setup_project.bat is a script that downloads and installs the dependencies and builds the sdk. By default the sdk will be built in folder: current_script_path\build using the Visual Studio 16 2019 generator and the Release configuration. The dependencies (glog, protobuf and websockets) will be downloaded and installed in current_script_path\deps\installed. Please use option -h or --help for further reference on how to change the defaults.
- CMake (Windows installer can be downloaded from:
Open Windows PowerShell then cd to the location of the script. For example:
cd C:\Users\user\ToF\scripts\windows
Get the help menu for more details on how to use the script:
.\setup_project.bat --help
Run the script with default parameters:
Run the script but specify different custom settings. Also, by skipping the '-y' parameter, the script will give a short summary of what actions will do and ask permision to continue or to stop.
.\setup_project.bat -b myBuild -d myDeps -i myInstalledDeps -g "Visual Studio 16 2019" -c Release
Once the build is finished, navitage to the newly created build folder.
In the build folder open **adi_tof_project.sln" with the flavour of Visual Studio specified via setup_project.bat.
Alternatively, the SDK and/or its dependencies can be manually built. Instructions can be found here.
- WITH_EXAMPLES: Build the examples.
- WITH_DOC: Builds documentation generated with doxygen. doxygen must be in the PATH.
- WITH_PYTHON: Builds the Python bindings. The Python 3.7 executable must be in the PATH.
- WITH_OPENCV: Builds the OpenCV C++ bindings.
- WITH_OPEN3D: Builds the Open3D C++ bindings.
- WITH_ROS: Builds the ROS1 C++ bindings.
- WITH_NETWORK: Enables network access to the device when set to ON, USB UVC when set to OFF.
- WITH_ITOF: Do NOT change, leave ON.
- USE_DEPTH_COMPUTE_STUBS: Used when building with stubs in place of the depth compute libraries.
Install Python such that the python executable can be accessed from the command-line interface. Python 3.7 is required.
Tested with Python 3.7.9 64-bit.
Install doxygen, ensure the doxygen exectuable is in the PATH.
Tested with doxygen 1.9.4.
Install GraphViz, ensure the GraphViz executable to the PATH.
Tested with GraphViz 4.0.0.
Download and install OpenCV 4.6.0 from to
It is important the OpenCV_DIR environment variable be set:
- For a permananet addition for the current and future shells (note close and reopen shell): setx OpenCV_DIR C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib
- For a temporary addition for the current shell: set OpenCV_DIR=C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib
Download and install from
It is important the Open3D_DIR environment variable be set:
- For a permananet addition for the current and future shells (note close and reopen shell): setx Open3D_DIR C:\dev\open3d\CMake
- For a temporary addition for the current shell: set Open3D_DIR=C:\dev\open3d\CMake
See here for more details.
Building with the Depth Compute Libraries
If USE_DEPTH_COMPUTE_STUBS is set to OFF in CMakeLists.txt the depth compute libraries (.lib and .dll) files must be provided for the build. The depth compute libraries are included in the evaluation platform release. From the ADTF3175x installation path, navigate to the folder depth_compute_installer, then execute the TOF_Depth_CompteEngine_Windows installer. From here on we will assume the depth compute installer is TOF_DepthComputeEngine_Windows-Rel3.0.0.exe.
Assuming the installation path for the depth compute installation was not changed, navigate to C:\Analog Devices\TOF_DepthComputeEngine_Windows-Rel3.0.0\lib.
One more assumption, you have cloned the ToF repo into a folder called ToF.
On the same level as the folder ToF, create a folder called libs. Copy the files from C:\Analog Devices\TOF_DepthComputeEngine_Windows-Rel3.0.0\lib into libs.
Where you should now have the following.
| tofi_compute.dll
| tofi_compute.lib
| tofi_config.dll
| tofi_config.lib
| tofi_processor.obj
| .clang-format
| .clangformatignore
| .gitignore
| appveyor.yml
| CMakeLists.txt
| ...