API for fetching swap quotes and payloads from multiple DEX aggregators for use with Euler V2.
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pnpm i
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pnpm run doppler:syncdev # local development
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Swagger UI is served at the root, it is also available at swap.euler.finance. Request and response schemas are also available here
The /swap
endpoint fetches token trade quotes which can be used with the swapping peripheries in the Euler Vault Kit periphery contracts. See periphery docs for detailed description of the swapping architecture in Euler V2. The API response includes both encoded payloads as well as raw data for calls to the Swapper
field of the response) and SwapVerifier
field) contracts. These payloads can be used directly in EVC batches.
Example of fetching a swap and repay quote to use e.g. in liquidation:
const collateralVault = EUSDC_ADDRESS
const liabilityVault = EWETH_ADDRESS
const currentDebtAmount = parseUnits('100', 6).toString()
// Fetch a quote to repay WETH liability by selling USDC from the collateral vault.
// Use target debt mode, which will attempt to buy exactly enough of the liability asset
// to repay the debt down to `targetDebt` amount. The target here is 0, meaning all
// of the debt should be repaid.
const queryParams = {
chainId: "1",
amount: currentDebtAmount,
targetDebt: "0",
currentDebt: currentDebtAmount,
receiver: liabilityVault,
vaultIn: collateralVault,
origin: connectedAccount,
accountIn: connectedAccount,
accountOut: connectedAccount,
slippage: "0.1", // 0.1%
deadline: String(Date.now() / 1000 + 10 * 60), // 10 minutes from now
swapperMode: "2", // target debt mode
isRepay: "true",
const { data: response } = await axios.get(
params: requstParams,
// Encode EVC batch
const batchItems =
// Withdraw collateral to the Swapper contract
targetContract: collateralVault,
onBehalfOfAccount: connectedAccount,
value: 0,
data: encodeFunctionData({
functionName: "withdraw"
args: [response.data.amountInMax, response.data.swap.swapperAddress, connectedAccount]
// execute Swapper payload from the API response
targetContract: response.data.swap.swapperAddress,
onBehalfOfAccount: connectedAccount,
value: 0,
data: response.data.swap.swapperData
// execut SwapVerifier payload from the API response
targetContract: response.data.verify.verifierAddress,
onBehalfOfAccount: connectedAccount,
value: 0,
data: response.data.verify.verifierData
const evcBatch = encodeFunctionData({
abi: EVC_ABI,
functionName: "batch",
args: [batchItems]
// send tx
To handle an incoming swap request, the API processes the query through a series of strategies until one of them provides a valid response. The strategy pipelines are defined per chain in /swapService/config
folder. The strategies can handle requests in multiple ways. The basic one is the balmy SDK strategy, which queries multiple DEXes and aggregators for a swap quote and picks the best one. Strategies can themselves run the pipelines recursively. ERC4626 wrapper can be configured for assets which are vault shares and are not supported by aggregators. The strategy will deposit or redeem vault shares and run the pipeline again, this time using the underlying asset of the vault. For a list of available strategies see swapService/strategies
The pipeline definition consits of an array of objects, each of which designates a strategy with its configuration and an optional matching logic. In the following example, the pipeline is configured to query Pendle and LI.FI for swap of the Pendle PT tokens, and 1Inch and LI.FI for all other tokens.
const pipeline = [
strategy: StrategyBalmySDK.name(),
config: {
sourcesFilter: {
includeSources: ["pendle", "li-fi"],
match: { isPendlePT: true },
strategy: StrategyBalmySDK.name(),
config: {
sourcesFilter: {
includeSources: ["1inch", "li-fi"],