Releases: erigontech/rpc-tests
Releases · erigontech/rpc-tests
What's Changed
- integration test: add tests for erigon_getLogsByHash() by @lupin012 in #148
- integration test: add eth_call test using block with blob by @lupin012 in #150
- integration test: add test for eth_getBlockReceipts by @lupin012 in #151
- integration test: add test for ots_getBlockTransactions by @lupin012 in #152
- integration test: add tests for erigon_getBalanceChangesInBlock by @lupin012 in #154
- Extra tests for trace_replayBlockTransactions API by @Sixtysixter in #153
- integration test: add erigon_getBlockReceiptsByBlockHash tests by @lupin012 in #155
- integration test: add test getLatestLog with logCount by @lupin012 in #156
- trace_call unit test on mainnet by @Sixtysixter in #157
- integration test: add test after CANCUN eth_getBlockByNumber(), eth_getBlockByHash(), erigon_getHeaderByNumber(), erigon_getHeaderByHash() by @lupin012 in #158
- integration test: Add tests for get uncle count by @lupin012 in #159
- integration test: add test for mainnet eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash by @lupin012 in #160
- integration test: Add test for ots get block details by hash by @lupin012 in #161
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
What's Changed
- trace_replayBlockTransactions mainnet integration tests by @Sixtysixter in #132
- trace_replayTransaction mainnet integration tests by @Sixtysixter in #133
- erigon_forks: mainnet integration test by @lupin012 in #134
- eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber/eth_estimateGas: mainnet integration tests by @lupin012 in #135
- trace_transaction mainnet integration tests by @Sixtysixter in #136
- eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash mainnet integration tests by @lupin012 in #137
- add new test for eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex by @lupin012 in #138
- add tests eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex by @lupin012 in #139
- trace_get mainnet integration tests by @Sixtysixter in #140
- integration test: add tests for eth_getTransactionCount by @lupin012 in #141
- add integration test for erigon_getHeaderByHash by @lupin012 in #142
- integration test: add test for erigon_getHeaderByNumber by @lupin012 in #143
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0