- The tooltip functionality in visualizing the
output now handles correctly the text for the geneset description. Thanks to @thomas-keller for spotting this and for the fix! gs_heatmap()
now correctly handles the (odd, but possible) case where a geneset has a single gene annotated to it. Thanks to @edo98811 for the fix!
defaults now to NULL in theintgroup
parameter, which translates into using the firstcolData
- The transition to the functions available in the
Bioconductor is complete, with the original functions now being deprecated. This applies togoseqTable()
(now replaced bymosdef::run_goseq()
), which has now been made faster and more robust in its functionality and in the ways it can be executed - The gene plot widgets now also use the
function frommosdef
, instead of the previousggplotCounts()
function -gene_plot()
is more flexible and has more options to control the behavior of the final plot object - The
are now replaced by the more flexiblemosdef::deresult_to_df()
- The internally defined
, andcreateLinkGO()
are now replaced by the equivalent functions inmosdef
- The Roxygen-based documentation now supports markdown. No visible changes should appear to the user, as the content should have stayed fairly the same
- Although no visible changes for the end user are expected, the incoming major version bump will reflect the change in the dependency graph, ensuring that this is noticed at least at the version numbering level
- Updated functions used from other packages to reflect changes in their API/nomenclature
- Adapted the internal code of functions to the latest version of
- no changes happening for the end user
correctly extracts the number of up and down regulated genes from the DE results- Fortified the behavior of
to handle cases where only one gene would be included in the signature to plot
has now the possibility to plot the visual summaries as ridge lines.- When plotting the gene expression for the selected features in the gene-geneset-graph box, it is now possible to disable the labels from being displayed (could lead to unnecessary clutter sometimes).
- Fortified the behavior of
to fail early when providing an invalid value to theintgroup
gains thewinsorize_threshold
parameter, to control the behavior of the geneset heatmap in presence of extreme values, either negative or positive ones. If not specified, the heatmap is not introducing any winsorization.map2color()
has a behavior that better accounts for asymmetric ranges of values. This propagates to some of the functions that use it for mapping to colors, such asenrichment_map()
, orggs_backbone()
- Fixed the behavior of the reactive elements after uploading the
object at runtime. - Fixed the label namings for the
function - The
function can handle the case where a gene is in the enrichment results table but not present in the annotation (e.g. annotations are updated, so some correspondences might get lost). It also presents an informative message on which genesets/genes are potentially responsible for the behavior. - Some additional checks are in place for controlling the cases where the
of a geneset is detected as NA (e.g. because there was a mismatch between gene names and identifiers in the annotation).
now offers the possibility to upload aGeneTonicList
at runtime. This makes it possible to use the app as a server-like dashboard, which runs by default on no dataset provided, and populates its components upon successfully providing the data as expected- The
functionality in the Welcome panel provides a means to explore any gene in the expression set, coloring and grouping by any experimental covariate of interest - It is possible to enter a set of genes and genesets in the Bookmarks panel, and these can be doubled checked against the available features of the current
- this, combined to the upload functionality, makes it possible to easily compare differentgtl
objects - The
app has a button to export the currently provided dataset - regardless of the input format - as aGeneTonicList
. This is especially useful if one is providing the individual components (dds
) and would like to obtain the correct serialized object gs_upset
adds the possibility to represent the results of enrichment analyses as upset plots, with the option to decorate them with DE-related information
- The manuscript about
is now published on BMC Bioinformatics at https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-021-04461-5 - the citation item has been updated accordingly - The jittered position in the
is now completely reproducible, by setting a seed internally in the jitter generating function
can now accept the input ofclusterProfiler
's gene set enrichment analysis functions (gseGO
), as implemented in theshake_gsenrichResult()
function- Below each plot and interactive widget, we provide a button that opens up a modal window where the code required to reproduce that output is shown as a snippet. These can be readily copied in extended reports or used to document the exploratory process.
- The manuscript about
is now available on bioRxiv at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.19.444862v1 - the citation item has been updated accordingly GeneTonic
's Shiny app now uses the latest version ofbs4Dash
, which introduced some breaking changes. Most elements should be now available as they were in the original implementation
The main function
gains an extra parameter,gtl
- this can be used to provided a named list object where a single parameter is passed (e.g. after loading in a single serialized object), while the functionality stays unaltered. The samegtl
parameter is also exposed in other functions of the package - see the vignette for some examples, or check the documentation of each specific function. To create this object in a standardized manner, the functionGeneTonic_list()
is now available. -
A new function to perform fuzzy clustering (following the implementation of DAVID) is added - see
. It returns a table with additional information on the cluster of genesets and the status of each set in the group. -
function can extract the bipartite graph backbone from the Gene-Geneset graph, this can be further explored below the main element in the Gene-Geneset panel. Once the backbone is created, you are one step away from checking out the genes that act as "hubs" in the Gene-Geneset graph, and possibly identify the nodes playing an essential role based on their connectivity. -
A new function,
, adds a signature volcano plot to the Gene-Geneset panel. This plot displays the genes of a chosen geneset in color, while the remaining genes of the data are shown as shaded dots in the background. The color and transparency of the displayed genes can be chosen by the user, as well as the option to display the gene names of all genes in the geneset. -
can also generate bar plots instead of the default segment-dot (lollipop) plots. -
A new function,
, builds a DTdatatable
for the Gene-Geneset panel. This table lists the individual genes of the input data and their respective degree in the Gene-Geneset graph. Furthermore,action buttons
linking to the NCBI, GeneCards and GTEx databases are included for each gene. -
gains the extralabels_display
argument to control whether the labels are at all shown; now the display of the labels is also respecting the jitter of the points
has now the possibility to set the arguments to the call to heatmap generating function, via ellipsisgs_heatmap()
handles the colors in a consistent way over the different executions, without relying on the random palettes provided by theHeatmap
's annotation functionality - could have been misleading if encountering too similar hues are randomly picked- the plots obtained via
now always display the line segments for the data points to be labeled (increasing the readability - as "matching back the label to the drawn circle" - thanks for the suggestion!)
The geneset distillery is officially open!
offers functionality to aggregate together gene sets into overarching biological themes, based on a network-based refinement of the enrichment map. Corresponding graphical functionalities are also extended to accommodate meta-genesets. An efficient implementation for the Markov clustering on graph objects is also provided -
can now receive the input of many other tools for functional enrichment analysis - this includes the output (text export) of DAVID (shake_davidResult
), enrichr (from website and via the package, withshake_enrichrResult
), fgsea (shake_fgseaResult
), and g:Profiler (withshake_gprofilerResult
, which can handle the textual output from the website, as well the one from the call to thegost
) -
An export button to a
object foriSEE
and its underlying machinery has been added. If the visualization options inGeneTonic
are not exactly what you would expect, you might find an excellent venue in theiSEE
- Added an additional mechanism for safe fails when not finding the GO Term and searching for the definition - this could happen e.g. when the term becomes outdated and is removed from the
package, or also mistyped if entered by hand at some point. gs_heatmap
has a new parameter,plot_title
, to override the title to be displayed and set it to any custom string- It is now possible to save a snapshot of the graphs created with
- The Gene Box now also contains links to the GTEx portal for the selected feature
enables to export a graph object to a text file, encoded with the SIF format
has become a part of Bioconductor!
is now submitted to Bioconductor!
- The functions for comparing different
, namelygs_radar
, andgs_horizon
were internally rewritten to accept correctly the comparison elements - The vignette now covers completely the usage cases, with the full description of the user interface of
- The introductory tours are available for all the main panels of
. Feel free to try them out!
- Some widgets have been added in the UI of
to enable finer control of the output aspect - Examples and unit tests have been further expanded, with better messages for checking progress
verify that color palettes are correctly provided- Info on
is now provided with modal dialog windows, rather than in a separate tab - The tab names in the main app were slightly edited to better describe their content
- The info boxes are now shown with a uniform style, based on the
UI element - The UI elements have now a better spacing throughout the different tabs
- Soon the package will be submitted to Bioconductor!
sports a blazing new hex sticker - say bye to the original draft!- The overview DT
s has some styling with color bars - e.g. for DE results - to enhance the visual perception of numeric values (e.g. log2FoldChange) gs_heatmap
can now take a custom list of gene identifiers (when no geneset is passed)- The color palettes in enrichment maps now respect the values and the range specified of the numeric values to be used for mapping to colors
is now optionally returning a data.frame, to be further used for custom plotting or downstream processinggs_summary_overview
now has coloring enabled by the variable of choice
- The UI has received some restyling (e.g. in the choice of the icons for the dropdown menus, or the name of some buttons)
- Added tour contents for most of the functionality
- Added link to the demo instance
- Added examples for overlap functions, gene info buttons, map2color, and deseqresult2df
- Extended documentation of some parameters
- Some functions have gained an alias for calling them:
is equivalent togs_radar
, andgs_sankey
is equivalent togs_alluvial
now delivers bundled example objects to make examples and tests slimgs_volcano
can now plot points by different colors according to the columns of interestGeneTonic
has a fully fledged manual describing its functionality and user interface
- Now using ids for genes and genesets for exchanging information in the app
- Added examples for all functions
- Most tabs have working tours - anchor and text elements
- Introduced a uniform interface for calculating different similarity/distance matrices. This enables the usage in the different functions that might need such matrices for further downstream processing (e.g.
) - First appearance of
to display distance matrices with some visualization sugar, as an alternative to other methods - The
are exposed to more functions to enable custom subsets of the enrichment results to be inspected
now relies onComplexHeatmap
, to avoid the issues with Shiny of not displaying the outputs in the app, and enabling a comfortable heatmap annotation- Many functions gain the possibility to pass a set of custom geneset identifiers to be added to the top N sets (default): among these,
, andenhance_table
got renamed togs_scoresheat
- The report generated from the bookmarked content is expanded in its default content
now enforces a format forres_enrich
, and provides some conversion functions,shake_*()
. Requirements are specified in the documentation, if an appropriate converter does not (yet) exist.- The reporting feature is active to some extent on the bookmarked content.
- Added functionality for bookmarking
- Bookmarking can work (PoP) by pressing a key (left control)!
can enforce a plot type overriding the default based on the number of samples per conditionGeneTonic
uses nowbs4Dash
and many of its nice features, replacing the previous implementation based onshinydashboard
- Rearranging the order of parameters to harmonize it across functions, and uniforming similarly called parameters
- added geneset scoring calculation and corresponding heatmap
- much of the functionality available, in a proof of concept format
- backbone of the project started!