M:N multithreading for Odin. The end goal is to implement virtual threads that automatically and quickly parallelize tasks across several os threads.
Note that this library is in PRE ALPHA STATE. It lacks essential features and may randomly cause segmented fault.
However, please test out the library and report issues you have encountered.
package oasynctest
import oa "../oasync"
import "core:fmt"
child :: proc() {
fmt.println("hi from child task")
core :: proc() {
// spawn a procedure in a virtual thread
main :: proc() {
coord := oa.Coordinator{}
cfg := oa.Config {
// amount of threads to use
worker_count = 4,
// use the main thread as a worker (does not contribute towards worker_count)
use_main_thread = true,
// fire off the async runtime
oa.init(&coord, cfg, oa.make_task(core))