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API Reference

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Version of session used by the library. Different libraries may use same version of the session, allowing the sessions to be interchangeable between them.

Kind: static constant of constants




Kind: static class of errors

new exports.BusyError([message])

Object busy doing something already. Usually thrown when a form is already being processed. Error code is "EBUSY".

Param Type Default
[message] String | Error Busy



Kind: static class of errors

new exports.FormNotFoundError([message])

Form not found. Error code is "ENOFORM".

Param Type Description
[message] String | Error If string, should be name of form.



Kind: static class of errors

new exports.I18nError([message])

Error occurred during internationalization. Error code is "E18N";

Param Type Default
[message] String | Error I18n failed



Kind: static class of errors

new exports.QueryNotFoundError([message])

Query not found in form. Error code is "ENOQUERY".

Param Type Default
[message] String | Error Query not found



Kind: static class of errors

new exports.SessionError([message])

Session error. Error code is "ESESS".

Param Type Default
[message] String | Error Session error


Kind: global class

new FormSet([options])

Emits query(question, ref) event.

Param Type Default Description
[options] Object
[options.prefix] String "form:" Prefix for session ID
[] SessionStore MemorySessionStore Session store.
[options.ttl] Number +Infinity Time-To-Live for sessions. Ensure that the session store you use does supports using TTL-ed sessions.

formSet.getForms() ⇒ Array.<Form>

Return the added forms.

Kind: instance method of FormSet

formSet.addForm(name, queries, [options]) ⇒ Form

Add a new form to this set.

Kind: instance method of FormSet
Returns: Form - created form

Param Type Description
name String Name of the form e.g. "profile"
queries Array Queries to be asked to user
[options] Object Options
[options.cb(answers, ref)] function Invoked with the final answers, when the form has been completed.
[options.i18n(text, ctx, ref, done)] function Internationalization function.

formSet.processForm(name, chatID, ref, [options], done)

Process the message using a certain form.

If chatID is a Number, it is converted to string, using .toString().

If ref is a Function, it is invoked once and its return value used as the actual reference.

Kind: instance method of FormSet

  • BusyError if form is already being processed.
  • FormNotFoundError if form is not found.
  • SessionError if session is incompatible, or any error thrown by session store.
Param Type Description
name String Name of form
chatID String | Number Unique identifier for the originating chat
ref Object | function Reference
[options] Object Options
[options.answers] Object Initial answers hash
done function

Example (chatID as Number)

// the two invocations below are 'similar'
formset.processForm(name, "12345", ref);
formset.processForm(name, 12345, ref);

Example (FormNotFoundError)

// Assuming there's no form with the name '404'.
formset.processForm("404", chatID, ref, function(error) {
    assert.ok(error instanceof mau.errors.FormNotFoundError);

Example (BusyError)

// Assuming there's a form already being processed.
formset.processForm(name, chatID, ref, function(error) {
    assert.ok(error instanceof mau.errors.BusyError);

formSet.process(chatID, text, ref, done)

Process a message. This is a variant of FormSet#processForm() method. It tries to service the message using an active form, which if not found, a FormNotFoundError error is passed to done.

Kind: instance method of FormSet

  • FormNotFoundError if form is not found.
  • SessionError if session is incompatible, or any error thrown by session store.
Param Type Description
chatID String | Number Unique identifier for the originating chat
text String Text of the message
ref Object | function Reference
done function


// Assuming there's a form named 'hello'
formset.process(chatID, text, ref, function(error) {
    if (error && error instanceof mau.errors.FormNotFoundError) {
        // There's NO active form.
        // Let's trigger the 'hello' form.
        formset.processForm("hello", chatID, text, ref, done);
    // ...

formSet.cancel(chatID, done)

Cancel current form processing for chat.

Kind: instance method of FormSet

  • SessionError if fails to cancel form processing


  • Test this method!
Param Type Description
chatID String | Number Unique identifier for the originating chat
done function callback(error, removed); removed is a boolean indicating whether the form was actually removed.


Kind: global class

new QueryController()

A query controller allows us to move from one query to the next; supporting operations such as skipping to a target query.

new QueryController(formset, form, session, ref)


  • QueryNotFoundError if current query is not found.
Param Type Description
formset FormSet FormSet
form Form Form
session Session Session
ref Object Reference

queryController.getAnswers() ⇒ Object

Retrieve an object/hash containing all the answers.

Kind: instance method of QueryController
Returns: Object - answers

queryController.getAnswer([name], [defaultValue]) ⇒ *

Retrieve an answer. If name is omitted/falsey, it returns answer for the current query. To use defaultValue, name must be specified.

Kind: instance method of QueryController
Returns: * - value

  • QueryNotFoundError If the current query is not found.
Param Type Description
[name] String Name of query. This is actually a path.
[defaultValue] * Default value

queryController.setAnswer([name], val)

Set an answer. If name is omitted, it sets the answer for the current query.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

  • QueryNotFoundError if current query is not found.
Param Type Description
[name] String Name of query. This is actually a path.
val * New value


Unset an answer. If name is omitted, it unsets the answer for the current query.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

  • QueryNotFoundError if current query is not found
Param Type Description
[name] String Name of query. This is actually a path.


Skip the current query.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

Param Type
done function

queryController.goto(name, done)

Skip to the query with name.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

Param Type Description
name String Name of query
done function

queryController.retry([text], done)

Retry the current query i.e. do not advance to the next query. This should ONLY be used in post hooks.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

Param Type Description
[text] String Text
done function

Execute the post hook and advance. This should ONLY be used in pre hooks.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

Param Type
done function

queryController.text(id, [ctx], done)

Return the internalized text, if possible. Return null if can not be performed.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

  • I18nError if i18n is unavailable.
Param Type Description
id String ID of the i18n text
[ctx] Object Context to be used in interpolation
done function callback(error, text)


Stop processing form at the current query.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

Param Type
done function, done)

Skip to the form with name.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

  • Test this method!
Param Type Description
name String Name of form
done function

queryController.send(id, done)

Send text message.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

  • Test this method!
  • Wait for the message to actually be sent! Currently, the query event is fired and we move on without waiting for the event handler to report status of the sending operation.
Param Type Description
id String ID of the i18n text
done function


Set the current query's text.

Kind: instance method of QueryController

  • Test this method!
Param Type Description
id String ID of the i18n text


sessionStore.get(sid, done)

Retrieve the session.

Kind: instance method of SessionStore

Param Type Description
sid String Session ID
done function callback(error, session)

sessionStore.put(sid, session, options, done)

Save session.

Kind: instance method of SessionStore

Param Type Description
sid String Session ID
session Object Session object
options Object
options.ttl Number Session TTL. Equals +Infinity to have the session stored indefinitely.
done function callback(error)

sessionStore.del(sid, done)

Destroy session.

Kind: instance method of SessionStore

Param Type Description
sid String Session ID
done function callback(error, removed) removed is a boolean indicating whether the session has been removed.