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File metadata and controls

197 lines (151 loc) · 8.38 KB

Citi Bike System Data

This example uses Flow to capture and process Citi Bike system data. The dataset is available in the S3 tripdata bucket as compressed CSV files of each ride taken within the system, by month.

The source data represents individual customer rides taken within the Citi Bike system. From this granular data we'll build:

  • A query-able view which provides the last station a given bike was seen at.
  • An understanding of when a bike is relocated from one station to another.
  • A query-able view of station statistics, including the bikes which are currently at the station.
  • Alerts when a bike is "idle" at a station for a prolonged period, indicating it may be broken and need repair.

Modeling Rides

A ride document has the following shape:

    "bike_id": 26396,
    "duration_seconds": 1193,
    "user_type": "Customer",
    "gender": 0,
    "birth_year": 1969,
    "begin": {
        "station": {
            "geo": {
                "latitude": 40.711863,
                "longitude": -73.944024
            "id": 3081,
            "name": "Graham Ave & Grand St"
        "timestamp": "2020-09-01 00:00:12.2020"
    "end": {
        "station": {
            "geo": {
                "latitude": 40.68402,
                "longitude": -73.94977
            "id": 3048,
            "name": "Putnam Ave & Nostrand Ave"
        "timestamp": "2020-09-01 00:20:05.5470"

Ride Schema

See ride.schema.yaml for the JSON schema of ride documents.

A few things about it to point out:

It defines the shape that documents can take.

  • A "ride" document must have a bike_id, begin, and end.
  • A "location" must have a latitude, longitude, and so on.
  • The $ref keyword makes it easy to re-use common structures.

Validations constrain the types and values that documents can take. A "longitude" must be a number and fall within the expected range, and "gender" must be a value within the expected enumeration. Some properties are required, while others are optional. Flow enforces that all documents of a collection must validate against its schema before they can be added.

Flow is also able to translate many schema constraints (e.g. "/begin/station/id must exist and be an integer") into other kinds of schema -- like TypeScript types and SQL constraints -- which promotes end-to-end type safety and a better development experience.

Annotations attach information to locations within the document. title and description keywords give color to locations of the document. They're machine-accessible documentation -- which makes it possible to re-use these annotations in transformed versions of the schema.

Capturing Rides

To work with ride events, first we need to define a collection into which we'll ingest them. Simple enough, but a wrinkle is that the source dataset is CSV files, using header names which don't match our schema:

$ wget
$ unzip -p | head -5
"tripduration","starttime","stoptime","start station id","start station name","start station latitude","start station longitude","end station id","end station name","end station latitude","end station longitude","bikeid","usertype","birth year","gender"
4225,"2020-09-01 00:00:01.0430","2020-09-01 01:10:26.6350",3508,"St Nicholas Ave & Manhattan Ave",40.809725,-73.953149,116,"W 17 St & 8 Ave",40.74177603,-74.00149746,44317,"Customer",1979,1
1868,"2020-09-01 00:00:04.8320","2020-09-01 00:31:13.7650",3621,"27 Ave & 9 St",40.7739825,-73.9309134,3094,"Graham Ave & Withers St",40.7169811,-73.94485918,37793,"Customer",1991,1
1097,"2020-09-01 00:00:06.8990","2020-09-01 00:18:24.2260",3492,"E 118 St & Park Ave",40.8005385,-73.9419949,3959,"Edgecombe Ave & W 145 St",40.823498,-73.94386,41438,"Subscriber",1984,1
1473,"2020-09-01 00:00:07.7440","2020-09-01 00:24:41.1800",3946,"St Nicholas Ave & W 137 St",40.818477,-73.947568,4002,"W 144 St & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd",40.820877,-73.939249,35860,"Customer",1990,2

Projections let us account for this, by defining a mapping between document locations (as JSON Pointers) and corresponding fields in a flattened, table-based representation such as a CSV file or SQL table. They're used whenever Flow is capturing from or materializing into table-like systems.

rides.flow.yaml defines the collection into which rides are ingested, and its declared projections map CSV headers in the source data to document locations.

# Start a local development instance, and leave it running:
$ flowctl-go develop --port 8080

# Begin loading rides into the development instance:
$ examples/citi-bike/

Last-Seen Station of a Bike

last-seen.flow.yaml is a derivation that derives, for each bike, the station it last arrived at. It's materialized into citi_last_seen in a materialize-sqlite instance.

$ docker ps | grep materialize-sqlite # find the docker container name or id
$ docker exec -it <container-name> sqlite3 /tmp/sqlite.db 'select bike_id, "last/station/name", "last/timestamp" from last_seen limit 10

The materialization updates continuously as bikes move around the system.

Bike Relocations

Citi Bike will sometimes redistribute bikes between stations, when a station gets too full or empty. These relocations show up as "holes" in the ride data, where a bike mysteriously ends a ride at one station and starts its next ride at a different station.

rides-and-relocations.flow.yaml enriches ride documents by tracking prior bike locations in a register, and then supplementing rides with detected relocations.

Use gazctl to observe relocation events, as they're derived:

$ gazctl journals read --block -l \
 | jq -c '. | select(.relocation)'

Station Status

Suppose we're building a station status API. We're bringing together some basic statistics about each station, like the number of bikes which have arrived, departed, and been relocated in or out. We also need to know which bikes are currently at each station.

To accomplish this, we'll build a collection keyed on station IDs into which we'll derive documents that update our station status. However, we need to tell Flow how to reduce these updates into a full view of a station's status, by adding reduce annotations into our schema. station.schema.yaml is the complete schema for our station status collection.

Flow uses reduce annotations to build general "combiners" (in the map/reduce sense) over documents of a given schema. Those combiners are employed automatically by Flow.

Now we define our derivation. Since Flow is handling reductions for us, our remaining responsibility is to implement the "mapper" function which will transform source events into status status updates. See stations.flow.yaml.

Stations are materialized into table citi_stations in the example.db.

-- Current bikes at each station.
select id, name, stable from stations order by name asc limit 10;
-- Station arrivals and departures.
select id, name, "arrival/ride", "departure/ride", "arrival/move", "departure/move"
from stations order by name asc limit 10;

Idle Bikes

We're next tasked with identifying when bikes have sat idle at a station for an extended period of time. This is a potential signal that something is wrong with the bike, and customers are avoiding it.

Event-driven systems usually aren't terribly good at detecting when things haven't happened. At this point, an engineer will often reach for a task scheduler like Airflow, and set up a job that takes periodic snapshots of bike locations, and compares them to find ones which haven't changed.

Flow offers a simpler approach, which is to join the rides collection with itself, using a read delay. idle-bikes.flow.yaml demonstrates this workflow.

After the read delay has elapsed, we'll start to see events in the "idle-bikes" collection:

$ gazctl journals read --block -l