diff --git a/src/anycastd/prefix/frrouting.py b/src/anycastd/prefix/frrouting.py
index 0a73d8a..e0e0e75 100644
--- a/src/anycastd/prefix/frrouting.py
+++ b/src/anycastd/prefix/frrouting.py
@@ -3,12 +3,16 @@
 from contextlib import suppress
 from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv6Network
 from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TypeAlias
 from anycastd._base import BaseExecutor
 from anycastd.prefix.base import BasePrefix
+VRF: TypeAlias = str | None
 class FRRoutingPrefix(BasePrefix):
+    vrf: VRF
     vtysh: Path
     executor: BaseExecutor
@@ -16,10 +20,12 @@ def __init__(
         prefix: IPv4Network | IPv6Network,
+        vrf: VRF = None,
         vtysh: Path = Path("/usr/bin/vtysh"),
         executor: BaseExecutor,
+        self.vrf = vrf
         self.vtysh = vtysh
         self.executor = executor
@@ -29,9 +35,12 @@ async def is_announced(self) -> bool:
         Checks if the respective BGP prefix is configured in the default VRF.
         family = get_afi(self)
-        show_prefix = await self._run_vtysh_commands(
-            (f"show bgp {family} unicast {self.prefix} json",)
+        cmd = (
+            f"show bgp vrf {self.vrf} {family} unicast {self.prefix} json"
+            if self.vrf
+            else f"show bgp {family} unicast {self.prefix} json"
+        show_prefix = await self._run_vtysh_commands((cmd,))
         prefix_info = json.loads(show_prefix)
         with suppress(KeyError):
@@ -49,12 +58,12 @@ async def announce(self) -> None:
         Adds the respective BGP prefix to the default VRF.
         family = get_afi(self)
-        asn = await self._get_default_local_asn()
+        asn = await self._get_local_asn()
         await self._run_vtysh_commands(
                 "configure terminal",
-                f"router bgp {asn}",
+                f"router bgp {asn} vrf {self.vrf}" if self.vrf else f"router bgp {asn}",
                 f"address-family {family} unicast",
                 f"network {self.prefix}",
@@ -66,24 +75,32 @@ async def denounce(self) -> None:
         Removes the respective BGP prefix from the default VRF.
         family = get_afi(self)
-        asn = await self._get_default_local_asn()
+        asn = await self._get_local_asn()
         await self._run_vtysh_commands(
                 "configure terminal",
-                f"router bgp {asn}",
+                f"router bgp {asn} vrf {self.vrf}" if self.vrf else f"router bgp {asn}",
                 f"address-family {family} unicast",
                 f"no network {self.prefix}",
-    async def _get_default_local_asn(self) -> int:
-        """Returns the local ASN in the default VRF.
+    async def _get_local_asn(self) -> int:
+        """Returns the local ASN in the VRF of the prefix.
             RuntimeError: Failed to get the local ASN.
-        show_bgp_detail = await self._run_vtysh_commands(("show bgp detail json",))
+        show_bgp_detail = await self._run_vtysh_commands(
+            (
+                (
+                    f"show bgp vrf {self.vrf} detail json"
+                    if self.vrf
+                    else "show bgp detail json"
+                ),
+            )
+        )
         bgp_detail = json.loads(show_bgp_detail)
         if warning := bgp_detail.get("warning"):
             raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get local ASN: {warning}")
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index bf9f1ca..71acc07 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv6Network
+from typing import TypeAlias
 import pytest
+_IP_Prefix: TypeAlias = IPv4Network | IPv6Network
+_VRF: TypeAlias = str | None
 def example_asn() -> int:
@@ -21,5 +25,12 @@ def ipv6_example_network() -> IPv6Network:
     scope="session", params=["ipv4_example_network", "ipv6_example_network"]
-def example_networks(request) -> IPv4Network | IPv6Network:
+def example_networks(request) -> _IP_Prefix:
+    """Parametrize tests with example prefixes."""
     return request.getfixturevalue(request.param)
+@pytest.fixture(params=[None, "vrf-func-test"])
+def example_vrfs(request) -> _VRF:
+    """Parametrize tests with example VRFs."""
+    return request.param
diff --git a/tests/prefix/frrouting/conftest.py b/tests/prefix/frrouting/conftest.py
index 916fea8..f3e02bb 100644
--- a/tests/prefix/frrouting/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/prefix/frrouting/conftest.py
@@ -3,16 +3,15 @@
 from collections.abc import Callable
 from contextlib import suppress
 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv6Network
+from ipaddress import IPv4Network
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import TypeAlias
 import pytest
-_Prefix: TypeAlias = IPv4Network | IPv6Network
+from tests.conftest import _VRF, _IP_Prefix
-def get_afi(prefix: _Prefix) -> str:
+def get_afi(prefix: _IP_Prefix) -> str:
     """Return the FRR string AFI for the given IP type."""
     return "ipv6" if not isinstance(prefix, IPv4Network) else "ipv4"
@@ -126,16 +125,17 @@ def vtysh(frr_container) -> Vtysh:
-def bgp_prefix_configured() -> Callable[[_Prefix, Vtysh], bool]:
+def bgp_prefix_configured() -> Callable[[_IP_Prefix, Vtysh, _VRF], bool]:
     """A callable that can be used to check if a BGP prefix is configured."""
-    def _(prefix: _Prefix, vtysh: Vtysh) -> bool:
+    def _(prefix: _IP_Prefix, vtysh: Vtysh, vrf: _VRF = None) -> bool:
         family = get_afi(prefix)
-        show_prefix = vtysh(
-            f"show ip bgp {family} unicast {prefix} json",
-            configure_terminal=False,
-            context=[],
+        cmd = (
+            f"show ip bgp vrf {vrf} {family} unicast {prefix} json"
+            if vrf
+            else f"show ip bgp {family} unicast {prefix} json"
+        show_prefix = vtysh(cmd, configure_terminal=False, context=[])
         prefix_info = json.loads(show_prefix)
         with suppress(KeyError):
@@ -151,32 +151,38 @@ def _(prefix: _Prefix, vtysh: Vtysh) -> bool:
-def add_bgp_prefix() -> Callable[[_Prefix, int, Vtysh], None]:
+def add_bgp_prefix() -> Callable[[_IP_Prefix, int, Vtysh, _VRF], None]:
     """A callable that can be used to add a BGP prefix."""
-    def _(prefix: _Prefix, asn: int, vtysh: Vtysh) -> None:
+    def _(prefix: _IP_Prefix, asn: int, vtysh: Vtysh, vrf: _VRF = None) -> None:
         """Add a network to the BGP configuration using vtysh."""
         family = get_afi(prefix)
             f"network {prefix}",
-            context=[f"router bgp {asn}", f"address-family {family} unicast"],
+            context=[
+                f"router bgp {asn} vrf {vrf}" if vrf else f"router bgp {asn}",
+                f"address-family {family} unicast",
+            ],
     return _
-def remove_bgp_prefix() -> Callable[[_Prefix, int, Vtysh], None]:
+def remove_bgp_prefix() -> Callable[[_IP_Prefix, int, Vtysh, _VRF], None]:
     """A callable that can be used to remove a BGP prefix."""
-    def _(prefix: _Prefix, asn: int, vtysh: Vtysh) -> None:
+    def _(prefix: _IP_Prefix, asn: int, vtysh: Vtysh, vrf: _VRF = None) -> None:
         """Remove a network from the BGP configuration using vtysh."""
         family = get_afi(prefix)
             f"no network {prefix}",
-            context=[f"router bgp {asn}", f"address-family {family} unicast"],
+            context=[
+                f"router bgp {asn} vrf {vrf}" if vrf else f"router bgp {asn}",
+                f"address-family {family} unicast",
+            ],
     return _
diff --git a/tests/prefix/frrouting/test_basic_functionality.py b/tests/prefix/frrouting/test_basic_functionality.py
index 27044b0..96ed630 100644
--- a/tests/prefix/frrouting/test_basic_functionality.py
+++ b/tests/prefix/frrouting/test_basic_functionality.py
@@ -21,19 +21,28 @@ async def test_announce_adds_bgp_network(  # noqa: PLR0913
+    example_vrfs,
     """Announcing adds the corresponding BGP prefix to the configuration."""
-    prefix = FRRoutingPrefix(example_networks, executor=docker_executor)
+    prefix = FRRoutingPrefix(
+        example_networks, vrf=example_vrfs, executor=docker_executor
+    )
+    if example_vrfs:
+        vtysh(f"router bgp {example_asn} vrf {example_vrfs}", configure_terminal=True)
     await prefix.announce()
-    assert bgp_prefix_configured(prefix.prefix, vtysh)
+    assert bgp_prefix_configured(prefix.prefix, vtysh=vtysh, vrf=example_vrfs)
     # Clean up
-    remove_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, example_asn, vtysh)
+    remove_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, asn=example_asn, vtysh=vtysh, vrf=example_vrfs)
+    if example_vrfs:
+        vtysh(
+            f"no router bgp {example_asn} vrf {example_vrfs}", configure_terminal=True
+        )
@@ -41,17 +50,20 @@ async def test_denounce_removes_bgp_network(  # noqa: PLR0913
+    example_vrfs,
     """Denouncing removes the corresponding BGP prefix from the configuration."""
-    prefix = FRRoutingPrefix(example_networks, executor=docker_executor)
-    add_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, asn=example_asn, vtysh=vtysh)
+    prefix = FRRoutingPrefix(
+        example_networks, vrf=example_vrfs, executor=docker_executor
+    )
+    add_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, asn=example_asn, vtysh=vtysh, vrf=example_vrfs)
     await prefix.denounce()
-    assert not bgp_prefix_configured(prefix.prefix, vtysh)
+    assert not bgp_prefix_configured(prefix.prefix, vtysh=vtysh, vrf=example_vrfs)
@@ -60,18 +72,21 @@ async def test_announcement_state_reported_correctly(  # noqa: PLR0913
+    example_vrfs,
     announced: bool,
     """The announcement state is reported correctly."""
-    prefix = FRRoutingPrefix(example_networks, executor=docker_executor)
+    prefix = FRRoutingPrefix(
+        example_networks, vrf=example_vrfs, executor=docker_executor
+    )
     if announced:
-        add_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, asn=example_asn, vtysh=vtysh)
+        add_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, asn=example_asn, vtysh=vtysh, vrf=example_vrfs)
     assert await prefix.is_announced() == announced
     # Clean up
     if announced:
-        remove_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, example_asn, vtysh)
+        remove_bgp_prefix(prefix.prefix, asn=example_asn, vtysh=vtysh, vrf=example_vrfs)