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File metadata and controls

94 lines (60 loc) · 2.78 KB


A tool that generates reports about misconfigurations in specified NGINX configuration files.

The reports may be in JSON format or PDF.

Installation Guide

The uNGINXed project relies on Poetry to manage Python dependencies. It is highly encouraged to perform all uNGINXed operations within Poetry's environment.

Follow Poetry installation Guide

Installing uNGINXed Dependencies

poetry install

unNGINXed Usage

The uNGINXed engine support scanning of NGINX configurations from the command line.

Command Line Report

poetry run python -m unginxed <NGINX Configuration Path> -sv

Command Line Report

PDF Report Generation

poetry run python -m unginxed <NGINX Configuration Path> -o <output directory>

Report Generation With Command Line Report

poetry run python -m unginxed <NGINX Configuration Path> -svo <output directory>

uNGINXed integration with VSCode

uNGINXed is available as a linter, implemented as a VSCode extension. To use the extension, simply install the unginxed-linter.vsix extension in VSCode via the Install From VSIX option in VSCode.

VSCode Linter

The linter is able to generate a PDF report via a extension command: PDF command

Development for uNGINXed

Adding signatures

Signatures come in the form of python code.

In the sigs folder, create a new python file which contains a function named matcher. The function takes in an NGINXConfig object as a parameter, and should return a Signature object as a result. Use the SignatureBuilder class to build your signatures, as it abstracts the complicated logic away from creating the Signature.

Command line tool

Use the tools/ tool to create a signature python file which contains boilerplate to get you started.

Example usage (from unginxed folder):

poetry run python unginxed/tools/ create Alias LFI

This creates a file named, with the following boilerplate code:

from ..nginx_config import NginxConfig
from ..signature import Signature, SignatureBuilder

def matcher(config: NginxConfig) -> Signature:
    signature_builder = SignatureBuilder(config.raw).set_name('Alias LFI') \
                                          .set_reference_url('') \
                                          .set_description('') \

    # Your logic here.
    # Flag out directives using signature_builder.add_flagged(directive, config)
