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Derivation Patterns

Where to accumulate?

When building a derived collection, the central question is where accumulation will happen: within derivation state, or within an external database that you materialize into? Both approaches can produce equivalent results, but they do it in very different ways.

Accumulate in the external database

To accumulate in the external database, you'll define a collection having a reducible schema with a stateless derivation. The derivation can be written in either SQL or Typescript, but for these examples we use Typescript. The Flow runtime uses the provided annotations to reduce new documents into the collection, and ultimately keep the materialized table up to date.

A key insight is that the database is the only stateful system in this scenario, and that Flow is making use of reductions in two places:

  1. To combine many published documents into partial "delta" states, which are the literal documents written to the collection.
  2. To reduce "delta" states into the DB-stored value, reaching a final value.

For example, consider a collection that's summing a value:

Time DB Lambdas Derived Document
T0 0 publish(2, 1, 2) 5
T1 5 publish(-2, 1) -1
T2 4 publish(3, -2, 1) 2
T3 6 publish()

This works especially well when materializing into a transactional database. Flow couples its processing transactions with corresponding DB transactions, ensuring end-to-end "exactly once" semantics.

When materializing into a non-transactional store, Flow is only able to provide weaker "at least once" semantics: it's possible that a document may be combined into a DB value more than once. Whether that's a concern depends a bit on the task at hand. Some reductions can be applied repeatedly without changing the result ("idempotent"), and some use cases are fine with close enough. For our counter above, it could give an incorrect result.

When materializing into a pub/sub topic, there is no store to hold final values, and Flow will publish delta states: each a partial update of the (unknown) final value.

Accumulate in derivation state

Accumulating in derivation state involves a sqlite derivation having one or more tables, which are created by migrations. These tables can be shared and updated by the various transforms of the derivation. The Flow runtime transactionally persists modifications to these tables.

When using a stateful derivation, the typical pattern is to use INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... to accumulate state in your tables, and then SELECT from those tables to emit the documents.

Returning to our summing example:

Time sum table Lambdas Derived Document
T0 0 update(2, 1, 2), select sum ... 5
T1 5 update(-2, 1), select sum ... 4
T2 4 update(3, -2, 1), select sum ... 6
T3 6 update()

Stateful derivations are a great solution for materializations into non- transactional stores, because the documents they produce can be applied multiple times without breaking correctness.

They're also well suited for materializations that publish into pub/sub, as they can produce stand-alone updates of a fully-reduced value.

Additionally, stateful derivations are the best way to perform inner joins and time-windowed joins.

Example: Summing in a stateless vs a stateful derivation

See summer.flow.yaml for a simple example of summing counts using both approaches.

Types of Joins

Outer Join using a stateless derivation

Example of an outer join, which is reduced within a target database table. This join is "fully reactive": it updates with either source collection, and reflects the complete accumulation of their documents on both sides.

The literal documents written to the collection are combined delta states, reflecting changes on one or both sides of the join. These delta states are then fully reduced into the database table, and no other storage but the table being materialized into is required.

See join-outer-flow.yaml.

Inner Join using a stateful derivation

Example of an inner join, which is reduced within the derivation's registers. This join is also "fully reactive", updating with either source collection, and reflects the complete accumulation of their documents on both sides.

The literal documents written to the collection are fully reduced snapshots of the current join state.

This example requires registers due to the "inner" join requirement, which dictates that we can't publish anything until both sides of the join are matched.

See join-inner.flow.yaml.

One-sided join using a stateful derivation

Example of a one-sided join, which publishes a current LHS joined with an accumulated RHS.

This example is not fully reactive. It publishes only on a LHS document, paired with a reduced snapshot of the RHS accumulator at that time.

See join-one-sided.flow.yaml.

Entity attribute values

This is a common pattern where you have source data with key-value pairs relating to a specific entity, and you want to normalize it into a table-like format. In other words, you want to go from this:

{"entity_id": "1", "key": "first_name", "value": "Fred"}
{"entity_id": "1", "key": "last_name", "value": "Flintstone"}

to this:

{"entity_id": "1", "first_name": "Fred", "last_name": "Flintstone"}

This is super easy to do in Flow. The key is to use reduce: { strategy: merge } in the derivation's schema.

See entity-attribute-values.flow.yaml