The internal data structure of Bevy is like a table. One of the power of Bevy is to let us manipulate the table freely.
For example, let's say we have three players in our app. The table looks like this:
Name | HP |
Soldier 1 | 100 |
Soldier 2 | 250 |
Soldier 3 | 150 |
Each row in the table is called an entity, and each column is called a component.
A component is basically a struct in Rust that derives the Component macro.
In our table, we have two components: Name
and HP
use bevy::ecs::component::Component;
// ...
struct Name(String);
struct Hp(u32);
We can use the spawn method of Commands to add an entity to the App. (Commands were introduced in the previous tutorial for Removing Resources.)
use bevy::{
app::{App, Startup},
ecs::{component::Component, system::Commands},
fn main() {
App::new().add_systems(Startup, add_players).run();
// ...
fn add_players(mut commands: Commands) {
commands.spawn((Name("Soldier 1".into()), Hp(100)));
commands.spawn((Name("Soldier 2".into()), Hp(250)));
commands.spawn((Name("Soldier 3".into()), Hp(150)));
We put some specified components in a pair of parentheses and pass the parentheses to the spawn method. Each spawn creates an entity and add it to the App.
➡️ Next: Searching For Entities By Components
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