Please note the following before you begin:
- By contributing to WebPlotDigitizer, you are automatically agreeing to the Contributor License Agreement.
- Opensource doesn't automatically imply that this project is open for all kinds of contributions. Please consult with Ankit Rohatgi before considering to make any large contributions.
Areas to contribute:
- Documentation and tutorial videos
- Language translations
- Unit tests or other tests
- Code cleanup
- Tooling for building, formatting etc.
- Bug fixes and pruning GitHub issues list
- New features
It should be easy to setup any Linux distribution for development purposes, but Ubuntu is preferred. MacOS has a few different setup steps and is currently experimental. Windows is unsupported for development.
To install Ubuntu packages and download other dependencies, you can try the script To install MacOS packages and download other dependencies, you can try the script
For other operating systems, please install the following dependencies manually:
- See app/thirdparty folder and download the required third party libraries and dependencies.
- The Eigen C++ template library (see
- A recent Java to run the javascript compiler (Google Closure Compiler).
- Python 3 with python3-jinja2 package and python3-babel to compile the HTML templates.
- js-beautify npm package to autoformat javascript, HTML and CSS files.
Web Server:
- A recent Go compiler
Electron App:
npm package to create packages for distributionswine
on Linux systems to create Windows distributions- Run
npm install
in the electron folder to fetch any other dependencies
Building HTML5 Source
To build the HTML5 code, do the following (make sure you have checked out the dependencies above):
cd app
npm install
npm run build
This should generate a combined-compiled.js file and several HTML files in the 'app' directory. Use the web server (see webserver folder) or Electron app (see electron folder) to host this app.
Web Server
PHP backend has now been replaced with a simple Go server. To start the server do the following:
cd webserver
cp settings.json.example settings.json
# edit settings.json as needed
go build
You can now open WebPlotDigitizer in your web browser.
The Go based server will be extended to include typical server side features like server-side data storage, remote APIs etc.
Electron App
To run the electron app, follow these steps:
cd electron
npm install
npm start
At the moment, this is only an basic implementation. If you are familiar with electron app development, then feel free to contribute here.
On a Linux development machine, you will also need wine
to build the Windows app. To build the apps, run:
cd electron
npm install
npm run build # Windows, Mac and Linux
./ # MacOS only (may require global install of `electron-packager` from `npm`)
This will create apps for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Please consider adding unit tests when adding or editing code. Any contributions to increase existing code coverage is greatly appreciated.
Unit tests are located in the app/tests
directory. The tests are written for QUnit. The test runner Karma is used to enable command-line results. The mocking library Sinon.js is included as well to facilitate unit test creation.
Adding tests
To add tests, locate the appropriate test file under app/tests
(or create an appropriate file) and add the tests there.
This isn't always possible, but ideally, each unit test assertion should complete execution within 10ms.
Running tests
To run the tests, use the following commands:
cd app
npm test
This will load the QUnit tests, run them, and display the results.
To view the QUnit results in the browser, start a development server and append /tests
to the url (e.g. http://localhost:8080/tests
Testing different browsers
To run the unit tests in different browsers, use this command:
npm test -- --browsers [browser-name]
Note: [browser-name]
is sentence-cased (e.g. Chrome).
Or, alternatively, edit karma.conf.js
, uncomment all desired browsers to concurrently run tests on under browsers
, and re-run the tests.
Karma can run the tests on a plethora of browsers. To use another browser, visit for more information on how to set it up. This typically involves having the desired browser installed on your local machine, and a Karma plugin for the browser. By default, Karma plugins for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are already installed.
Karma has been configured to run in single-run mode. But Karma has the ability to watch files for changes and re-run tests. To enable this behavior, run the following instead of npm test
npm test -- --single-run false
- Javascript: ES6 with AirBnB's style guide is recommended. A lot of older code does not follow this style and should be updated eventually.
To run automatic formatting on the Javascript and C++ code, use this command:
cd app
npm run format
Or, alternatively, run the script in the app
Custom JS scripts can be loaded into WebPlotDigitizer and executed. See script_examples for more details.
To build a docker image see the file research/Dockerfile
Use Poedit to edit the .po
files in app/locale
folder. To add support for a new language, please contact Ankit Rohatgi.
Good documentation and tutorials are severly lacking and any help would be highly appreciated. The LaTeX source for the current user manual is in the docs/latex