Performant proxy based on proxy configurations of Pericles database. It records raw reports requiring further inspection.
Pericles came with its own proxy, integrated in the Rails application. However this stack is not suited for handling concurrent slow clients. That's why we wrote a specific proxy written in Elixir.
This proxy requires Elixir.
To install dependencies run:
mix deps.get
To start the proxy run:
mix run --no-halt
If you want to use debug, you can insert IEx.pry in the code and start the server with:
iex -S mix run --no-halt
To run tests:
mix test
Once you deployed your proxy, remember to set the PROXY_HOST environment variable in Pericles.
Once the proxy is deployed, you need to give it access to your Pericles database. First get the identifier of your Pericles database add-on with:
heroku addons -a <YOUR_PERICLES_PROXY_APP>
Then attach this add-on to your Pericles proxy app:
TODO, PR are welcome 😀