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DIP: Training and Evaluation

Code for training of new and evaluation of existing models.


It requires that you download the data from the project page.

The code was tested with TensorFlow 1.4.0, but it should be able to run in newer versions as well. Set up your environment as follows (assuming that correct CUDA and cuDNN versions are installed):

conda create -n tf_py35 python=3.5
source activate tf_py35
pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade
conda install opencv
pip install numpy-quaternion
conda install numba

Next, make sure to update the path to where you stored the data (*.npz files) under Configuration.KNOWN_DATA_PATHS in The keys in that dictionary can be selected through the --system flag, so that you can run the code on different machines.

Pre-Trained Models

With this code, we also release some pre-trained models on the project page. Unzip the downloaded file and store it under ./models so that the evaluation code can make use of it. The zip file contains the following models:

  • ID 1527876409: The best BiRNN as reported in the paper (using dropout and acceleration loss)
  • ID 1528208085: The best BiRNN fine-tuned on DIP-IMU.

Example Usage

Training From Scratch

To re-train the best BiRNN as reported in the paper, use the following command line:

python --save_dir ./models --system local --data_file v9 --json ./models/tf-1527876409-imu_v9-birnn-fc1_512-lstm2_512-idrop2-relu-norm_ori_acc_smpl-auxloss_acc/config.json

This loads the configuration of the BiRNN from a json file and saves the checkpoints into ./models (a new directory will be created). --data_file v9 chooses the synthetic data to train on.


To fine-tune a model on DIP-IMU use the following command.

python --save_dir ./models --model_id 1527876409 --system local --data_file v9 --norm_ori --norm_acc --norm_smpl --use_acc_loss --finetune_train_data imu_own_training.npz --finetune_valid_data imu_own_test.npz

This will load the model with the given ID (must be available under ./models/tf-1527876409-...) and fine-tunes on DIP-IMU (a file imu_own_training.npz must be available in the data directory). --norm_[ori,acc,smpl] specifies that the input orientations and accelerations as well as the SMPL targets are normalized to have zero-mean unit-variance. --use_acc_loss enforces reconstruction of the accelerations in the output as specified in the paper. --finetune_valid_data is optional but let's you observe the performance on a held out data set directly in tensorboard. Also, early stopping is applied based on the performance on --finetune_valid_data.

Evaluation (offline)

To evaluate the best BiRNN on the test set of DIP-IMU, use the following command.

python --system local --data_file v9 --model_id 1527876409 --save_dir ./models
--eval_dir ./evaluation_results/ --datasets dip-imu

This will load the model with the given ID (must be available under ./models/tf-1527876409-...) and print metrics computed over DIP-IMU (dip-imu). The results are also dumped to a log file in --eval_dir. If you want to visualize some results, add --save_predictions to the command. This will dump all the samples in the respective database as a .npz file. You can visualize these files using the code available in the live demo folder.

Evaluation (online)

To evaluate a BiRNN using only windowed input, use the following command.

python --system local --data_file v9 --model_id 1527876409 --save_dir ./models
--eval_dir ./evaluation_results/ --datasets dip-imu --past_frames 20 50 --future_frames 5

This will evaluate the model in online mode on DIP-IMU, once using 20 past and 5 future frames and once using 50 past and 5 future frames.

Contact Information

For questions or problems please file an issue or contact [email protected] or [email protected].


If you use this code or data for your own work, please use the following citation:

	title = {Deep Inertial Poser: Learning to Reconstruct Human Pose from Sparse Inertial Measurements in Real Time},
    	author = {Huang, Yinghao and Kaufmann, Manuel and Aksan, Emre and Black, Michael J. and Hilliges, Otmar and Pons-Moll, Gerard},
    	journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics, (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia)},
    	volume = {37},
    	pages = {185:1-185:15},
    	publisher = {ACM},
    	month = nov,
    	year = {2018},
    	note = {First two authors contributed equally},
    	month_numeric = {11}