diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a818682..34231f8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -63,3 +63,4 @@ GeoHealthCheck.conf
 # Data
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/app.py b/GeoHealthCheck/app.py
index ea1eec0..8c0d3bf 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/app.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/app.py
@@ -737,8 +737,7 @@ def test(resource_identifier):
         return redirect(request.referrer)
     from healthcheck import run_test_resource
-    result = run_test_resource(
-        resource)
+    result = run_test_resource(resource)
     if request.method == 'GET':
         if result.message == 'Skipped':
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/config_main.py b/GeoHealthCheck/config_main.py
index 0a04b15..df45db7 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/config_main.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/config_main.py
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@
+    'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrims',
+    'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.oracle',
+    'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.postgres',
@@ -166,9 +169,18 @@
     'OGC:3DTiles': {
         'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.ogc3dtiles.OGC3DTiles'
+    'ORACLE': {
+        'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.oracle.OracleDrilldown'
+    },
+    'POSTGRES': {
+        'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.postgres.PostgresDrilldown'
+    },
     'ESRI:FS': {
         'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrifs.ESRIFSDrilldown'
+    'ESRI:MS': {
+        'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrims.ESRIMSDrilldown'
+    },
     'Mapbox:TileJSON': {
         'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.mapbox.TileJSON'
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/enums.py b/GeoHealthCheck/enums.py
index b990f8d..d639e47 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/enums.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/enums.py
@@ -78,7 +78,10 @@
         'label': 'OGC 3D Tiles (OGC3D)'
     'ESRI:FS': {
-        'label': 'ESRI ArcGIS FeatureServer (FS)'
+        'label': 'ESRI ArcGIS FeatureServer'
+    },
+    'ESRI:MS': {
+        'label': 'ESRI ArcGIS MapServer'
     'Mapbox:TileJSON': {
         'label': 'Mapbox TileJSON Service (TileJSON)'
@@ -92,6 +95,12 @@
     'FTP': {
         'label': 'File Transfer Protocol (FTP)'
+    'ORACLE': {
+        'label': 'Oracle Database'
+    },
+    'POSTGRES': {
+        'label': 'Postgres Database'
+    },
     'OSGeo:GeoNode': {
         'label': 'GeoNode instance'
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/healthcheck.py b/GeoHealthCheck/healthcheck.py
index 1451699..28be2bd 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/healthcheck.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/healthcheck.py
@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ def sniff_test_resource(config, resource_type, url):
                          'OGCFeat': [urlopen],
                          'OGC:3DTiles': [urlopen],
                          'ESRI:FS': [urlopen],
+                         'ESRI:MS': [urlopen],
+                         'ORACLE': [oracle_connect],
+                         'POSTGRES': [postgres_connect],
                          'OGC:STA': [urlopen],
                          'WWW:LINK': [urlopen],
                          'FTP': [urlopen],
@@ -244,7 +247,9 @@ def sniff_test_resource(config, resource_type, url):
             elif resource_type == 'OGCFeat':
                 title = 'OGC API Features (OAFeat)'
             elif resource_type == 'ESRI:FS':
-                title = 'ESRI ArcGIS FS'
+                title = 'ESRI ArcGIS FeatureService'
+            elif resource_type == 'ESRI:MS':
+                title = 'ESRI ArcGIS MapService'
             elif resource_type == 'OGC:3DTiles':
                 title = 'OGC 3D Tiles'
@@ -309,6 +314,25 @@ def geonode_make_tags(base_url):
     return [tag_name]
+def oracle_connect(connect_string):
+    d = {}
+    for c in connect_string.split(";"):
+        key = c.split("=")[0]
+        value = c.split("=")[1]
+        d[key] = value
+    base_name = 'Oracle : {}'.format(d["service"])
+    return True
+def postgres_connect(connect_string):
+    d = {}
+    for c in connect_string.split(";"):
+        key = c.split("=")[0]
+        value = c.split("=")[1]
+        d[key] = value
+    base_name = 'Postgres : {}'.format(d["database"])
+    return True
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     print('START - Running health check tests on %s'
           % datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/models.py b/GeoHealthCheck/models.py
index 2c09b51..5d452db 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/models.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/models.py
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ def run_count(self):
     def get_capabilities_url(self):
         if self.resource_type.startswith('OGC:') \
                 and self.resource_type not in \
-                ['OGC:STA', 'OGCFeat', 'ESRI:FS', 'OGC:3DTiles']:
+                ['OGC:STA', 'OGCFeat', 'ESRI:FS', 'ESRI:MS', 'OGC:3DTiles']:
             url = '%s%s' % (bind_url(self.url),
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/esrims.py b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/esrims.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..754ea47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/esrims.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+from GeoHealthCheck.probe import Probe
+from GeoHealthCheck.result import Result, push_result
+class ESRIMSDrilldown(Probe):
+    """
+    Probe for ESRI MapServer endpoint "drilldown": starting
+    with top /MapServer endpoint: get Layers and get Features on these.
+    Test e.g. from https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services
+    (at least sampleserver6 is ArcGIS 10.6.1 supporting Paging).
+    """
+    NAME = 'ESRIMS Drilldown'
+    DESCRIPTION = 'Traverses an ESRI MapServer ' \
+                  '(REST) API endpoint by drilling down'
+    PARAM_DEFS = {
+        'drilldown_level': {
+            'type': 'string',
+            'description': 'How heavy the drilldown should be.\
+                            basic: test presence of Capabilities, \
+                            full: go through Layers, get Features',
+            'default': 'basic',
+            'required': True,
+            'range': ['basic', 'full']
+        }
+    }
+    """Param defs"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        Probe.__init__(self)
+    def get_request_headers(self):
+        headers = Probe.get_request_headers(self)
+        # Clear possibly dangling ESRI header
+        # https://github.com/geopython/GeoHealthCheck/issues/293
+        if 'X-Esri-Authorization' in headers:
+            del headers['X-Esri-Authorization']
+        if 'Authorization' in headers:
+            # https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/server/latest/
+            #     administer/linux/about-arcgis-tokens.htm
+            auth_val = headers['Authorization']
+            if 'Bearer' in auth_val:
+                headers['X-Esri-Authorization'] = headers['Authorization']
+        return headers
+    def perform_esrims_get_request(self, url):
+        response = self.perform_get_request(url).json()
+        error_msg = 'code=%d message=%s'
+        # May have error like:
+        # {
+        #   "error" :
+        #   {
+        #     "code" : 499,
+        #     "message" : "Token Required",
+        #     "messageCode" : "GWM_0003",
+        #     "details" : [
+        #       "Token Required"
+        #     ]
+        #   }
+        # }
+        if 'error' in response:
+            err = response['error']
+            raise Exception(error_msg % (err['code'], err['message']))
+        return response
+    def perform_request(self):
+        """
+        Perform the drilldown.
+        """
+        # Be sure to use bare root URL http://.../MapServer
+        ms_url = self._resource.url.split('?')[0]
+        # Assemble request templates with root MS URL
+        req_tpl = {
+            'ms_caps': ms_url + '?f=json',
+            'layer_caps': ms_url + '/%d?f=json',
+            'get_features': ms_url +
+            '/%d/query?where=1=1'
+            '&outFields=*&resultOffset=0&'
+            'resultRecordCount=1&f=json',
+            'get_feature_by_id': ms_url +
+            '/%d/query?where=%s=%s&outFields=*&f=json'
+        }
+        # 1. Test top Service endpoint existence
+        result = Result(True, 'Test Service Endpoint')
+        result.start()
+        layers = []
+        try:
+            ms_caps = self.perform_esrims_get_request(req_tpl['ms_caps'])
+            for attr in ['currentVersion', 'layers']:
+                val = ms_caps.get(attr, None)
+                if val is None:
+                    msg = 'Service: missing attr: %s' % attr
+                    result = push_result(
+                        self, result, False, msg, 'Test Layer:')
+                    continue
+            layers = ms_caps.get('layers', [])
+        except Exception as err:
+            result.set(False, str(err))
+        result.stop()
+        self.result.add_result(result)
+        if len(layers) == 0:
+            return
+        # 2. Test each Layer Capabilities
+        result = Result(True, 'Test Layer Capabilities')
+        result.start()
+        layer_ids = []
+        layer_caps = []
+        try:
+            for layer in layers:
+                if layer['subLayerIds'] is None:
+                    layer_ids.append(layer['id'])
+            for layer_id in layer_ids:
+                layer_caps.append(self.perform_esrims_get_request(
+                    req_tpl['layer_caps'] % layer_id))
+        except Exception as err:
+            result.set(False, str(err))
+        result.stop()
+        self.result.add_result(result)
+        if self._parameters['drilldown_level'] == 'basic':
+            return
+        # ASSERTION: will do full drilldown from here
+        # 3. Test getting Features from Layers
+        result = Result(True, 'Test 1 record for each layer in Layers')
+        result.start()
+        layer_id = -1
+        try:
+            for layer_id in layer_ids:
+                try:
+                    features = self.perform_esrims_get_request(
+                        req_tpl['get_features'] % layer_id)
+                    # Get the name of the OBJECTID FieldName
+                    # In a FeatureService this is direct available from features['objectIdFieldName']
+                    # In a MapService this must be done by looping through the response fields and find the field with type 'esriFieldTypeOID'
+                    obj_id_field_name = None
+                    for f in features['fields']:
+                        if f['type'] == 'esriFieldTypeOID':
+                            obj_id_field_name = f['name']
+                            break
+                    features = features['features']
+                    if len(features) == 0:
+                        continue
+                    # At least one Feature: use first and try to get by id
+                    object_id = features[0]['attributes'][obj_id_field_name]
+                    feature = self.perform_get_request(
+                        req_tpl['get_feature_by_id'] % (
+                            layer_id, obj_id_field_name,
+                            str(object_id))).json()
+                    feature = feature['features']
+                    if len(feature) == 0:
+                        msg = 'layer: %d: missing Feature - id: %s' \
+                              % (layer_id, str(object_id))
+                        result = push_result(
+                            self, result, False, msg,
+                            'Test Layer: %d' % layer_id)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    msg = 'GetLayer: id=%d: err=%s ' \
+                          % (layer_id, str(e))
+                    result = push_result(
+                        self, result, False, msg, 'Test Get Features:')
+                    continue
+        except Exception as err:
+            result.set(False, 'Layer: id=%d : err=%s'
+                       % (layer_id, str(err)))
+        result.stop()
+        # Add to overall Probe result
+        self.result.add_result(result)
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/http.py b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/http.py
index 0687eb0..3f69019 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/http.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/http.py
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class HttpPost(HttpGet):
-    REQUEST_HEADERS = {'content-type': '{post_content_type}'}
+    REQUEST_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': '{post_content_type}'}
     REQUEST_TEMPLATE = '{body}'
     PARAM_DEFS = {
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/oracle.py b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/oracle.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..287b50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/oracle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import oracledb
+from GeoHealthCheck.probe import Probe
+from GeoHealthCheck.result import Result, push_result
+class OracleDrilldown(Probe):
+    """
+    Probe for Oracle Database endpoint "drilldown"
+    Possible tests are 'basic' for testing the connection to the database (is it up-and-running).
+    Or 'full' for testing both the connection and if Oracle Spatial functionality is available.
+    """
+    NAME = 'Oracle Drilldown'
+    DESCRIPTION = 'Checks an Oracle database connection, use a string like "host=<hostname>;port=<portnumber>;service=<servicename>" to define the database connection'
+    PARAM_DEFS = {
+        'drilldown_level': {
+            'type': 'string',
+            'description': 'Which drilldown should be used.\
+                            basic: test connection, \
+                            full: test connection and check Oracle Spatial',
+            'default': 'basic',
+            'required': True,
+            'range': ['basic', 'full']
+        }
+    }
+    """Param defs"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        Probe.__init__(self)
+    def perform_ora_get_request(self, connectstring,sql):
+        response = None
+        try:
+            with oracledb.connect(connectstring) as con:
+                cursor = con.cursor()
+                result, = cursor.execute(sql)
+                response = repr(result)
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise Exception("Error: " + err)
+        return response
+    def perform_request(self):
+        """
+        Perform the drilldown.
+        """
+        d = {}
+        for c in self._resource.url.split(";"):
+            key = c.split("=")[0]
+            value = c.split("=")[1]
+            d[key.lower()] = value
+        # Check connection data
+        host = None
+        servicename = None
+        portnumber = "1521"
+        if "host" in self._resource.url.lower():
+            host = d["host"]
+        if "service" in self._resource.url.lower():
+            servicename = d["service"]
+        if "port" in self._resource.url.lower():
+            portnumber = d["port"]
+        if host is None or servicename is None:
+            raise Exception("No Database host or service in url")
+        # Assemble request templates with root FS URL
+        if self._resource.auth['type'] == 'Basic':
+            usr = self._resource.auth['data']['username']
+            pwd = self._resource.auth['data']['password']
+            dsn = '{usr}/{pwd}@{host}:{portnumber}/{service}'.format(usr=usr,pwd=pwd,host=host,portnumber=portnumber,service=servicename)
+        else:
+            raise Exception("No username and password as Basic authentication saved")
+        req_tpl = {
+            'connectstring':dsn,
+            'basic_check':'select to_char(current_date) from dual',
+            'full_check':"select SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY('POINT(155000 463000)') from dual"
+        }
+        # 1. Test top Service endpoint existence
+        result = Result(True, f"Test Oracle connection")
+        result.start()
+        try:
+            ora_result = self.perform_ora_get_request(req_tpl['connectstring'],req_tpl['basic_check'])
+            if ora_result is None:
+                result.set(False,"Error: The query '{}' was not executed".format(req_tpl['basic_check']))
+        except Exception as err:
+            result.set(False, str(err))
+        result.stop()
+        self.result.add_result(result)
+        if self._parameters['drilldown_level'] == 'basic':
+            return
+        # ASSERTION: will do full drilldown from here
+        # 2. Test Oracle Spatial
+        result = Result(True, 'Test Oracle Spatial')
+        result.start()
+        try:
+            ora_result = self.perform_ora_get_request(req_tpl['connectstring'],req_tpl['full_check'])
+            if ora_result is None:
+                result.set(False, "Error: The query '{}' was not executed".format(req_tpl['full_check']))
+        except Exception as err:
+            result.set(False, str(err))
+        result.stop()
+        # Add to overall Probe result
+        self.result.add_result(result)
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/postgres.py b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/postgres.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad74e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/plugins/probe/postgres.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import psycopg2
+from GeoHealthCheck.probe import Probe
+from GeoHealthCheck.result import Result, push_result
+class PostgresDrilldown(Probe):
+    """
+    Probe for Postgres Database endpoint "drilldown"
+    Possible tests are 'basic' for testing the connection to the database (is it up-and-running).
+    Or 'full' for testing both the connection and if ESRI's ST_GEOMETRY library is available.
+    """
+    NAME = 'Postgres Drilldown'
+    DESCRIPTION = 'Checks a Postgres database connection, use a string like "host=<hostname>;port=<portnumber>;database=<databasename>" to define the database connection'
+    PARAM_DEFS = {
+        'drilldown_level': {
+            'type': 'string',
+            'description': 'Which drilldown should be used.\
+                            basic: test connection, \
+                            full: test connection and check ESRI ST_GEOMETRY',
+            'default': 'basic',
+            'required': True,
+            'range': ['basic', 'full']
+        }
+    }
+    """Param defs"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        Probe.__init__(self)
+    def perform_pg_get_request(self, host,databasename,portnumber,usr,pwd,sql):
+        response = None
+        try:
+            con = psycopg2.connect(dbname=databasename, host=host, user=usr, password=pwd, port=portnumber)
+            cursor = con.cursor()
+            result = cursor.execute(sql)
+            response = cursor.rowcount
+            con.close()
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise Exception("Error: " + err)
+        return response
+    def perform_request(self):
+        """
+        Perform the drilldown.
+        """
+        d = {}
+        for c in self._resource.url.split(";"):
+            key = c.split("=")[0]
+            value = c.split("=")[1]
+            d[key.lower()] = value
+        # Check connection data
+        host = None
+        databasename = None
+        portnumber = "5432"
+        if "host" in self._resource.url.lower():
+            host = d["host"]
+        if "database" in self._resource.url.lower():
+            databasename = d["database"]
+        if "port" in self._resource.url.lower():
+            portnumber = d["port"]
+        if host is None or databasename is None:
+            raise Exception("No Database host or databasename in url")
+        # Assemble request templates with root FS URL
+        try:
+            if self._resource.auth['type'] == 'Basic':
+                usr = self._resource.auth['data']['username']
+                pwd = self._resource.auth['data']['password']
+        except Exception:
+            raise Exception("No username and password as Basic authentication saved")
+        req_tpl = {
+            'basic_check':'SELECT CURRENT_DATE',
+            'full_check':"select sde.st_x(sde.st_point (155000, 463000, 28992)) as X, sde.st_y(sde.st_point (155000, 463000, 28992)) as Y"
+        }
+        # 1. Test top Service endpoint existence
+        result = Result(True, f"Test Postgres connection")
+        result.start()
+        try:
+            pg_result = self.perform_pg_get_request(host,databasename,portnumber,usr,pwd,req_tpl['basic_check'])
+            # pg_result = self.perform_pg_get_request(req_tpl['connectstring'],req_tpl['basic_check'])
+            if pg_result is None:
+                result.set(False,"Error: The query '{}' was not executed".format(req_tpl['basic_check']))
+        except Exception as err:
+            result.set(False, str(err))
+        result.stop()
+        self.result.add_result(result)
+        if self._parameters['drilldown_level'] == 'basic':
+            return
+        # ASSERTION: will do full drilldown from here
+        # 2. Test ESRI ST_GEOMETRY
+        result = Result(True, 'Test Postgres ESRI ST_GEOMETRY')
+        result.start()
+        try:
+            pg_result = self.perform_pg_get_request(host,databasename,portnumber,usr,pwd,req_tpl['full_check'])
+            if pg_result is None:
+                result.set(False, "Error: The query '{}' was not executed".format(req_tpl['full_check']))
+        except Exception as err:
+            result.set(False, str(err))
+        result.stop()
+        # Add to overall Probe result
+        self.result.add_result(result)
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/probe.py b/GeoHealthCheck/probe.py
index 44a3ae6..ea5dcf8 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/probe.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/probe.py
@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ def perform_request(self):
                 self.response = self.perform_get_request(url)
             elif self.REQUEST_METHOD == 'POST':
+                request_string = request_string.replace("?","")
                 self.response = self.perform_post_request(
                     url_base, request_string)
         except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/util.py b/GeoHealthCheck/util.py
index 6ca5b76..82913b1 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/util.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/util.py
@@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ def get_python_snippet(resource):
     if resource.resource_type.startswith('OGC:'):
         lines.append('# testing via OWSLib')
         lines.append('# test GetCapabilities')
+    elif resource.resource_type == 'ORACLE':
+        lines.append('# testing via OracleDB')
+    elif resource.resource_type == 'POSTGRES':
+        lines.append('# testing via PostgresDB')
         lines.append('# testing via urllib2 and urlparse')
diff --git a/GeoHealthCheck/views.py b/GeoHealthCheck/views.py
index 4d4c8b7..1ca4139 100644
--- a/GeoHealthCheck/views.py
+++ b/GeoHealthCheck/views.py
@@ -218,8 +218,11 @@ def get_probes_avail(resource_type=None, resource=None):
     # Assume no resource type
     filters = None
     if resource_type:
-        filters = [('RESOURCE_TYPE', resource_type),
-                   ('RESOURCE_TYPE', '*:*')]
+        if resource_type == "ORACLE" or resource_type == "POSTGRES":
+            filters = [('RESOURCE_TYPE', resource_type)]
+        else:
+            filters = [('RESOURCE_TYPE', resource_type),
+                       ('RESOURCE_TYPE', '*:*')]
     probe_classes = Plugin.get_plugins('GeoHealthCheck.probe.Probe', filters)
diff --git a/docs/plugins.rst b/docs/plugins.rst
index 021a674..7e49573 100644
--- a/docs/plugins.rst
+++ b/docs/plugins.rst
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ See an example for both below from `config_main.py` for **GHC_PLUGINS** and **GH
        'OGCFeat': {
            'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.ogcfeat.OGCFeatDrilldown'
-       'ESRI:FS': {
-           'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrifs.ESRIFSDrilldown'
+       'ESRI': {
+           'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esri.ESRIDrilldown'
        'urn:geoss:waf': {
            'probe_class': 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.http.HttpGet'
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ to override any of the `Probe` baseclass methods.
-.. automodule:: GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrifs
+.. automodule:: GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esri
diff --git a/tests/data/fixtures.json b/tests/data/fixtures.json
index 1326a34..b621107 100644
--- a/tests/data/fixtures.json
+++ b/tests/data/fixtures.json
@@ -117,6 +117,16 @@
       "tags": [
+    },
+      "owner": "admin",
+      "resource_type": "ESRI:MS",
+      "active": true,
+      "title": "ESRI ArcGIS MapServer (MS)",
+      "url": "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/AGP/USA/MapServer",
+      "tags": [
+        "esri"
+      ]
   "probe_vars": {
@@ -292,7 +302,14 @@
       "parameters": {
         "drilldown_level": "full"
-    }
+    },
+    "ESRIMS - Drilldown": {
+      "resource": "ESRI MAPSERVER",
+      "probe_class": "GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrims.ESRIMSDrilldown",
+      "parameters": {
+        "drilldown_level": "full"
+      }
+    }    
   "check_vars": {
     "PDOK BAG WMS - GetCaps - XML Parse": {
diff --git a/tests/data/resources.json b/tests/data/resources.json
index 2cdbbd5..ab05d09 100644
--- a/tests/data/resources.json
+++ b/tests/data/resources.json
@@ -105,6 +105,26 @@
       "tags": [
+    },
+      "owner": "admin",
+      "resource_type": "ESRI:FS",
+      "active": true,
+      "title": "ESRI ArcGIS FeatureServer (FS)",
+      "url": "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Wildfire/FeatureServer",
+      "tags": [
+        "esri"
+      ]
+    },
+      "owner": "admin",
+      "resource_type": "ESRI:MS",
+      "active": true,
+      "title": "ESRI ArcGIS MapServer (MS)",
+      "url": "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/AGP/USA/MapServer",
+      "tags": [
+        "esri"
+      ]
   "probe_vars": {
@@ -242,6 +262,20 @@
         "y": "0",
         "extension" : "png"
+    },
+    "ESRIFS - Drilldown": {
+      "resource": "ESRI FEATURESERVER",
+      "probe_class": "GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrifs.ESRIFSDrilldown",
+      "parameters": {
+        "drilldown_level": "full"
+      }
+    },
+    "ESRIMS - Drilldown": {
+      "resource": "ESRI MAPSERVER",
+      "probe_class": "GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.esrims.ESRIMSDrilldown",
+      "parameters": {
+        "drilldown_level": "full"
+      }
   "check_vars": {