This experiment runs a set of the ParRes Kernels as a microbenchmark for Granny's MPI implementation.
In the experiment-base
terminal, run:
(faasm-exp-base) inv cluster.provision --vm Standard_D8_v5 --nodes 3 cluster.credentials
Deploy the cluster:
(faasm-exp-faabric) faasmctl deploy.k8s --workers=2
Upload the WASM file:
(faasm-exp-faabric) inv kernels-mpi.wasm.upload
and run the experiment with:
(faasm-exp-faabric) inv
finally, delete the Granny cluster:
faasmctl delete
Deploy the OpenMPI cluster:
inv kernels-mpi.native.deploy
finally, delete the OpenMPI cluster
inv kernels-mpi.native.delete
To plot the results, just run:
inv kernels-mpi.plot
the plot will be available in ./plots/kernels-mpi/mpi_kernels_slowdown.pdf
, we also include it below:
Finally, delete the AKS cluster:
(faasm-exp-base) inv cluster.delete