[17] Optimize both allocated and retained memory usage
zarqman (@zarqman)
[16] Stop using OpenStruct
Mitchell Henke (@mitchellhenke)
[13] Reduce object allocations (continuation)
[12] Reduce object allocations
Jukka Rautanen (@jukra)
[#10] Refactor implementation to avoid thread safety issues for user inputs
Adam Kiczula (@adamkiczula)
- [#6] [#7] Security/Performance fix to vulnerability to DoS attacks.
- How to find information on translations on README.
- Drop automatic tests on ruby 2.5 (It still works on it but development gems are failing to build).
- Update dev gems to prepare to test on Ruby 3.1 and 3.2. (mini_racer, rubocop and bundler)
- Fix Style/RedundantStringEscape on frequency_lists.rb.
- Add automated tests for Ruby 3.1 and 3.2.
- Add MFA requirement on release.
- Trim non-production files from final gem.
- Ported original specs
- Fix difference found on enumerate_l33t_subs
- Setup to also test against current versions of ruby
- Added test methods for compatibility with zxcvbn-js and zxcvbn-ruby.
- Fix classification of scoring causing differences between js and ruby.
- Bunch of fixes, all example passwords included have same result as js version.
- consistent code style applied.
- Initial release