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File metadata and controls

492 lines (386 loc) · 20.7 KB

This piece of software needs a new maintainer

I've no energy to maintain this project myself. Help is very welcome.


Sync Mail Dir (smd) is a set of tools to synchronize a pair of mailboxes in Maildir format. It is Free Software, released under the terms of GPLv3, Copyright © 2008-2018 Enrico Tassi.

It differs from other solutions in terms of performances and lower installation requirements. The widespread solution IMAP-server plus OfflineIMAP requires an IMAP server to be installed. Alternatively Maildirsync requires no IMAP server, just ssh, but it used to load my laptop CPU too much and it seems its development stopped in 2004. Other general purpose tools like rsync or unison may work too, but not benefit from the fact that they are synchronizing mail messages. Sync Mail Dir is similar to Maildirsync in its design and requirements, but is more efficient, having its mechanisms written in C (around 900 lines), while policies are written in scripting languages like Lua and shell script (other 1300 lines).


Sync Mail Dir uses ssh to transmit and receive data, and to run commands on the remote host (but in principle it could use any bi-directional channel, like nc for example).

Sync Mail Dir needs to be installed on both hosts: we call server the host we push to and pull from, we call client the host we push from and pull to. In the most common scenario, the server is our mail server, while the client is our laptop.

The directory ~/.smd/ contains the configuration file(s), some fifo needed to short-circuit the software running on the client and on the server, and a cache file (called db-file from now on) that represents the status of the mailbox last time we successfully pushed. The configuration file is needed only on the client host (the one that will run smd-pull and smd-push).

Sync Mail Dir is a layered set of tools, where low level tools are implemented in low level languages (to achieve decent performances) and high level tools are written in scripting languages (to achieve better flexibility).

  • mddiff is a small and hopefully efficient C program that given a db-file (a snapshot of a previous mailbox status) generates a set of actions (a diff) a client should perform to synchronize its local mailbox copy. It is a low level tool, not meant to be used directly by the user.
  • smd-server a simple script that calls mddiff to compute the diff, sends it to the client and then listens for client requests like getting a mail body or header. Even if this tool is simple to run, redirecting its input and output to smd-client over a network may not be straightforward, thus users should not call it directly.
  • smd-client a quite complex script applying a diff locally, eventually requesting data to the server. In case the diff cannot be applied cleanly, it outputs an error message that higher level tools should display to the user. As smd-server it is a quite high level tool, but should not be called directly by the average user.
  • smd-pull thanks to ssh, it executes smd-server on the server host and smd-client on the client host. This allows to pull remote changes and apply them locally. The remote mailbox is left untouched. This tool is meant to be called by the user.
  • smd-push thanks to ssh, it executes smd-client on the server host and smd-serer on the client host. This allows to push local changes and to apply them on the remote host. The local mailbox is left untouched. This tool is meant to be called by the user.
  • smd-translate handles common folder renaming scenarios. The tool is meant to be used as a translator program in the configuration file of smd-pull and smd-push.
  • smd-check-conf performs a quick check that a setup, especially when it involves some folders renaming, actually works as expected. This tool is meant to be manually called by the user to check a given configuration file.
  • smd-restricted-shell only meant to be used in conjunction with an SSH key and specifically in the remote OpenSSH's authorized_keys file to restrict the commands allowed.
  • smd-uniform-names meant to be used before the first synchronization, when the content of the local and remote mailboxes is similar, but mails are named differently. This is often the case when migrating from offlineimap, that encodes some metadata in the local file names.
  • smd-loop runs runs smd-push and smd-pull at regular intervals as defined by the user in a configuration file, in the style of a crontab, but catches recoverable errors (like a, non recurrent, network problem), bailing out only in cases where human intervention is needed. This is the utility you may want to run if you are using a textual environment or a graphical one not based on GNOME.
  • smd-applet is an applet for the GNOME notification area, that runs smd-loop, eventually notifying the user for critical events and allowing him to solve them by clicking on buttons instead of running commands from the shell.


Four end-user tools are provided. You need to configure them bottom-up, starting from the simpler ones (smd-pull and smd-push), that already allow to synchronize two mailboxes. Anyway it is recommended to use higher level tools like smd-loop or smd-applet.

smd-push and smd-pull

  • smd-pull [name] to obtain the changes made on the remote mailbox applied locally
  • smd-push [name] vice versa

Both tools read a configuration file in ~/.smd/, that is a simple shell script sourced by both when called with argument name. If no argument is given, they source ~/.smd/config.default. This file defines the following variables (see the smd-config manpage for a complete documentation):

  • SERVERNAME is a valid alias for ssh. It should be defined in your ~/.ssh/config, with compression enabled. For example:

      Host smd-server-foo
        BatchMode yes
        Compression yes
        User you
  • CLIENTNAME a name for your client: the host name concatenated with the server name should be fine. Note that you can pull and push from different hosts, and each of them needs a unique CLIENTNAME in its configuration file.

  • MAILBOX a list of roots to be synchronized. There is no support for name mapping, thus they should be named the same on the remote host. Maildirs will be searched starting from these roots, traversing subdirectories recursively.

  • DEBUG can be set to true to log the traffic between client and server

The first time you run smd-pull or smd-push a template file will be generated for you.

The first synchronization can take a while, since all mail messages have to be inspected and their hash recorded in the db-file. While it is not strictly needed, you may want to copy a huge mailbox (hundreds of megabytes) to the other endpoint by hand (for example zipping it with a slow but space efficient compressor like bzip2 and lzma) to save some bandwidth. smd is not optimized for such a (uncommon) situation: it uses regular ssh stream compression to transfer mails, that can be way less space efficient than running a compression utility over the whole mailbox. Moreover, you should not edit your mailboxes during the first synchronization, since edits may force the software to bail out without saving the db-file, and thus making the following run as slow as the first one.

To check your setup you can run the smd-check-conf utility.

The tools smd-push and smd-push can be run with the -d or --dry-run flag. In this way they will not modify in any way any maildir. Nevertheless it can be very handy to understand which changes smd would perform if not told otherwise.


smd-loop runs smd-push and smd-pull at regular intervals as defined by the user in the ~/.smd/loop configuration file. On errors that are reported to be transient, its retries a second time before failing.

The first time you run smd-loop a sample config file is created for you. The configuration file is line oriented. Each line is composed of three space separated fields:

  • pull-frequency
  • push-frequency
  • endpoint-name

Frequencies are expressed in minutes, while endpoint name is a valid name for smd-pull and smd-push. Lines beginning with # are considered as comments. The following example calls the command smd-pull default every 3 minutes, and smd-push default every 10.

# pull-frequency push-frequency endpoint-name
  3              10             default


smd-applet just runs smd-loop, notifying the user if errors occur. It can be run with --configure to pop-up its configuration window, that allows to tune its notification behaviour and to edit the configuration files for smd-loop and smd-push/pull.

systemd integration

smd-pull and smd-push can be configured as user services that get automatically run under systemd. The following units are provided:

Those should be installed in ~/.config/systemd/user/ and enabled like this:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable smd-push.service smd-push.timer smd-pull.service smd-pull.timer

Then you should see progress from those jobs in the journal:

journalctl --user -f

You might need to enable journald persistence by enabling the Storage paramter in journald.conf. This is generally simply a matter of creating the storage directory, with:

sudo mkdir /var/log/journal

Notes on performances

On my core duo 2 laptop equipped with a 5400rpm hard drive and with an hot cache, copying a 150MB mailbox with tar cf - Mail | ssh -C localhost tar xf - takes 17 seconds. Doing the same with smd-pull takes 19 seconds. This is clearly an uncommon workload, since you rarely get 150MB of new mails, but it shows the extra work the tool is doing (like computing sha1 sums for every mail, or the client-server protocol overhead) makes smd not so inefficient. Once the mailbox has been copied, running smd-pull again to check for updates is almost instantaneous. As of September 2011, my mailbox is 1.3G and is on average pulled/pushed in less than 2s using a regular ADSL connection.

Advanced Usage

restricted remote shell

Version 1.2.3 comes with smd-restricted-shell to improve security, especially when using password-less SSH keys. This tool takes advantage of the OpenSSH command= option, which permits to restrict the command that is allowed to be executed on the remote host when the login is performed using a particular SSH key.

Once you have identified in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote host the SSH key you use together with Sync Mail Dir, prepend the line as in the following example:

command="/usr/bin/smd-restricted-shell" ssh-rsa AAAABBBBCCCC....

multiple servers

From verion 0.9.4 multiple configuration files are supported. This means you can push/pull from/to different remote mailboxes (one at a time). This turned out to be useful when migrating a mailbox:

smd-pull oldserver
smd-push newserver

Note that you can run this for a while, not just one time. This can make the transition from a mail-address to another smooth, since simply forwarding mail from the old to the new one makes you believe you changed the subscription to all your mailing lists, that is obviously not always the case since nobody remembers all the mailing lists he is subscribed to.


From version 0.9.14, smd-push and smd-pull can run user defined hooks before and after doing their job. Hooks are regular programs (usually shell scripts) placed in the following directories:

  • ~/.smd/hooks/pre-push.d/
  • ~/.smd/hooks/pre-pull.d/
  • ~/.smd/hooks/post-push.d/
  • ~/.smd/hooks/post-pull.d/

Hooks receive four arguments in the following order:

  1. when: pre or post
  2. what: push or pull
  3. endpoint: the endpoint name, usually default
  4. status: the current status, 0 for OK, 1 for error. pre-hooks always receive 0, post hooks receive the value smd-push/pull will return after the hooks terminate

Hooks should not fail, if they do so then smd-push/pull will fail too. Sample hooks are available in the source tarball under sample-hooks/. Some documentation about available hooks is also present.

folder renaming

In case your local and remote mailbox names or sub-folders structure differ, smd version 1.2.0 offers a translation functionality.

The configuration file must be changed, replacing MAILBOX with MAILBOX_LOCAL and MAILBOX_REMOTE. Moreover two translator programs must be defined:

  • TRANSLATOR_RL to translate remote names to local ones
  • TRANSLATOR_LR to translate local names to remote ones

To avoid common mistakes in writing translators, some recurrent renaming scenarios are handled by the smd-translate utility. Please refer to smd-translate manpage. What following describes how to write a translator by hand, that may be necessary is your translation schema is no supported by smd-translate.

A translator is a program that receives in standard input one or more folder names, and must print on standard output a corresponding folder name on success, or prints the string ERROR followed by a new line and an optional following error message otherwise end exists returning 1. Note that the folder names will be complete of the MAILBOX_LOCAL or MAILBOX_REMOTE part and will always terminate with cur, new or tmp. For example, consider the following configuration file:


When smd-pull is called, is called to translate names like Maildir/cur or Maildir/.sub.folder/new to local names like Mail/cur or Mail/sub.folder/new. An example of could be:

sed --unbuffered -e 's/^Maildir\(.*\)$/Mail\1/' -e 's?/\.?/?'

Note the --unbuffered: translators should not work in buffered mode. I.e. when given a line in input (terminated by \n) they must output a line without expecting any additional input.

Translating the way back is trickier, since the leading . must be added only to sub-folders:

t() {
    if [ "$1" = Mail/cur -o "$1" = Mail/tmp -o "$1" = Mail/new ]; then
        echo $1 | sed --unbuffered 's?^Mail/\(.*\)?Maildir/\1?'
        echo $1 | sed --unbuffered 's?^Mail/\(.*\)?Maildir/.\1?'
while read M; do t "$M"; done

Last, translators are executed as external programs, thus they must be present in your path (for example in ~/bin/) and have the executable bit set (chmod +x).

To check your setup you can run the smd-check-conf utility. The test consists in listing local and remote mailboxes, calling the translators, displaying the result to the user and checking for round trip (i.e. that the translators programs behave as inverse functions on the current input).

You can also test your setup using the dry-run mode with smd-push -d and smd-pull -d and examine their output. This anyway should be tried before the first pull/push, and thus may take a long time depending on the size of your mailboxes.

To avoid common mistakes in writing translators, some recurrent renaming scenarios are handled by the smd-translate utility. Assuming the MAILBOX_LOCAL configuration variable is set to Mail and the MAILBOX_REMOTE is set to Maildir, One can use the following configuration file snippet as a reference, where default must be repaced with the endpoint name:

TRANSLATOR_RL="smd-translate -m oimap-dovecot -d RL default"
TRANSLATOR_LR="smd-translate -m oimap-dovecot -d LR default"

excluding paths

In case some paths need to be skipped, they can be specified as space separated glob(7) expressions in the following variable

EXCLUDE="Mail/Spam Mail/Trash"

Note that these glob expressions have to match real paths, no translation operation is applied to them, so it may be necessary to specify different expressions for the local and remote endpoint. In that case the following variables can be used:


Matching is performed using fnmatch(3) with no special flags, thus '*' and '?' match any character including '/'. Note that spaces in glob expressions must be replaced by %20. For example, to exclude all paths matching the expression 'Mail/delayed [1-5] days/*' the variable EXCLUDE must be set to 'Mail/delayed%20[1-5]%20days/*'. Last, matching is performed every time a directory is entered, and if the matching succeeds the derectory and all its subdirectories are skipped. Thus there is no need to specify a trailing '/*' in every expression.

local synchronization

If the remote and local mailboxes are on the same filesystem, one has to specify the -l option to smd-client. This option can be specified adding to the configuration file SMDCLIENTOPTS=-l and set SERVERNAME=localhost.

avoid deletions

In some cases, usually unidirectional synchronizations, one may want to not propagate deletions. E.g. one keeps a slim working mailbox but pushes to a backup mailbox to save every email. For that scenario smd-pull and smd-push accept a -n, --no-delete, option. To avoid specifying this option every time one can put it in the configuration file:


migration from offlineimap

Migrating from offlineimap may require an extra step, since the local and remote mailboxes may not only differ in their names and sub folders, but also in the names of the single mail messages. Indeed offlineimap encodes some metadata in the file names local to the client. The smd-translate utility translates only folder names and not messages names.

To uniform the names used on the client to the ones used on the server you can do as follows:

  1. Remove X-OfflineIMAP from every mail that contains it. Often the same email has that extra header line on the server but not on the client. The script in misc/strip-header can be used to strip that header on a given folder, for example with:

     strip_header Maildir/ 2> modified.log
  2. Run the smd-uniform-names utility. This utility has to be run before the first synchronization, but after smd is configured and smd-check-conf has reported no errors. smd-uniform-names does not modify the mailbox, but instead it generates a shell script that you can run to perform the renaming.


Syncmaildir is part of the Debian archive. If you are running Debian or one of its derivatives, you can install the syncmaildir and syncmaildir-applet packages with your favourite package manager.

If you want to install it from source you need a C compiler, the development files for GLib, GNU make and sed. For smd-applet you also need the Vala compiler, libgee, GTK+ 3, libnotify and dbus-glib. You may also want to customize few variables in the Makefile. Then typing make && make install should be enough to have syncmaildir installed. Some known platforms are supported by templates defined at the end of Makefile, for example you may want to run make osx/text/all && make osx/text/install to properly build and install text mode only syncmaildir utilities on an MacOSX platform.

Runtime dependencies are: ssh, xdelta3, lua5.1 and bash.


The design of the software is detailed in the design document. If you are interested in hacking smd, it may be helpful.


The software can be download from the Source Forge download page


The software is distributed as-is, with no warranties, so if your mailbox is irremediably lost due to Sync Mail Dir, you will get nothing back, but you can complain with me, of course. If you find the software useful, an happy-user report is also welcome.