Value-capture is the most basic and most used capture form. Value-capture can be placed in attribute part (in square brackets) to capture attribute value, or in content part (in curly braces) to capture text/html.
Place in CSS attribute qualifiers to capture attribute value.{$xxx}
Place in content part to capture html/text.
Attribute-capture is in form [foo=$bar]
, which means putting the value of attribute foo
into .bar
of the capture result. Content capture {$buzz}
means capturing text of a node into .buzz
of the capture result.
<!-- html used below -->
<div class="red">text content</div>
// capture attribute
temme(html, 'div[class=$cls];')
//=> { cls: 'red' }
// capture text
temme(html, 'div{$content};')
//=> { content: 'text content' }
// capture attribute and text at the same time
temme(html, 'div[class=$cls]{$content};')
//=> { cls: 'red', content: 'text content' }
The output of temme()
is an object called capture-result. Capture-result contains captured data at specific fields. We can use a single $
to make a default-value-capture, and the capture result will be a single value.
: Omit xxx and make a default-value-capture.
// default-attrbiute-capture
temme(html, 'div[class=$]')
//=> 'red'
// default-text-capture
temme(html, 'div{$content}')
//=> 'text content'