- Request for Grid certificate
- Links to read
- 1.1. Install OpenSSL utility
- 1.2. Download configuration file
- 1.3. Generate a request for Grid certificate
- 1.4. Obtain and verify
- 1.5. Send request for certificate to the local request authority
- 1.6. Check the certificate
- Install GSI openssh client
- Login via GSI SSH client
- Server management
- Create request for personal Grid certificate.
- Install GSI SSH client for Ubuntu 18.04.
- Connect via GSI SSH to the server.
- SURFsara server resource management.
- Tested on Windows 10, but should work on Linux too.
- Country: Belarus
- Institution Name: United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP NASB).
- Local authority for Belarus. Website http://ca.grid.by doesn't function for now (2019.04.05).
- The authority member for Belarus is BYGCA, Alexander Shahk (Шах Александр Геннадьевич, e-mail: shag at uiip dot bas-net dot by).
- SEE-GRID Certification Authority: Nikos Nikoloutsakos (e-mail: nikoloutsa at admin dot grnet dot gr, Greece, GRNET)
Request creation:
- Configuration file
- Certification center UIIP NASB
- BYGCA.pem certificate for Belarus
- Contents of current OSG CACert Distribution (version 1.78IGTFNEW)
- Операционный центр национальной грид-сети Республики Беларусь
- EUGridPMA Membership
- SEE-GRID Certification Authority
- Certificate request generation via the command line and without configuration file
- Небольшой рассказ про X.509
Installation of GSI SSH client:
1.1. Install OpenSSL utility.
- for Windows: openssl-0.9.8h-1-setup.exe via http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/openssl.htm
- for Linux: openssl package included into your version of operating system
1.2. Download configuration file globus-user-ssl.conf
certification center UIIP NASB.
Edit config file and change default_bits
from 1024 to 2048.
# Belarusian Grid Certification Authority
# Configuration for user certificate requests
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
default_keyfile = userkey.pem
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]
0.domainComponent = DomainComponent (by)
0.domainComponent_default = by
1.domainComponent = DomainComponent (grid)
1.domainComponent_default = grid
organizationName = Domain of your organization (e.g. uiip.bas-net.by)
commonName = Name (e.g., Francysk Skaryna)
commonName_max = 64
1.3. Generate a request for Grid certificate:
# Run OpenSSL utility and generate file: usercert_request.pem
# Enter and remember your pass phrase for the file: userkey.pem
openssl req -new -config globus-user-ssl.conf -out usercert_request.pem -sha256
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
unable to write 'random state'
writing new private key to 'userkey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
DomainComponent (by) [by]:by
DomainComponent (grid) [grid]:grid
Domain of your organization (e.g. uiip.bas-net.by) []:uiip.bas-net.by
Name (e.g., Francysk Skaryna) []:Foo Bar
1.4. Two files are created: usercert_request.pem
(a request for certificate) and
(an encrypted private key, hide it).
Verify created request PEM file:
# Verify request
openssl req -in usercert_request.pem -noout -text
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
Unable to load config info from /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
Certificate Request:
Version: 0 (0x0)
Subject: DC=by, DC=grid, O=uiip.bas-net.by, CN=Foo Bar
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (2048 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Field "Subject" should be like this: DC=by, DC=grid, O=uiip.bas-net.by, CN=Foo Bar
1.5. Send request for certificate (file usercert_request.pem
to the local request authority with the following information:
Foo Bar personal info:
1. Firstname Lastname: Foo Bar
2. Institution Name: United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP NASB)
3. Address: Surganova 6, 220012 Minsk, Belarus
4. Subdivision: Laboratory of Informatics
5. Position/Role: Software Engineer
6. E-mail: [email protected]
7. Phone number: Office +375-17-225-12-34, Mobile: +375-29-225-12-34
8. Certificate request file "userkey.pem" is attached to the letter.
Send additional information for LDAP entries:
FooBar_usercert.pem, DN: CN=Foo Bar,O=uiip.bas-net.by,DC=grid,DC=by; Mr. Foo Bar, [email protected], +375-29-123-34-67, BY
For SURFsara Cartesius server system administrators
send IP-address from which you're going to login to the SURFsara Cartesius server.
They'll add this IP-address to their whitelist.
Do not send file userkey.pem
. This is your private, secret key.
From the local request authority you should receive usercert.pem
file with personal certificate.
1.6. Check the certificate
After receiving your certificate via e-mail (filename Surname_usercert.pem
) verify it:
# Have to be OK. Any other output means verification is wrong.
openssl verify -verbose -CAfile BYGCA.pem Surname_usercert.pem
WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
Surname_usercert.pem: OK
where file BYGCA.pem is a certificate authority (CA) file to verify your certificates for Belarus.
You can download other certificates for other countries and institutions from
this repository.
Path: dcache-docker/dcache/dcache/etc/grid-security/certificates/
Note: Your IP-address should be whitelisted for the gsi-ssh on the SURFsara server. Login only from whitelisted IP-address.
GSI SSH client installation:
mkdir -p ~/Documents/Install/Globus_Toolkit
cd ~/Documents/Install/Globus_Toolkit
# Download Globus Tollkit package and add it to repository.
wget http://toolkit.globus.org/ftppub/gt6/installers/repo/globus-toolkit-repo_latest_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i globus-toolkit-repo_latest_all.deb
# This should install gsissh, gsiscp and gsisftp.
sudo apt install gsi-openssh-clients
# Install globus-proxy-utils
apt search globus-proxy-utils
sudo apt install globus-proxy-utils
# Download and install the OSG X509 trusted certificates bundle,
# which is required to access the LSC clusters.
wget http://software.ligo.org/gridtools/debian/pool/main/o/osg-ca-certs/osg-ca-certs-1.79NEW-0.deb
# This will add the certificates to a
# /etc/grid-security/certificates directory
sudo dpkg -i osg-ca-certs-1.79NEW-0.deb
You must have certificate usercert.pem
encrypted private key userkey.pem
to configure your GSI SSH client:
# Login to the computer with whitelisted IP-address, i.e. DeepLab3.
# Create .globus/certificates directory in your $HOME
mkdir -p ~/.globus/certificates
# Move certificate and encrypted private key. Rename them.
# to the ~/.globus directory
mv Surname_usercert.pem ~/.globus/usercert.pem
mv Surname_userkey.pem ~/.globus/userkey.pem
# Change permissions to read only
cd ~/.globus/
chmod ugo-rwx usercert.pem userkey.pem
chmod u+r usercert.pem userkey.pem
ls -hal
# Copy all trusted certificates bundle from /etc/grid-security/certificates
# to your ~/.globus/certificates/ directory
cp /etc/grid-security/certificates/* ~/.globus/certificates/
Configuration of GSI SSH client is finished. Then to connect to the server
you should create proxy and use gsissh
# Create proxy connection for 12 hours. Must enter GRID pass phrase.
grid-proxy-init -debug -verify
User Cert File: /home/username/.globus/usercert.pem
User Key File: /home/username/.globus/userkey.pem
Trusted CA Cert Dir: /home/username/.globus/certificates
Output File: /tmp/x509up_u1003
Your identity: /DC=by/DC=grid/O=uiip.bas-net.by/CN=Name Surname
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ...+++
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Fri Apr 5 08:47:41 2019
# Now try to connect via GSI SSH
gsissh int1-bb.cartesius.surfsara.nl -p 2222
Cartesius System
Welcome to SURFsara,
Some text here... doesn't matter.
Consult https://userinfo.surfsara.nl/systems/cartesius
for information on system usage.
Last login: Thu Apr 4 20:06:42 2019 from
* Some text here... doesn't matter. *
* Questions? Please e-mail to helpdesk <at> surfsara <dot> nl *
******************************************* last modified: 02-04-2019 10:30 ***
You can install Anaconda virtual environment or use EasyBuild framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.
Links to read:
- SSH/TransferFiles
- 10 SCP Commands to Transfer Files/Folders in Linux
- 12 scp command examples to transfer files on Linux
- How to Use Linux SFTP Command to Transfer Files
- Linux sftp command
# Download from the URL
export DIR=Downloads/mydata # set directory environment variable
mkdir -p ~/"$DIR" # make directory
cd ~/"$DIR" # goto this directory
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/laurencemoroney-blog.appspot.com/validation-horse-or-human.zip
unzip validation-horse-or-human.zip -d validation-horse-or-human
# Upload from DeepLab3 to SURFsara.
grid-proxy-init -debug -verify # initialize proxy for 12 hours
# Make directory on remote host
gsissh int1-bb.cartesius.surfsara.nl -p 2222 "mkdir -p ~/"$DIR
# -C parameter to compress files on the go
# -r parameter for recursion, to upload directory recursively
# -v parameter for verbosity
# Port: -P 2222
# File to upload: validation-horse-or-human.zip
# Remote host: int1-bb.cartesius.surfsara.nl
# Destination directory: ~/Downloads/mydata
# If you upload file twice, it will rewrite the old file without warning.
gsiscp -Cr -P 2222 validation-horse-or-human.zip int1-bb.cartesius.surfsara.nl:~/$DIR
# Upload from SURFsara to DeepLab3. You must enter your 'username' and password.
export DIR=Downloads/mydata/data1 # set directory environment variable
ssh [email protected] -p 2222 "mkdir -p ~/"$DIR # make directory remotely
scp -Cr -P 2222 validation-horse-or-human.zip [email protected]:~/$DIR
# SFTP connection from DeepLab3 to SURFsara.
grid-proxy-init -debug -verify # initialize proxy for 12 hours
gsisftp -C -P 2222 int1-bb.cartesius.surfsara.nl # login
# 'sftp>' command line prompt should appear.
help # type 'help' for available commands
lls -hal
lcd ~/Downloads/mydata/data1 # change local directory
ls -hal
cd Downloads/mydata # change remote directory
mkdir data2 # make remote directory
cd data2
put -r validation-horse-or-human.zip # upload files recursively from DeepLab3 to SURFsara
bye # or exit
# SFTP connection from SURFsara to DeepLab3. You must enter your 'username' and password.
sftp -C -P 2222 [email protected]
lcd ~/Downloads/mydata
cd Downloads/mydata
mkdir data3
ls -hal
cd data3
put -r validation-horse-or-human.zip # upload files recursively from SURFsara to DeepLab3
Links to read:
- Getting started with Cartesius
- Resource management SURFsara Cartesius batch usage.
- Cartesius file systems.
- Unfortunately GSI users can not login at portal
- SLURM official website. SLURM is the scheduling system used on Cartesius.
- Track resources and budget (core hours).
- One has to have a basic knowledge of shell programming.
We have 150 000 System Billing Units (SBUs)
1 SBU == 1 core for 1 hour on a fat and thin nodes
1 SBU == 1 core for 20 minutes on a GPU node
3 SBU == 1 core for 60 minutes on a GPU node
1 GPU node == 16 CPU cores and 2 NVIDIA Tesla K40m GPUs
1 fat/thin node == 16 CPU cores without GPU
Calculating on 1 GPU node for 1 hour is equal to
16 cores * 3 SBU = 48 SBU/hour
150 000 SBU == 130 days of calculations on 1 GPU node
Use resources carefully.
# Hours are trackable on the system like this:
budget-overview # get a more dynamic and accurate overview of the current state of your account's budget
accinfo # view the budget, user list, and other details
accuse # view the daily/monthly usage per user/account
myquota # check the disk quota
Note that the information given by accuse
and accinfo
is only up-to-date
for the situation at the end of the previous day.
I.e.: the day before the commands are issued.
You have 200 GiB
on the $HOME
directory and 8 TiB on the Scratch
file system, but only for 14 days.
Keep in mind that any file on scratch
folder than 14 days will be automatically removed.
If necessary we can request for additional space in the Projects
file system
or /projects/0/<project_name>
myquota # check the disk quota
# 200 GiB on the $HOME directory
# 8 TiB on the /scratch/shared directory for 14 days only
df -h /scratch/shared/
mkdir /scratch/shared/paulenka
cp validation-horse-or-human.zip /scratch/shared/paulenka/
ls -hal /scratch-shared/paulenka # the same as /scratch/shared/
echo $TMPDIR # /scratch-local/pr1d1005
# You can also use /scratch-local for 14 days
mkdir /scratch-local/paulenka
cp validation-horse-or-human.zip /scratch-local/paulenka/
Activate conda DL3
virtual environment:
module load Anaconda3/5.3.0 # load installed Anaconda
source activate DL3 # activate DL3 virtual environment
Create simple SLURM batch file ~/Downloads/example.slurm
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/
touch ~/Downloads/example.slurm
# Make file executable, otherwise it will not run with 'srun' command
chmod u+x ~/Downloads/example.slurm
# Open 'nano' editor
nano ~/Downloads/example.slurm
Contents of example.slurm
batch file:
#SBATCH -t 30:00
#SBATCH -p gpu
module load Anaconda3/5.3.0 # load installed Anaconda
source activate DL3 # activate DL3 virtual environment
echo "Start of job at `date`"
python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)'
echo "End of job at `date`"
conda deactivate # deactivate DL3 virtual environment
is the maximum wall clock time. If the job runs longer, it will get terminated.-N
is the number of nodes used for your calculations.-N 1
is equal 48 SBUs per hour.-p
is the partition. Usegpu_short
for for test and debug runs andgpu
for production runs on GPU nodes. Show available partitions list with the commandsinfo
orscontrol show partition
Run simple Slurm batch file example.slurm
srun -N 1 -t 30:00 -p gpu ~/Downloads/example.slurm # run job in foreground mode
Start of job at Thu May 2 12:35:54 CEST 2019
End of job at Thu May 2 12:35:57 CEST 2019
sbatch ~/Downloads/example.slurm # run job in background mode
Submitted batch job 6279513
cat ~/Downloads/slurm-6279513.out # view script output
Start of job at Thu May 2 12:33:37 CEST 2019
End of job at Thu May 2 12:33:41 CEST 2019
By default, SLURM willl redirect all output to a file called <jobid>.out
which will be placed in the directory from where you submitted your job.
This file contains both the standard output and error streams, combined.
If you want to send these two streams to different files, you can achieve this
by setting certain sbatch
Control your jobs:
squeue -u $USER # check the current state of the queue
scancel -j <jobid> # remove one of your jobs from the queue