regenerated package.yml to update webpage for 3.20 release
regenerated package.yml to update webpage for 3.20 release
Copied PackageInfo.g from master into gh-pages
Copied PackageInfo.g from master into gh-pages
Fixed date format (needs 10 characters)
Fixed date format (needs 10 characters)
update version numbers in manual (in preparation for 3.20 release)
update version numbers in manual (in preparation for 3.20 release)
Updated CHANGES file for the webpage
Updated CHANGES file for the webpage
AffinePointsOnCurve had a local variable E.
AffinePointsOnCurve had a local variable E.
Update the manual to line up with current behavior (ch 5)
Update the manual to line up with current behavior (ch 5)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
Removed reference to guava2do.html and pointed users to the GitHub Is…
Removed reference to guava2do.html and pointed users to the GitHub Is…
Removed manual section for CoefficientMultivariatePolynomial which do…
Removed manual section for CoefficientMultivariatePolynomial which do…
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
PackageInfo.g: remove redundant comment
PackageInfo.g: remove redundant comment
The infix + operator for codes had the wrong filters
The infix + operator for codes had the wrong filters
A few more "whitespace" corrections to the manual from guava04.tst
A few more "whitespace" corrections to the manual from guava04.tst
Corrected example in manual for the infix + used to create the direct
Corrected example in manual for the infix + used to create the direct
MinimumWeight() no longer outputs verbose messages - changed manual to
MinimumWeight() no longer outputs verbose messages - changed manual to
Fixes to CoveringRadius and LinearCodeByGenerators
Fixes to CoveringRadius and LinearCodeByGenerators
Revert changes to LinearCodeByGenerators to allow additional testing.
Revert changes to LinearCodeByGenerators to allow additional testing.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
CI: test against stable-4.14
CI: test against stable-4.14
CI: add examples from the manual
CI: add examples from the manual
Force push
CI: add examples from the manual
CI: add examples from the manual
Force push
CI: add examples from the manual
CI: add examples from the manual
Force push