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Modifiers !

Modifiers are used for writing the processed value into the result.


  • $foo!mod Placed after value-capture; mod is the name of modifier function
  • @foo!mod Placed after array-capture
  • $foo!mod(arg1, arg2) Accepts several arguments; Every argument should be a simple JavaScript literal
  • $foo|filter1!mod Used along with the filters

Running Semantics

Modifiers are used for writing the processed value into the result. Every mutation of capture-result is done through a modifier. When we omit the modifier, temme will use !add as the default modifier, to add the captured value into capture-result. The default !add is implemented as follows:

function add(result: CaptureResult, key: string, value: any) {
  if (value != null && !isEmptyObject(value)) {
    result.set(key, value)

!add ignores null and empty objects, and then call CaptureResult#set which writes value into the specified field. The documentation for CaptureResult can be viewed at the bottom of this page. We can use other modifiers instead of the default !add. Temme provides several built-in modifiers, and we can define customized modifiers like defining customized filters.

Built-in Modifiers

Temme provides the following modifiers:

  • !add The most basic and most used modifier, it ignores null and empty objects, then add the captured value into the result
  • !forceAdd Like !add, but ignores nothing. It is the default modifier in assignments.
  • !array Collects the value into an array. See this example for detail.
  • !candidate Like !add, but write to the result only when the existing value at that key is falsy. See this example for detail.

Customized Modifiers

Like in filters, temme allows us to define customized modifiers in several ways. When a customized modifier is called, the argument are as follows: capture-result, capture key, captured value, arguments passed to the modifier in selector. The built-in modifiers could be a good reference before you define your own customized modifiers.

Global Modifier Definition

import { defineModifier } from 'temme'

defineModifier('myModifier', function myModifier(result, key, value, ...args) {
  /* ... */

Modifiers as an argument of temme()

The fourth argument of temme() is for specifying customized modifiers. In the following code, we define !reverse, a modifier that reverses the capture key (though useless indeed).

const extraModifiers = {
  reverse(result, key, value) {
    result.set(key.split('').reverse().join(''), value)
  // ...
temme(html, 'div{ $foo!reverse }', /* extraFilters */ null, extraModifiers)
//=> { oof: ... }

Inline Modifiers Definition

Define modifiers in selector string. Inline modifiers definition has the same syntax as JavaScript-style function definition. The difference is that temme use modifier as the keyword instead of function. Online Example

modifier reverse(result, key, value) {
  /* Modifier logic here */
  /* The code here will be executed like in a JavaScript function */
  /* Note that the curly braces must be balanced here due to parser limitations. */
  result.set(key.split('').reverse().join(''), value)

// Use reverse like below
div{ $foo!reverse };

Class CaptureResult

CaptureResult is used for store the captured result. In modifiers, we normally call its set method to write value into it; In procedures, we usually call its add method to add value-capture.

API Description
result.get(key) Return the corresponding value stored in the result
result.set(key, value) Set value at key directly
result.add(capture, value) Add value-capture to the result; value will be processed by filters and modifiers before written into result
result.forceAdd(capture,value) Same as add, but use !forceAdd as the default modifier
reuslt.getResult() Result the captured values