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598 lines (361 loc) · 26.8 KB


Data and code for

François Kroll*, Athanasios Dimitriadis*, Tracy Campbell, Lee Darwent, John Collinge, Simon Mead, Emmanuelle Viré. 2022.

co-first authors*

Prion protein gene mutation detection using long-read Nanopore sequencing.

Below explains how to recreate the analyses.

Please cite if you use some of the data or code.

Are you reading this README on GitHub? Find Zenodo archive containing most of the data at

Did you get this README from the Zenodo archive? Please find code at GitHub repositories

Get in touch for questions

about fast5/fastq/bam sequencing data

fast5 files were too heavy to upload even for Zenodo. Please get in touch if you would like to access them.

fastq files (i.e. after basecalling) are available at the Zenodo archive, folder /fastq/.

bam files (i.e. after alignment to human reference genome hg38) are available at the Zenodo archive, folders /genebodyBams/ and /promoterBams/.

about .command bash scripts

I used macOS.
.command bash scripts are included in /utilities/.

Add /utilities/ to PATH so scripts (and other scripts they depend on) are found.

You probably need to add permissions for each .command script in /utilities/ with

chmod u+x ~/.../utilities/XXX.command

about .Rproj and package here()

In R scripts, I tried to avoid hard-coded paths using the package here().

here() starts the path wherever the .Rproj file of the R project opened is.

So, for this to work, make sure to get file prnp_nanopore.Rproj included and open it first in RStudio before opening a script. You can then run here() to check where it is starting. It should start at the folder containing the folders from this repositories, i.e. containing /utilities/, /GCplot/, /SNVs/, etc.

GC% plot

Refers to GC% plot in Figure 1A.

In directory /GCplot/, find GCplotter.R

Input =

  • prnp_window1.fa
  • prnp_window2.fa
  • prnp_window3.fa

Pilot experiment sequencing protein-coding amplicon

This refers to Figure S1.


Basecalling of the fast5 files was done with guppy with command:

guppy_basecaller --input_path ~/.../fast5_pooled \
  --save_path ~/.../pilotexp/ \
  --flowcell FLO-MIN106 \
  --kit SQK-LSK109 \
  --calib_detect \
  --verbose_logs \
  --records_per_fastq 0 \
  • I used a calibration strand, so added flag --calib_detect so it detects it and puts it a separate output.
  • --verbose_logs to output a log file.
  • By default, puts 4000 reads per fastq file. By setting to 0, output all reads in one file.
  • --compress_fastq: gzip compression of output fastq files (~ 50% reduced file size).

Default settings include

  • High Accuracy basecall model
  • Q-score filtering OFF

Generates three fastq files:

  • fastq_runid_d3373c24347bdd069710849e408f6251f1da2c57_0_0.fastq.gz (1060 reads)
  • fastq_runid_dbccf13003c5dd981e72427f54717c842ee74709_0_0.fastq.gz (33 reads)
  • in /calibration_strands/fastq_runid_d3373c24347bdd069710849e408f6251f1da2c57_0_0.fastq.gz (22 reads)

To count number of reads in each fastq.gz:

numberReadsFastqGz.command fastq_runid_d3373c24347bdd069710849e408f6251f1da2c57_0_0.fastq.gz
numberReadsFastqGz.command fastq_runid_dbccf13003c5dd981e72427f54717c842ee74709_0_0.fastq.gz
numberReadsFastqGz.command calibration_strands/fastq_runid_d3373c24347bdd069710849e408f6251f1da2c57_0_0.fastq.gz

numberReadsFastqGz.command is included in /utilities/.

Can merge the first two fastq.gz. The smaller file (33 reads) contains reads generated during mux scan, which are fine to use.

To merge the first two fastq.gz:

cd ~/.../pilotexp/
cat *.fastq.gz > 180421_pool.fastq.gz

I did this analysis on 18/04/2021, hence the filename.

And check the merged file:

numberReadsFastqGz.command 180421_pool.fastq.gz  

Merged file 180421_pool.fastq.gz now has 1093 reads, so correct.


Alignment to hg38 was done using minimap2 with command:

minimap2 -ax map-ont ~/.../hg38.fa \
  180421_pool.fastq.gz > 180421.sam

Then to index/sort:

samtools view 180421.sam -o 180421.bam
samtools sort 180421.bam > 180421s.bam
samtools index 180421s.bam

consensus sequence

Consensus sequence was computed by canu.

Prior to this, I removed all reads above 2000 bp using nanofilt (

gunzip -c 180421_pool.fastq.gz | NanoFilt --maxlength 2000 | gzip > 180421_max2000.fastq.gz  

Could do this with script filterBam.command included in /utilities/ (see below). I had not written it at the time.

canu \
  -p con -d canuconsensus \
  genomeSize=1.5k \
  -nanopore 180421_max2000.fastq.gz

This writes con.contigs.fasta which contains the consensus sequence.

polish the consensus sequence

Using nanopolish.

First to align the fastq reads to their consensus sequence:

minimap2 -ax map-ont canucon/con.contigs.fasta \
  180421_max2000.fastq.gz > 180421con.sam

samtools view 180421con.sam -o 180421con.bam
samtools sort 180421con.bam > 180421cons.bam
samtools index 180421cons.bam

Then to polish the consensus sequence:

nanopolish index -d fast5_pooled/ \

nanopolish variants --consensus -o canuconpolish.vcf \
    -r 180421_max2000.fastq.gz \
    -b 180421cons.bam \
    -g con.contigs.fasta

This writes canuconpolish.vcf which lists the edits that nanopolish would make to the consensus sequence.

To make these edits:

nanopolish vcf2fasta --skip-checks -g con.contigs.fasta canuconpolish.vcf > canuconpolish.fa

I then trimmed the adapters manually in Benchling and aligned the consensus to the Sanger sequence to create Figure S1b.

call single-nucleotide variants

Sample was M129V, called by Sanger sequencing.

Indexing fastq to fast5 files:

nanopolish index -d ~/.../fast5_pooled 180421_pool.fastq.gz

Then calling variants with:

nanopolish variants \
  --reads 180421_pool.fastq.gz \
  --bam 180421s.bam \
  --genome ~/.../hg38.fa \
  --outfile 180421_nanopolish.vcf \
  --ploidy 2 \
  --window "chr20:4680000:4705000" \
  --threads 4 \
  --min-candidate-frequency 0.1 \
  --min-candidate-depth 10 \

Which correctly called M129V chr20:4699605A>G.

fast5 files and 180421_pool.fastq.gz are included at the Zenodo archive in folder /pilotexp/.

All panel: basecalling/demultiplexing/alignment/SNV calling

All panel = the 25 samples listed in Table 1.

Please find these steps in co-first author Athanasios Dimitriadis' repository at

The below starts after these steps, namely it uses SNV calls from nanopolish and bam files after alignment with minimap2.

Single-nucleotide variants (SNVs)

SNVs were called on all samples of the panel, see co-first author Athanasios Dimitriadis' repository at

Find script SNVscalls.R in folder /SNVs/. Main input is AdditionalFile1.xlsx. It plots Figure 2a,b; panels of Figure S2; and extra plots not included in the manuscript.

Question from reviewer (paraphrased):

M129V individuals tend to have a higher number of non-coding SNVs (Table 1).
Are these SNVs occuring on the same haplotype?

Wrote script SNVs_M129V.R to answer.
It expects phased vcf files in /haplotypephasing/vcf_phased/ as input, see below how these were generated.

Filtering the gene-body bam alignment files

Directory /genebodyBams/ contains bam & bam.bai files for each sample, gene-body amplicon.
Please find /genebodyBams/ in Zenodo archive at

In directory /utilities/, find prnp_filterBam.command.

Script loops through bam files in /genebodyBams/ and filters each with command

filterBam.command -i $bam -f 10000 -c 15000 -s 0.05 -p yes -o $out  

Read about filtering parameters in comments in prnp_filterBam.command.

filterBam.command is included in /utilities/.

About filterBam.command:

  • it calls a R script readsToThrow.R, included in /utilities/. Path is hard-coded.
  • note another hard-coded path to picard.jar

In summary, to filter the gene-body bam files:

cd ~/.../prnp_nanopore/

Which creates filtered version of each bam file in folder /bamfilt/.
You can directly find this folder at Zenodo archive

Filtering the promoter bam alignment files

Note, we have not always been consistent with regards to how this amplicon (the 2988-bp amplicon in Figure 1a) is called. It is sometimes referred to as promoter amplicon or regulatory region amplicon.

Same logic as for the gene-body amplicon above.

Directory /promoterBams/ contains .bam & .bam.bai files for each sample, promoter amplicon.
Please find /promoterBams/ in Zenodo archive at

In directory /utilities/, find promoter_filterBam.command.

Script loops through bam files in /promoterBams/ and filters each with command

filterBam.command -i $bam -f 1000 -c 3500 -s 0.15 -p yes -o $out

Read about filtering parameters in comments in promoter_filterBam.command.

filterBam.command is included in /utilities/. It is the same script as used for the gene-body bam files above.

In summary, to filter the promoter bam files:

cd ~/.../prnp_nanopore/

Which creates filtered version of each bam file in folder /promoterbamfilt/.
You can directly find this folder at Zenodo archive

Calling structural variants (SVs)

Including (inherited) OPR mutations insertions/deletions.

This is done by tool sniffles, ran on filtered bam alignment files from above.

Find script runSnifflesloop.command in /utilities/.

Main steps are:

  • Loop through bam files of promoter/regulatory regions in folder /promoterbamfilt/, writing a vcf file SAMPLEID_promoterSnif.vcf for each sample
  • Loop through bam files of gene-body in folder /bamfilt/, writing a vcf file SAMPLEID_bodySnif.vcf for each sample

For gene-body amplicon, and hence to call the OPR mutations, the final sniffles command was:

sniffles --mapped_reads "$BAM" \
    --vcf "$VCF" \
    --genotype \
    --min_support 300 \
    --min_length 20 \
    --max_distance 50

min_support 300: minimum 300 reads to support the variant. It corresponds to ~ 10% of lowest coverage (see AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet sequencing_summary, column genebody_coverage, minimum is 3165x for sample #52331).

min_length 20: minimum insertion/deletion length 20 bp. 1 OPRD or 1 OPRI is 24 bp, plus allow ~ 4 bp error.

max_distance 50: controls how far SVs from different reads can be from each other to be called together (I think). Preprint benchmarked this parameter on their data and decided on 50. We followed their recommendation.

You can read further about this parameter in thread: fritzsedlazeck/Sniffles#267

Calls were filtered further with script parseVCF.R, in folder SVs_sniffles.


  • only calls within PRNP genomic region, precisely chr20:4685060–4701756
  • only calls with allele frequency > 0.1

The filtered calls were then added to AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet SVs.

some comments about OPR SV calling with sniffles

I found StrandBias flag implemented by sniffles difficult to use/trust in our case, see comment in parseVCF.R. In the final calls, three still had a StrandBias flag raised (see AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet SVs, column filter) while we knew by gel/Sanger sequencing that they were true positives.

Sniffles also tended to call unique mutations multiple times, even after benchmarking the max_distance parameter. This created artificially low allele frequencies, as reads carrying a unique mutation are splitted between two calls. In the final calls, this was the case for 4 OPRI sample #57265 (see AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet SVs). Each call has an allele frequency of 0.10 and 0.13 while they represent the same mutation and the call should thus have an allele frequency ~ 0.23.

In summary, if you are reading this specifically to call OPR mutations in similar data, I would probably recommend using the parameters we benchmarked, but also to inspect carefully both the calls before/after filtering and the reads in IGV. Overall, varying parameters usually made sniffles calls multiple times the same SV, rather than missing SVs entirely.

You are welcome to use our data if you want to test this further/try another SV calling algorithm. Feel free to get in touch if you need help getting started.

Haplotype phasing

Haplotype phasing is done with whatshap.

The first step is to phase the SNVs in each sample's VCF file.

The SNVs were called by nanopolish. Please find this step in co-first author Athanasios Dimitriadis' repository at

Typically, haplotype phasing would be performed directly on the VCF from the variant calling algorithm, here from nanopolish. Here, we re-wrote a VCF file for each sample containing only SNVs after strand bias filtering, using AdditionalFile1.xlsx sheet SNVs_filtered as input.

In directory /utilities/ find prepareVCFforWhatshap.R.
Input is AdditionalFile1.xlsx, especially sheet SNVs_filtered.

prepareVCFforWhatshap.R will write one vcf file for each sample, except for five samples which do not carry any SNV:

  • #58648
  • #54890
  • #55050
  • #59060
  • #53747

As these samples did not carry any SNV, they cannot be haplotype-phased, hence there is no use creating a vcf file for them.

Output folder for the new vcf files is /haplotypephasing/vcf_unphased/. Each vcf is called SAMPLEID_wha.vcf, wha is for whatshap.

Note, whatshap cannot phase a single SNV, but a single heterozygous SNV is sufficient to haplotag the reads. Therefore, if the sample only carries a single SNV, prepareVCFforWhatshap.R will write the vcf "as if" it already went through whatshap, i.e. it is written directly in /haplotypephasing/vcf_phased/ and is called SAMPLEID_whap.vcf, whap is for whatshap phased.

Once the vcf files are ready, the actual phasing is done by script prnp_haplotypePhasing.command. Find it in /utilities/.

The key steps prnp_haplotypePhasing.command are:

  • phase the SNVs in each vcf using whatshap phase. For each sample, it writes phased vcf in /haplotypephasing/vcf_phased/ called SAMPLEID_whap.vcf, whap is for whatshap phased.
  • using the phased vcf, haplotag the reads with whatshap haplotag. For each sample, it finds its filtered bam in /bamfilt/.

The above is called possibility #2 in prnp_haplotypePhasing.command. Possibility #1 is for the samples which carry a single SNV. For these, prepareVCFforWhatshap.R directly created a phased vcf, so we skip whatshap phase and directly haplotag the reads (the filtered bam file) using whatshap haplotag.

Note prnp_haplotypePhasing.command has hard-coded calls to the human reference genome hg38.fa. Cmd + F "hg38.fa" to find and modify them.

For each sample which can be haplotype phased/haplotagged, the main output from prnp_haplotypePhasing.command should be a phased vcf file in /haplotypephasing/vcf_phased/ and a haplotagged BAM in /haplotypephasing/bam_haplotagged/ called SAMPLEID_hp.bam, hp is for haplotype.

Five samples cannot be haplotype-phased as they do not carry any SNV. We manually move the bam for these samples in a new folder /haplotypephasing/bam_notag/.

mkdir haplotypephasing/bam_notag/

cp bamfilt/58648_f.bam haplotypephasing/bam_notag/58648_f.bam
cp bamfilt/58648_f.bam.bai haplotypephasing/bam_notag/58648_f.bam.bai

cp bamfilt/54890_f.bam haplotypephasing/bam_notag/54890_f.bam
cp bamfilt/54890_f.bam.bai haplotypephasing/bam_notag/54890_f.bam.bai

cp bamfilt/55050_f.bam haplotypephasing/bam_notag/55050_f.bam
cp bamfilt/55050_f.bam.bai haplotypephasing/bam_notag/55050_f.bam.bai

cp bamfilt/59060_f.bam haplotypephasing/bam_notag/59060_f.bam
cp bamfilt/59060_f.bam.bai haplotypephasing/bam_notag/59060_f.bam.bai

cp bamfilt/53747_f.bam haplotypephasing/bam_notag/53747_f.bam
cp bamfilt/53747_f.bam.bai haplotypephasing/bam_notag/53747_f.bam.bai

You can find directly folders

  • /haplotypephasing/vcf_unphased/
  • /haplotypephasing/vcf_phased/
  • /haplotypephasing/bam_haplotagged/
  • /haplotypephasing/bam_notag/

at the Zenodo archive

Trim the reads to keep only the octapeptide repeat region (OPR)

This is performed by prnp_OPR.command, found in /utilities/. It is ran once on all the BAM in /haplotypephasing/bam_haplotagged/ and once on all the /haplotypephasing/bam_notag/ (see below).

For each sample (bam file), the key steps are:

  • trim the reads in the bam to keep only the OPR using samtools ampliconclip. Note, this step uses OPRpos.bed in /needleSam/ folder, which are the positions to trim to keep only the OPR, i.e. the positions to clip/exclude. Note, the path to OPRpos.bed is hard-coded. The main output is the bam containing only OPR reads, written in new folder /OPRtrim/ and named SAMPLEID_opr.bam. The step also creates a log file in new folder /clipLogs/, which we do not use further.
  • filter the trimmed bam (only OPR reads) using filterBam.command. Read the comments for explanations about the filtering parameters. This step will partly repeat the first filtering performed on the bam files.
  • count read lengths. This step will write a txt file for each sample in new folder /readlengths/ named SAMPLEID_lengths.txt. The txt file has two column: 1: number of reads of that length // 2: read length.
  • convert the trimmed BAM to SAM format, which we will use in needleSam.R (see below).

First we run prnp_OPR.command on the haplotagged bam files:

cd ~/Dropbox/nanopore/haplotypephasing/bam_haplotagged/

Second we run prnp_OPR.command on the bam files which could not be haplotagged:

cd ~/Dropbox/nanopore/haplotypephasing/bam_notag/

Accordingly, folders

  • /clipLogs/
  • /OPRtrim/
  • /OPRtrim_sam/
  • /readlengths/

are found in the folder /bam_haplotagged/ or in the folder /bam_notag/ depending on the sample.

As in the previous step, you can find directly folders

  • /haplotypephasing/vcf_unphased/
  • /haplotypephasing/vcf_phased/
  • /haplotypephasing/bam_haplotagged/
  • /haplotypephasing/bam_notag/

at the Zenodo archive

OPR lengths

Find script oprlengths.R in folder /oprlengths/.

It loops through the SAMPLEID_lengths.txt files in the /readlengths/ folders created in the previous section, i.e. /haplotypephasing/bam_haplotagged/readlengths/ and /haplotypephasing/bam_notag/readlengths/, depending on whether the sample could be haplotagged or not.

For each sample, it creates a histogram frequency of reads vs read length. These are then overlayed by cohort to create Figure 2c,d.

Generate catalog of OPR templates

Finding candidate somatic mutations of the OPR will involve aligning OPR reads to template OPR sequences.

Please look at AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet OPRconsensus at this stage. The OPR templates are built from a consensus sequence of one R (R being a single repeat unit) which makes use of IPUPAC flexible nucleotide codes (see By consensus sequence, we mean that all of R2, R3, R4 are included in the consensus sequence we called Ri. For example, the first codon of any R is always CCT or CCC. Accordingly, it is written as CCY in the consensus sequence, where Y can be either C or T. R1 has an extra codon compared to R2, R3, R4 so it cannot be written with exactly the same consensus sequence but it is also written with flexible nucleotides to allow for the same changes at wobble positions.

The catalog of OPR templates is generated by generateOPRCatalog.R, found in /needleSam/.

Finding a somatic mutation of the OPR is like finding a needle in a sam alignment file, hence "needleSam" !

generateOPRCatalog.R writes OPRConsensusCatalog.csv in folder /needleSam/. It contains 29 OPR templates, from 4 OPRD (deletion of all R repeats except R1) up to 24 OPRI (insertion of 24 extra R repeats). The table was copied to AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet OPRtemplates.

Somatic mutation search

This is performed by needleSam.R, found in /needleSam/.

Inputs to needleSam.R are some sheets from AdditionalFile1.xlsx and, most importantly, the OPR trimmed sam files from above, found in folders /haplotypephasing/bam_haplotagged//OPRtrim_sam/ and /haplotypephasing/bam_notag/OPRtrim_sam/.

Follow the code/comments in needleSam.R. The key steps are:

  • Import the sam files
  • Calculate the total insertion/deletion of each read by parsing the CIGAR
  • Assign each read to a most likely OPR genotype based on its total insertion/deletion
  • Align each read to its most likely OPR template sequence
  • Calculate the maximum number of mismatches allowed based on the set of 'true reads', i.e. the reads which confirm the Sanger genotype of their sample.
  • Identify candidate somatic OPR reads. A read is a candidate somatic OPR read if it is unexpected from its sample (typically it is different than reference or the known mutated OPR) and passes the mismatch threshold.

Note, the last step is actually performed by needleSam_exploration.R, see below.

The main output of needleSam.R is allOPRreads.csv. Note, it is too heavy for GitHub so please find in Zenodo archive, folder /needleSam/. It stores all the OPR reads from the various SAM files, with various information about each read, e.g. which is its most likely OPR and how many mismatches did it have with that OPR template.

This the main analysis which I hope could be useful to someone else, so do not hesitate to get in touch for questions!

[email protected] or twitter @francois_kroll.

Exploring candidate somatic mutations

This is performed by needleSam_exploration.R, found in /needleSam/.

The main input is the database allOPRreads.csv created by needleSam.R.

needleSam_exploration.R first identifies the candidate somatic mutations (see above), then does various analyses and plots. It also writes somaticCalls.xlsx, which was copied in AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet somaticmutationcalls, minus some unnecessary columns. Read about the columns in AdditionalFile1.xlsx, sheet TableofContents.

Control PCR

These are the data obtained from amplification and sequencing of a reference OPR to test for PCR-introduced errors.

See Methods, Control PCR to test for PCR-introduced errors for more details about the experiment.

The analysis follows closely the approach above, only meaningful difference is the input data.

Reads aligned to hg38 are controlPCR_56635_sorted_mdfix.bam.

It was too heavy to be opened in IGV on my laptop, so subsampled following

cd ~/.../prnp_nanopore/controlPCR
samtools view -bs 42.1 controlPCR_56635_sorted_mdfix.bam > controlPCR_sample.bam
samtools index controlPCR_sample.bam


  • controlPCR_56635_sorted_mdfix.bam
  • controlPCR_56635_sorted_mdfix.bam.bai
  • controlPCR_sample.bam
  • controlPCR_sample.bam.bai

are included in the Zenodo archive, folder /controlPCR/.

bam alignment file is filtered with

filterBam.command -i controlPCR_56635_sorted_mdfix.bam -f 900 -c 1300 -s 0.20 -p yes -o 56635conPCR_f.bam

filterBam.command is found in /utilities/.

Note, primers were forward #106 and reverse #46
Primer #106 positions: chr20:4699127–4699147
Primer #46 positions: chr20:4700121–4700141
So amplicon length is 4700141 − 4699127 = 1014 bp, hence -f 900 -c 1300 above.

Next, we move 56635conPCR_f.bam and 56635conPCR_f.bam.bai in a new folder /filt/.

Then we apply prnp_OPR.command on 56635conPCR_f.bam. See above section Trim the reads [...] for explanations about the script.

cd ~/Dropbox/nanopore/controlPCR/filt

Outputs from prnp_OPR.command are

  • /controlPCR/clipLogs/56635conPCR_clipLog.txt, i.e. a log file produced by samtools ampliconclip, not used further
  • /controlPCR/OPRtrim/56635conPCR_opr.bam, i.e. bam alignment file with reads trimmed to keep only the OPR
  • /controlPCR/OPRtrim/56635conPCR_opr.bam.bai, i.e. index file of above
  • /controlPCR/OPRtrim/OPRtrim_sam/OPRtrim_sam/56635conPCR_opr.sam, i.e. sam version of bam file above, will serve as input to conPCR_needleSam.R (see below)
  • /controlPCR/OPRtrim/OPRtrim_sam/56635conPCR_lengths, i.e. read length vs number of reads, will not use here

You can find all of the above directly at Zenodo archive

We then go through conPCR_needleSam.R, which takes 56635conPCR_opr.sam as main input.
Main output is conPCR_allOPRreads.csv, as previously.

Note, conPCR_allOPRreads.csv is too heavy for GitHub and can be found instead at the Zenodo archive, folder /controlPCR/.

Next, we go through conPCR_needleSam_exploration.R, which takes conPCR_allOPRreads.csv as input. Script is a short version of needleSam_exploration.R (see above) mainly to create Figure 3e.

controlPCR_somaticcalls.xlsx: somatic mutation calls from the control PCR.

Literature survey of OPR genotypes

Before having the idea of the OPR consensus sequence, we created a survey of all mutated OPRs reported in literature. The approach using the OPR consensus sequence is better as it generalises to more possible cases, but we are including this survey if it is any useful. It may not be exhaustive, but it should be close.

Find OPRLitCatalog.xlsx in /OPR_litsurvey/.

Publications typically give the R1/R2/... pattern and not the full nucleotide sequence. Script seqFromOPRpattern.R generates the full OPR sequence from the R1/R2/... pattern. It uses eachOPR.xlsx for the sequence of each repeat.