Data Dao signs the node for providing data feeds to the web3 blockchains like polygon, bsc, eth. On filecoin network data deal has an unique deal id. This data adapter provides deal ids for other blockchain systems to check if the data deal exists on filecoin network.
git clone
Enter into the newly-created directory
cd filink/adapter
You can remove the existing git history by running:
rm -rf .git
See Install Locally for a quickstart
, ordealId
: The dealId of filecoin transaction
Only need to take care of result part
Install dependencies:
Default running port is 8080. By changing "port", you may set the new running port Update hostname and port pointing to flink back-end in file adapter/config.json:
"url" : "http://<host>:<port>/deal/"
"port": <port>
Run the local tests:
yarn test
We need pm2 to run and monitor node application
- Step 1: Check if pm2 has been installed. If not, continue step 2; else continue step 3
pm2 --version
- Step 2: In order to install pm2, run below command
sudo yarn global add pm2
- Step 3: Start the adapter with below command
pm2 start app.js
- Step 4: Verify if adapter is running
pm2 list
Flink is supporting both GET and POST api calls
POST /deal
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:<port>/deal" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": { "deal":"58160", "network":"filecoin_mainnet"} }'
Response format for POST
GET /deal/{deal_id}?network=filecoin_mainnet
curl -X GET "http://localhost:<port>/deal/58160?network=filecoin_mainnet"
Response format for GET
If you wish to use Docker to run the adapter, you can build the image by running the following command:
docker build . -t external-adapter
Then run it with:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it external-adapter:latest
After installing locally:
zip -r .
- In Lambda Functions, create function
- On the Create function page:
- Give the function a name
- Use Node.js 12.x for the runtime
- Choose an existing role or create a new one
- Click Create Function
- Under Function code, select "Upload a .zip file" from the Code entry type drop-down
- Click Upload and select the
file - Handler:
- index.handler for REST API Gateways
- index.handlerv2 for HTTP API Gateways
- Add the environment variable (repeat for all environment variables):
- Key: API_KEY
- Value: Your_API_key
- Save
If using a HTTP API Gateway, Lambda's built-in Test will fail, but you will be able to externally call the function successfully.
- Click Add Trigger
- Select API Gateway in Trigger configuration
- Under API, click Create an API
- Choose HTTP API
- Select the security for the API
- Click Add
If using a REST API Gateway, you will need to disable the Lambda proxy integration for Lambda-based adapter to function.
- Click Add Trigger
- Select API Gateway in Trigger configuration
- Under API, click Create an API
- Choose REST API
- Select the security for the API
- Click Add
- Click the API Gateway trigger
- Click the name of the trigger (this is a link, a new window opens)
- Click Integration Request
- Uncheck Use Lamba Proxy integration
- Click OK on the two dialogs
- Return to your function
- Remove the API Gateway and Save
- Click Add Trigger and use the same API Gateway
- Select the deployment stage and security
- Click Add
- In Functions, create a new function, choose to ZIP upload
- Click Browse and select the
file - Select a Storage Bucket to keep the zip in
- Function to execute: gcpservice
- Click More, Add variable (repeat for all environment variables)
- VALUE: Your_API_key