From 1e4cefefcf4aafdef3b413f7f4eb9a9c74687e49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lois Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2020 13:11:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] #Added Plot-ly version for all map plots --- server.R | 424 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- ui.R | 13 +- 2 files changed, 250 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-) diff --git a/server.R b/server.R index a14f218..292ece7 100644 --- a/server.R +++ b/server.R @@ -1,14 +1,16 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { withProgress(message = 'Loading data and loading maps', value = 0,{ - incProgress(1/6, detail = "Loading survey data (67 Mb)") + incProgress(1/6, detail = "Loading survey data (70 Mb)") # Loading Data ---- args <- commandArgs(TRUE) - args <- ifelse(length(args)==0,"COVIDiSTRESS_May_04_clean.csv",args) + args <- ifelse(length(args)==0,"COVIDiSTRESS_May_30_clean.csv",args) data = read.csv(args, header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) + #data = read.delim("COVIDiSTRESS_May_30_clean.dat", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) + data = data %>% mutate(Country=recode(Country,"Cabo Verde"="Cape Verde","Congo, Democratic Republic of the"="Democratic Republic of the Congo","Congo, Republic of the"="Republic of Congo","Côte d’Ivoire"="Ivory Coast","East Timor (Timor-Leste)"="Timor-Leste","Korea, North"="North Korea","Korea, South"="South Korea","Micronesia, Federated States of"="Micronesia","Sudan, South"="South Sudan","The Bahamas"="Bahamas","United Kingdom"="UK","United States"="USA")) @@ -32,122 +34,218 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { # Creating map functions and loading maps ---- - incProgress(1/6, detail = "Loading Isolation Map (66Mb)") + incProgress(1/6, detail = "Creating Maps") #Generating Isolation Map Plot (by @ggautreau) - dat <- data.frame(x = numeric(0), y = numeric(0)) - - isolation_map <- function(world="world"){ - #world = "world" means a atlantic-centred map - #world = "world2" means a pacific-centred map - data = data %>% - mutate(Country=recode(Country,"Cabo Verde"="Cape Verde","Congo, Democratic Republic of the"="Democratic Republic of the Congo","Congo, Republic of the"="Republic of Congo","Côte d’Ivoire"="Ivory Coast","East Timor (Timor-Leste)"="Timor-Leste","Korea, North"="North Korea","Korea, South"="South Korea","Micronesia, Federated States of"="Micronesia","Sudan, South"="South Sudan","The Bahamas"="Bahamas","United Kingdom"="UK","United States"="USA")) + isolation_map <- function(){ processed_data = data %>% mutate(isolation_score=recode(Dem_islolation,"Life carries on as usual"=0,"Life carries on with minor changes"=1,"Isolated"=2,"Isolated in medical facility of similar location"=3,.default=as.numeric(NA))) %>% group_by(Country) %>% summarise(mean_isolation_score = mean(isolation_score,na.rm=T),sd_isolation_score = sd(isolation_score,na.rm=T), - nb_answers = n()) - - processed_world_map = get_world_map(world) - processed_world_map = left_join(processed_world_map,processed_data, by=c("country"="Country")) %>% - mutate(country_text = paste0( - "Country: ", country, "\n", - "Region: ", region, "\n", - "Mean isolation score: ", round(mean_isolation_score,2), "\n", - "Std dev. isolation score: ", round(sd_isolation_score,2), "\n", - "# of answers: ", nb_answers)) - - p <- ggplot( + - geom_polygon(aes( x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = mean_isolation_score, text = country_text), colour = "black", size = 0.2)+ - scale_fill_distiller(palette="RdYlBu", name = "isolation score", limits = c(0, 3), breaks = c(0,1,2,3), labels= c("0 - Life carries on as usual","1 - Life carries on with minor changes","2 - Isolated","3 - Isolated in medical facility of similar location"),values=c(0,0.45,0.55,1))+ - theme_void() + nb_answers = n()) %>% + mutate( + Country_iso3c = countrycode( + sourcevar = Country, + origin = "", + destination = "iso3c", + custom_match = c( + "Sudan, South" = "SSD", + "other" = NA, + "Kosovo" = NA + ) + ), + Country_code = countrycode( + sourcevar = Country_iso3c, + origin = "iso3c", + destination = "un", + custom_match = c("SSD" = 728, "TWN" = 158) + ), + population_2020 = pop[match(Country_code, pop$country_code), "2020"], + life_expectancy_M = e0M[match(Country_code, e0M$country_code), "2015-2020"], + life_expectancy_F = e0F[match(Country_code, e0F$country_code), "2015-2020"], + ) - } - if(file.exists("world_maps_isolation.Rdata")) - { - load("world_maps_isolation.Rdata") - }else{ - world_map_1_isolation <- ggplotly(isolation_map(), tooltip="text") - world_map_2_isolation <- ggplotly(isolation_map(world="world2"), tooltip="text") - save(world_map_1_isolation, world_map_2_isolation,file="world_maps_isolation.Rdata") + fig <- plot_geo(processed_data) %>% + add_trace( + locations = ~ Country_iso3c, + z = ~ mean_isolation_score, + color = ~ mean_isolation_score, + hovertemplate = ~ paste0( + "Mean isolation score: ", + round(mean_isolation_score, 2), + "\n", + "Std dev. isolation score: ", + round(sd_isolation_score, 2), + "\n", + "Population size: ", + format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), + "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", + "# of answers: ", + nb_answers, + '', + Country, + '' + ), + colorscale = list(c(0, 0.5, 1), c('rgb(255, 255, 77)', 'rgb(255, 210, 77)', 'rgb(230, 0, 0)')), + zmin = 0, + zmax = 3, + colorbar = list( + title = 'Isolation score', + tickvals = 0:3, + ticktext = c( + "0 - Life carries on as usual", + "1 - Life carries on with minor changes", + "2 - Isolated", + "3 - Isolated in medical facility of similar location" + ) + ) + ) + + return(fig) + } + fig_isolation = isolation_map() - incProgress(1/6, detail = "Loading Stress Map (118Mb)") - #Function for Generating Stress Map Plot (by @ggautreau) - stress_map <- function(world="world"){ - #world = "world" means a atlantic-centred map - #world = "world2" means a pacific-centred map - data = data %>% - mutate(Country=recode(Country,"Cabo Verde"="Cape Verde","Congo, Democratic Republic of the"="Democratic Republic of the Congo","Congo, Republic of the"="Republic of Congo","Côte d’Ivoire"="Ivory Coast","East Timor (Timor-Leste)"="Timor-Leste","Korea, North"="North Korea","Korea, South"="South Korea","Micronesia, Federated States of"="Micronesia","Sudan, South"="South Sudan","The Bahamas"="Bahamas","United Kingdom"="UK","United States"="USA")) + #Function for Generating Stress Map Plot (by @ggautreau) + stress_map <- function(){ processed_data = data %>% group_by(Country) %>% summarise(mean_stress_score = mean(PSS10_avg,na.rm=T),sd_stress_score = sd(PSS10_avg,na.rm=T), - nb_answers = n()) - - processed_world_map = get_world_map(world) - processed_world_map = left_join(processed_world_map,processed_data, by=c("country"="Country")) %>% - mutate(country_text = paste0( - "Country: ", country, "\n", - "Region: ", region, "\n", - "Mean stress score: ", round(mean_stress_score,2), "\n", - "Std dev. stress score: ", round(sd_stress_score,2), "\n", - "# of answers: ", nb_answers)) - - p <- ggplot( + - geom_polygon(aes( x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = mean_stress_score, text = country_text), colour = "black", size = 0.2)+ - scale_fill_distiller(palette="RdYlBu", name = "stress score")+ - theme_void() - } - - if(file.exists("world_maps_stress.Rdata")) - { - load("world_maps_stress.Rdata") - }else{ - world_map_1_stress <- ggplotly(stress_map(), tooltip="text") - world_map_2_stress <- ggplotly(stress_map(world="world2"), tooltip="text") + nb_answers = n()) %>% + mutate( + Country_iso3c = countrycode( + sourcevar = Country, + origin = "", + destination = "iso3c", + custom_match = c( + "Sudan, South" = "SSD", + "other" = NA, + "Kosovo" = NA + ) + ), + Country_code = countrycode( + sourcevar = Country_iso3c, + origin = "iso3c", + destination = "un", + custom_match = c("SSD" = 728, "TWN" = 158) + ), + population_2020 = pop[match(Country_code, pop$country_code), "2020"], + life_expectancy_M = e0M[match(Country_code, e0M$country_code), "2015-2020"], + life_expectancy_F = e0F[match(Country_code, e0F$country_code), "2015-2020"], + ) + + fig <- plot_geo(processed_data) %>% + add_trace( + locations = ~ Country_iso3c, + z = ~ mean_stress_score, + color = ~ mean_stress_score, + hovertemplate = ~ paste0( + "Mean stress score: ", + round(mean_stress_score, 2), + "\n", + "Std dev. stress score: ", + round(sd_stress_score, 2), + "\n", + "Population size: ", + format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), + "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", + "# of answers: ", + nb_answers, + '', + Country, + '' + ), + colorscale = 'RdBu' + ) + + return(fig) - save(world_map_1_stress, world_map_2_stress,file="world_maps_stress.Rdata") } + fig_stress = stress_map() - incProgress(1/6, detail = "Loading Trust Map (169Mb)") #Function for Generating Trust Map Plot (by @ggautreau) - trust_map <- function(world="world"){ - #world = "world" means a atlantic-centred map - #world = "world2" means a pacific-centred map + trust_map <- function(){ processed_data = data %>% group_by(Country) %>% summarise(mean_trust_score = mean(Trust_countrymeasure,na.rm=T), sd_trust_score = sd(Trust_countrymeasure,na.rm=T), - nb_answers = n()) - - processed_world_map = get_world_map(world) - processed_world_map = left_join(processed_world_map,processed_data, by=c("country"="Country")) %>% - mutate(country_text = paste0( - "Country: ", country, "\n", - "Region: ", region, "\n", - "Mean trust score: ", round(mean_trust_score,2), "\n", - "Std dev. trust score: ", round(sd_trust_score,2), "\n", - "# of answers: ", nb_answers)) - - p <- ggplot( + - geom_polygon(aes( x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = mean_trust_score, text = country_text), colour = "black", size = 0.2)+ - scale_fill_distiller(palette="RdYlBu", name = "All things considered, do you believe that\nthe government has taken the appropriate\n measures in response to Coronavirus ?", limits = c(0, 10), breaks = 0:10, labels= c("0 - Too little","1","2","3","4","5 - Appropriate","6","7","8","9","10 - Too mush")) + - theme_void() - } - - if(file.exists("world_maps_trust.Rdata")) - { - load("world_maps_trust.Rdata") - }else{ - world_map_1_trust <- ggplotly(trust_map(), tooltip="text") - world_map_2_trust <- ggplotly(trust_map(world="world2"), tooltip="text") + nb_answers = n()) %>% + mutate( + Country_iso3c = countrycode( + sourcevar = Country, + origin = "", + destination = "iso3c", + custom_match = c( + "Sudan, South" = "SSD", + "other" = NA, + "Kosovo" = NA + ) + ), + Country_code = countrycode( + sourcevar = Country_iso3c, + origin = "iso3c", + destination = "un", + custom_match = c("SSD" = 728, "TWN" = 158) + ), + population_2020 = pop[match(Country_code, pop$country_code), "2020"], + life_expectancy_M = e0M[match(Country_code, e0M$country_code), "2015-2020"], + life_expectancy_F = e0F[match(Country_code, e0F$country_code), "2015-2020"], + ) - save(world_map_1_trust, - world_map_2_trust, - file="world_maps_trust.Rdata") + fig <- plot_geo(processed_data) %>% + add_trace( + locations = ~ Country_iso3c, + z = ~ mean_trust_score, + color = ~ mean_trust_score, + hovertemplate = ~ paste0( + "Mean trust score: ", + round(mean_trust_score, 2), + "\n", + "Std dev. trust score: ", + round(sd_trust_score, 2), + "\n", + "Population size: ", + format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), + "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", + "# of answers: ", + nb_answers, + '', + Country, + '' + ), + colorscale = list(c(0, 0.5, 1), c('rgb(51, 153, 255)', 'rgb(128, 255, 128)', 'rgb(255, 51, 51)')), + zmin = 0, + zmax = 10, + colorbar = list( + title = 'All things considered, do you believe that\nthe government has taken the appropriate\n measures in response to Coronavirus ?', + tickvals = 0:10, + ticktext = c( + "0 - Too little", + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5 - Appropriate", + "6", + "7", + "8", + "9", + "10 - Too mush" + ) + ) + ) + + return(fig) } + fig_trust = trust_map() #Function for Generating Concern Map Plot (by @ggautreau) concern_map <- function() { @@ -192,7 +290,9 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { destination = "un", custom_match = c("SSD" = 728, "TWN" = 158) ), - population_2020 = pop[match(Country_code, pop$country_code), "2020"] + population_2020 = pop[match(Country_code, pop$country_code), "2020"], + life_expectancy_M = e0M[match(Country_code, e0M$country_code), "2015-2020"], + life_expectancy_F = e0F[match(Country_code, e0F$country_code), "2015-2020"], ) @@ -232,9 +332,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { "Std dev. concern score for other countries: ", round(sd_concern_score_othercountries, 2), "\n", - "population size: ", + "Population size: ", format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", "# of answers: ", nb_answers, '', @@ -292,9 +394,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { "Std dev. concern score for other countries: ", round(sd_concern_score_othercountries, 2), "\n", - "population size: ", + "Population size: ", format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", "# of answers: ", nb_answers, '', @@ -353,9 +457,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { "Std dev. concern score for other countries: ", round(sd_concern_score_othercountries, 2), "\n", - "population size: ", + "Population size: ", format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", "# of answers: ", nb_answers, '', @@ -414,9 +520,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { "Std dev. concern score for other countries: ", round(sd_concern_score_othercountries, 2), "\n", - "population size: ", + "Population size: ", format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", "# of answers: ", nb_answers, '', @@ -475,9 +583,11 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { "Std dev. concern score for other countries: ", round(sd_concern_score_othercountries, 2), "\n", - "population size: ", + "Population size: ", format(round(population_2020), big.mark = " "), "\n", + "Life expectancy: Male=", round(life_expectancy_M,1), " ; Female=", round(life_expectancy_F,1), + "\n", "# of answers: ", nb_answers, '', @@ -539,14 +649,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { return(fig) } - fig_concern = concern_map() - - incProgress(1/6, detail = "Creating Concern Map") - #we create one default map - world_map_1_concern_ORIGIN <- ggplotly(concern_map(who="himself")) - }) #Dynamic Part for the "Sample Description" tab ---- @@ -656,96 +760,56 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { # Dynamic Part for the "Results" tab ---- observeEvent({ input$MapRegionChoice - input$ConcernChoice },{ #Creating Concern maps withProgress(message = 'Plotting maps', value = 0,{ - if(input$MapRegionChoice==6 || input$ConcernChoice>1) #testing if choice is default - { #Not default : creating the map - incProgress(1/3, detail = "Creating Concern Map") - - if(input$MapRegionChoice<6){ - world_map_1_concern <- switch(input$ConcernChoice, - "1"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="himself"), tooltip="text"), - "2"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="family"), tooltip="text"), - "3"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="friend"), tooltip="text"), - "4"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="country"), tooltip="text"), - "5"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="othercountries"), tooltip="text") - ) - }else{ - world_map_2_concern <- switch(input$ConcernChoice, - "1"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="himself" ,world="world2"), tooltip="text"), - "2"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="family",world="world2"), tooltip="text"), - "3"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="friend",world="world2"), tooltip="text"), - "4"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="country",world="world2"), tooltip="text"), - "5"= ggplotly(concern_map(who="othercountries",world="world2"), tooltip="text") - ) - } - }else{ #default: using default map - world_map_1_concern <- world_map_1_concern_ORIGIN - } - # Sending plots to ui incProgress(1/3, detail = "Sending plots to UI") if(TRUE) { switch(input$MapRegionChoice, "1" = { #1 = World - output$PlotlyIsolationMap<-renderPlotly({world_map_1_isolation}) - output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_stress} ) - output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_trust} ) - output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap<-renderPlotly({world_map_1_concern}) + output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_isolation }) + output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_stress }) + output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_trust }) + output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_concern }) }, "2" = { #2 Africa - output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({ world_map_1_stress %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,60)),yaxis=list(range = c(-40,40))) }) - output$PlotlyIsolationMap<-renderPlotly({ world_map_1_isolation %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,60)),yaxis=list(range = c(-40,40))) }) - output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_trust %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,60)),yaxis=list(range = c(-40,40))) }) - output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_concern %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,60)),yaxis=list(range = c(-40,40))) }) + output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_stress %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'africa')) }) + output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_isolation %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'africa')) }) + output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_trust %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'africa')) }) + output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_concern %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'africa')) }) + }, + "3" = { #3 Asia + output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({fig_stress %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'asia')) }) + output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({fig_isolation %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'asia')) }) + output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({ fig_trust %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'asia')) }) + output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({fig_concern %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'asia')) }) }, - "3" = { #3 America - output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({ world_map_1_stress %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-180,-20)),yaxis=list(range = c(-60,80))) }) - output$PlotlyIsolationMap<-renderPlotly({ world_map_1_isolation %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-180,-20)),yaxis=list(range = c(-60,80))) }) - output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_trust %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-180,-20)),yaxis=list(range = c(-60,80))) }) - output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_concern %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-180,-20)),yaxis=list(range = c(-60,80))) }) + "4" = { #4 Europe + output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({fig_stress %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'europe')) }) + output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({fig_isolation %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'europe')) }) + output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({fig_trust %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'europe')) }) + output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({fig_concern %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'europe')) }) }, - "4" = { #4 Asia - output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({ world_map_1_stress %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(25,191)),yaxis=list(range = c(-15,90))) }) - output$PlotlyIsolationMap<-renderPlotly({world_map_1_isolation %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(25,191)),yaxis=list(range = c(-15,90))) }) - output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_trust %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(25,191)),yaxis=list(range = c(-15,90))) }) - output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_concern %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(25,191)),yaxis=list(range = c(-15,90))) }) + "5" = { #5 North America + output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({fig_stress %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'north america')) }) + output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({fig_isolation %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'north america')) }) + output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({fig_trust %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'north america')) }) + output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({fig_concern %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'north america')) }) }, - "5" = { #5 Europe - output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({ world_map_1_stress %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,50)),yaxis=list(range = c(33,72))) }) - output$PlotlyIsolationMap<-renderPlotly({ world_map_1_isolation %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,50)),yaxis=list(range = c(33,72))) }) - output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_trust %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,50)),yaxis=list(range = c(33,72))) }) - output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_1_concern %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(-25,50)),yaxis=list(range = c(33,72))) }) + "6" = { #6 South America + output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({fig_stress %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'south america')) }) + output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({fig_isolation %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'south america')) }) + output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({fig_trust %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'south america')) }) + output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({fig_concern %>% layout(geo = list(scope = 'north america')) }) }, - "6" = { #Oceania - output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({ world_map_2_stress %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(100,300)),yaxis=list(range = c(-80,80))) }) - output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_2_isolation %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(100,300)),yaxis=list(range = c(-80,80))) }) - output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_2_trust%>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(100,300)),yaxis=list(range = c(-80,80))) }) - output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({world_map_2_concern %>% - layout(xaxis=list(range = c(100,300)),yaxis=list(range = c(-80,80))) }) + "7" = { #7 Oceania + output$PlotlyStressMap <- renderPlotly({fig_stress %>% layout(geo = list(projection = list(rotation = list(lon=-180,lat=-20),scale=1.7))) }) + output$PlotlyIsolationMap <- renderPlotly({fig_isolation %>% layout(geo = list(projection = list(rotation = list(lon=-180,lat=-20),scale=1.7))) }) + output$PlotlyTrustMap <- renderPlotly({fig_trust %>% layout(geo = list(projection = list(rotation = list(lon=-180,lat=-20),scale=1.7))) }) + output$PlotlyCoronaConcernMap <- renderPlotly({fig_concern %>% layout(geo = list(projection = list(rotation = list(lon=-180,lat=-20),scale=1.7))) }) } ) } diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R index 14326eb..8fb54a5 100644 --- a/ui.R +++ b/ui.R @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ library(stringr) library(maps) library(countrycode) library(wpp2019) +data(pop) +data(e0F) +data(e0M) source("get_world_maps.R") #### UI ---- @@ -41,12 +44,8 @@ ui <- fluidPage( sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( selectInput('MapRegionChoice', h3("Select Region"), - choices = list("World" = 1, "Africa" = 2, "America" = 3, - "Asia" = 4, "Europe" = 5, "Oceania" = 6), - selected = 1), - selectInput('ConcernChoice', h3("Concern for who?"), - choices = list("Themself" = 1, "My family" = 2, "My friends" = 3, - "My country" = 4, "Other countries" = 5), + choices = list("World" = 1, "Africa" = 2, "Asia" = 3, "Europe" = 4, + "North America" = 5, "South America" = 6, "Oceania" = 7), selected = 1) ), mainPanel( @@ -59,6 +58,6 @@ ui <- fluidPage( ) ) ), - tabPanel("About") + tabPanel("About", "Hello") ) ) \ No newline at end of file