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Learn how to use and Cmd.batch to compose Cmds from independent MVU states

Integrating commands

In Splitting into independent MVU states, we learned how to decompose larger apps into individual MVU states by using simple init and update functions returning only a Model, like in those signatures:

val init: unit -> Model
val update: Msg -> Model -> Model

Though most apps will need more complex signatures to handle side effects such as processing data, network calls, access to the camera or storage, etc. Those apps will use commands to model those side-effects:

val init: unit -> Model * Cmd<Msg>
val update: Msg -> Model -> Model * Cmd<Msg>

If we simply do the same than in the previous section, we will face the same compilation issue we saw by composing views with different Msg types.

let update msg model =
    match msg with
    | Form1Msg f1 ->
        let m, c = Form1.update f1 model.Form1Model
        { model with Form1Model = m }, c
    | Form1Msg f2 ->
        let m, c = Form2.update f2 model.Form2Model
        { model with Form2Model = m }, c // ERROR: Expected Cmd<Form1.Msg>, got Cmd<Form2.Msg>

We solved that issue with previously. Since the issue is similar, the solution is also similar.

Converting a command's Msg type

Just like to convert a widget's Msg type to the parent's Msg type to allow for composition, Fabulous has to do the same for commands.

val : ('oldMsg -> 'newMsg) -> Cmd<'oldMsg> -> Cmd<'newMsg>

Using is very similar to Form1Msg form1Cmd

{% code title="App.fs" %}

type Msg =
    | Form1Msg of Form1.Msg
    | Form2Msg of Form2.Msg

let init () =
    let m, c = Form1.init()
    { Form1Model = m }, Form1Msg c
let update msg model =
    match msg with
    | Form1Msg f1 ->
        let m, c = Form1.update f1 model.Form1Model
        { model with Form1Model = m }, Form1Msg c
    | Form2Msg f2 ->
        let m, c = Form1.update f2 model.Form2Model
        { model with Form2Model = m }, Form2Msg c

{% endcode %}

Batching several Cmds together

Sometimes, an app needs to execute several side effects at the same time. To enable that, Fabulous provides a Cmd.batch function to merge several commands into a single one.

val Cmd.batch : Cmd<'msg> list -> Cmd<'msg>

We can combine Cmd.batch with as we want.

let init () =
    let m1, c1 = Counter.init()
    let m2, c2 = Input.init()
    { CounterModel = m1
      InputModel = m2 },
    Cmd.batch [
        Cmd.ofAsyncMsg(loadDataAsync()) CounterMsg c1 InputMsg c2

To learn more about integrating commands, read The Elmish Book - Integrating Commands.