Like sed, but Python!
A personal project.
This project makes heavy use of Python's builtin eval() function, and comes with same set of security considerations. Mostly this means only executing trusted strings, but be sure to read the relevant Python documentation.
The primary interface to pyin
is the $ pyin
command-line utility. It
seeks to provide shorthand for the little scripts we developers write when
quickly transforming small amounts of data. It can be quite flexible and
powerful, but at a certain point the expressions become difficult to read and
Some (most? all?) shells (posix?) disable variable expansion inside of single quotes. Keep this in mind when writing expressions.
This Python snippet:
>>> import itertools as it
>>> with open('LICENSE.txt') as f:
... line = next(f)
>>> line = line.strip()
>>> line = line.lower()
>>> line.count('n')
is equivalent to:
$ head -1 LICENSE.txt | pyin 'i.lower()' 'i.count("n")' 2
$ pyin
is primarily designed to read data from stdin
or a file,
however in some cases it is necessary to generate your own data:
$ pyin --gen 'range(3)' 0 1 2
The --gen
flag's only requirement is that it produce an iterable object:
$ pyin --gen '{"key": "value"}' key
A directive
is a special shorthand for a pre-defined operation. All
directives start with the %
character. Directives are split into two
categores: `Item Directives`_ and `Stream Directives`_. The former modifies
each item in the stream
, and the latter has the ability to completely
change the stream
itself. For example, %json is an
Item Directive, and %csvd is a
Stream Directive.
A directive
takes the place of a Python expression:
$ echo '[1, 2, 3]' | pyin %json 'sum(i)' 6
In some cases a directive
has different behavior depending on what is
passed to it. In this example the first %json call is decoding JSON data to
a Python object, and the second is encoding:
$ echo '[1, 2, 3]' | pyin %json %json [1, 2, 3]
A list of all directives and their use appears later in this document.
Expressions are typically executed against each element in the stream, but it is also possible to modify the underlying data stream directly:
All Python expressions are parsed for importable objects and automatically imported:
$ echo 'LICENSE.txt' | pyin 'os.path.exists(i)' True
An expression containing a reference to an invalid object will fail to execute:
$ echo 'LICENSE.txt' | pyin 'os.path.ex(i)' ERROR: module 'posixpath' has no attribute 'ex'
Python statements can be executed during setup to modify the global scope:
$ ls LICENSE.txt \ | pyin \ -s "from os.path import exists" \ '(i, exists(i))' \ ('LICENSE.txt', True)
A more complex example mixing directives, expressions, etc.:
$ head -4 LICENSE.txt \ | pyin \ %filter i \ 'i.split()' \ 'i[::2]' \ %stream '[" ".join(i) for i in s]' New License Copyright 2015-2024, D. All reserved.
is equivalent to the Python code:
>>> import itertools as it >>> with open('LICENSE.txt') as f: ... # Take first 4 lines ... for i in it.islice(f, 4): ... # Remove lines only containing whitespace ... i = i.strip() ... if not i: ... continue ... # Take every-other word ... i = i.split() ... i = i[::2] ... print(" ".join(i)) New License Copyright 2015-2024, D. All reserved.
makes use of Python's builtin eval()
, which executes code within
a scope
with local
and global
variables. pyin
only places the
data being evaluated within the local
variables, but provides a full
scope containing all of the normal Python builtins plus some aliases
to potentially useful modules and functions. This scope is somewhat hidden
but can be investigated:
$ pyin \ --gen 'range(1)' \ %stream '_scope.items()' \ %filterfalse 'i[0].startswith("_")' \ 'f"{i[0]} {type(i[1])} {i[1].__name__}"' it <class 'module'> itertools op <class 'module'> operator reduce <class 'builtin_function_or_method'> reduce
This is admittedly very hard to read, but rebuilding the command one expression at a time should reveal what is happening.
$ pyin
carefully manages how exceptions are raised and presented to the
user to differentiate between problems with expressions, and problems with
$ pyin
itself. In some cases it is helpful to get a full traceback.
The presence of this variable in the environment enables the feature regardless of its value.
A directive
is a special operation that may or may not be possible to
express as a Python expression. The %json
directive is an example of one
that is easy to re-implement, and the %csv
directive is one that would be
extremely difficult.
Some directives require one or more arguments. They are noted as:
%directive argument
and are described below each notation.
Text processing.
%join string
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
See also %lstrips.
%lstrips string
Equivalent to:
See also %lstrip.
%partition string
Equivalent to:
%replace old new
Equivalent to:
'i.replace(<old>, <new>)'
%rpartition string
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
See also %rstrips.
%rstrips string
Equivalent to:
See also %rstrip.
Equivalent to:
See also %splits.
%splits string
Equivalent to:
See also %split.
Equivalent to:
%strips string
Equivalent to:
See also %strip.
Equivalent to:
Cast from one type to another.
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Equivalent to:
Data elimination.
%filter <expression>
Include items matching the expression. Equivalent to:
%stream 'filter(<expression>, s)'
%filterfalse <expression>
Exclude items matching the expression. Equivalent to:
%stream 'itertools.filterfalse(<expression>, s)'
Parsing and serializing well-known formats.
Encode/decode a CSV. If the input is a stream it is read with
in a manner that is equivalent to:
%stream 'csv.DictReader(s)'
If the input data is a dictionary, first a header row is written with all
fields, and then all records are written with csv.QUOTE_ALL
. It is not
feasible to recreate this behavior with an expression.
Encode and decode JSON data. If the input is a string, this is equivalent to:
Altering how items within the stream are grouped.
Accumulate all elements in the stream into a single iterable object. Equivalent
to %stream '[list(s)]'
%stream 'itertools.batched(s, N)'
For Python 3.12 onward, this is equivalent to
%stream 'itertools.batched(s, <N>)'
. For older versions of Python:
>>> from itertools import islice >>> def batched(stream, N): ... stream = iter(stream) ... while chunk := tuple(it.islice(stream, N)): ... yield tuple(chunk) >>> result = batched(range(5), 2) >>> print(list(result)) [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4,)]
Equivalent to:
%stream 'itertools.chain(s)'
Equivalent to:
%stream 'it.islice(s)'
Reverse the entire stream. Done in a memory efficient manner. Equivalent to both of the snippets below. See %rev for more details.
%stream 'reversed(s)' %stream 's[::-1]'
Directives not belonging to another category.
In theory this is equivalent to "reversed(i)"
, but in practice often
equivalent to "i[::-1]"
. Calling reversed()
on a string produces a
reversed object
, but reversing a string with slicing like string[::-1]
does produce a string. Same for lists and tuples. This directive knows about
a few of these special cases, and attempts to preserve type. it will sometimes
be wrong.
%eval <expression>
Mostly users do not need to be aware of this directive. Internally, pyin
assumes that any expression not associated with a directive
belongs to
. In code terms, these are equivalent:
'i + 1' %eval 'i + 1'
%evalif <sentinel expression> <expression>
Only evaluate expression
if the sentinel expression
evaulates as true.
%evalif 'i % 2 == 0' 'i ** 2'
%exec <statement>
Execute a Python statement instead of an expression.
%execif <sentinel expression> <statement>
Like %evalif
, but only execute statement
if sentinel expression
evaluates as true.
%execif 'i % 2 != 0' 'i -= 2'
%stream <expression>
Evaluate an expression on the stream itself.
Manual for the pyin
Python library. pyin.eval() is mostly what users
should interact with.
Evaluate one or more Python expressions
against a stream
of data. This
>>> import pyin >>> stream = range(3) >>> expressions = ['i + 1', '[i] * 3', '%json'] >>> for item in pyin.eval(expressions, stream): ... print(item) [1, 1, 1] [2, 2, 2] [3, 3, 3]
is equivalent to:
$ pyin --gen 'range(3)' 'i + 1' '[i] * 3' %json [1, 1, 1] [2, 2, 2] [3, 3, 3]
Entrypoint to the CLI for use within Python. Does not catch all exceptions.
A compliant argument parser is available via the argparse_parser()
function. While not part of the official API, the _cli_entrypoint()
function may be worth referencing. It contains an additional layer of error
handling for the $ pyin
utility and exists to bridge the gap between the
shell and main()
An argparse.ArgumentParser()
compatible with main()
Parses expressions and constructs the operation
objects necessary to
execute them. Users should not need to interact with this function.
Parses expressions and attempts to import the objects they reference into a single global scope. Users should not need to interact with this function.
Base class for implementing an operation
. One operation
implements one
or more directives
. See section below on Implementing an Operation.
Like pyin.OpBase(), but for an operation that is instantiated with
additional information. These classes receive a global scope
intended for
use with Python's builtin eval()
and exec()
functions, and variable
names in which data should be placed when evaluating an expression.
Indicates a directive is invalid or unusable in some manner. Subclasses
to trigger some of the special traceback handling in
$ pyin
. Typically this exception should only be raised when something is
systematically wrong with how pyin
was developed, not incorrect use.
An operation
is a single class containing the code implementing one or more
. Each operation
class can implement multiple directives
Admittedly, the term operation
doesn't make much sense, but here we are.
In theory this is pluggable...
A directive should ideally map directly to a Python function or common shell
utility. For example, the %rev
directive is identical to the $ rev
utility. %reversed
would also be an acceptable name, but is probably too
long. However, directives should have one name and one name only - it is not
OK to register both %rev
and %reversed
and use one as an alias for
the other. Stick with the Zen of Python:
$ python -m this | grep "There should be one" There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Subclassing pyin.OpBase()
An operation
must subclass pyin.OpBase()
and implement at least the
method. The operation
lists which directives
supports, at call time knows which directive
it is executing, and receives
a global scope to execute within. See the pyin.OpBase()
class's source
code for more information. pyin.OpEval()
and pyin.OpJSON()
are also
good references.