See Installing from source code (Installation Guide)
Once you checked out the code from GitHub repository, go inside the GeoNetwork’s root folder and execute the maven build command:
mvn clean install
If the build is successful, you'll get an output like:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] GeoNetwork opensource ................................. SUCCESS [1.345s]
[INFO] Caching xslt module ................................... SUCCESS [1.126s]
[INFO] Jeeves modules ........................................ SUCCESS [3.970s]
[INFO] ArcSDE module (dummy-api) ............................. SUCCESS [0.566s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork web client module .......................... SUCCESS [23.084s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork user interface module ...................... SUCCESS [15.940s]
[INFO] Oaipmh modules ........................................ SUCCESS [1.029s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork domain ..................................... SUCCESS [0.808s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork core ....................................... SUCCESS [6.426s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork CSW server ................................. SUCCESS [2.050s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork health monitor ............................. SUCCESS [1.014s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork harvesters ................................. SUCCESS [2.583s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork services ................................... SUCCESS [3.178s]
[INFO] GeoNetwork Web module ................................. SUCCESS [2:31.387s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3 minutes 35 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Oct 27 16:21:46 CET 2013
Your local maven repository now contain the GeoNetwork artifacts created ($HOME/.m2/repository/org/geonetwork-opensource
Many Maven build options are available, for instance, you might like to use following options :
To skip tests:
mvn install -DskipTests
Offline use:
mvn install -o
Build really fast with 2 threads per cpu core
mvn install -o -DskipTests -T 2C
Please refer to the maven documentation for additional options, Maven: The Complete Reference
Maven profiles are used to enable additional build configuration or optional modules:
mvn install -Pdatastorage-s3
Some build profiles are activated with specific properties, such as release
to build release bundles:
mvn install -Drelease
The release
flag above asks the following modukes to produce zip
bundles for distribution:
GeoNetwork requires an Elasticsearch instance as an index.
To run, download using maven:
cd es mvn install -Pes-download
And run locally:
mvn exec:exec -Des-start
For alternatives see es/readme.
To run, download using maven:
cd es/es-dashboard mvn install -Pkb-download
Run locally:
mvn exec:exec -Dkb-start
For alternatives see es/es-dashboards/readme.
Maven comes with built-in support for Jetty via a jetty-maven-plugin.
To run GeoNetwork with the embedded Jetty server:
Change directory to the root of the web module, and then execute the following maven command:
cd web mvn jetty:run -Penv-dev
After a moment, GeoNetwork is available at: http://localhost:8080/geonetwork
The default
database is located in your home folder~/
(based on system
). -
For changes related to the user interface in the
module or the metadata schemas in theschemas
module, can be deployed in jetty executing the following maven command in the web module:mvn process-resources -PschemasCopy
To reset all caches and database use:
cd web mvn clean:clean@reset
For more information see web/
To start the application under the root context, use:
cd web
mvn jetty:run -Dgeonetwork.webapp.contextpath=/