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282 lines (202 loc) · 7.78 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (202 loc) · 7.78 KB


opens xplr inside nvim, and hosts a msgpack client inside xplr.

Provides these features:

  • xplr.vim features: layout, mappings

  • preview hovered file in preview window (using Telescope previewer)

  • open selection in nvim

  • set cwd: nvim <--> xplr

  • a simple API that wraps nvim lua msgpack client customized for xplr. This is so you can call nvim API functions or your own lua functions from xplr. Also allows communication without using shell / pipes / neovim remote.



Install like any other plugin and nvim will (try to) build the required xplr dependencies after installation using a post install/update function.

Using packer.nvim

use {
  run = function() require'xplr'.install({hide=true}) end,
  requires = {{'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'}, {'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim'}}

Using vim-plug

Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' " optional
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim'
Plug 'fhill2/xplr.nvim', { 'do': ':lua require\"xplr\".install({hide=true})' }

Use checkhealth xplr to test:

  • if nvim can find all required dependencies (other plugins)
  • if xplr can find all required msgpack client dependencies
  • checks if nvim can receive msgpack data from xplr

xplr needs version 0.14.6+

Why the post install function?

So the installation can be fully automated via package manager. It starts jobs which run these commands:

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd xplr/src/luv && make 
cd ../libmpack && make

If you prefer to install the xplr deps manually, running the above in the root of the plugin directory does the same as the install/update hook.

When installing, to see the output of the post install/update hook: {hide=false}

or execute this after with {hide=true}

lua require'xplr.install'.show()


  ui = {
    border = {
      style = "single",
      highlight = "FloatBorder",
    position = {
      row = "90%",
      col = "50%",
    relative = "editor",
    size = {
      width = "80%",
      height = "30%",
  previewer = {
    split = true,
    split_percent = 0.5,
    ui = {
      border = {
        style = "single",
        highlight = "FloatBorder",
      position = { row = "1%", col = "99%" },
      relative = "editor", -- editor only supported for now
      size = {
        width = "30%",
        height = "99%",
  xplr = {
    open_selection = {
      enabled = true,
      mode = "action",
      key = "o",
    preview = {
      enabled = true,
      mode = "action",
      key = "i",
      fifo_path = "/tmp/nvim-xplr.fifo",
    set_nvim_cwd = {
      enabled = true,
      mode = "action",
      key = "j",
    set_xplr_cwd = {
      enabled = true,
      mode = "action",
      key = "h",

local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
local nvim_set_keymap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local mappings = require("xplr.mappings")
local set_keymap = mappings.set_keymap
local on_previewer_set_keymap = mappings.on_previewer_set_keymap

nvim_set_keymap("n", "<space>xx", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr".open()<CR>', opts) -- open/focus cycle
set_keymap("t", "<space>xx", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr".focus()<CR>', opts) -- open/focus cycle

nvim_set_keymap("n", "<space>xc", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr".close()<CR>', opts)
set_keymap("t", "<space>xc", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr".close()<CR>', opts)

nvim_set_keymap("n", "<space>xv", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr".toggle()<CR>', opts)
set_keymap("t", "<space>xv", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr".toggle()<CR>', opts)

on_previewer_set_keymap("t", "<space>xb", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr.actions".scroll_previewer_up()<CR>', opts)
on_previewer_set_keymap("t", "<space>xn", '<Cmd>lua require"xplr.actions".scroll_previewer_down()<CR>', opts)

UI Config

xplr.ui - nui.nvim configuration for xplr window

previewer.ui- nui.nvim configuration for previewer window

previewer.split = true splits xplr win when previewer win opens (currently Horizontal only supported)

previewer.split = false uses previewer.ui config for previewer win when it opens


list of available opts to use for open()


Keymap Config

set_keymap() keymaps loaded on xplr window when xplr window opens

on_previewer_set_keymap() keymaps loaded on xplr window when preview window opens

Keymap Conflicts

the default mappings above conflict with the default xplr mappings to select files (space). You can unset and use v default xplr keymap for selection inside xplr instead

To remove this mapping in xplr:

-- ~/.config/xplr/init.lua = {}

Vim command

There is no VimL command binded by default

command! -bar -nargs=? -complete=dir Xplr lua require'xplr'.load_command(<f-args>)

" Usage
:Xplr %:p " current file
:Xplr " cwd
:Xplr / " root

Opening xplr with msgpack client in a non floating window

xplr and the msgpack client can be used without the UI in a terminal inside neovim: export NVIM_XPLR_ROOT and use xplr -C to load the msgpack client config file on xplr startup

I use this snippet (.zshrc) as a temporary solution for now (I intend on working on this more)

function xplr() {
  if [[ -v NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS ]]; then
  export NVIM_XPLR_ROOT=~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/xplr.nvim
  /usr/bin/xplr -C "/home/user/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/xplr.nvim/xplr/init.lua" $@ # ~ isnt supported
  /usr/bin/xplr $@


Examples for creating custom commands

Creating your own Commands that interact with nvim:

requiring nvim-xplr in xplr init.luareturns the msgpack client object.

You can then use the msgpack client within your xplr lua functions in xplr/init.lua to trigger and send data to functions in nvim like this:

xplr.fn.custom.nvim_hello = function(app)
          'return require"xplr.actions".hello_world(...)', app)

return { LogSuccess = "combine messages and nvim API calls" }

xplr.config.modes.builtin.action.key_bindings.on_key["u"] = {
      help = "hello nvim",
      messages = {
        { CallLuaSilently = "custom.nvim_hello" },

msgpack client accepts tables, client will nil all userdata/function refs

you can call whatever nvim API method you want, however i've found it easier to send data over to a nvim function and do the work on the nvim side.

-- call nvim functions from xplr function
 nvim:exec_lua('return require"xplr.actions".hello_world(...)', data)

-- call vimL functions from xplr function
 nvim:command('echo "hello world"')

-- call any nvim API method like this (untested)
nvim:request("nvim_command", "echo v:servername")

Debugging xplr

When xplr loads its init files during startup not all its info error messages are printed to the main interface

To view the output of the xplr lua environment to view all error messages (like :messages in nvim)

:! to invoke the shell cat $XPLR_PIPE_LOGS_OUT


  • toggleterm & floaterm integration
  • improve non floating window behaviour (using xplr msgpack in nvim pseudo terminals)
  • Option to register autocmd to close xplr when leaving xplr buf
  • file extension dependent preview switching
  • improve floating window UI - vertical layout
  • send to qflist & other helpful default actions
  • cwd open() opts to support relative file paths
  • add xplr version check to checkhealth