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Releases: forge-42/react-router-devtools


09 Oct 10:08
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View source improvement

Improves view-source functionality to try and open up primitive component parents instead of the primitives themselves, eg:

  <SelectPrimitive />  -> clicking the select component primitive will open the ParentSelect file instead of the Select file

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2


05 Oct 10:07
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View source

You can click CTRL + right click to view source of any element on screen in vs code, this requires you to have vs code executable installed on your pc and that you have both the server/client setup of rdt.

Active page

  • UI revamp
  • Open in vs code button - opens up the route segment in vs code
  • Server info

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.2.1


23 Sep 16:19
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V3 release dropped! 🎊

  • Remix v2 support
  • Full CJS/ESM support for both typing and servers
  • New dev server
  • New server dev tools (auto included in dev server, but available for custom servers via import), highly customizable, check out the readme!
  • Route boundaries are back and stable
  • Instability and bug issues fix (all of it related to route boundaries) but no more weird remounts, rerenders, infinite loops etc
    easier setup
  • README updates!


  • no more initClient import
  • no more default export (now it's only withDevTools(App, config)
  • no more names RemixDevTools export
  • no more initServer export
  • Styles need to be imported in the links function, not included in the dev tools anymore (this might change in the future releases)

Server Dev Tools

From v3 there is an optional server side dev tool suite that allows you to selectively log all the processes going on in your app like:

  • loader hits
  • action hits
  • cached loaders/actions (type and duration of cache)
  • cookies set by loaders/actions
  • defer keyword support ( tells you which keys are defered and when they are resolved and how long it took)
  • cleanup headers - tells you if a loader/action cleaned up caching etc on the page
  • redirects - tells you if a loader/action caused a redirect
  • errors - tells you if a loader/action threw an error and what was it.

Client Dev tools

  • Stability issue fix and bug squashing, no more infinite loops, crashes and remounts of components in certain conditions.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v3.0.0


13 Sep 16:17
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ErrorBoundary improvements

From version 2.4.0 Routes tab will tell you if a route is actually covered by a parent ErrorBoundary and where that ErrorBoundary is located.

Panel location setting and Settings page UI improvements

Bettter UI for settings page has been added
Panel location now allows you to set the panel on the top or bottom based on your preference

Route boundaries flag lock

Due to issues caused by this feature I decided to lock it behind a flag until I am confident it is stable and working properly. You can check the README how to enable it until then.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.4.0


29 Aug 07:14
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Bug fixes

Fixed console.log issue
Fixed console error for text not being a valid dom element

Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1


29 Aug 07:10
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Route tree support!

Full support for tree view of your project routes!


24 Aug 10:35
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Embedded mode support!

After release v2.2.0 you can embed Remix Dev tools into your pages!

simply import the embedded tools like so:
import { EmbeddedDevTools } from "remix-development-tools"
and use it in your application page!

Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.2.0


23 Aug 10:27
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Bug fix:
Fixed a bug where route boundaries were infinitely adding invisible divs to the dom on each remount of the page

Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.1.4


21 Aug 15:13
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Defer mode support

Shows realtime updates when defer mode promises resolve in active page tab
Allows you to set expansion depth in settings for json viewer

Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.3


19 Aug 15:49
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Detached mode

Full support for detached mode dev tools is here! You can detach your remix development tools into a separate window and keep it wherever you like on the screen. No setup required!

Icon library plugin & Plugin docs

From this release there is a new folder on the root of the github directory called plugins where you can find a list of curated custom plugins that you might want to add to your project, there is a README on how to use them and how to add new ones through PR's

New json viewer!

After many comments on the lackings of the current json viewer I decided to switch to a stronger one to satisfy our every day needs. This one comes with an option to copy stuff to clipboard, see item lengths, bigger click areas, and much more!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.1