flusio is using PHP 7.3+. The version isn’t strongly fixed and can change. While I’ll do my best to keep things simple, remember that easy installation is not my main priority. If I absolutely need a specific feature from PHP 7.4 for instance, I’ll not hesitate. Some PHP dependencies in development are managed with Composer.
It’s using a personal PHP framework: Minz. The framework is directly integrated in the source code (as a submodule) since it’s intended to evolve with the application.
The only supported database is PostgreSQL because I plan to use specific features from it. Please do not ask support for other kind of databases: even if it might work, this would add complexity to maintain the whole software.
The asynchronous jobs, such as emails sending, are handled by a PHP script. The worker should be configured as a OS service (e.g. systemd service), or can be handled via a CRON task (but with less efficiency).
The assets (CSS and JS) are bundled with Parcel. The JavaScript relies on both Stimulus (a “modest” framework) and Turbolinks (used to speed up navigation on the application). The dependencies are managed with NPM, the default Node package manager. NPM is not needed in production because I bundle assets and add them in the repository at each new release.
The test suite is runned over GitHub Actions. It’s using PHPUnit 9 as a testing framework and PHP_CodeSniffer as a linter for the PHP files. JS files are linted with ESLint and CSS files with stylelint.
The development environment is powered by Docker and docker-compose setting up
4 containers: a PHP development server, a job worker, a PostgreSQL database and
a Node container running Parcel in watch mode. See the docker/
for more information.