数据更新: 2022-12-15 / 温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到
# | Repository | Description | Stars | Updated |
1 | coolsnowwolf/lede | Lean's LEDE source | 24179 | 2022-12-14 |
2 | Awesome-HarmonyOS/HarmonyOS | A curated list of awesome things related to HarmonyOS. 华为鸿蒙操作系统。 | 18688 | 2022-07-07 |
3 | skywind3000/kcp | ⚡ KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol | 11952 | 2022-12-04 |
4 | alibaba/tengine | A distribution of Nginx with some advanced features | 11766 | 2022-11-29 |
5 | cloudwu/skynet | A lightweight online game framework | 11664 | 2022-11-21 |
6 | swaywm/sway | i3-compatible Wayland compositor | 11573 | 2022-12-12 |
7 | openresty/openresty | High Performance Web Platform Based on Nginx and LuaJIT | 11032 | 2022-10-27 |
8 | openresty/lua-nginx-module | Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers | 10397 | 2022-12-09 |
9 | espressif/esp-idf | Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for Espressif SoCs. | 9570 | 2022-12-13 |
10 | peng-zhihui/Dummy-Robot | 我的超迷你机械臂机器人项目。 | 8766 | 2022-10-20 |
11 | sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie | Sandboxie Plus & Classic | 8589 | 2022-12-14 |
12 | happyfish100/fastdfs | FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system (DFS). It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing, and design for high capacity and load balance. We ... | 8335 | 2022-11-28 |
13 | Tencent/xLua | xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc. | 8117 | 2022-11-14 |
14 | betaflight/betaflight | Open Source Flight Controller Firmware | 6326 | 2022-12-13 |
15 | wszqkzqk/deepin-wine-ubuntu | Deepin Wine for Ubuntu/Debian | 6026 | 2022-09-01 |
16 | sparklemotion/nokogiri | Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby. | 5950 | 2022-12-14 |
17 | peng-zhihui/ElectronBot | - | 5852 | 2022-10-30 |
18 | OpenAtomFoundation/TencentOS-tiny | 腾讯物联网终端操作系统 | 5747 | 2022-11-25 |
19 | lpereira/lwan | Experimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server | 5695 | 2022-12-14 |
20 | pymumu/smartdns | A local DNS server to obtain the fastest website IP for the best Internet experience, support DoT, DoH. 一个本地DNS服务器,获取最快的网站IP,获得最佳上网体验,支持DoH,DoT。 | 5586 | 2022-12-14 |
21 | gojue/ecapture | capture SSL/TLS text content without CA cert using eBPF. supports Linux/Android x86_64/Aarch64. | 5153 | 2022-12-12 |
22 | kbengine/kbengine | A MMOG engine of server. | 5064 | 2022-12-13 |
23 | ithewei/libhv | 🔥 比libevent、libuv更易用的网络库。A c/c++ network library for developing TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket/MQTT client/server. | 4946 | 2022-12-08 |
24 | cjdelisle/cjdns | An encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. | 4943 | 2022-11-15 |
25 | peng-zhihui/HoloCubic | 带网络功能的伪全息透明显示桌面站 | 4873 | 2022-10-24 |
26 | yourtion/30dayMakeOS | 《30天自制操作系统》源码中文版。自己制作一个操作系统(OSASK)的过程 | 4848 | 2022-09-14 |
27 | Meituan-Dianping/Logan | Logan is a lightweight case logging system based on mobile platform. | 4701 | 2022-12-12 |
28 | yanfeizhang/coder-kung-fu | 开发内功修炼 | 4403 | 2022-11-17 |
29 | alibaba/AliOS-Things | 面向IoT领域的、高可伸缩的物联网操作系统,可去官网了解更多信息https://www.aliyun.com/product/aliosthings | 4307 | 2022-12-08 |
30 | flightlessmango/MangoHud | A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Gj5YmBb | 4303 | 2022-12-12 |
31 | session-replay-tools/tcpcopy | An online request replication tool, also a tcp stream replay tool, fit for real testing, performance testing, stability testing, stress testing, load testing, smoke testing, etc | 4179 | 2022-11-26 |
32 | RediSearch/RediSearch | A query and indexing engine for Redis, providing secondary indexing, full-text search, and aggregations. | 4016 | 2022-12-13 |
33 | lc-soft/LCUI | A small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS. | 3865 | 2022-11-06 |
34 | microshow/RxFFmpeg | 🔥💥RxFFmpeg 是基于 ( FFmpeg 4.0 + X264 + mp3lame + fdk-aac + opencore-amr + openssl ) 编译的适用于 Android 平台的音视频编辑、视频剪辑的快速处理框架,包含以下功能:视频拼接,转码,压缩,裁剪,片头片尾,分离音视频,变速,添加静态贴纸和gif动态贴纸,添加字幕,添加滤镜,添加背景音乐,加速减速视频,倒放音视频,音频 ... | 3829 | 2022-10-20 |
35 | guanzhi/GmSSL | 支持国密SM2/SM3/SM4/SM9/SSL的密码工具箱 | 3673 | 2022-12-13 |
36 | openvenues/libpostal | A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data. | 3615 | 2022-12-01 |
37 | Chikage0o0/Linux-NetSpeed | 将Linux现常用的网络加速集成在一起 | 3553 | 2022-11-10 |
38 | andmarti1424/sc-im | sc-im - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal | 3491 | 2022-10-21 |
39 | easychen/pushdeer | 开放源码的无App推送服务,iOS14+扫码即用。亦支持快应用/iOS和Mac客户端、Android客户端、自制设备 | 3486 | 2022-11-23 |
40 | lotabout/write-a-C-interpreter | Write a simple interpreter of C. Inspired by c4 and largely based on it. | 3261 | 2022-11-07 |
41 | hanwckf/rt-n56u | Padavan | 3061 | 2022-09-25 |
42 | zhaojh329/rtty | 🐛 Access your terminal from anywhere via the web. | 2989 | 2022-10-25 |
43 | armink/EasyLogger | An ultra-lightweight(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k), high-performance C/C++ log library. 一款超轻量级(ROM<1.6K, RAM<0.3k)、高性能的 C/C++ 日志库 | 2644 | 2022-12-07 |
44 | zlgopen/awtk | AWTK = Toolkit AnyWhere(a cross-platform embedded GUI) | 2634 | 2022-12-10 |
45 | gozfree/gear-lib | Gear-Lib, C library for IOT Embedded Multimedia and Network | 2603 | 2022-10-15 |
46 | ApsaraDB/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL | A cloud-native database based on PostgreSQL developed by Alibaba Cloud. | 2496 | 2022-12-14 |
47 | acl-dev/acl | A powerful server and network library, including coroutine, redis client, http, websocket, mqtt with C/C++ for multi-platform. | 2479 | 2022-12-09 |
48 | ptitSeb/box86 | Box86 - Linux Userspace x86 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM Linux devices | 2390 | 2022-12-14 |
49 | winshining/nginx-http-flv-module | A media streaming server based on nginx-rtmp-module. In addtion to the features nginx-rtmp-module provides, HTTP-FLV, GOP cache and VHost (one IP for multi domain names) are supported now. | 2351 | 2022-11-15 |
50 | XorTroll/Goldleaf | 🍂 Multipurpose homebrew tool for Nintendo Switch | 2259 | 2022-10-23 |
51 | RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3 | The Iceman fork of Proxmark3 / RFID / NFC reader, writer, sniffer and emulator | 2248 | 2022-12-13 |
52 | zuoqing1988/ZQCNN | 一款推理框架,同时有很多有用的demo,觉得好用请点星啊 | 2179 | 2022-08-22 |
53 | atc1441/ATC_MiThermometer | Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometer LYWSD03MMC and Telink Flasher via USB to Serial converter | 2072 | 2022-07-02 |
54 | dgiese/dustcloud | Xiaomi Smart Home Device Reverse Engineering and Hacking | 2053 | 2022-09-30 |
55 | seemoo-lab/nexmon | The C-based Firmware Patching Framework for Broadcom/Cypress WiFi Chips that enables Monitor Mode, Frame Injection and much more | 1979 | 2022-11-29 |
56 | vmware/open-vm-tools | Official repository of VMware open-vm-tools project | 1881 | 2022-11-29 |
57 | SwiftLaTeX/SwiftLaTeX | SwiftLaTeX, a WYSIWYG Browser-based LaTeX Editor | 1874 | 2022-07-17 |
58 | binbyu/Reader | A win32 txt file reader | 1870 | 2022-10-29 |
59 | joncampbell123/dosbox-x | DOSBox-X fork of the DOSBox project | 1851 | 2022-12-13 |
60 | cokemine/ServerStatus-Hotaru | 云探针、多服务器探针、云监控、多服务器云监控 | 1841 | 2022-11-24 |
61 | immortalwrt/immortalwrt | An opensource OpenWrt variant for mainland China users. | 1822 | 2022-12-12 |
62 | arkdb/inception | 一个集审核、执行、备份及生成回滚语句于一身的MySQL自动化运维工具 | 1804 | 2022-08-31 |
63 | armink/EasyFlash | Lightweight IoT device information storage solution: KV/IAP/LOG. 轻量级物联网设备信息存储方案:参数存储、在线升级及日志存储 ,全新一代版本请移步至 https://github.com/armink/FlashDB | 1608 | 2022-12-10 |
64 | spacemeowx2/switch-lan-play | Make you and your friends play games like in a LAN. | 1581 | 2022-07-05 |
65 | jiangdongguo/AndroidUSBCamera | 🔥🔥🔥Flexible and useful UVC camera engine on Android platform, supporting multi-road cameras! | 1572 | 2022-10-26 |
66 | cloudwu/pbc | A protocol buffers library for C | 1570 | 2022-11-03 |
67 | sdlpal/sdlpal | SDL-based reimplementation of the classic Chinese-language RPG known as PAL. | 1543 | 2022-07-23 |
68 | ptitSeb/box64 | Box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64 Linux devices | 1500 | 2022-12-14 |
69 | kiukotsu/ucore | 清华大学操作系统课程实验 (OS Kernel Labs) | 1494 | 2022-08-26 |
70 | openresty/headers-more-nginx-module | Set, add, and clear arbitrary output headers in NGINX http servers | 1455 | 2022-11-25 |
71 | destan19/OpenAppFilter | OAF is a parental control plug-in based on OpenWrt, which supports app filtering for games, videos, chats, downloads, such as Tiktok, Youtube, Telegram,etc. | 1422 | 2022-11-30 |
72 | bytedance/bhook | 🔥 ByteHook is an Android PLT hook library which supports armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64. | 1383 | 2022-12-06 |
73 | zrythm/zrythm | a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation - official mirror | 1371 | 2022-12-02 |
74 | baidu/dperf | dperf is a DPDK based 100Gbps network performance and load testing software. | 1358 | 2022-12-06 |
75 | peng-zhihui/Peak | Tiny Mobile Terminal Device Kit. | 1353 | 2022-12-12 |
76 | espressif/esp-who | Face detection and recognition framework | 1349 | 2022-10-19 |
77 | espressif/esp-iot-solution | Espressif IoT Library. IoT Device Drivers, Documentations And Solutions. | 1339 | 2022-12-12 |
78 | alibaba/xquic | XQUIC Library released by Alibaba is a cross-platform implementation of QUIC and HTTP/3 protocol. | 1337 | 2022-11-25 |
79 | sm64pc/sm64ex | Fork of https://github.com/sm64-port/sm64-port with additional features. | 1316 | 2022-11-19 |
80 | Tencent/TencentOS-kernel | 腾讯针对云的场景研发的服务器操作系统 | 1309 | 2022-12-09 |
81 | guanshuicheng/invoice | 增值税发票OCR识别,使用flask微服务架构,识别type:增值税电子普通发票,增值税普通发票,增值税专用发票;识别字段为:发票代码、发票号码、开票日期、校验码、税后金额等 | 1249 | 2022-11-21 |
82 | session-replay-tools/cetus | Cetus is a high performance middleware that provides transparent routing between your application and any backend MySQL Servers. | 1235 | 2022-09-01 |
83 | TheOfficialFloW/VitaShell | Multi-functional file manager for PS Vita | 1233 | 2022-09-05 |
84 | OLIMEX/OLINUXINO | OLINUXINO is Open Source / Open Hardware, low cost from EUR 24 Linux Industrial grade Single Board Computer capable to operate -25+85C | 1212 | 2022-07-06 |
85 | armink/CmBacktrace | Advanced fault backtrace library for ARM Cortex-M series MCU ARM Cortex-M 系列 MCU 错误追踪库 | 1196 | 2022-12-10 |
86 | SeasX/SeasLog | An effective,fast,stable log extension for PHP.http://pecl.php.net/package/SeasLog http://php.net/SeasLog | 1189 | 2022-08-26 |
87 | langhuihui/jessibuca | Jessibuca是一款开源的纯H5直播流播放器 | 1175 | 2022-12-14 |
88 | Mixiaoxiao/Arduino-HomeKit-ESP8266 | Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core. | 1147 | 2022-09-01 |
89 | ADD-SP/ngx_waf | Handy, High performance, ModSecurity compatible Nginx firewall module & 方便、高性能、兼容 ModSecurity 的 Nginx 防火墙模块 | 1144 | 2022-09-19 |
90 | armink/FlashDB | An ultra-lightweight database that supports key-value and time series data 一款支持 KV 数据和时序数据的超轻量级数据库 | 1103 | 2022-10-02 |
91 | openresty/echo-nginx-module | An Nginx module for bringing the power of "echo", "sleep", "time" and more to Nginx's config file | 1063 | 2022-11-25 |
92 | yitter/IdGenerator | 💎多语言实现,高性能生成唯一数字ID。 💎优化的雪花算法(SnowFlake)——雪花漂移算法,在缩短ID长度的同时,具备极高瞬时并发处理能力(50W/0.1s)。 💎原生支持 C#/Java/Go/Rust/C/JavaScript/TypeScript/Python/Pascal 多语言,提供其它适用于其它语言的多线程安全调用动态库(FFI)。💎支持容器环境自动扩容(自动注册 WorkerId ... | 1061 | 2022-12-07 |
93 | helloexp/0day | 各种CMS、各种平台、各种系统、各种软件漏洞的EXP、POC ,该项目将持续更新 | 1055 | 2022-10-31 |
94 | Perfare/Zygisk-Il2CppDumper | Using Zygisk to dump il2cpp data at runtime | 1002 | 2022-12-09 |
95 | pepe2k/u-boot_mod | U-Boot 1.1.4 modification for routers | 1002 | 2022-10-13 |
96 | m5stack/M5Stack | M5Stack Arduino Library | 996 | 2022-12-09 |
97 | rock-app/fabu.love | 应用发布平台类似fir.im/蒲公英,支持检查更新,灰度发布等等.Demo地址:https://fabu.apppills.com/ | 945 | 2022-12-09 |
98 | BruceWind/AESJniEncrypt | Make safest code in Android. (基于libsodium实现chacha20算法,key在native中,防止被二次打包){长期维护,请star,勿fork} | 944 | 2022-11-28 |
99 | DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap | Boot an nds file | 942 | 2022-12-10 |
100 | waveshare/e-Paper | - | 940 | 2022-11-03 |
101 | armink/SFUD | An using JEDEC's SFDP standard serial (SPI) flash universal driver library 一款使用 JEDEC SFDP 标准的串行 (SPI) Flash 通用驱动库 | 907 | 2022-11-16 |
102 | LGCooci/KCObjc4_debug | 🌈可编译苹果官方源码objc!现在有objc4底层源码,以及libmalloc等可编译版本,大家可以自由LLDB调试! | 897 | 2022-12-05 |
103 | pingostack/pingos | Based on the NGINX/RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HTTP-TS/HLS/HLS+/DASH/H.264/H.265/AAC/MP3/Live/Record/VOD/Push/Pull/Multiple Processes/Dynamic Configuration/Configuration Variables/Console Interface/Notify | 875 | 2022-11-21 |
104 | center-for-threat-informed-defense/adversary_emulation_library | An open library of adversary emulation plans designed to empower organizations to test their defenses based on real-world TTPs. | 869 | 2022-11-09 |
105 | krenx1983/openctp | CTP开放平台提供A股、港股、美股、期货、期权等全品种接入通道,通过提供中泰证券XTP、华鑫证券奇点、东方证券OST、东方财富证券EMT、盈透证券TWS等各通道的CTPAPI接口,CTP程序可以无缝对接各股票柜台。平台也提供了一套基于TTS交易系统的模拟环境,同样提供了CTPAPI兼容接口,可以替代Simnow,为CTP量化交易开发者提供7x24可用的模拟环境。 | 866 | 2022-12-11 |
106 | cloudwu/sproto | Yet another protocol library like google protocol buffers , but simple and fast. | 863 | 2022-11-01 |
107 | Lora-net/lora_gateway | Driver/HAL to build a gateway using a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1301 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers. | 863 | 2022-09-28 |
108 | sisong/HDiffPatch | a C\C++ library and command-line tools for Diff & Patch between binary files or directories(folder); cross-platform; runs fast; create small delta/differential; support large files and limit memory re ... | 863 | 2022-12-02 |
109 | happyfish100/libfastcommon | c common functions library extracted from my open source project FastDFS. this library is very simple and stable. functions including: string, logger, chain, hash, socket, ini file reader, base64 enc ... | 847 | 2022-12-11 |
110 | istoreos/istoreos | 提供一个人人会用的的路由、NAS系统 | 838 | 2022-12-08 |
111 | swow/swow | Coroutine-based concurrency library for PHP | 836 | 2022-12-10 |
112 | froghui/yolanda | 极客时间<网络编程实战>代码 | 833 | 2022-10-25 |
113 | bytedance/memory-leak-detector | - | 819 | 2022-08-29 |
114 | wlanjie/trinity | android video record editor muxer sdk | 810 | 2022-12-04 |
115 | bytedance/android-inline-hook | 🔥 ShadowHook is an Android inline hook library which supports thumb, arm32 and arm64. | 795 | 2022-12-06 |
116 | ReimuNotMoe/ydotool | Generic command-line automation tool (no X!) | 783 | 2022-10-15 |
117 | Xinyuan-LilyGO/TTGO-T-Display | - | 778 | 2022-12-09 |
118 | RamonUnch/AltSnap | Maintained continuation of Stefan Sundin's AltDrag | 754 | 2022-12-01 |
119 | gnbdev/opengnb | GNB is open source de-centralized SDVN to achieve layer3 network via p2p with the ultimate capability of NAT Traversal.GNB是一个开源的去中心化的具有极致内网穿透能力的通过P2P进行三层网络交换的SDVN。 | 741 | 2022-12-08 |
120 | lqian/light-LPR | Light-LPR is an open source project aimed at license plate recognition that can run on embedded devices, mobile phones, and x86 platforms. It aims to support license plate recognition in various scena ... | 739 | 2022-09-08 |
121 | yangminz/bcst_csapp | A C language repo to implement CSAPP | 735 | 2022-09-14 |
122 | Hansimov/csapp | 个人整理的《深入理解计算机系统》中文电子版(原书第 3 版)与实验材料:https://hansimov.gitbook.io/csapp/ | 723 | 2022-07-09 |
123 | espressif/esp-mdf | Espressif Mesh Development Framework | 706 | 2022-11-15 |
124 | peng-zhihui/Ctrl-FOC-Lite | - | 696 | 2022-07-25 |
125 | li-xiaojun/AndroidKTX | 🔥Some very useful kotlin extensions for speed android development!好用到爆的Kotlin扩展,加速你的Android开发! | 681 | 2022-11-26 |
126 | openresty/stream-lua-nginx-module | Embed the power of Lua into NGINX TCP/UDP servers | 660 | 2022-12-09 |
127 | Xinyuan-LilyGO/TTGO_TWatch_Library | - | 659 | 2022-12-05 |
128 | xboot/xboot | The extensible bootloader for embedded system with application engine, write once, run everywhere. | 659 | 2022-09-21 |
129 | shunf4/proxychains-windows | Windows and Cygwin port of proxychains, based on MinHook and DLL Injection | 647 | 2022-11-13 |
130 | CongducPham/LowCostLoRaGw | Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX12XX (SX1261/62/68; SX1272/76/77/78/79; SX1280/81), RaspberryPI and Arduino boards | 647 | 2022-12-03 |
131 | Echocipher/AUTO-EARN | 一个利用OneForAll进行子域收集、Shodan API端口扫描、Xray漏洞Fuzz、Server酱的自动化漏洞扫描、即时通知提醒的漏洞挖掘辅助工具 | 639 | 2022-12-08 |
132 | aqi00/android2 | 《Android Studio开发实战:从零基础到App上线》随书源码(全面添加注释版) | 629 | 2022-10-01 |
133 | majianjia/nnom | A higher-level Neural Network library for microcontrollers. | 625 | 2022-10-10 |
134 | WizTeam/WizNoteLite | WizNote Lite Project | 609 | 2022-12-08 |
135 | del-xiong/screw-plus | 开源php加密运行扩展,基于screw二次开发,暂时只能在linux下运行 | 595 | 2022-06-25 |
136 | DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool | Generates XCI/NSP/HFS0/ExeFS/RomFS/Certificate/Ticket dumps from Nintendo Switch gamecards and installed SD/eMMC titles. | 594 | 2022-12-04 |
137 | Heltec-Aaron-Lee/WiFi_Kit_series | Arduino source codes and toolchain for WiFi_Kit_series made by HelTecAutomation. | 585 | 2022-12-09 |
138 | ClimbSnail/HoloCubic_AIO | HoloCubic超多功能AIO固件 基于esp32-arduino的天气时钟、相册、视频播放、桌面投屏、web服务、bilibili粉丝等 | 583 | 2022-12-08 |
139 | wangbojing/NtyCo | 纯c版本的协程实现,汇编切换,调度器实现,包含服务器端案例,客户端并发测试案例 | 563 | 2022-09-29 |
140 | espressif/esp-at | AT application for ESP32 ESP-IDF & ESP32C3 ESP-IDF & ESP8266 ESP8266_RTOS_SDK | 563 | 2022-12-07 |
141 | chenall/grub4dos | 外部命令和工具源码:https://github.com/chenall/grubutils 下载: | 547 | 2022-11-28 |
142 | amutu/zhparser | zhparser is a PostgreSQL extension for full-text search of Chinese language | 544 | 2022-11-25 |
143 | liudf0716/xfrpc | c 语言实现的内网穿透客户端,配合frp服务端使用。主要用于基于openwrt的路由器上,对路由器的硬件配置要求极低。 | 536 | 2022-12-04 |
144 | JiaoXianjun/BTLE | Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) packet sniffer and transmitter for both standard and non standard (raw bit) based on Software Defined Radio (SDR). | 535 | 2022-09-04 |
145 | VincentWei/MiniGUI | A modern and mature cross-platform window system for embedded systems and smart IoT devices. | 534 | 2022-11-14 |
146 | jedisct1/pure-ftpd | Pure FTP server | 533 | 2022-11-14 |
147 | u0u0/Quick-Cocos2dx-Community | Cocos2d-Lua 社区版 | 530 | 2022-10-02 |
148 | hroptatyr/dateutils | nifty command line date and time utilities; fast date calculations and conversion in the shell | 529 | 2022-11-22 |
149 | pexcn/daily | Poetry and far afield. 🌊 | 527 | 2022-12-10 |
150 | sakumisu/CherryUSB | Tiny and portable USB Stack (device & host) for embedded system with USB IP | 522 | 2022-12-11 |
151 | inclavare-containers/inclavare-containers | A novel container runtime, aka confidential container, for cloud-native confidential computing and enclave runtime ecosystem. | 517 | 2022-12-07 |
152 | hanson-young/nniefacelib | nniefacelib是一个在海思35xx系列芯片上运行的人脸算法库 | 510 | 2022-06-22 |
153 | chronolaw/annotated_nginx | Annotated Nginx Source(中文) | 506 | 2022-10-22 |
154 | ByPassAVTeam/ShellcodeLoader | 该项目为Shellocde加载器,详细介绍了我们如何绕过防病毒软件,以及该工具如何使用 | 501 | 2022-07-24 |
155 | kenzok8/small | passwall基本依赖! | 499 | 2022-12-06 |
156 | dosgo/ngrok-c | ngrok client for c language,Due to the use of GO ngrok language development, porting to embedded devices some inconvenience, such as openwrt, so use C language rewrite a client. Very mini, the need to ... | 494 | 2022-11-24 |
157 | aliyun/iotkit-embedded | 高速镜像: https://code.aliyun.com/linkkit/c-sdk | 481 | 2022-11-11 |
158 | dhm2013724/yolov2_xilinx_fpga | A demo for accelerating YOLOv2 in xilinx's fpga pynq/zedboard | 480 | 2022-09-26 |
159 | aeverj/NimShellCodeLoader | 使用nim编写的shellcode加载器 | 476 | 2022-07-02 |
160 | simon987/sist2 | Lightning-fast file system indexer and search tool | 471 | 2022-12-03 |
161 | metartc/metaRTC | A cross-platform WebRTC SDK | 460 | 2022-12-11 |
162 | scriptiot/evm | 超轻量级物联网虚拟机 | 459 | 2022-12-08 |
163 | Tongsuo-Project/Tongsuo | A Modern Cryptographic Primitives and Protocols Library | 454 | 2022-12-09 |
164 | jiejieTop/mqttclient | A high-performance, high-stability, cross-platform MQTT client, developed based on the socket API, can be used on embedded devices (FreeRTOS / LiteOS / RT-Thread / TencentOS tiny), Linux, Windows, Mac ... | 449 | 2022-08-30 |
165 | andwn/cave-story-md | A fan port of Cave Story for the Sega Mega Drive | 449 | 2022-11-29 |
166 | pasky/pachi | A fairly strong Go/Baduk/Weiqi playing program | 449 | 2022-12-03 |
167 | hepingood/w25qxx | w25qxx full function driver | 445 | 2022-11-28 |
168 | openresty/srcache-nginx-module | Transparent subrequest-based caching layout for arbitrary nginx locations. | 440 | 2022-06-28 |
169 | xboot/libonnx | A lightweight, portable pure C99 onnx inference engine for embedded devices with hardware acceleration support. | 436 | 2022-10-12 |
170 | updateing/minieap | 可扩展的 802.1x 客户端,带有锐捷 v3 (v4) 算法插件支持 | 436 | 2022-11-17 |
171 | cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd | Cyrus IMAP is an email, contacts and calendar server | 433 | 2022-12-09 |
172 | fenwii/OpenHarmony | 华为开源鸿蒙分布式操作系统(Huawei OpenHarmony)开发技术交流,鸿蒙技术资料,手册,指南,共建国产操作系统万物互联新生态。 | 432 | 2022-12-09 |
173 | LingDong-/skeleton-tracing | A new algorithm for retrieving topological skeleton as a set of polylines from binary images | 418 | 2022-07-21 |
174 | liaozhelin/yds-charger | 一个精致的多功能四路166W桌面充电器 | 415 | 2022-09-30 |
175 | filecoin-project/community-china | Resources and forum for the Chinese community, maintained and moderated by CoinSummer & PL. | 405 | 2022-08-13 |
176 | m5stack/M5StickC | M5StickC Arduino Library | 401 | 2022-11-26 |
177 | happyfish100/FastCFS | A high performance distributed file system which can be used as the back-end storage of databases, K8s and VM etc. | 399 | 2022-12-09 |
178 | HelTecAutomation/Heltec_ESP32 | Arduino library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards | 394 | 2022-11-07 |
179 | bsauce/kernel-exploit-factory | Linux kernel CVE exploit analysis report and relative debug environment. You don't need to compile Linux kernel and configure your environment anymore. | 393 | 2022-11-24 |
180 | zlgopen/ametal | 芯片级裸机软件包,定义了一系列常用外设(如:UART、IIC、SPI、ADC等)的通用接口,基于通用接口的应用可以跨平台复用。 | 392 | 2022-11-25 |
181 | hepingood/ssd1306 | ssd1306 full function driver | 386 | 2022-11-28 |
182 | espressif/esp-drone | Mini Drone/Quadcopter Firmware for ESP32 and ESP32-S Series SoCs. | 386 | 2022-12-06 |
183 | SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore | Arduino core for the tinyAVR 0/1/2-series - this is any ATtiny with 2, 4, 6, or 7 in the 1's place, 0, 1, or 2 in the tens, and the flash size in the remaining digits. LIBRARY AUTHORS - Does your libr ... | 380 | 2022-12-08 |
184 | alibaba/diagnose-tools | - | 356 | 2022-07-31 |
185 | opencog/link-grammar | The CMU Link Grammar natural language parser | 352 | 2022-11-28 |
186 | fcitx/fcitx-rime | Rime support for Fcitx | 350 | 2022-12-07 |
187 | Kiprey/Skr_Learning | 天问之路 - 学习笔记&学习周报。内容包括但不限于C++ STL、编译原理、LLVM IR Pass代码优化、CSAPP Lab、uCore操作系统等等。持续更新ing... | 347 | 2022-12-10 |
188 | Lotlab/nrf52-keyboard | A ble keyboard firmware using nrf52810/52832 | 347 | 2022-09-30 |
189 | doodlewind/react-ssd1306 | 📟 A React Renderer for SSD1306 OLED chip on Raspberry Pi. | 339 | 2022-10-07 |
190 | maoabc/nmmp | dex-vm used to protect the android classes.dex file | 338 | 2022-11-26 |
191 | linuxkerneltravel/lmp | LMP is a supermarket | 338 | 2022-12-09 |
192 | DragonMinded/libdragon | Open source library for N64 development. | 334 | 2022-12-10 |
193 | numberwolf/FFmpeg-PlusPlus | 🔥 FFmpeg扩展版本,1.支持OpenGL图形渲染,自定义着色器 滤镜、特效、转场。2.支持FLV+HEVC/AV1/Opus编码解码 🔥 FFmpeg Extension: 1.Support GLSL OpenGL(Filter/Effect/Transition/Shaders); 2. And Transcode FLV with HEVC/AV1/Opus Codec | 330 | 2022-11-04 |
194 | g0dA/linuxStack | Linux技术栈 | 322 | 2022-11-22 |
195 | iceman1001/ChameleonMini-rebooted | Chameleon Mini revE rebooted - Iceman Fork, the ChameleonMini is a versatile contactless smartcard emulator (NFC/RFID) | 321 | 2022-10-11 |
196 | XDagger/xdag | XDAG (Dagger Coin) Official Main Repository. XDAG is a novel DAG based cryptocurrency. | 318 | 2022-12-09 |
197 | hepingood/nrf24l01 | nrf24l01 full function driver | 309 | 2022-11-28 |
198 | FASTSHIFT/Arduino-For-Keil | A lightweight Arduino framework for Keil projects. | 305 | 2022-11-29 |
199 | baulk/baulk | baulk - Minimal Package Manager for Windows | 303 | 2022-12-04 |
200 | notrynohigh/BabyOS | 专为MCU项目开发提速的代码框架 | 303 | 2022-12-07 |
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