: Updated external links to use Jetpack Redirects.
- General: Clean up use of FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING as it is deprecated in PHP 8.1
- Stability: Fix broken SQL query on uninstall.
1.4.2 - 2022-04-11
- Fixed critical CSS generation failure while using a CDN to serve CSS
1.4.1 - 2022-04-06
- Critical CSS: Tidied up Critical CSS class structure.
- Critical CSS: Updated Critical CSS generation to exclude animation keyframes.
- Deferred JS: Updated exclusion attribute to allow quotes.
- General: Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.9.
- General: Updated Boost Dashboard heading logo.
- Lazy Loading: Updated Image Lazy Loading to reflect Jetpack's Lazy Loading setting.
- UI: Adds My Jetpack functionality for consistent UI across all Jetpack plugins.
- Critical CSS: Added a filter to allow stylesheets to load synchronously, to avoid CLS issues on certain setups.
- Critical CSS: Exclude "library" posts from Elementor plugin when generating Critical CSS.
- Critical CSS: Explicitly hide admin_bar during Critical CSS render, to improve compatability with custom admin bar setups.
- Speed Scores: Automatically retry if a speed score request is stuck for more than 15 minutes.
- Stability: New end-to-end testing system.
- Critical CSS: Detect external CSS URLs from the client side, to improve compatibility with WAFs which modify HTML.
- Move Boost admin menu into Jetpack submenu.
- Speed Scores: Automatically refresh speed scores if the theme has changed.
- Speed Scores: Include active modules and Jetpack Boost version with Speed Score requests.
- Critical CSS: Ensure CSS files still load when JavaScript is not enabled.
- Critical CSS: Fixed issue with re-serving Critical CSS during generation process
- Critical CSS: Fix handling for corrupted font-face rules.
- Critical CSS: Fix issue with dismissing recommendations after enabling Critical CSS without page refresh.
- Critical CSS: Use home_url instead of site_url when determining homepage during Critical CSS generation.
- Minor UI fixes for small screens and tooltip display.
- Speed Scores: Do not show comparative scores when no modules are active.
- Critical CSS: Add permissions checks to AJAX endpoints used when dismissing Critical CSS Recommendations.
- Critical CSS: Add extra information to "fetch" errors when generating Critical CSS.
- Critical CSS: Added explanation for mod-security HTTP 418 errors.
- Critical CSS: Added stats tracking for generation outcomes.
- Critical CSS: Added step-by-step instructions for Advanced Recommendations.
- Critical CSS: More descriptive error message if critical css is failing because of x-frame-options deny config.
- Speed Scores: Added "without Boost" speed score indicator.
- Critical CSS: Take port numbers into account when comparing origins for proxying.
- Critical CSS: Clear generated CSS on theme change.
- Critical CSS: Ensure generator process is resumed after module deactivated and reactivated without reload.
- Speed Scores: Clear speed score on plugin deactivation and uninstallation.
- Critical CSS: Added a new Advanced Critical CSS recommendations page.
- Critical CSS: Updated error reporting for Critical CSS to offer more users more guidance.
- Tooling: Moved all development to the Jetpack monorepo.
- Boost is now compatible with WordPress 5.8.
- Tooling: Fix PHP unit testing dependency on later versions of PHP.
- Critical CSS: Ensure generator library uses cache-busting to load the latest version after updates.
- Update: User connection is no longer required for Speed Scores.
- Update: Completely revamped how site speed scores are retreived.
- Update: Reduced backend dashboard JavaScript bundle size.
- Update: Added a message to explain how site score is calculated.
- Update: Added "Offline Mode" to allow testing Jetpack Boost on local environments easily.
- Update: Improved error handling and the error messages provided.
- Update: Improved Critical CSS Generation stability.
- Update: Remove animations from Critical CSS.
- Fix: Incompatibility with UsersWP and similar plugins that might introduce redirects during Critical CSS Generation.
- Fix: Failed to execute 'json' errors
- Fix: Connection UI Border issues
- Update: Improve Jetpack compatibility
- Update: Improve Critical CSS Compatibility with caching and minification plugins
- Update: Clean up JavaScript dependencies
- Fixed: Defer JavaScript compatibility with XML Requests
- Fixed: Web Stories compatibility
- Improved: "Defer Non-Essential Javascript" module compatibility with other plugins
- Updated: Support for AMP Plugin 2.0+
- Updated: No longer defer JavaScript on POST, AJAX, Cron requests and sitemaps.
- Improved: HTML Media tag handling
- Fixed: Metrics timeout caused by caching in the REST API
- Fixed: An issue where the connection iframe would sometimes break
- Updated: On connection: showing an XML RPC Error instead of HTTP 500 when XML-RPC is disabled
- This update brings a lot of stability improvements.
- We've been hard at work to get here and Jetpack Boost v1.0.0 is finally here! 🎉
- We've refactored the plugin quite a bit, starting from the UI to stability fixes.
- First public alpha release