Animations and focus are specified by accessing the underlying Xamarin.Forms control and using Xamarin.Forms animation specifications. The underlying control is usually accessed via a ViewRef
, akin to a ref
in HTML/JavaScript and React.
- A
must have a sufficient scope that it lives long enough, e.g. a global scope or the scope of the model. TheViewRef
can be held in the model itself if necessary. - Initially
are empty. They will only be populated after theview
function has been called and its results applied to the visual display.
For example, the following shows the creation of a ViewRef
and associating it with a particular element:
let animatedLabelRef = ViewRef<Label>()
let view dispatch model =
View.Label(text="Rotate", ref=animatedLabelRef)
The underlying control can also be accessed by using the created
let mutable label = None
View.Label(text="hello", created=(fun l -> label <- Some l))
only holds a weak handle to the underlying control.
property may thus fail if the underlying control has been collected.
As a result it is often sensible to use theTryValue
property which returns an option.
Animations are specified by using a Xamarin.Forms animation specification on the underlying control, e.g.
let animatedLabelRef = ViewRef<Label>()
let update msg model =
match msg with
| Poked ->
match animatedLabelRef.TryValue with
| None -> ()
| Some c -> c.RotateTo (360.0, 2000u) |> ignore
let view dispatch model =
View.StackLayout [
View.Label(text="Rotate", ref=animatedLabelRef)
View.Button(text="Rotate", command=(fun () -> dispatch Poked))
Animations in Xamarin.Forms specify tasks. These are ignorable if the animation is simple. Composite animations must compose tasks, either by using async { ...}
and Async.AwaitTask
and Async.StartAsTask
, or by using task { ... }
from the F# community TaskBuilder
Examples of custom tasks are shown in C# syntax in Animation in Xamarin.Forms.