This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
* Refactor monorepo to use yarn workspaces and lerna WIP: testing Refactor folder structure to use lerna WIP: more testing feat(util): add deferred class Publish - @firebase/[email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] WIP: asdoifj WIP: build artifact WIP: asdf Cleaning up from .gitignore Add prepublish script Isolate base configs Making top level scripts parallel Adding storage Add messaging Adding database code TODO: Fix all of the broken issues and import the rest of the utils Adding type info add database Adding firebase package Generating ES Module builds Attaching firebase.js to the global scope Adding lint-staged to the build Removing commitizen dependency Updating metafiles Working on devx Add react-native package Move packages/firebase -> packages/core Fix issues with package.json Bump core version testing a thing Add more entries to the .npmignore * Refactor to better separate ESM/CJS builds * Adding test:setup script * Fix breaking test (sourcemaps loaded in the test breaks the regex) * Remove commitizen message from * WIP: Migrate integration tests * Adding namespace integration tests * Add messaging integration tests * Fix issue with indv-module builds * Committing yarn.lock * Import 4.4.0 Changes * Add dev scripts, move core -> firebase * Add missing dependencies, flesh out dev experience * Add top level repl for test/debugging * Make the REPL pretty * Refactor to scope prepublish execution * Add @firebase/auth * Fixing broken int tests * Picking up missing changes from edad44d * Adding comment to .prettierignore * Fixed issue where firebase didn't exist on reset * Update yarn.lock for lint-staged * Refactor test setup script and .travis.yml * Fix firebase package dep versions * Refactor precommit hook -> prepush hook * [AUTOMATED]: Format Styling * Update prettier and prettierrc * [AUTOMATED]: Format Styling * Adding dist to .prettierignore * Fixing some oddities in yarn.lock * Refactor hooks prepublish -> prepare * Updating top-level scripts * Add pretest validation/checking * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Running travis tests w/ xvfb-run * Add a spinner instead of the prettier stdio * update yarn.lock * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Fixing child process STDOUT * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Switch to using stopAndPersist() * Moving file gitHooks/index.js -> gitHooks/prepush.js * Remove legacy .lintstagedrc * Add typinngs file for those only including fiebase/app * Add initial stub for @firebase/polyfill * Adding new clean yarn.lock * Refactor const -> var (no transpiling) * Add automated license header validation * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * [AUTOMATED]: License Headers * Aesthetic prepush validation things * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Add karma-sauce-launcher * Attempt 1: Try to get saucelabs browser testing working * Attempt 2: Adding sauceLabs config prop to karma.base * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Attempt 3: Getting rid of the connectOptions * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Fix CODEOWNERS * Add module boilerplate for @firebase/firestore * Refactor Firestore source to standalone package * Remove unneeded typings * Remove unneeded promise dependency * Fix top level paths * Bump firebase package version * Fix firestore source paths * Fix @firebase/app reference * Refactor to fix TSC errors * Refactor to make node unit tests work * Publish - @firebase/[email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] - [email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] - @firebase/[email protected] * Add firestore to main firebase binary * Pin firebase package to strict versions * Fix browser firestore tests * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * [AUTOMATED]: License Headers * Changing base karma browsers * Disabling cross-browser karma tests * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Removing sauce_connect addon from .travis.yml * Refactor messaging test script * Refactor the browserNoActivityTimeout * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Adding polyfills to the main browser bundles * Add firestore/ TODO(jshcrowthe): Fix these tests per the comments in this file * Fix firestore VSCode scripts * Fix regex for firestore __data__ prop * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Initial Commit * Add a brief * Add *.tgz to .npmignore * Publish: v0.1.1 * Turn on advanced optimizations for this code * Leverage "ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" mode in closure compilation * 0.2.0 * Add XhrIo prototype overrides * 0.2.1 * Remove unneeded lockfile * Fixing dependency versions * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * [AUTOMATED]: License Headers * TEMP: Remove saucelabs reporter * Fix prettier styling bug (fights with closure) * Update firebase/app typings * Leverage default exports * Updating top-level * Refactor mocha timeout to be 20 seconds for firestore * Addressing some review comments from @mikelehen * temp * Fixing license header spacing issues * Refactor license header check * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * [AUTOMATED]: License Headers * Revert "[AUTOMATED]: License Headers" This reverts commit 559068c. * Revert "Refactor license header check" This reverts commit 34c671a. * Fixing more license headers * Add @wilhuff and @wti806 to CODEOWNERS * Adding one more --auto-watch flag * Add 3 retries to firestore tests * Bumping browserNoActiityTimeout * @firebase/app - package.json housekeeping * @firebase/auth - housekeeping * @firebase/database - housekeeping * @firebase/firestore - housekeeping * Updating auth readme * @firebase/messaging - housekeeping * Updating database readme * Fixing issue with messaging/package.json (copy-paste fail) * @firebase/polyfill - housekeeping * @firebase/storage - housekeeping * @firebase/util - housekeeping * Fixing package.json repo links * Refactor from PromiseLike -> Promise * Add firebase externs * [AUTOMATED]: Prettier Code Styling * Fix license values in package.json
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